#177: Mapping Compliance for Restricted Diets with Ricki Heller

15-Minute Matrix show

Summary: Today I'm excited to introduce you to my dear friend and colleague Ricki Heller who will speak into compliance while on a restricted diet. Making dietary changes is a journey. And for many, this is a journey that requires your patience, understanding and leadership regarding why the change is important and how we might get there. Get ready for some ‘Art of the Practice’ clinical pearls!<br> <br> <br> <br> Click here to download the completed Matrix from this week’s episode<br> <br> To learn more about Ricki Heller click here<br> Click here for a link to Ricki’s free Three Simple Shifts to Stay on Track<br> To find Ricki’s books, including the one I co-authored, click here<br> Click here to download your free copy of my Stick With It Ebook<br> Here’s the link to BJ Fogg’s book ‘Tiny Habits’ <br> <br> Get 15-Minute Matrix podcast notifications delivered to your inbox!