Jeremiah: 53) Audio Broadcast 53 - A brief tale of my apartment

Joshua Jeremiah Broadcast  show

Summary: I'm taking a stroll to the usual Osco Drug store today, as well as I'm planning a little "tool-time" adventure at Ace Hardware. I'm I can be a little snobby and a little prissy and I admit it. The front entrance to my apartment complex is rather small and becomes easily cluttered with junk mail that the post-person feels free to just toss on the ground. Many times I allow disorder to have a huge influence over me mental state of being. I become disorganized and hardly settled in my own thoughts when lack of order surrounds me. If I feel unkept at home, I generally feel unkept in life. I can usually tell when I'm feeling down because my place becomes a wreck and I'm hardly happy with the circumstance. So, needless to say, the front-lobby of my apartment complex has finally gotten to my psyche. I broke down today and spent my own money on a cheap trash can for our lobby. I'm waiting to see if the custodian is going to take it away. Knowing the custodian's train of thought, he'll probably get rid of something that makes sense. Oy. At least I'm finally getting a handle on my own apartment!