B2B Vault: The Biz To Biz Podcast show

B2B Vault: The Biz To Biz Podcast

Summary: Our podcast is dedicated to business owners eager to learn the latest information on how they can transform their businesses using technology! Allen brings 20+ years of business and fintech experience. He discusses anything and everything in the business industry, from business trends and fintech to technology and new laws that could affect your business. The B2B Vault podcast is your ultimate resource for all things business!

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 B2B Vault Episode 61: The Future of Payment Processing, FinTech, & Business Part 2 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 2299

Today's podcast talks about what is happening in today's economy, how it will affect businesses, and what they can do with technology to keep up. Inflation and rising prices will trickle down to everyone sooner or later. It's time to start thinking about making a pivot in your business - being proactive is better than being reactive. One of my favorite business books is who moved my cheese, and the ideas and concepts in that book have shaped many business decisions. We go into what is going on in the economy and what different business types can do - now automation, kiosks, new services, marketing, and more. Justin and I discuss various ways you can use technology to help run your business. Nationwide Payment Systems offer a variety of services and consulting that can assist you in finding the right technology for your business. https://nationwidepaymentsystems.com/ Book an appointment with Allen - https://linktr.ee/allenkopelman Enjoy the podcast - follow here - https://pod.link/1589977495 Have a great day - Carpe Diem - Seize the day! #b2bvault #nationwidepaymentsystems #merchantservices #merchantaccount #paymentprocessing #B2B #highriskbusinesses #ecommercesolutions #acceptcryptocurrency #cryptopaymentprocessing

 B2B Vault Episode 60: Merchant Account Nightmares | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 2685

In today's episode, we talk about Merchant Nightmares. What happens when you have an issue. The last 20 years owning Nationwide Payment Systems has been interesting. So I share some crazy stories and issues over the previous 20 years in this episode, and Justin is always good about asking me questions - which adds the element of a layperson or business owner to the conversation. https://nationwidepaymentsystems.com All of the stories have a happy ending because my dad taught me when you work for someone, treat their business as if you were the owner, and that is how we treat our clients. When you have an issue or a challenge, we will take ownership and assist or take over and solve the problem or issue. And owning a business is a big responsibility, and we understand that responsibility, and we are helping people with payments and getting that money into the business owners bank account is essential and helping business owners are our passion Book a call with Allen - https://linktr.ee/allenkopelman Enjoy the podcast and follow us on your favorite app! https://pod.link/1589977495

 B2B Vault Episode 59: The Alternative Products Expo | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 1183

In Today's podcast, Justin and I headed over to The Alternative Products Expo in Fort Lauderdale. We will be talking about what we saw, what types of companies were there, and everything in between. We met some interesting people there today. Exchanged some contact info with like-minded individuals and hopefully got some new business.  To find out more about Allen book an appointment - https://linktr.ee/allenkopelman Special shout out to @dimo.hemp and @FrannyFarms. Hope you enjoy today's podcast, Carpe Diem

 B2B Vault Episode 58: Cash, Credit, or Crypto | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 2151

Hey everybody. It's Justin Owings from B2B Vault: The Payment Technology Podcast with your host Allen Kopelman, and we'll be providing educational information about the business of payments, FinTech or financial technology, decentralized finance, and the technology businesses need in today's world. And in today's episode, we're going to be talking about cash credit or crypto and no further ado. Here's your host, Allen Kopelman. Hey everybody. Welcome to B2B Vault.

 B2B Vault Episode 57: The Business Behind NFTs | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 2963

In Today's podcast, we are diving into the Business of NFTs. Justin and I dig in and talk about what is going on inside the Business of NFT's. We have been researching NFTs for quite a while, and we have done the following: I tried to Buy an NFT from one platform, Purchased an NFT on another platform, and discussed how the first platform is very complex. We then decided to create an NFT and get it listed on an NFT market - which we accomplished. We talk about the different uses for NFTs. The Government is looking at some specific things related to NFTs, we talk about the IRS's policies on NFT, and it will take some time to see how the SEC and IRS deal with NFTs and Cryptocurrency/Virtual Currencies. We have an NFT project in the works, and we will be releasing info about that project soon as we get closer to the release. NFTs are used for many things, and businesses should look at how to use them! Check out worldwidedigitalpaymentsystems.com - we can get your NFT marketplaces set up to accept major credit cards and take your marketplace to the next level. Link with Allen here - https://linktr.ee/allenkopelman Listen to Today's podcast and let us know about your NFT project!!! Carpe Deim, Allen Kopelman

