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 Episode 120 – Jesse Sostrin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:57

Jesse Sostrin, PhD - Author of Beyond the Job Description: How Managers and Employees Can Navigate the True Demands of the Job, consultant, speaker, and expert on the hidden world of work. As you are well aware by now, we here at Smart People Podcast do not believe that you have to work for the man, and put all of your own happiness aside just to achieve financial freedom.  We are all given unique talents that are truly beneficial to the world - the key is understanding how to best utilize them. Often times, when seeking out companies or careers that we believe will allow us to be our best self, the only thing we have to go off of is a job description; however, they are almost always misleading. This isn't done on purpose, but managers often fail to recognize what they truly want out of their employees.  They don't take the time to understand how to create environments that bring out the best in people and create mutually beneficial opportunities. From the day you start your first job you quickly realize that your job is much more than what you thought it would be.  You have to understand office politics, identify hidden opportunities, and appease those above you - it's a lot to handle. But if you can realize where your true potential lies and how to thrive in the environment, you can quickly excel and live a life of happiness, wealth, and meaning.  Our guest this week has spent his entire career (and a lot of time in school!) understanding how both employer and employee can be better off by just having a better understanding of what brings out the best in individuals. Jesse Sostrin, PhD is a sought-after consultant and speaker working at the intersection of individual and business success. The results of his innovative research and practice on the hidden challenges of work have helped countless organizations and their leaders navigate a unique path to success through the complex changes of our time. Jesse is best known for translating complex ideas about the workplace into simple language and useful tools that drive learning and performance for individuals and teams. In addition to his writing, speaking, and consulting, Jesse previously served as Vice President—Workforce, Leadership, and Organization Development at Wilshire Health and Community Services. He was the executive in charge of all human resources programs and services, and was responsible for company-wide strategic planning, leadership development, and cultural change.  

 Episode 119 – Joe Whitcomb | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:47

Joe Whitcomb - Author of Reboot Your Relationship: Restoring Love Through Real Connection in a Disconnected World - Relationship coach and therapist. Episode Transcript: Episode 119 - Joe Whitcomb Connection is a human necessity.  We need to feel loved and accepted by others, it is a driving force behind much of what we do.  Perhaps no connection is stronger than the one we build with a significant other. In these monogamous, intimate relationships, we share our deepest selves and connect on levels never before experienced. This type of relationship can be one of the most exciting, enlightening, spine-tingling, adventures we embark on in our lives.  It can provide us with a lifelong friend, confidant, and partner. But as we all know, these relationship require an incredible amount of work and dedication.  They take empathy, compassion, understanding, and communication - all the building blocks of a strong bond. And over time, these building blocks can crumble and that bond can weaken.  Throughout almost all relationships, each of us will at some point experience negative emotions such as resentment, jealousy, anger, and frustration.  When these emotions emerge, it's hard to work through them and they can force us to disengage and give up.  There are a number of ways you can get your relationship back on track and continue to thrive as a couple, but you have to have the right tools.  Well open up your toolbox, because this week, we are going to give them to you. It only takes one person to change a dance. - Joe Whitcomb Joe Whitcomb brings more than 20 years of relevant experience to his work as a relationship coach and therapist. With a focus on helping couples connect and communicate at deeper levels, Joe provides effective tools for putting the fun and excitement back into relationships using his proven multidisciplinary approach. Joe earned a B.S. in Psychology with an emphasis in Neuroscience from the University of Maryland College Park. He holds a M.A. in Clinical Psychology and Marriage and Family Therapy from Pepperdine University and a Doctoral Candidate in Psychology and Marriage and Family Therapy from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology. Joe is the CEO of The Relationship Society and author of the new book, Reboot Your Relationship: Restoring Love Through Real Connection in a Disconnected World. -- This episode is brought to you by Squarespace – the all-in-one platform that makes it easy to create your own website. For a free trial and 10% off, go to and use offer code smart12. Easy – Everything is drag and drop. You can use drag and drop to add content from your desktop, and even rearrange elements of content within a page. 24/7 support – Squarespace has an amazing 24/7 support team in New York City. They do live chat during the week, and have extremely fast email support throughout the day and night. Design Focused – Squarespace really cares about design. All their templates are extremely clean, and allow your content to be the focus of your website.

