Issues Under Fire show

Issues Under Fire

Summary: no nonsence international and national news coverage for those who want their news on the go, without pretty faces graphics or commercials

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 Issues Under Fire: Can Sanders Message Trump Clinton Strategy? | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:22

With enough cash on hand to survive the bloody beating on the Chitlin' Circuit, Sanders counted on a wider coalition of support to launch a counter strike. With movements like Occupy Wall Street, Fight for 15 , the worried middle class and blue collar voters still waiting for their voices to be heard, it was only a matter of time before the winds of change would be felt. And since many younger women and better informed Blacks are also feeling the Bern, Sanders has even started chipping away at some of Clinton's core support.

 Issues Under Fire: White Democrats Need Love Too | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:22

While its understandable politicians answer the loudest cries for help first, one need be mindful of those suffering in silence. Behind closed doors and drawn drapes of many working and middle class White households are families struggling to pay the mortgage, credit card debt, afford college tuition or meet the ever increasing healthcare cost that didn't turnout to be as affordable as advertised. With stagnate wages and fewer job opportunities, many working class White are wondering when somebody will start talking to them.

 Issues Under Fire: Jerry Springer and Maury Povich to Moderate Next GOP Debate | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:24

Based upon what's been observed thus far, the last person standing among the GOP will inevitably be the person with the least scruples, be the least trustworthy and the least likable. And nothing confirmed that fact more than when GOP candidates were asked point blank if they'd support the Republican nominee no matter who that nominee was. To a person, they all stated yes without equivocation. Although reneging on a unity pledge due to unforeseen scumminess would have been understood, these GOP candidates responded like scum-bags.

 Issues Under Fire: Why Low Voter Turnout Plagues Hillary Clinton | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:22

When the grassroots Left was carefully preparing for the post Obama era, Clinton and the DNC were cunningly preempting any serious challenges to their own path to the Democratic nomination. Failing to realize the Left was wise to the fix, the DNC served up straw-man Martin O'Malley and placed socialist Bernie Sanders on the menu to disguise the foul taste of Hillary Clinton's mystery meat campaign. And that's all there is to it.

 Issues Under Fire: Donald Trump: Badass or Madman, Israeli Fears Grow | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:22

During the last debate in Austin Texas before super Tuesday, Trump reiterated he'd take a neutral position when dealing with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. And when attacked by rival candidates for not sticking to the APAC script, Trump held his ground. This is unheard of in Washington politics. To refuse to pledge unyielding, unwavering and unconditional support for the State of Israel is the kiss of death for any politician, at any level of American politics. When it comes to Israel, there can be no neutrality.

 Issues Under Fire: 2016 Primaries: How Right and Left Played Blacks and Whites | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:22

When you pit two angry groups against one another, neither group will think rationally enough to realize they're both been played. And while all the attention is focused on the anger, little if any is focused on solutions. Since America's media was far more interested in the commercial value of a subliminal race war, cable news outlets capitalized on the perfect duality. Hillary Clinton responds to Black anger, while Donald Trump harnesses White rage.

 Issues Under Fire: Clinton Vs.Trump: The Hobson's Choice | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:22

Still, there has to be plan B. While conventional wisdom would suggest Sanders supporters will march in lock step with the Democratic Party to put a Democrat in the White House, a wise observer would say not so fast. The Democratic establishment maybe asking and expecting too much from the growing opposition within the Party. Some may consider organizing that opposition into a viable alternative instead. If the Democrats are the Party of choice, then they should welcome more choices.

 Issues Under Fire: Why Bernie Sanders Could Lose the South | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:22

The Clintons have created a comfort zone so warm and fuzzy for African Americans, they've been so blinded by the Clinton relationship, they can no longer see the Clinton realities. They've been made so comfortable by the Clinton promises, African Americans are ignoring the immediacy of their own priorities. If the Clintons can lull the rest of Southern African Americans into patiently accepting half measures and second best for another election cycle or two, the Clinton dynamic will have little trouble fending off credible challenges moving forward. Podcast below!

 Issues Under Fire: Why Donald Trump Could Win it All | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:52

Because Republican voters are so angry, they've been able to push their candidate as far to the right as they wanted to him to be. And its because of that anger Republicans will get the nominee they most want to champion their cause. On the Other hand, Democrats aren't so angry. Democrats aren't pushing their candidate to far enough to the left. And its because of that lack of anger and push-back, Democrats won't get the nominee they most want to champion their cause. And that's why Donald Trump could win it all. Podcast below!

 Understanding Features and Benefits of Competing Political Messages | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:22

After reviewing both the Sanders and Clinton campaign pitches through the lens of a sales and marketing professional, the Sanders message, if properly pitched is the most appealing and therefore easiest to sell. Since its remains unclear how Clinton's features would benefit Americans or impact economic growth, any sales pro pitching the Clinton message will have to be exceedingly clever, crafty and conniving to close the deal. And that's not selling, that's lying cheating and stealing. Podcast Below!

 The She Beast 1966 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 01:19:24

Crazy resurrected witch goes berserk

 Issues Under Fire: 2016 Elections Reveal Expanse of Black Diversity | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:22

To think of Black voters in broad generalities, is to fail to appreciate the wide spectrum of views, positions, goals, priorities and motivations of Black America. As Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders scrap for their Party's nomination, they're finding Black leaders, activists and celebrities vigorously debating who's plan will yield the highest return for that coveted Black vote. So it should be no surprise how coveted those Black endorsement have become.

 The Brain The Wouldn't Die | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 01:11:39

Brain Dead outlives the living

 Issues Under Fire: Free College Vs. Low Interest Loans Debate Goes Black | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:22

In an interview with Buzz Feed, Clyburn says: "You've got to think about the consequences of things." "If you start handing out two years of free college at public institutions are you ready for the Black and private HBCUs to close down? That's what's going to happen.""Tougaloo College in Mississippi will be closed if you can go to Jackson State for free." Sounding the alarm, Jim Clyburn wants African Americans to know Bernie Sanders' plan would threaten the very existence a piece of African Americana.

 The Brain Eaters 1962 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 01:00:41

Space invaders are hungry for smart minds.


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