Episode 169 – “The New Force On The Block”

Trinity Force Podcast - A League of Legends Podcast show

Summary: The New Force On The Block is back with episode 169 which consists of listener questions! 1) Do you consider any specific champion picks or builds abusive? 2) As a jungler what do you when your mid continues to die under the turret? 3) My friends want me to play Top Lane in ranked 5s. How do I teach myself to play 5s? 4) Gold wins games, right? 5) I have a tendency to get carried. Is this a bad thing? 6) How will Nidalee jungle fair after the re-work? 7) How do you gain control of the game when your jungler is behind? Don't forget to check out the a Nature Box. Quality snacks delivered to your door every month! http://tinyurl.com/tforcenature