 Episode 118 – Stephen Cowan Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:03

Dr. Stephen Cowan (Part 2) - Author of Fire Child, Water Child: How Understanding the Five Types of ADHD Can Help You Improve Your Child's Self Esteem and Attention, Board Certified pediatrician with over 25 years of experience specializing in ADD, ADHD, Autism and the like. Dr. Cowan uses a holistic approach incorporating both Western and Eastern medicine to treat these difficult issues. This is an EPIC first for Smart People Podcast.  On consecutive Sundays we are airing episodes with the same guest! What is happening? Well, frankly, this guy kicks ass.  He's smart, fun, energizing, conversational, and kind - all of the attributes that lead to an interview that lasted over an hour - so we decided to break it up into 2 separate shows. In case you missed it, you can check out our previous episode with Dr. Stephen Cowan: Episode 117 - Stephen Cowan Part 1

 Episode 117 – Stephen Cowan Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:11

Dr. Stephen Cowan - Author of Fire Child, Water Child: How Understanding the Five Types of ADHD Can Help You Improve Your Child's Self Esteem and Attention, Board Certified pediatrician with over 25 years of experience specializing in ADD, ADHD, Autism and the like. Dr. Cowan uses a holistic approach incorporating both Western and Eastern medicine to treat these difficult issues. Did you know that according to the World Health Organization, the United States ranks 33rd in the world for average life expectancy? 33rd! For a country that prides itself on innovation, wealth and technology, the average life span in the US is shorter than that of countries such as Israel, Qatar, South Korea, and Iceland.  Hmmm, so much for that incredible Western medicine...right? Well, not really. As we discuss this week (one of many topics we cover in this incredibly varied and interesting episode), Western medicine is by far the best at treating acute illnesses or life threatening emergencies.  Some of the most innovative and miraculous procedures have come from Western medicine and then quickly spread across the globe.  But as the old sang goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and that's where we often go wrong in the Western world. We have bought too much into the idea of the quick fix. We don't want to work for anything anymore.  We want our burgers in under a minute, we want our data instantly, and we want our health with a swig of water (or soda) and a pill.  And as we are learning, it just doesn't work that way when it comes to such a complicated machine as the human body.  To care for the body takes a lifetime of smart choices, and it's no secret what those choices are! We need to eat well, sleep well, exercise, nurture relationships, etc. But sometimes we just aren't willing to make the effort, and we often pay the ultimate price.  Cancer rates are soaring, diabetes and obesity are destroying the lives of both the young and the old, and the number of children being diagnosed with disabilities such as ADD, ADHD, and autism continue to grow at a steady clip.  It's time we change the way we look at illness. Stephen Cowan MD is a board-certified pediatrician with 25 years of clinical experience working with children. He has a subspecialty in Developmental Pediatrics and has developed a unique holistic approach to evaluating and treating children struggling with chronic physical, emotional and cognitive disorders.  Considering the child as a reflection of the inter-related forces of family and environment is the central focus of his practice. This approach respects the inseparability of mind, body and spirit and promotes a deeper understanding of what it means to be healthy. Dr. Cowan ompleted his pediatric training at St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center in NY in 1987 and went on to complete a 2 year fellowship in Child Development at the Developmental Disabilities Center at Roosevelt Hospital.  He is long-standing member of the American Board of Pediatrics, a fellow in the American Academy of Pediatrics and serves on the AAP committee of Developmental Disabilities. He is a member of the Autism Research Institute's Defeat Autism Now practitioners. Dr. Cowan is a co-founder and advisory board member of the Holistic Pediatric Association and serves on the advisory boards of the Integrative Health Symposium and the TCM World Foundation Building Bridges Conference. Here is how we found out about Dr. Cowan : Mind Body Green - 11 Things I Wish Every Parent Knew -- This episode is brought to you by: the Smart People Podcast Amazon Page! Clicking on the Amazon link is one of the easiest ways to support the show.               --  

 Episode 116 – Debra Benton | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:52

