#56: Mapping ACEs with Niki Gratrix

15-Minute Matrix show

Summary: Throughout our first year in production of the podcast, one topic has come up as a Functional Trigger for chronic illness more often than any other. That Trigger is the topic of today’s episode. It’s not gluten, MTHFR or mitochondrial disorders. It’s the ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences). Be sure to tune-in to bring a deeper understanding to your patient care in the coming year!<br> <br> December 28, 2018<br> <br> <br> <br> &gt; Click here to download the completed Matrix from this week’s episode<br> <br> &gt; To learn more about Niki’s work head over to her website!<br> <br> Resources and studies mentioned in this episode include:<br> <br> &gt; Go to the ACE Connection Resource Center to access the original ACE study, questionnaires, and evolution of the survey over time<br> <br> There are several great articles on The Orchid Theory, here are a couple:<br> <br> &gt;‘The Science of Success’<br> &gt; The Highly Sensitive Person website<br> <br> &gt; Learn more about the Enneagram Types here<br> <br> Plus I have some additional resources for you!<br> <br> &gt; Niki speaks into Epigenetics -- If you don’t already have my ‘3 Tiers to Epigenetic Mastery’, be sure to get your hands on that now<br> &gt; I also speak into Functional EMPATHY toward the end of the episode. Learn what I mean in this blog post. <br> <br>  <br> <br> Get 15-Minute Matrix podcast notifications delivered to your inbox!