Education Podcasts

Washington College of Law Podcast show

Washington College of Law PodcastJoin Now to Follow

Washington College of Law at American University - Podcast of Events and Speakers

By Various - Audio show - AudioJoin Now to Follow

EconStories.TV is a place to learn about the economic way of thinking through the lens of creative director John Papola and creative economist Russ Roberts.

By Emergent Order and the Mercatus Center

F.A. Davis's Fundamentals of Nursing Stress Busters show

F.A. Davis's Fundamentals of Nursing Stress BustersJoin Now to Follow

Co-Author Karen Van Leuwen provides helpful tips and techniques for controlling stress inherent in nursing school.

By F.A. Davis

Appy Hours 4 U show

Appy Hours 4 UJoin Now to Follow

Educators & App Enthusiasts Lisa Johnson & Yolanda Barker will guide you through a menu of app-ealing lesson ideas, apptivities, and pedagogical practices.

By Techchef4u

gmatdoctor show

gmatdoctorJoin Now to Follow

Tune in regularly for a dose of GMAT preparation techniques and tips that will help you to improve your score and thus,increase your business school program options.

By gmatdoctor

Costa Rica Talk Radio show

Costa Rica Talk RadioJoin Now to Follow

Costa Rica Talk Radio is a weekly Podcast show offering insider tips, news, interviews, videos, and sound seeing tours of Costa Rica.

By Alan Petersen

Ethics Talk: Philosophy, Flourishing and The Good Life show

Ethics Talk: Philosophy, Flourishing and The Good LifeJoin Now to Follow

Socrates said that talking about virtue and the good life is one of the most important things a human being can do. That's where "Ethics-Talk" fits in. Housed in the Department of Philosophy and Religion at Central Michigan University (CMU), The Center for Professional and Personal Ethics brings you discussions about ethical issues, both pure and applied. For us at EthicsTalk -- "ethics" is broad and encompasses things that affect a human being's flourishing. To that end, students working with the Center discuss ethics-related topics such as academic integrity, intrinsic motivation, procrastination, and cultivating self-regulation and other powerful habits. Additionally, we discuss study and motivational strategies related to intimidating endeavors such as studying for the bar exam. We are also very interested in how technology can either promote or hinder flourishing and discuss "media ecology" issues including the thought of Walter Ong and the concept of "digital virtue". In addition to our student produced show, scholars, authors and practitioners (such as Michael Strong, Anya Kamenetz, Lindsay Hyde, Thomas Farrell and Dr. Jeffrey Wigand) discuss ethics related issues with the Center's Director. To learn more about the Center, visit us at and follow us on twitter at: ******************************************IMPORTANT NOTE: THIS FEED comes from BLOGTALKRADIO and does not include our complete archives. So we set up ANOTHER itunes feed which has the complete archives. thereafter. To access the COMPLETE archives, go to itunes, search for "ethics talk" and click on the hedgehog. Oh, and we like the hedgehog for the same reason that Jim Collins does.

By Ethics Talk

A Beginner Course of Spoken Russian / Курс разговорного русского языка для начинающих show

A Beginner Course of Spoken Russian / Курс разговорного русского языка для начинающихJoin Now to Follow

This podcast is brought to you by where you can learn languages from the best podcasts on the web. This course is certainly for beginner Russian learners. Of course, if you are an intermediate or advanced learner but feel that you need additional speaking practice you can check it out as well. First off, you have a recorded dialogue in the form of an mp3-file with transcript. It is a very simple and straightforward audio. These items consist of very useful phrases in Russian that you can hear on the street, in the shop, at the cinema, or at work etc. There is a transcript to every audio file. As you listen to these items you may notice that they are recorded in two voices and with a lot of emphasis in order to make you more alert to the language. Secondly, you have an additional mp3-file with a so-called "mini-story." Throughout the story we ask you questions about the story, pausing after each question. During the break you have to answer the question out loud (or you can simply listen and answer the question in your head). When I study English using this method my own preference is to answer the questions out loud, but feel free to make your own decisions about your studying routine. You can find additional mini-stories at

By mikola

Beginner Spanish with Escott - Strommen Podcasts show

Beginner Spanish with Escott - Strommen PodcastsJoin Now to Follow

Beginner Spanish with Scott! Scott will help you learn Spanish and start speaking from the first class. He learned Spanish while traveling for several years along the border of Mexico and the United States. Scott's experience working with private students and teaching at the university level will ensure that you learn spanish quickly!

By Strommen

문정아의 하이친 중국어 회화(매일 업데이트) show

문정아의 하이친 중국어 회화(매일 업데이트)Join Now to Follow

하루 3분, 중국어와 영어 두 마리 토끼를 한 번에 잡자. HSK 최다 합격생, 최다 수강생, 중국어 인강 1위의 문정아와 테스트 와이즈 토익 스피킹 대표 강사 바니의 톡톡 튀는 강의!

By PodOnAir 문정아HSK중국어