Debra Benton - Author of 7 leadership books including CEO Material: How to Be a Leader in Any Organization, founded Benton Management Resources, speaker, coach. Episode Transcript: Episode 116 - Debra Benton One of the things that I can really appreciate about our guest this week is her fearlessness.  Yes, she has a number of accolades and is often regarded as one of the top executive coaches in the country, but the way she achieved success was by trusting in herself, working hard, and going after it.  As Debra explains in this episode, she was quickly fired from her first job and from that moment on she decided that she would be the only one to have a say in her career - so she started her own company as a coach and advisor. When I heard this, I had to dig in.  Wasn't she scared of failing? Who was going to hire her, she barely had any real world experience at all? Didn't she feel the need to build a "solid" resume first? Debra told me that yes, she had some worries, but so does everyone.  If you believe in yourself, others will follow. It's hard work, but it's also hard work to live somebody else's life, somebody else's dream. She goes into more detail, so I suggest you just listen up - it's gold! We also cover areas of leadership, communication, success, and more.  Consider it your free weekly coaching session! Debra Benton is an effective, charismatic, and powerful speaker/consultant/author who has been in business successfully for over 30 years having founded Benton Management Resources in 1976. She has helped professionals worldwide to design subtle changes in their presentation, attitude, and leadership style that ultimately resulted in an increase in their personal and professional effectiveness--and subsequently their financial status. Debra has coached corporate executives, politicians, and business leaders on their organization impact in every industry imaginable. Ms. Benton has written seven books and numerous articles in business publications including the Harvard Business Review and The Wall Street Journal. Her best-selling books have been translated into fourteen languages. Her expertise has afforded her front-page coverage in The Wall Street Journal and USA Today. She has been repeatedly written about in Time, BusinessWeek, Fortune, and The New York Times, and has been a welcome guest on the Today Show, Good Morning America, CNN, and interviewed by Diane Sawyer for CBS. -- This episode is brought to you by Squarespace – the all-in-one platform that makes it easy to create your own website. For a free trial and 10% off, go to and use offer code smart11. Easy – Everything is drag and drop. You can use drag and drop to add content from your desktop, and even rearrange elements of content within a page. 24/7 support – Squarespace has an amazing 24/7 support team in New York City. They do live chat during the week, and have extremely fast email support throughout the day and night. Design Focused – Squarespace really cares about design. All their templates are extremely clean, and allow your content to be the focus of your website.  

 Episode 115 – Scott Sklar | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:13

Scott Sklar - Clean & renewable energy expert, Founder and President of The Stella Group, co-author of Consumer Guide to Solar Energy and The Forbidden Fuel. Until this episode, I must admit, I never thought much about what happens when I plug something into the wall. Even if you don't turn the thing on, it still accounts for nearly 10% of our total energy usage - it's called vampire power!  I didn't think about all of the blinking lights in my room at night, or the TV that drones on in the background.  But as I learned, the energy used to power all of these devices is extremely costly, both in terms of my energy bill as well as the safety and stability of our environment.  For example, did you know that 90% of the water used in the world goes towards growing food and making energy, with the majority going towards energy production?  I never knew that we used so much water just making energy.  With water being our most important and soon-to-be scarce resource, we have to find energy that is more sustainable. And there is more to it than that.  When we drill for oil we disrupt the environment, when we frack we flush harmful chemicals into the earth, and when we try to use nuclear energy....well...can you say Chernobyl? We must find a way to utilize more efficient, renewable, clean energy.  Luckily for us, we have brilliant people such as Scott Sklar, working on exactly that. Scott Sklar is an expert in the field of clean and renewable energy. He is the Founder and President of The Stella Group, a strategic technology optimization and policy firm advancing the utilization of clean, distributed energy applications.  Scott is the co-author of Consumer Guide to Solar Energy and The Forbidden Fuel. He Chairs the Steering Committee of the Sustainable Energy Coalition and sits on the Boards of Directors of the Business Council for Sustainable Energy, and The Solar Foundation.  He is also an Adjunct Professor at The George Washington University.  Scott lives in a solar home and has a zero-energy office building in Arlington, Virginia. -- This episode is brought to you by Squarespace – the all-in-one platform that makes it easy to create your own website. For a free trial and 10% off, go to and use offer code smart11. Easy – Everything is drag and drop. You can use drag and drop to add content from your desktop, and even rearrange elements of content within a page. 24/7 support – Squarespace has an amazing 24/7 support team in New York City. They do live chat during the week, and have extremely fast email support throughout the day and night. Design Focused – Squarespace really cares about design. All their templates are extremely clean, and allow your content to be the focus of your website.

