First comprehensive academic survey of alien contact experience. Please continue to ignore|308|

Skeptiko – Science at the Tipping Point show

Summary: Researcher Mary Rodwell discusses FREE’s first comprehensive survey of alien contact experience. <br> <a href=""></a><br> photo by: <a href="" target="_blank">Chris Radcliff<br><br> </a><br> When I was a kid I was a terrible reader. Maybe I had a little dyslexia, I don’t know, but I sure hated reading. Nonetheless, many of the books I read stuck with me. One of them was a short story by Edgar Allan Poe “The Purloined Letter.” It’s a story about a blackmailer trying to hide a letter from Edgar Allan Poe’s famous Detective Dupin. His trick is to hide the letter in plain sight along with the other letters on his desk. I was thinking about this story while preparing for today’s interview with alien contact researcher Mary Rodwell because alien contact is a phenomena that despite the hundreds of movies, television shows and books, the topic remains hidden — particularly from science.<br> How does one reveal that which is hidden in plain sight? Maybe the same way that Edgar Allan Poe’s Detective Dupin hid it in the “Purloined Letter.” Look in the obvious places. That’s what today’s guest Mary Rodwell and the group at FREE (The Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters) has done. They marshaled a group of well-qualified academics (including a Harvard physicists and highly regarded psychology professor) to compile the first comprehensive, academic-quality research survey into alien contact. The results, although challenging, may be a first step towards revealing that which has been hidden in plain sight. I hope you enjoy my interview with Mary Rodwell.<br> ——————–<br> Alex Tsakiris: People understand the passion that you feel about this and really the common sense approach that you’ve taken to saying, this is happening. It’s been addressed by these highly respected people. We have every reason to believe that it’s true but then they look around and say, but Mary, if this is true the implications of this would be so enormous that this would be the most researched topic in the world, bar none. It’s the most important topic for our species so of course it would be the researched. Then they look at the research and there’s virtually none. How do you address that?<br> Mary Rodwell: Look, it’s understandable. I think I would be saying the same thing. This is the most important issue for mankind: are we alone? And if we’re not why don’t we know about it? And then you have to, unfortunately for many who struggle with that, you have to look at the truth embargo. And you have to understand the basis of that truth embargo.<br> <a href="" target="_blank">Click here for forum discussion</a><br> <a href="" target="_blank">Click here for Mary’s website</a><br> Read Excerpts From Interview:<br> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br> Alex Tsakiris: I had an interesting interview with a gentleman from Ohio State University, Dr. Alexander Wendt. And we talked about a number of different topics. We didn’t even talk about his rather controversial and I think very insightful paper that he wrote on the UFO issue from a political science perspecti...