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 Chinese Words of the Week with Yinru for Intermediate Learners #19 - Study Subjects | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 2:05

In this Intermediate lesson, you'll learn Chinese words about Study Subjects. Visit us at ChineseClass101.com, where you will find Chinese lesson notes and many more fantastic lessons and learning resources. Leave us a message while you are here! Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101.com! How would you react if someone put you on the spot with a Chinese question? That's exactly what happens to Yinru in this series...but it's for a good cause: to help you learn Chinese! In each lesson of this fun and lighthearted video series, you'll learn five Chinese words and phrases. Join Yinru for Weekly Words at ChineseClass101.com!

 Inner Circle #5 - Inner Circle May 2014: Mastering Chinese with an Online Tutor vs. an In-Person Tutor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0

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 Inner Circle #4 - Inner Circle April 2014: How To Achieve Your Chinese Goal When Your Motivation is Low | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0

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 Inner Circle #3 - Inner Circle March 2014: Secrets to Staying Motivated within in the Chinese Learning Routine | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0

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 Inner Circle #2 - Inner Circle February 2014: Adjust Your Routines So You Don’t Fail Your Chinese Goals | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0

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 Inner Circle #1 - Inner Circle January 2014: Your New Year’s Resolution Solution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0

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 Lower Intermediate S2 #3 - Will Chinese Perfume Make Your Wife Happy? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:21

Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Simplified ---- 周太太:你星期天要去哪儿? 周:去纽约开会。大概一个星期. 周太太:和谁一起去? 周:和我的秘书小刘,还有市场部经理。 周太太:你上个月去了迪拜,上上个月去了澳门。怎么总是在出差?连孩子都不高兴了。 周:老婆别生气。我给你带香水回来。 周太太:不要你的香水。 ----English---- Mrs. Zhou: Where are you going this Sunday? Zhou: Having a meeting in New York for about a week. Mrs. Zhou: Who are you going with? Zhou: My secretary Xiao Liu and the marketing department manager. Mrs. Zhou: You went to Dubai last month and Macao the month before that. Why are you always on a business trip? Even the kid is not happy. Zhou: Don't get upset, honey. I will bring back perfume for you. Mrs. Zhou: I don't want your perfume. ----Pinyin---- Zhōu tàitai: nǐ xīngqītiān yào qù nǎr? Zhōu: qù niǔyuē kāihuì. dàgài yíge xīngqī. Zhōu tàitai: hé shéi yìqǐ qù? Zhōu: hé wǒ de mìshū Xiǎo Liú , hái yǒu shìchǎng bù jīnglǐ. Zhōu tàitai: nǐ shàng ge yuè qùle Díbài, shàng shàng ge yuè qùle Aòmén. zěnme zǒngshì zài chūchāi? lián háizi dōu bù gāoxìng le. Zhōu: lǎopo bié shēngqì. wǒ gěi nǐ dài xiāngshuǐ huílai. Zhōu: búyào nǐ de xiāngshuǐ. --------------------------- Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources!

 News #149 - 2 Awesome Features for Learning Chinese Words & Phrases Faster! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:04

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 Inner Circle #6 - Inner Circle June 2014: Prepare, Review & Speak More Chinese with the Custom Lists App | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0

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 Advanced Audio Blog S2 #11 - Whenever I think of Seafood…. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:52

Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Simplified ---- 想起海鲜,想吃海鲜 七夕那天,我和男友来到了蓝天白云、椰林树影、贫穷落后的北海游泳。秉着欺山莫欺水的安全意识和怕死又怕累的小市民精神,我们都非常没骨气地只在浅水区域徘徊,一旦发现脚不能触地便像两只逃命小虾一样慌慌张张往回游。当然,由于我们身高的差异,对男友而言的安全界限已属于我的深深深水区,所以一直在深深深水区里的我,相比他是勇敢许多,简直是在拼命。 涠洲岛是个十分原始的渔村岛,什么都没有,包括污染。好吧,不可能零污染,就算它被污染得少点儿吧。当然,热带岛屿,芭蕉椰子和海鲜是少不了的,除此之外就是粗犷豪迈又沧桑的渔民,没错,就是皮肤黝黑满脸皱纹老烟鬼那类的渔民。我们傍晚在海边的时候就遇到了一个,他简直是从漫画里跑出来的。叼着烟,皱着眉,穿着破旧的衣服,开着同样破旧的渔船,非常帅气并很吵地向我们驶来——卖海鲜喽——,卖海鲜喽——!他在离我们不远处停船之后——没有靠岸,只停在水里——就把刚打到渔网里的鱼虾蟹都炫了出来,包括墨鱼和长得像蝙蝠一样的鱼,胳膊一甩就把它们搭到了船头上,干脆利落。我俩完全被渔夫浑身散发着的力量和光彩吸引住了,呆呆地站在水里看得出神。男友发表着“我以后要当个渔夫!”的痴话,我就做着“我要买一艘渔船!”的痴梦,一边还得蹬水,上下漂着,虽然我们身无分文。 渔船很小,结构简单,船身被隔成了几个格子,里面用水养着刚刚打来的肥虾大蟹,以及很多的鱼和...鱼。我们本来只是看热闹,但发现在那堆挤在一起的虾里有一只非常俏皮,它不像——别的虾那样乖乖趴着,而像在度假一样放松-先飞快地游到水面,马上来一个一百八十度翻身,肚子朝天装死尸,然后慢慢自由落体,沉到水底,完了又飞快地游到水面再来一次……我俩看到就不行了,不买了它怎么对得起这么卖力的演出。结果那天晚上我们就在下榻的农家乐里自己加工了一堆鱼虾蟹,吃到累…… ----English---- Whenever I think of Seafood... It was Chinese Valentine's Day (July 7) when my boyfriend and I went on to the underdeveloped Beihai region for a swim. The sky was blue that day, the clouds were white, and the forest was cool and shady. Caught up with concern over the safety of climbing and swimming, and filled with the natural fear of death and hard labor common to city folk, my boyfriend and I waded back and forth in the shallows. We'd swim out from the shore only to scurry back once we discovered ourselves out of our depth. And of course, because my boyfriend is taller than me, his area of safety extended into what I considered really deep water. Which meant that I counted as much braver than him for facing that sort of mortal danger. Weizhou Island was an almost entirely natural fishing village. They didn't have anything there, not even pollution. Or there may have been some pollution, but it was less polluted at least. And of course, it didn't have as many palm trees and seafood as a tropical island. Beyond the nature, the island had a caste of weather-beaten fishermen, their faces all dark and wrinkled. In the evening, we ran into one by the ocean. He seemed to have stepped out of a painting. He was smoking, scowling, wearing worn-out clothing, and was the master of an equally worn-out boat. He drove over to us looking quite handsome and loudly cried out, "Looking for seafood?" His boat stopped not far from the shore and waited there in the water, reaching down into his boat and pulling out some freshly caught fish, shrimp, and crabs. His catch included cuttlefish and another kind that looked like a bat. With a single motion, he threw them on the bow of his boat. We were captivated by his strength and the beauty of his action and just stared at him from the water's edge. That was when my boyfriend said, "I want to be a fisherman," and I came out with the equally stupid dream of buying a fishing boat. And all at the same time we were treading water and were without a cent to ourselves. The boat was small and simply built. It's cavity had been divided into several parts, all which were filled with water for the freshly caught shrimp, crabs and...well...all those fish. We looked into the tumult that was the shrimp compartment and saw one that caught our eye for being both cute and naughty. He wasn't as docile as the rest of the shrimp, but leapt around like he was on vacation. First, he'd fly up to the water's surface and make a one hundred and eighty degree flip, his stomach pointing straight up into the sky, and then sink back slowly into the tank. And when he was done, he'd repeat this again and again. We were so enraptured with the presentation we felt it would be unbecoming not to buy it after this performance. And so that evening we had a meal of fish, shrimp, and cr [...]