 Episode 114 – Josh Tetrick | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:59

Josh Tetrick - A social entrepreneur who is solving our industrial farming problem one egg at a time! Josh is the CEO of Hampton Creek Foods, an amazing company that is creating better for you egg-like products using plant based ingredients.  These products are more healthful, sustainable, and humane - it's a win, win, win! Did you know that humans consume over 1 TRILLION eggs per year? How is that even possible? We have 7 billion people on the planet, which means that the average person eats over 140 eggs per year.  I know - I was shocked when I learned that too.  Sure, many people enjoy a nice omelet or scrambled egg every once in a while, but no way we can be eating that many eggs right? But when you think about it, eggs are in everything! They are in mayonnaise and cakes, ice cream and pasta, soups and bread....and pretty much anything else you can think of! As you can imagine, this "egg dependency" really creates a problem and places a heavy burden on chicken farmers.  To keep up with demand, farmers have to use inhumane and unsafe methods to meet their egg requirement.  The hens spends their life stuff into tiny cages, unable to spread their wings, covered in their own feces, stuffed with antibiotics, never seeing the light of day.  And in the end, the thing we are eating EVERY DAY is merely a product of that crowded, dirty, diseased hens ovulation cycle.  There HAS to be a better way. This is the problem that Josh Tetrick saw, and he decided he could fix it. Josh is the CEO of Hampton Creek Foods (HCF).  HCF has set out to lower the number of eggs consumed in the world by creating a plant based egg alternative.  Although at first this idea sounds far out there - in reality it's no more crazy then our unbelievable reliance on eggs.  In fact, I would make the argument that it's more normal for us to eat plants than it is to eat eggs in the first place.  Tune in this week to learn more about how HCF is using modern science to substitute plants for eggs in everything from mayonnaise to cookie dough and more.  For a fantastic visual demonstration of what Hampton Creek Foods is creating, be sure to see Josh's amazing TedX talk below. Josh has been involved with a variety of social causes that include a United Nations initiative in Kenya and teaching street children in multiple African countries as a Fulbright Scholar.  He earned his undergraduate degree from Cornell University and his JD from the University of Michigan Law School. Interested in episodes on health and nutrition? We recommend Episode #1, #8, #61, #84,and #91! Twitter info: @joshtetrick @hcfoods -- This episode is brought to you by Terminology. Terminology is an app for anyone who loves words. A Universal app for iPad and iPhone, Terminology is part dictionary, part thesaurus, and part research tool.  Built from the ground up for iOS 7. Concise definitions and deep word relationships, like more and less specific words. Extensible through custom actions that let you easily browse your search on Wikipedia, Google or almost any other website. Store favorites and word history, with Dropbox backup. Universal iPad & iPhone app with iCloud sync. $2.99 on the App Store.

 Episode 113 – Alivia Tagliaferri | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:01

Alivia Tagliaferri - Author of 'Beyond the Wall: The Journey Home', producer and director of the documentary film, Beyond the Wall: Homeless Zone. As we discussed in episode 76, war is a part of life.  Always has been, always will be.  In fact, in that episode, we even discussed how sometimes, war is seemingly justified - a necessary evil.  But regardless of your personal stance, or the stance of anyone else, we can no longer deny the lasting effect that war has on the human psyche.  Only within the past few decades have we began to understand the after effects of war and, more specifically, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). So this week, Jon and I decided to open up a painful subject, to learn more about what happens to soldiers after they return from duty. However, as you probably know, we usually go straight to the academic when discussing any topic - especially one involving the brain.  But this week, we decided to go a slightly different route.  We wanted to hear from someone who could explain our soldiers journey in a way that we could feel the emotion.  We wanted to get a glimpse of what these brave men and women go through - so we enlisted the services of a masterful story teller, Alivia Tagliaferri. Alivia is the author of Beyond the Wall: The Journey Home (November, 2009). Formerly titled 'Still the Monkey, What Happens to Warriors after War,'. Tagliaferri's debut novel is receiving recognition from the veteran, military and mental health communities for its stirring and non-biased portrayal of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and the long-range affects this mind injury has on the psyche of self and family. She is the producer and director of Beyond the Wall: Homeless Zone, a short documentary exploring the issue of homelessness among veterans. It was co-produced by Nancy E. Mantelli, a film and video educator. The film first premiered at the Woodrow Wilson Center in November 2008, and again at the 2010 GI FILM FESTIVAL.  