 B2B Vault Episode 56: Allen Kopelman's Business Journey | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 3404

Hey, it's Justin with B2B vault, the payment technology podcast with your host, Allen Kopelman, he's providing you educational information about business payments, FinTech, and the technology businesses need in today's world. In today's episode, we will be talking about Allen's business journey over the past 20 years. Pretty cool stuff. Hey, thanks, Justin. No problem. Our right. So let's get into it. So my business journey, so I thought this would be interesting to talk about because people always ask me, oh, where are you from? And, how did you get into this crazy credit card processing business? So I was born in New York, and my parents decided in 1968, let's move to Florida. So we moved to Miami. And then later in 1978, I moved to Atlanta, Georgia, and I was in Atlanta, Georgia. We will talk about what I was doing at the beginning of my working career in Atlanta. And then I left Atlanta and 1986 and moved to Dallas, Texas, and worked out there for a long time. Then, in 1992, I came back to Florida.

 B2B Vault Episode 55: Businesses & Today's Subscription Economy | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 1585

In today's podcast, we are discussing Businesses and The Subscription Economy! We will be talking about the growth that is happening with subscriptions, what types of subscriptions are out there today. And we will talk about what is fueling this growth, the pandemic has made this more popular with many new services that were launched. So, take a listen and maybe your next bid idea for your subscription will come out of listening to the information. Follow The Payment Technology Podcast @b2bvault Facebook Twitter Instagram Leave us a comment on your 'Idea". We'll do a podcast and talk about the ideas and maybe have you on the show to tell us about your "IDEA"!  The subscription economy is booming it is time you got involved! This is a revenue generator and a way to increase your PROFITS! If you want to get a no-obligation consultation with Allen - click here - Linktree - and book an appointment and we will gladly go over your project and you can talk to an expert. Have a great day and looking forward to seeing your "IDEA"! Carpe Diem

 B2B Vault Episode 54: How To Protect Your eCommerce Business | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 1683

In today's podcast, we discuss how to protect your eCommerce Business. We will dive into the basics that you will need for your e-commerce business website, gateway, and hosting. We will talk about making sure your site is secure, using security features, and ensuring the Webhosting service is PCI compliant. We talk about fraud settings on the gateway and many other ways to protect your business. The number of e-commerce businesses is increasing daily. Everyone wants to have a website and sell online, and there are no shortcuts when it comes to keeping your business safe and keeping the hackers and scammers out of your business. Connect with Allen  So enjoy the show as Justin and I go over how to protect your e-commerce business for more about e-commerce visit - npsbank.com  If you want to set up a free consultation with Allen - click here. I hope everyone has a great day. - Carpe Diem

 B2B Vault Episode 53: Allen Bought An NFT | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 1650

Hello everybody. And welcome today's episode of B2B vault, the payment technology podcast, providing educational information for business owners and merchants. So today's episode Allen, that's me bought an NFT Newman. Talk about, wow, we're going to talk about the experience I had and getting to, you know, in doing that.

 B2B Vault Episode 52: ATM Trends 2022 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 1377

In today's podcast, we're talking about ATM Trends for 2022. ATMs have been in the news lately, so we will dive in and cover what is happening. We have been deploying and working with ATMs for over 20 years. Here is what we are going to be talking about today: Bitcoin ATM's Buying Bitcoin at the ATM Cashing out Bitcoin at the ATM Master Card Money Pickup All Point Network Cardless transactions You can do many cool things at the ATM in 2022. Connect with Allen Here The ATM business is also experiencing supply chain issues with parts. There are new ATM - EMV requirements that could affect older machines in the market. Cannabis and ATMs - Cashless ATMs crackdown from some banks that fund ATMs. For more on the ATM business, visit - NPSATM.com. There is also a big looming lawsuit that started in 2011; now, it is back in the forefront, and there will be a settlement. If you're involved with an ATM business own/operate ATMs, pay attention to this podcast as I am going over how to get your piece of that without signing up with a lawyer. ATM transactions are still growing in 2022 - and non-banked ATM's outnumber bank-owned ATMs - which I spoke about in an earlier podcast. Have a great day -- Carpe Diem

 B2B Vault Episode 51: Payment Trends February 2022 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 1744