 Advanced Audio Blog #17 - The Joy of Being Busy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:47

Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Simplified ---- 吃过晚饭又过十二点了,自从进入话剧排练总是今天的晚餐成了第二天的早餐。虽说回到家已经累得半死,却还是那么享受地给自己做了一顿“元气饭”,所谓“元气饭”,其实是种又方便又好吃的菜菜,至于来源当然是小女子发明也,适用于没时间又贪恋味觉享受的一族,有肉有鸡蛋有西红柿,先炒后小炖,一小会便大功告成。配以面条加芝士,第一次吃完的人都会奉上洗碗等辛勤劳动以换取第二次享用资格。具体做法嘛,秘方哦,欢迎大家品尝! 总觉得一天要是能有不止24个小时该有多好,哪怕多出来那么一小时,我也会很欣慰。每天醒来就要奔赴于大屯路上,为了尽快实现当演员,不,确切地说是一个每一天都在想办法解决温饱问题的我,乐此不疲。固然那些光圈是那么得诱惑及绚烂,但人终究要早日明白自己究竟想要的是什么。 为了奖赏自己,购物无疑是一种最直接,最能有效率地犒劳自己的方法和途径了,女人嘛,多多少少会有点虚荣心的,况且我敢承认终究还是好的。最近很忙,忙到有些语无伦次,忙到没有时间看书,我想这些或许都是借口,你若是鞭策自己了,就不会没有时间了。 不过忙总比闲着好,梦想距离现实有多远?说不好,有时候近了,一不小心又远了,过程难免颠簸曲折,既然是属于我的人生,那就用乐观积极的心态去接受每一个过程吧! ----English---- By the time I finished dinner it was after midnight again; ever since I started rehearsing this play, every day's dinner has become the next day's breakfast. Even though I'm utterly exhausted by the time I get home, I still love making myself comfort food -- by comfort food, I mean something that's easy to make and tasty, something I made up myself for people who don't have much time and want something delicious. There's pork and eggs and tomatoes; you stir-fry them and then let them simmer, and it's ready in hardly any time at all. Add noodles and cheese; the first time people eat it, they volunteer to wash the dishes and do whatever else so they can be sure to have a second chance to eat it. As for the precise recipe, well, it's a secret. But everyone's welcome to try it! I always wish there were more than 24 hours in a day -- I'd feel much better even if there were only one hour extra. Every day when I wake up, I have to run out to Datun Road so I can become an actress -- no, more accurate would be to say that I spend every day thinking of ways to solve the problem of how to afford food and clothes -- it never gets old. Admittedly, the camera lens can be awfully tempting, but people have to understand first what it is that they really want. If I want to reward myself, shopping is definitely the most direct and effective way to buy myself off. Girls are all vain to a greater or lesser extent, and I dare admit that that's a good thing. Lately I've been so busy I get a bit incoherent, so busy I don't have time to read. But I think that might just be excuses -- if you were really driving yourself forward, you wouldn't be running out of time. But it's still better to be busy than to have nothing to do. How much farther are my dreams from my reality? I don't know, sometimes they're close, and sometimes I'm not careful and they get further away. It's inevitable that the process should be full of twists and turns, but since it's my own life, then I'll take on every process with an optimistic and positive attitude! ----Pinyin---- Chī guò wǎnfàn yòu guò shíèr diǎn le,zìcōng jìnrù huàjù páiliàn zǒng shì jīntiān de wǎncān chéng le dì èr tiān de zǎocān。Suīshuō huí dào jiā yǐjīng lèi de bànsǐ,què háishì nàme xiǎngshòu de gěi zìjǐ zuò le yī dùn “ yuánqì fàn”,suǒwèi “yuánqì fàn”,qíshí shì zhǒng yòu fāngbiàn yòu hǎo chī de càicai,zhìyú láiyuán dāngrán shì xiǎo nǚzǐ fāmíng yě,shìyòng yú méi shíjiān yòu tānliàn wèijué xiǎngshòu de yī zú,yǒu ròu yǒu jīdàn yǒu xīhóngshì,xiān chǎo hòu xiǎo dùn,yī xiǎo huì biàn dàgōnggàochéng。Pèi yǐ miàntiáo jiā zhīshì,dì yī cì chī wán de rén dōu huì fèng shàng xǐ wǎn děng xīnqín láodòng yǐ huànqǔ dì èr cì xiǎngyòng zīge。Jùtǐ zuòfǎ ma,mìfāng o,huānyíng dàjiā pǐncháng! Zǒng juéde yī tiān yàoshì néng yǒu bùzhǐ èrshí sì ge xiǎoshí gāi yǒu duō hǎo,nǎpà duō chulai nàme yī xiǎoshí,wǒ yě huì hěn xīnwèi。měitiān xǐng lái jiù yào bēnfù yú Dàtún Lù shàng,wèile jǐnkuài shíxiàn dāng yǎnyuán,bù,quèqiè de shuō shì yī ge měi yī tiān dōu zài xiǎng bànfǎ jiějué wēnbǎo wèntí de wǒ,lè cǐ bù pí。Gùrán nàxiē guāngquān shì [...]