 Episode 112 – David Linden | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:10

David Linden, PhD - Neurobiologist, Author of The Compass of Pleasure: How Our Brains Make Fatty Foods, Orgasm, Exercise, Marijuana, Generosity, Vodka, Learning and Gambling Feel So Good, and professor at Johns Hopkins. Ask and you shall receive! The data is in from the Smart People Podcast survey (which is open for anyone to still take, we would appreciate it!) and you all voted psychology and the brain to be the most interesting subject. So - we did what we do best and went out to find the smartest, most interesting, articulate "brain guy" we could. And believe us, he does not disappoint. Join us to learn about how our memory works, what makes us individuals, why we love certain experiences, and more.  It's an all out mind bender! Our guest is David J. Linden, PhD.  David is a professor of Neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University and the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Neurophysiology.  His most recent book is The Compass of Pleasure and prior to that he wrote The Accidental Mind. His website hilariously warns everyone that he does not want to be confused with the Psychiatrist David E. Linden - because that guy was a total jerk.  

 Episode 111 – Rosalind Wiseman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:43

Rosalind Wiseman - Author of Masterminds and Wingmen and Queen Bees & Wannabes, which is the book that was used as the basis for the movie Mean Girls.  Rosalind Wiseman is an internationally recognized expert on children, teens, parenting, bullying, social justice, and ethical leadership. The teenage years bring about a wide array of changes and challenges that make them some of the most difficult years in a persons entire life.  Experiences that occur in this stage of maturation can shape a person forever, for better or for worse.  These challenges have continued to gain main stream media attention recently as the topic of bullying has been brought to the forefront.  However, bullying is merely one part of the larger puzzle that comprises the confusing life of a teenager.  For any parent out there who is trying to connect with their child, for any sibling who wants to help out their brother or sister, or for any young person that feels like there are too many questions to be answered, this weeks episode provides some amazing insight on the crazy world of growing up. Episodes like this one are exactly the reason why Jon and I started this podcast.  I don't know how we came across Rosalind, but all I can say is I'm glad we did.  Conversations such as this expand our knowledge of the world and the way people grow and mature. Pass this along to a friend who might need this advice, a parent who is struggling, or a young person who is confused.  If even one person finds a little bit of solace in the information covered in this episode, we will feel as if we have truly made a difference. Over the past 2 decades, Rosalind has spent her life helping parents understand their kids, and helping kids understand themselves! Most famously the author of Queen Bees and Wannabes—the groundbreaking, fully revised edition of her best-selling book that was the basis for the movie Mean Girls—Rosalind Wiseman is an internationally recognized expert on children, teens, parenting, bullying, social justice, and ethical leadership. Her latest book, Masterminds & Wingmen serves the other side of the same coin - as Rosalind discusses the life of boys growing up. National media regularly depends on Wiseman as the expert on ethical leadership, media literacy, and bullying prevention. She is a consultant for Cartoon Network’s Speak Up, Stop Bullying Campaign and has been profiled in The New York Times, People, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, The Washington Post, and USA Today. Wiseman is a frequent guest on The Today Show, Anderson Cooper 360, CNN, Good Morning America, and NPR affiliates throughout the country. She also serves as an advisor to the US Department of Health and Human Services’ Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration. -- This episode is brought to you by LearnVest - Get free money tips, tools and advice to help you make progress on your money.

 Episode 110 – Alexis Ohanian | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:11

Alexis Ohanian- Author of Without Their Permission: How the 21st Century Will Be Made, Not Managed, co-founder of Reddit, internet entrepreneur, and advisor to Hipmunk and Breadpig. While Chris and I were in our dorm room playing FIFA 2001 on the Playstation2, Alexis Ohanian and his roommate, Steve Huffman, sat in their dorm room a mere 60 miles away working on a website that is now a cultural phenomenon known as Reddit. While Reddit is often called the "front page of the Internet," or an easy way to waste an entire work day, it is known for its open nature and diverse user base. After leaving Reddit, Alexis continued his entrepreneurial path and helped launch the travel search website, Hipmunk, and an "uncorporation" named Breadpig. Breadpig is a site that allows for the making and selling of "geek" merchandise, with the proceeds being given to charity. Alexis seems to always be at the forefront of the Internet and he became an Internet activist speaking out against Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Senate's Protect IP Act (PIPA). In his new book titled Without Their Permission: How the 21st Century Will Be Made, Not Managed, Alexis shares his stories, ideas, and tips for young entrepreneurs who are looking to "make the world suck less." -- This episode is brought to you by Squarespace – the all-in-one platform that makes it easy to create your own website. For a free trial and 10% off, go to and use offer code smart10. Easy – Everything is drag and drop. You can use drag and drop to add content from your desktop, and even rearrange elements of content within a page. 24/7 support – Squarespace has an amazing 24/7 support team in New York City. They do live chat during the week, and have extremely fast email support throughout the day and night. Design Focused – Squarespace really cares about design. All their templates are extremely clean, and allow your content to be the focus of your website.