In Today's podcast, we will talk about Payment Trends in 2022. Tap To Pay is a fascinating topic, and there is a lot of new technology available. So let's dive in! Tap 2 Pay: Using Apple and Andriod Phones is coming soon. Cryptocurrency to pay for Real Estate and Luxury Items is a Growing Trend. We have a simplified way on how to do those transactions. https://linktr.ee/allenkopelman IRS Regulations: We do not give tax advice, so talk to your CPA. Cryptocurrency taxes $600 reporting from apps Should you be turning your side hustle into a business? Retail Trends: Buy now Pay Later Contactless Payments is growing QR Payments Text - Email Payments Loyalty programs Specific Store Apps for payments, loyalty, and coupons All of these trends are here or are on the way - which ones will you adopt in your business? Technology is changing at a rapid pace. Is your business ready to pivot? Nationwide Payment Systems is a business technology company. We bring the future of Fintech to Merchant services for more info and connect with Allen. Carpe Diem Have a great day! Follow and Subscribe to us on our YouTube Channel here.

 B2B Vault Episode 50: Digital Commerce Payment Processing | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 2524

In Today's podcast, we are diving into Digital Payments for the Cyrpto and NFT markets. We will be talking about providing payment processing services for this new emerging market. Also, we will be talking about NFT's and their functionality and what is going on in the market. The NFT, Cryptocurrency, Metaverse industries are fascinating. Many innovations are going on now and will continue to shape the future. We discuss the space and what is currently going on. We discuss how credit cards need to be added to the payment scheme and how our new platform Worldwide Digital Payments, can offer merchants in this space domestic and a Global processing solution. We will be doing a weekly episode talking about the NFT market, Crypto, the Metaverse, and beyond. Check out worldwidedigitalpayments.com for more info.

 B2B Vault Episode 49: PCI Compliance | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 1288

In Today's Podcast, we are talking about PCI Compliance. Merchants and Business owners are always asking me what PCI compliance is and why do we need to do it. So we get into the nitty-gritty of PCI compliance and what happens if your business gets a breach. You will find out why it's required and who requires PCI Compliance. What happens when there is a breach and what happens during an investigation. And I go into a few stories about what happened to 4 different merchants that we helped or consulted with who had PCI Breaches. I encourage everyone to do your PCI compliance SAQ and we go into that as well. Enjoy the podcast! Carpe diem

 B2B Vault Episode 48: Cyber Security & Identity Theft | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 1738

In today's podcast, we will talk about Cyber Security and Identity Theft. How to protect yourself and your business - so you do not fall victim to identity theft. We go into a story about what happened to one business owner recently - how his identity was stolen, what damage was done, and how it could have been prevented. We got into Credit Monitoring, the dark web, securing your data and access to websites, using password programs, and 2-factor authentication. We go into PCI compliance and why it is essential, along with basic website security with Justin, our website wizard. Touch on some state and federal laws about cybersecurity - the laws are very vague. We get into how there are many cybersecurity products out there that miss the mark and how there is not something affordable for small to medium-sized businesses. Some offer insurance, and some do not, and they are very vague about their offerings. You should save this podcast and look into some of the free resources we share. For free credit monitoring, password security, and more. Catch B2B Vault on YouTube or your favorite podcast network. Carpe Deim, Have a great day!

 B2B Vault Episode 47: Point of Sale Systems Parade | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 1209

In today's podcast, we will talk about Point of Sale systems, what types are there, and how you make a good business decision. There are systems for the retail, restaurant/bar, specialty, and Hotel/Hospitality industries. What do you need to consider when buying a Point of Sale System. Budget - Integrations - Features - Functionality - Report Capabilities. are just the starters. We work with about a dozen Point of sale providers, and we guide merchants thru the process. Just because you see one that's popular does not mean it's what you need, so knowing what you need it to do is the most crucial thing in selection. Many business owners have champagne taste and beer budget - I always say you get what you pay for. You can find systems that are simple to complex - systems that do it yourself - you have to do it all yourself up to Franchise and Enterprise Systems - IPad to Android - Cloud-based or Server Based. It's a lot to take in - and you need to know if your technical skills are ready to do a do it your self job - or do you need professional installation and training - which comes at a price. We will be going thru various systems and talking a bit about each one. We have sold all of these, and with 20 plus years of experience, we can guide you. So please listen as we talk about the Point of Sale Systems we offer! Carpe Deim


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