Trinity Force Podcast - A League of Legends Podcast show

Trinity Force Podcast - A League of Legends Podcast

Summary: The Trinity Force Podcast breaks your normal League of Legends podcast mold by bringing a fresh look at champions, Patch rundown, and higher level discussion of the game and solo queue than you'll find anywhere else on the Internet! Brought to you by the Trinity Force Network. You can find more at


 Episode 200 – “The Dirty Dozen” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:33

We're finally at episode 200 and that means it's an extravaganza! We bring on TWELVE people (some from each podcast including two of our producers!) to discuss Azir top lane, Azir support, Cho'gath vs Renekton, and how we feel about runes in the current state of the game. Don't forget to sign up for the Audible Trial! If Audible isn't your thing there is always a Nature Box:

 Episode 199 – “Los Tres Amigos” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:05:00

On this episode we talk about Viktor, Soraka, and Azir! That's it. Three champions and one hour of your time.   Don't forget to sign up for the Audible Trial! If Audible isn't your thing there is always a Nature Box:

 Episode 198 – “Patch 4.17″ | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:05:11

The crew sits down to discuss Patch 4.17! Will Garen be viable? How does the change to Karma and Heimerdinger make Dom feel? Have you listened to the Ghostcrawler interview? These questions and more on this week's TForce Proper!   Don't forget to sign up for the Audible Trial! If Audible isn't your thing there is always a Nature Box:

 Episode 169 – “The New Force On The Block” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:22

The New Force On The Block is back with episode 169 which consists of listener questions! 1) Do you consider any specific champion picks or builds abusive? 2) As a jungler what do you when your mid continues to die under the turret? 3) My friends want me to play Top Lane in ranked 5s. How do I teach myself to play 5s? 4) Gold wins games, right? 5) I have a tendency to get carried. Is this a bad thing? 6) How will Nidalee jungle fair after the re-work? 7) How do you gain control of the game when your jungler is behind? Don't forget to check out the a Nature Box. Quality snacks delivered to your door every month!

 Episode 168 – “Patch 4.10 Itemization” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:18

Quick description for a descriptive podcast! We're going to give you the rundown on the patch 4.10 changes including ADC, support, and top itemization!   Don't forget to check out the a Nature Box. Quality snacks delivered to your door every month!

 Episode 167 – “Giant Rabbit From Down Under” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:56

Pretty much only patch 4.9 discussion with Carrot Colossus from the OzLoL Podcast! (Sorry about Pwn's audio quality. Weird microphone issue this week) Don't forget to sign up for the Audible Trial!| If Audible isn't your thing there is always a Nature Box:

 Episode 166 – “3 Guys and a Cereal Box” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:08

Pretty straight forward episode with a ton of listener questions. Playing champions outside of the meta. Feral Flare in this meta What about a monthly premium for League? I'm a new player to LoL, help! What scales better: Offensive or Defensive masteries? What makes an ADC scale into late game? My friend loves ARAMs! How do I get him to play SR? What would it take to make other summoner spells better than flash? Is Zac jungle still relevant? Can you guys talk about Zilean support? Don't forget to sign up for the Audible Trial!| If Audible isn't your thing there is always a Nature Box:

 Episode 165 – “Victorious Recap” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:51

We've brought special guest 3 G Gregg from Victorious Gaming to talk about the Victorious Gaming tournament sponsored by the Trinity Force Podcast. After a bit of discussion we'll go into some listener questions and give Greg his chance to answer them! Want to find out more about Victorious Gaming's daily tournamnets? Head on over to: Don't forget to sign up for the Audible Trial!| If Audible isn't your thing there is always a Nature Box:

 Episode 164 – “Tight Ship” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:03

This week's tight ship discusses Mad Stone jungling, when (and how) to split push, and a few listener questions about taking Dragon and more! Don't forget to sign up for the Audible Trial!| If Audible isn't your thing there is always a Nature Box:

 Episode 163 – “Patch 4.8″ | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:24

Patch 4.8 discussion for your ears! What do we think about the Soraka and Pantheon changes? Well you're just have to listen to find out. Patch notes here: Don't forget to sign up for the Audible Trial!| If Audible isn't your thing there is always a Nature Box:

 Episode 162 – “Nature Box” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:22

While waiting for Riot to release some more juicy patch news the crew dives into the mailbag to answer your questions! 1) How do I counter-gank a lane? 2) We play support / mage bot. Will this work for ranked? 3) Our thoughts on Jungle Gragas 4) What is your impression of Riot? 5) I like Quinn. I think she is undervalued. Discuss! 6) Do you think there has been an increase in rage quits and toxic behavior in Season 4? 7) What is the best time to use a summoner spell in a team fight? Don't forget to sign up for the Audible Trial!| If Audible isn't your thing there is always a Nature Box:

 Episode 161 – “More Mailbag AND Braum!” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:04:01

The podcast crews join forces to talk Braum in the current meta and then we take to the mailbag! We'll talk random supports, AP all-in champs, dealing with uncommon champs, and how NOT to emulate pro play. Don't forget to sign up for the Audible Trial!

 Episode 160 – “Another Mailbag” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:40

The team bands together and answers your questions from the mailbag! Topics include ADC runes, Korean masteries, dealing with lane pressure and how to manipulate your minion wave, supports in solo queue, and breaking the meta! Don't forget to sign up for the Audible Trial!

 Episode 149 – “Patch 4.5 Part 1″ | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:05:42

No pwnophobia this week so the crew spends their time breaking down as much of Patch 4.5 as they can in an hour. It involves a lot of Gragas talk, some Renekton, and a few of the other big re-worked champions. But don't worry this is only part 1! You'll have part 2 next Wednesday when we break down MORE of Patch 4.5. Hopefully we'll get to Exhaust, Rengar, Miss Fortune, and more! .Don't forget to sign up for your free trial of Audible:

 Episode 148 – “Prepare to be Boarded” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:27

PREPARE TO BE BOARDED! Yarr harr harr....we're going to talk about the rune changes coming April and answer listener questions about properly picking a jungler! There's more than that, and of course we'll answer them, but you'll have to listen to find the rest. You can find out more information by following this URL: and stay tuned for a press release with the tournament information. Don't forget to sign up for your free trial of Audible:


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