#117: Mapping Low Dose Naltrexone with Dani Williamson

15-Minute Matrix show

Summary: Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) is sometimes considered a powerhouse remedy for patients who suffer from various types of pain disorders and autoimmune conditions. Today I’ll introduce you to Dani Williamson who will help to enlighten us on what LDN is, how it works, and so much more. Let’s get our endorphins going!<br> <br> January 31st, 2020<br> <br> <br> <br> &gt; Click here to download the completed Matrix from this week’s episode<br> <br> &gt; To learn more about Dani and her work, click here<br> <br> &gt; Dani mentioned the work of Dr. Bernard Bihari. Learn more here <br> <br>  <br> <br> Get 15-Minute Matrix podcast notifications delivered to your inbox!