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Learn Chinese | ChineseClass101.com

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 News #172 - Our 10-Year Anniversary Starts Tonight with the BEST Chinese Deals of 2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:56

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 Chinese Vocab Builder #21 - What Gift Do You Want the Most This Holiday Season? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:27

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 Video Culture Class: Chinese Holidays #7 - Qingming Festival | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 3:22

Learn more about Chinese culture with ChineseClass101.com! Ever wondered what the most important Chinese holidays are, and how they are celebrated? Then this 25-lesson video series is for you! With this series, you'll learn the what, why, when and how of 25 well-known holidays in China. In this video, you'll learn all about Qingming Festival in China and how it's celebrated, from food to decorations, while building your Chinese vocabulary. Join Chen for a dose of Chinese culture! Visit us at ChineseClass101.com, where you will find many more fantastic Chinese audio and video lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you're there!

 Culture Class: Holidays in China #22 - April Fools’ Day | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:34

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 Lower Beginner #19 - Feeling Under the Weather in China | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:28

Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Simplified ---- 真不好意思,我有点儿难受。 怎么了,要去医院吗? 没事,就是有点儿头疼。 那你先回去休息吧。 好,我先走了。 ----English---- Sorry, I'm not feeling well. What happened? Do you need to go to the hospital? No worries. I just have a bit of a headache. Then please go home to rest. Okay, I'll go now. ----Pinyin---- Zhēn bùhǎoyìsi, wǒ yǒudiǎnr nánshòu. Zěnmele, yào qù yīyuàn ma? Méishì, jiùshì yǒudiǎnr tóuténg. Nà nǐ xiān huíqù xiūxi ba. Hǎo, wǒ xiān zǒu le. ----Traditional ---- 真不好意思,我有點兒難受。 怎麼了,要去醫院嗎? 沒事,就是有點兒頭疼。 那你先回去休息吧。 好,我先走了。 --------------------------- Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources!

 Culture Class: Holidays in China #6 - Lantern Festival | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:39

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 News #164 - New Feature! Level Up Your Chinese and Earn Badges with 1-on-1 Learning | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:32

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 Chinese Vocab Builder #4 - 20 Words You’ll Need For The Beach! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:19

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 Advanced Audio Blog S2 #22 - Style or Warmth (Part II) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:57

Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Simplified ---- 要风度,还是要温度?(二) 骑了不知道多久,红灯绿灯,街灯路灯,我开始恍惚...国家地理频道是不是说过,欧洲有个人可以在北极裸跑,可以在接近零度的水底发呆?为什么不是我...还有那个被老师罚站而冻死的孩子,你在天堂可添了衣裳?...去年冬天我在干什么?我们走了很多楼梯间,谈了很多话...我还记得第一次在北京看到下雪,很激动……我也记得北语宿舍,冬天热得要穿大裤衩……人,他为什么要活着……我的家在哪里?妈的,不应该就是一路向北么?是谁告诉我只是二十分钟的路程! 我意识到很可能撑不到家,决定自救。方案一就是扔掉这万恶的自行车,坐地铁坐公交或打车,但在迷路和雪天的情况下都不可行。方案二,保暖装备!留的青山在,哪怕回不到家。手套毛巾!不,手套围巾。但这种天气,路边没人摆摊儿,我骂着这批没有生意头脑的人,难道不知道雨天要卖伞,雪天要卖……东西吗?突然看到前面有个杂货店,激动得我睫毛上的雪都化了。 停车,不锁,夺门而入,“有手套耳罩帽子围巾吗!” 售货员:那边。 我跑过去:有手套耳罩帽子围巾吗! 大叔:就剩俩手套了,一男装,一女装。 我看了一眼,一副土得难以形容的男装手套。另一副是粉红绒毛手套,绣了个兔子,还带俩球球。路人甲大妈插话,“闺女,还用得着选呐?这粉的多好看啊...”我说,“对啊。”抓起男手套就去结账。 我戴着里外两副手套,继续上路找装备。这时候,我发现原来靴子也不管用,十个脚趾头冻得发痛。待我寻了两家超市未果之后,终于在第三家超市找到了一家卖保暖装备的阿姨店。进去后立刻抓了俩耳罩和俩口罩直接戴上,喘着粗气——结账!语气和模样都和银行绑匪无异。 大妈看了我一眼后笃定地说:第一年来北京吧? 我:我在北京好几年了。 大妈:... 我:... 大妈:一共三十五。 我一掏,发现只剩下二十三块钱,尴尬了。用非常不灵活的手指浑身又掏了一遍,多了五毛钱。我哀求“阿姨便宜点儿吧”。大妈拒绝。我拉下两层口罩,真诚地说——我我真没带够钱,您……您就便宜点儿吧,我还得骑车回家。大妈还是拒绝——已经很便宜了,你不能差那么多啊。我缩着,不舍地摘下一个口罩,同时把要流下来的鼻涕狠狠吸回去,“这个还给您,便宜点儿嘛”。大妈不行了,“拿去吧拿去吧,赶紧回家”。我感激地把口罩戴上就跑掉了。 …… 结果我很幸运地没死,回到家,慢慢融化。 ----English---- I don't know how long I rode that bike. After passing streetlight after streetlight, and red light after green light I began to feel my thoughts stray... Didn't the National Geographic Channel once say that some Europeans were able to run around at the north pole and swim in nearly zero-temperature water? And then there was the student who froze to death while being punished by his teacher? Was it warmer for him in heaven? And what exactly did I do in the winter the previous year? I remembered riding a lot of escalators with you and having a lot of discussions. I also remembered the first time I saw it snow in Beijing and how touching it was... I also remembered being a student in the Beijing Language University dorms, and how it was so hot in the winter that I could wear a skirt..... Why are people alive, I thought. And then I wondered where my home was. Dammit! Isn't this road supposed to go north? Who told me it would only take twenty minutes to get home anyway? I became aware that there was a possibility I just wouldn't make it home, and so resolved to save myself. The first step was getting rid of this cursed bicycle and taking the subway or bus or maybe a cab. But All of these didn't seem possible on a snowy day like today when I was lost. The second option was keeping warm. When I mountain climbing before I was never scared of never making it home. I needed gloves and a sweater... or no, gloves and a scarf! But in this weather there was no-one selling anything beside the road. I cursed those salespeople for their lack of business sense. There were always people selling umbrellas when it rained, so why on earth on such a cold day weren't people selling.... things? And then I saw a small store up ahead and was so excited that the snow on my head all melted. I stopped my bike, didn't lock it and charged into the store. "Do you have gloves, earmuffs and a scarf?" "They're over there," the storekeeper replied. I darted over and found that - indeed - there were gloves and earmuffs and scarves. "There are only two gloves left," the gentleman said. "One men's and one woman's pair." I looked around and found a pair of horribly ugly men's gloves. The other paid was a pair of pink cashmere gloves embroidered with the picture of a rabbit and two balls. The gentleman in the store broke into my thoughts. "Beautiful girl, do you really need to choose? The pink ones are really good looking." That's right, I answered and grabbed the men's gloves and headed for the checkout. Wearing two pairs of gloves, I continued on my quest for equipment. And it was then that I discovered my boo [...]