 Episode 109 – Jonathan Poneman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:48

Jonathan Poneman - Co-Founder of Sub Pop Records, first to sign Nirvana and Soundgarden. Good bands can be found in any local watering hole.  Great bands are much harder to find even with the digital music era.  But the best bands, the bands that change the way we listen to music, the bands that define a generation - well they are truly a magical find.  And perhaps no band better defines the grunge rock genre of the 90's than Nirvana.  However, if it weren't for this week's guest, Jonathan Poneman, the grunge era may have never heard the melodic, angst ridden voice of the late Kurt Cobain. As you will hear in this episode, Jonathan grew up with the same hopes and dreams that many kids have - he wanted to be a rock star.  However, in his own words Jonathan said, "I lacked the requisite good looks and the talent, so I knew I had to make my living elsewhere within the music industry." Lucky for us, he is apparently very good at discovering and popularizing great music.  When he was handed a cassette from a friend titled "Kurt Cobain", he popped it in his ears and was instantly engrossed.  Jonathan pushed hard and got Kurt signed, eventually the band became known as Nirvana. Join us this week and get the inside look on the Seattle music scene and what it was like to hang out with Kurt Cobain, the Smashing Pumpkins, and Soundgarden.  Jonathan Poneman is a true innovator in the music industry. Sub Pop Records, the label that he co-founded with Bruce Pavitt, has been the launching ground for some of the best bands in the past three decades. Check out the Nirvana song that made Poneman a believer! As Poneman mentions in the interview, this is one of the best artists you have never heard!

 Episode 108 – Daniel Roberts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:33

Daniel Roberts - Author of Zoom: Surprising Ways to Supercharge Your Career and the leading journalist for Fortune Magazine's extremely popular "40 under 40" list. Although my 18 year old self would never admit it, there is of course plenty we can learn from those that come before us.  It is for exactly this reason that we started the podcast! Jon and I needed a way to speak with those rare individuals that have achieved high levels of success in their given field and to figure out their secrets.  So who better to interview than Daniel Roberts. Daniel is the man behind Fortune Magazine's "40 under 40" list.  He heads a team that determines the top 40 most influential business executives under 40 years old.  One of the perks of the job is he also gets to interview many of these amazing people (sounds like a job we would like!). Well let's all say thank you to Daniel for sharing his insights with us in his newest book from Fortune Magazine, Zoom: Surprising Ways to Supercharge Your Career.  Listen in this week as Daniel gives us the inside track on on the best-kept secrets of top entrepreneurs, business leaders, and rising tech stars. Daniel's recommended reads on the web: The Awl Atavist The Classical Fortune  

 Episode 107 – Barry Nalebuff | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:48

