Trinity Force Podcast - A League of Legends Podcast show

Trinity Force Podcast - A League of Legends Podcast

Summary: The Trinity Force Podcast breaks your normal League of Legends podcast mold by bringing a fresh look at champions, Patch rundown, and higher level discussion of the game and solo queue than you'll find anywhere else on the Internet! Brought to you by the Trinity Force Network. You can find more at


 Episode 278: “Salty Teemo” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:09

We have a new sponsorship that has started! Get 20% off at using offer code "TFORCE". IF sponsorship aren't your thing, enjoy this episode the Trinity Force Podcast instead! It might be our shortest episode to date but we cover a few listener questions about how to improve before we are rudely interrupted by Microsoft.

 Episode 277: “League of Leaguecast” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:07:30

Chris from Leaguecast joins us on this week's episode to talk about League of Legends! He helps us answer such questions as: Why should I be punished in a 4v5 or afk situation? Why does the community frown down on 1 trick ponies? Why is Malzahar an uncommon pick? I love him! How does booze affect your League play? You can find Chris on his League of Legends show over here or you can check out their other productions thanks to WarFinch Media. We also have a new sponsorship that has started! Get 20% off at using offer code "TFORCE".

 Episode 276: “Patch 5.13 cont.” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:04:37

One of the larger patches we've had and we make it through it in two episodes?! Maybe we are learning something. We go over the top half of the patch notes including Kalista, Singed, and other champion changes.

 Episode 275: “AP Itemization – Patch 5.13″ | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:08:47

It's AP itemization discussion on this week's Trinity Force Podcast! Have you started banning Vladimir yet? What about Rumble? Will the new Needlessly Large Rod be the make or break toward the 1200g itemization? Find out here!

 Episode 232: “Red Mercy” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:12:19

We bring on the YouTube star RedMercy to talk about anything and everything mid lane! Learn how to play an assassin, what assassin's are good, how to ward, how to team fight, and any general tip you can think of about mid lane. Don't forget to sign up for the Audible Trial! If Audible isn't your thing there is always a Nature Box:

 Episode 231: “Patch 5.2 Cont.” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:42

We lied when we said that Patch 5.2 was done on Wednesday because we spend ANOTHER episode discussing it! Enjoy our conversation about step items, smitems, marksman Tristana, and more. Don't forget to sign up for the Audible Trial! If Audible isn't your thing there is always a Nature Box:

 Episode 230: “Patch 5.2″ | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:22:13

We discuss League of Legends Patch 5.2 on this episode of the Trinity Force Podcast! Don't forget to sign up for the Audible Trial! If Audible isn't your thing there is always a Nature Box:

 Episode 229: “Scatter Brained” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:07

Your loveable TForce crew is a bit scatter brained after a weekend of playing games and drinking! Join the team as they talk about support Brand, recapping episode 228 a bit, talking about the removal of DFG in 5.2 and more! Don't forget to sign up for the Audible Trial! If Audible isn't your thing there is always a Nature Box:

 Episode 228: “Get Better With TForce” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:07

We know how much you love us yelling at you so we decided to do it for a whole hour! But seriously, the TForce team discusses ways you can get better at the game. Spoiler alert: They start with recognizing what you are doing wrong and how you can fix it by yourself. Don't forget to sign up for the Audible Trial! If Audible isn't your thing there is always a Nature Box:

 Episode 227: “Foxdrop Drops Jungle Knowledge” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:17:42

Foxdrop from YouTube ( drops by the Trinity Force Podcast to talk about jungle on patch 5.1! Double brutalizer, capitalizing on the chickens, adequate jungle paths, and more is discussed in this episode! Don't forget to sign up for the Audible Trial! If Audible isn't your thing there is always a Nature Box:

 Episode 226: “Patch 5.1″ | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:00

The entire crew is finally back together to discuss League of Legends Patch 5.1! Check out the patch notes here: Don't forget to sign up for the Audible Trial! If Audible isn't your thing there is always a Nature Box:

 Episode 225: “Just The Tip (OF The Spear)” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:03

Domenic and Punchinello join a drugged up pwnophobia to discuss Kalista, what to do when you're behind, and how you should properly itemize during a game! Don't forget to sign up for the Audible Trial! If Audible isn't your thing there is always a Nature Box:

 Episode 224: “I Dream Of Recker” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:12

Recker is back for a podcast to discuss Zz'rot Portal and double Brutalizer junglers! It's pretty much a jungle primary podcast so if you find that boring....just listen anyway? Don't forget to sign up for the Audible Trial! If Audible isn't your thing there is always a Nature Box:

 Episode 223: “Eye Of The Tiger” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:07:55

We're back for the new year! In what is the first of many of Trinity Force Podcasts, the crew runs down the PBE patch notes available at Surrender at 20 ( Don't forget to sign up for the Audible Trial! If Audible isn't your thing there is always a Nature Box:

 Episode 222: “Happy New Year!” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:40

Dom returns for the final show of 2014! We'll discuss personal stat tracking, how to ward (yes, again!), some top lane plays, and finally why jungle Volibear should be your go-to learner jungler. First, Gatherer’s Gourmet Granola is back to offer you delicious granola at cheap prices! Visit and then use the offer code “TFORCEGG” for 10% off your order! If that’s not enough to get you excited then you’ll be happy to hear that each order submitted with the offer code “TFORCEGG” is entered in for your chance at $10 in RP! So order granola TODAY or miss out on free RP! The second way to win RP is to write into and tell us why you’ve been naughty or nice. Remember: We have contacts at Riot!


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