Summary: What is - The Shulamite Podcast? In short, it is a weekly conversation recorded and available online. For all those who desire to go deeper in their walk with the Lord. We make available new episodes weekly, to be heard at your leisure. You can listen to ALL the broadcasts with author and speaker Martha Kilpatrick and our host John Enslow. This weekly Podcast is a way to stay connected to the ministry. So come experience anointed messages, that give not just another method, but a living impartation.

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  • Artist: Shulamite Ministries
  • Copyright: 2009 Shulamite Ministries INC


 Episode #317 - God's Passion to Forgive | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: Unknown

God's enormous desire to forgive and the lengths to which He goes to forgive, this is amazing! Jonah is a picture of God's great mercy. Forgiveness is a matter of life or death. Not others, mine. Jennifer remembers the story of the woman who washed Jesus' feet, "The one who is forgiven much, loves much." Faith is receiving forgiveness as a gift, in the depths of the heart.

 Episode #316 - Jonah's Need | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: Unknown

God works on many levels at one time. Jonah had a bitter heart and he needed to know God's forgiveness. God wants repentance so that He can pour His complete compassion and grace on us. "Keep your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life." God knows our heart thoughts completely and we can know Him only as we bring our thoughts fully to the Light so we can know His love transcends it all.

 Episode #315 - Listen in the Times | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: Unknown

What is God saying to His transendant church through the political and world situations? God's sovereignty is complete in every detail. When a situation happens we have to ask God for His counsel and wisdom. His purpose is what John is seeking - to hear God's mind. He wants to tell us. John says, "We have to side with God in listening for what the Father wants to do in our times." Martha: "God's ultimate intent is always grace and salvation."

 Episode #314 - The Sign of Jonah | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: Unknown

While traveling, John and Martha discuss the story of Jonah, looking for the background of history to understand how Jonah would just defiantly turn his back on God's call to lost souls in Nineveh. But the story has enormous meaning and a much bigger message than the famous whale episode. Martha has recorded a message about Jonah that John feels is so appropriate for our times. Supporters who heard this message live have given the funds to provide 100 free CDs of "The Sign of Jonah."

 Episode #313 - Dying into Life | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: Unknown

We want to avoid the hard path but the easy way is by far the more difficult road. The real issue is the Cross. Julie: "You have to die to be instructed, die to follow Him. God's objective in the Cross is to reduce us to lean on Him." Success is in leaning, not achieving but depending on God completely.

 Episode #312 - Life's Obstacle Course | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: Unknown

Julie is looking at Paul's discipling of Timothy in light of the Green Beret training. She says," Your life is the most perfectly designed obstacle course to take you to God if you will submit to the divine training." It's training AS a discovery of Him in real life. God can disciple every believer, no matter their circumstances. One surrender at the time, one step at the time. One day at the time.

 Episode #311 - Training and Living | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: Unknown

Discipling is the training of a believer from one who knows by experience the wrong way versus the right way. Julie has been so willing to be trained because of focus on the Spirit's will for her. John: "Internally the soldiers had to do a work and then externally it was tested." God puts us on an obstacle course that will flush out every 'no' to Him and at the same time He re-affirms our 'yes.' Martha: "The difference is between talk and living. What God shows us He wants us to live in real life."

 Episode #310 - - con't | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: Unknown

We've met God's heart to enter the stream of a Blog, but this site will be unique. 'We are simply sharing the God we walk with every day and discovering how wonderful He is.' Short, simple dispatches-5 days a week. God meets us in our individual lives and then we write it out in joy as vessels of the Lord, each one different. These 5 topics are what we feel are the essentials of 'getting along with God' in a way that is truly an adventure: Living Loved, Enjoying Him, Being Real, Letting Go, Live the Moment.

 Episode #309 - | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: Unknown

We are announcing an exciting fresh outreach: a new Blog site for the young adult who wants to know how to meet the real God in a common life and an ordinary day. Five categories of topics: Being Real, Enjoying Him, Letting Go, Live the Moment, Living Loved. This has evolved into a great joy for us at Shulamite Ministries to honestly share our discovery of Jesus!

 Episode #308 - The Storehouse ( | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: Unknown

John announces Shulamite Ministries' new website:, an extensive online library of Martha Kilpatrick's writings. The Lord has given amazing wealth and treasures of writings from her life of 45 years with Christ. We have a passion that these riches be harvested and made accessible and attainable. To gather these hundreds of pages has been a 'sheer labor.' Above all, we give it as a thanks to the Lord so that the outpouring of His heart will have the cherishing and honor He deserves. When the Lord speaks it doesn't matter who the vessel is.

 Episode #307 - Between God and Self | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: Unknown

The military understands that fundamentally we have a choice and choice is the factor of our 'refusal to train,' not inability. Jesus said, "Few there be that find it." We share a letter from our sister in Christ, Helen Whaley. Through her insights we realize that the Holy Spirit moves the Body of Christ with one theme to all, even though it is individually applied. The Spirit is going to "move us in a single direction toward Him."

 Episode #306 - The Vision is Christ | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: Unknown

Vision is a revelation of Christ Himself and every event is lived in and by His presence. The vision supplies in itself, the motivation and the courage to pursue it. It boils down to love. What do you love, that is your vision. Life flushes out what you love most. We think we have a choice whether we enter the war. But we are being trained in every day life for a future we cannot imagine. John suffered an injury recently and experienced the Lord's grace that took control and carried him through with supernatural joy.

 Episode #305 - The Essential Vision | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: Unknown

Julie says "It is essential to discipleship that you take up the vision of Another even if you know you can't perform it. Simply in the surrender to something bigger than yourself, you receive the power that holds you and carries you to the end." The real vision is a revelation of Christ and His kingdom. John: "We have to jettison our concepts of the world and of our own limits. You can endure things you never thought you could endure." John had an injury and through it, he experienced a supernatural faith and joy that was a gift of God.

 Episode #304 - The Revelation of God's Glory | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: Unknown

God intends to reveal His glory in the presence of the growing darkness. Isa 60:1f We were watching a training documentary on the Green Berets. The Lord often brings us back to principles of the military. We noted the basic tenets of the leaders in this training. They named failure as: "Not inability but the refusal to train." Another: "your mind is the worst enemy." Julie saw that you have to give yourself to a vision beyond yourself, a vision impossible - that only God can achieve. By the vision of Christ, we have the grace and power to submit to God's daily chastening and training.

 Episode #303 - A 'Voice' for the Unshakable Kingdom | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: Unknown

Who are we at Shulamite? We are a voice crying in the wilderness. This time in history is a NOW moment. The October conference is really about the call of John the Baptist, "make way for the coming of the Lord." John reviews the previous conferences as being a clear sequence of subjects, one upon another for preparation of the Church to reign in the kingdom, now and future. We are called to be focused on "The radiant heartbeat of Christ for His Bride."


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