Barry Nalebuff - Mission in a Bottle: The Honest Guide to Doing Business Differently -- and Succeeding, Co-Founder of Honest Tea, Harvard Professor, Entrepreneur, expert on game theory, negotiation and business strategy. So picture this - While teaching at Harvard University, Professor Barry Nalebuff is running his class through a case study comparing Pepsi and Coca Cola.  While speaking with his students, he get's into an enthusiastic conversation with a bright young student named Seth Goldman.  The two continued the discussion after class and discovered that both of them had an affinity for flavored beverages but were frustrated with the mainstream options that were full of sugar. If there was only the perfect drink that had flavor without all the sugar. Years would pass and the idea never materialized, but it lingered.  One day after a run, Seth realized that there was still no drink on the market that filled this gap and he decided to take matters into his own hands.  So he picked up the phone and called his old college professor - Barry Nalebuff.  It just so happens that Barry had just returned from India where he discovered what real tea tastes like - and it was something he had never before had in America.  The two now had their beverage and Honest Tea was born. Join us this week as we learn from Barry Nalebuff, co-founder of Honest Tea and a truly interesting person.  We cover topics such as: How Barry used science and economics to determine the correct amount of sugar to put in Honest Tea What the heck is game theory? How to deal with adversity as an entrepreneur Does money change a man? and more! Barry Nalebuff is an expert on game theory and has written extensively on its application to business strategy. He is the coauthor of six books, including his most recent: Mission in a Bottle: The Honest Guide to Doing Business Differently -- and Succeeding. A graduate of MIT, a Rhodes Scholar, and Junior Fellow at the Harvard Society of Fellows, Nalebuff earned his doctorate at Oxford University. In addition to his academic work, he has extensive experience consulting with multinational firms, from American Express, GE, and McKinsey to Google and Rio Tinto. He advised the NBA in their negotiations with the National Basketball Players Association and serves on the board of Nationwide Insurance. Lighting round resources: 1) What's Barry reading these days? The Path to Power 2) What is Barry using to make life better? A Neptune SwimP3 player 3) Advice for the intellectually curious? Listen and find out!

 Episode 106 – Christopher Schroeder | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:14

Christopher Schroeder - Startup Rising - The Entrepreneurial Revolution Remaking the Middle East - author, co-founder of and CEO of Washingtonpost.Newsweek Interactive. Upon interviewing our guest this week, I had a minor revelation.  Jon and I are sitting in our air conditioned, loft studio with our dogs lazily laying about our feet.  The air conditioning hums to keep us at a comfortable 71 degrees and the blinking lights of the modem confirm that our internet connection is still cruising along at a blistering 70+ Mbps.  There is a minor hiccup in the Skype connection which causes a pause in the interview and I angrily look over at Jon in hopes that he can get it resolved quickly.  It is at that moment, in the middle of interviewing Christopher Schroeder that I realize - this is our entrepreneurial environment.  This is the environment in which Western Culture understands most businesses develop. Whether it be "bootstrapping" in a garage, or utilizing investor funding to quickly open your first office, this is the standard environment for a startup in the Western Hemisphere. We literally have the world at our fingertips.  And as I listened to Christopher explain the societal, technological and governmental challenges that entrepreneurs in the Middle East are currently facing, I started to full grasp how advantaged I am - and I became despondent. However, as the interview went on I began to realize that this episode is not about the disadvantages of the Middle East entrepreneur.  Rather, this episode is about hope and growth in a region that is rarely afforded either of those things.  Christopher started to explain to us how inexpensive mobile technology is allowing almost anyone in the world the ability to create and get their message out.  Smartphone penetration in the Middle East is expected to break 50% within three years! Entrepreneurs are starting to bond together to solve problems such as illiteracy, power shortages, and sexism.  Even large American corporations such as Yahoo, Google and LinkedIn are recognizing the potential and investing in the Middle East, despite the glaring uncertainty.  Technology is truly flattening the world and it looks like it might be for the best. Join us this week as we go across the world with Christopher Schroeder and learn about a Startup Rising! Christopher Schroeder is an author, entrepreneur, advisor, and investor.  In addition to his work investing and advising US-based startups, Schroeder serves on the advisory boards of the American University of Cairo School of Business, the Jordanian incubator Oasis500, the Middle East entrepreneurial platform, The American University School of International Service and board of directors of The American Council on Germany. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and French American Foundation. He graduated from Harvard College and Harvard Business School. Christopher has written extensively for the Washington Post, Newsweek, Wall Street Journal, Fortune Magazine and more! Startup Rising - The Entrepreneurial Revolution Remaking the Middle East -- This episode is brought to you by Squarespace – the all-in-one platform that makes it easy to create your own website. For a free trial and 20% off, go to and use offer code smart9. Easy – Everything is drag and drop. You can use drag and drop to add content from your desktop, and even rearrange elements of content within a page. 24/7 support – Squarespace has an amazing 24/7 support team in New York City. They do live chat during the week, and have extremely fast email support throughout the day and night. Design Focused – Squarespace really cares about design. All their templates are extremely clean, and allow your content to be the focus of your website.


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