 News #148 - Go From Failure To Achieving Your Chinese New Year’s Resolution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:36

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 Lower Intermediate S2 #25 - Why Isn’t The Sky Blue in China? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:04

Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Simplified ---- Tom: 你是杭州人吗? 北京男子: 不是,我是北京人。 Tom: 听说北京的雾霾越来越严重了。 北京男子: 没错。出门必须戴口罩。 Tom: 五年前我来旅游的时候,天空还是很蓝的。 北京男子:这样下去,中国哪里还能看见蓝天? Tom: 这样下去,也没有人愿意来中国了。 ----English---- Tom: Are you from Hangzhou? Beijing guy: No, I'm from Beijing. Tom: It's said that the smog in Beijing is getting worse. Beijing guy: True. We have to wear a mask when we go outside. Tom: When I traveled to China five years ago, the sky was still very blue. Beijing guy: If this continues, where in China will we be able to see the blue sky? Tom: Also, if this continues, nobody will want to come to China. ----Pinyin---- Tom: nǐ shì Hángzhōu rén ma? Běijīng nánzǐ : bú shì, wǒ shì Běijīngrén. Tom: tīngshuō Běijīng de wùmái yuèláiyuè yánzhòng le. Běijīng nánzǐ : méicuò. chūmén bìxū dài kǒuzhào. Tom: wǔ nián qián wǒ lái lǚyóu de shíhou, tiānkōng hái shì hěn lán de. Běijīng nánzǐ : zhèyàng xiàqu, Zhōngguó nǎlǐ hái néng kànjiàn lántiān? Tom: zhè yàngxiàqu, yě méiyǒu rén yuànyì lái Zhōngguó le. --------------------------- Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources!

 News #147 - The Holiday Countdown Party Ends! One Last Secret Chinese Deal Inside! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:34

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 Beginner Lesson S2 #18 - The Cute Chinese Cat | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:24

Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Simplified ---- 你的猫真可爱,她叫什么? 她叫咪咪。 咪咪,过来。 ----English---- You're cat is really cute. What is she called? She is called Mimi. Mimi, come here. ----Pinyin---- Nǐ de māo zhēn kěài, tā jiào shénme? Tā jiào Mīmi. Mīmi, guòlái. ----Traditional ---- 你的貓真可愛,她叫甚麼? 她叫咪咪。 咪咪,過來。 --------------------------- Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources!


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