Issues Under Fire show

Issues Under Fire

Summary: no nonsence international and national news coverage for those who want their news on the go, without pretty faces graphics or commercials

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 Issues Under Fire: Facing Your Worse Fears: A Donald Trump Presidency | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:09:58

Perhaps we stayed too long or saw too much, because after facing our fears, we say a Donald Trump presidency will be wildly exciting and full of unknowns as he takes the nation right up to the brink of total destruction. It'll be like riding on the world's largest roller-coaster, knowing it could fly off the tracks at any time. You might be scared shitless every moment, but you won't be bored for a second. Podcast below!

 Issues Under Fire: Who is Smart Enough to be President? | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:25

Whoever wins the White House in 2016 had better be a friggin brainiac, because from this observer's perspective, they'll be little if any time to be brought up to speed and none at all for mistakes. And because no amount of life experience can prepare anyone to be the president of the United States like their first super-classified intelligence briefing, it's gonna take raw intellect, sound thinking and years of accumulated wisdom to match wits with the world's sharpest minds, aggressive leaders and the difficult problems they'll present.

 The Doomsday Machine 1972 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 01:22:26

Chinese try to end the world, everybody else look to escape

 Curse of the Headless Horseman 1974 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 01:18:28

Crazy Horse and Rider keep residents behind closed doors after dark

 Issues Under Fire: 2016 Presidential Race Analysis With A Dose of Reality | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:09:26

The reality is, it really don't matter which candidate wins the presidency in November, if that person's Party can't win the House of Representatives and the Senate as well by historic margins. And everyone knows that's not gonna happen. But even if it did, the likelihood of all those "politicians" remaining committed to the same principles for any length of time time is highly unlikely, given the vast differences in the electorate they represent. Without an overwhelming mandate given to one political Party by "We The people", the stage will be automatically set for what we've have for the last eight years. Gridlock and finger-pointing.

 X The Unknown 1956 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 01:16:26

Monster from outer space is feared and hated by locals

 Issues Under Fire: Sanders Supporters Won't Be Denied | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:09:33

Bernie Sanders don't give a damn about Hillary Clinton's chances in the fall and his supporters (many of which are Independents) don't give a damn about the Democratic Party. Both Sanders and his supporters know Hillary Clinton can't beat Donald Trump without their backing and after being lied to, cheated and robbed for so long, many are pushing Sanders to risk running as an independent. After all, what else do they have to lose. At least they can walk away with their principles.

 Issues Under Fire: Misreading Putin, Could Force Obama to Accept Assad as Regional Fixture | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:33

Why is this so important you should be asking? Its important because after five years and nearly a half million dead, the Obama administration should've understood that Bashar al- Assad was a "Red Line" for the Russians and when Russia draws a Red Line, you can bet your last ruble they're gonna defend it. This is important because it appears the Obama administration appears to have learned nothing from its engagement with Russia over Ukraine.

 Issues Under Fire: Wall Street and The Untouchables | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:09:19

After Wall Street's near-financial collapse/bailout of 2008 and the economic devastation still being felt to this day, one would think it a matter of national security to closely monitor anyone handling the public's money. When it comes to the public's money, there should be no expectation of privacy, because there shouldn't be anything to hide. When someone has access to hundreds of billions of other people's money, the government should be watching them like hawks and thanks to Edward Snowden, we all know it can be done. So why not?

 Raw Meat 1972 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 01:27:34

Rail riders get railroaded in London's Underground

 Issues Under Fire: Seeking Tin Foil Hat Vote, Hillary Clinton Vows to Release Gov't UFO Files | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:27

Normally, one could write this silliness off as just another crazy story to be filed away with all the other shocking tales and events that's plagued America's 2016 primary elections. But somehow, somebody had to ask a tough question or two? How the hell could Hillary Clinton could get away with promising to out extraterrestrials living amongst us, but not provide the transcripts of her speeches at Goldman Sachs?

 Issues Under Fire: Bernie Sanders Is on Fire Down the Stretch | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:09:33

Despite Hillary Clinton's huge lead in pledged delegates, all the momentum is behind Bernie Sanders. His message may have caught fire late, but its gotten too hot and spreading too fast to be put out now. The flames of the Sanders message are being fanned

 Issues Under Fire: Black West Point Cadets Facing Fire for Raised Fist Photo | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:10

When you're outnumbered hundreds to one, you depend on those around you who are experiencing your experience. The strength of spirit, the mental toughness and raw determination it took to survive in a hostile living and learning environment could only be recognized by another Black female cadet because their White counterparts are oblivious to the Black cadet's experience.

 Issues Under Fire: Mother's Day, New York City and the Crazy Guy | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:35

At the risk of sounding like a snob, I must admit, I generally go out of my way to avoid engaging New York city up close and personal. After visiting civilized cities in other parts of the world, I've come to understand, NYC may be a lot of things, but civilized is not one of them. So for someone like me finding himself face to face with a stark raving Crazy Guy and no immediate solutions for the problem, the situation gave me something to think about.

 The Thirsty Dead 1974 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 01:30:00

young girls have their youth stolen by evil cult


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