 Culture Class: Holidays in China #5 - Labor Day | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:29

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 Chinese Vocab Builder #3 - What are The Top 10 Summer Sports | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:16

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 Lower Intermediate #23 - The Joy of Chinese Cell Phones | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:39

Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Simplified ---- 我要买一个新手机。 你的预算是多少? 五千左右吧。 诺基亚的怎么样? 我不喜欢翻盖的。 那索爱的呢? 键盘太小了。 那,这个怎么样? 那个是苹果的吗? 山寨的。 ----English---- A: I need to buy a new phone B: What's your budget? A: About 5,000. B: How about the Nokia? A: I don't like the clam shell (folding) style. B: What about this Ericsson? A: Its keypad is too small. B: Well...what about this one? A: Is that an iPhone? B: It's a knockoff. ----Pinyin---- Wǒ yào mǎi yī ge xīn shǒujī. Nǐ de yùsuàn shì duōshǎo? Wǔqiān zuǒyòu ba. Nuòjīyà de zěnmeyàng? Wǒ bù xǐhuān fān gàir de. Nà suǒàide ne? Jiànpán tài xiǎo le. Nà, zhège zěnmeyàng? Nà ge shì Píngguǒ de ma? Shānzhàide. ----Traditional ---- 我要買一個新手機。 你的預算是多少? 五千左右吧。 諾基亞的怎麼樣? 我不喜歡翻蓋的。 那索愛的呢? 鍵盤太小了。 那,這個怎麼樣? 那個是蘋果的嗎? 山寨的。 --------------------------- Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources!

 Culture Class: Holidays in China #4 - National Day | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:55

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 Chinese Vocab Builder #2 - Do You Know the Essential Summer Vocabulary? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:08

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 Absolute Beginner S4 #3 - The Lost Wallet in China | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:10

Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Simplified ---- 喂,你的钱包掉了。 噢,谢谢。 咦,我的钱呢? 什么钱? 还有我的信用卡呢? 我得走了。 ----English---- A: Hey, you dropped your wallet. B: Oh, thanks. A: Uh, where is my money? B: What money? A: And also my credit card? B: I've got to go. ----Pinyin---- Wèi, nǐ qián bāo diào le. O, xiè xie. Yí, wǒ de qián ne? Shén me qián? Hái yǒu wǒ de xìn yòng kǎ ne? Wǒ děi zǒu le. ----Traditional ---- 喂,你的錢包掉了。 噢,謝謝。 咦,我的錢呢? 甚麼錢? 還有我的信用卡呢? 我得走了。 --------------------------- Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources!


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