Dr. John Brandenburg – Plasma physicist gives inside look at outsourced UFO research |325|

Skeptiko – Science at the Tipping Point show

Summary: Dr. John Brandenburg’s interview with Gordon White reveals inner workings of government secret space program.<br> <a href="http://skeptiko.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/dr-brand-and-gordon-600.jpg"></a><br> photo by: Skeptiko<br> Every since <a href="http://skeptiko.com/chaos-magic-gordon-white-star-ships-309/">Gordon White appeared on Skeptiko to talk about his book Star.Ships</a>, I’ve been itching to get him back on to talk about his research into the secret space program and how this conspiratorial view of things might be helpful in understanding science-as-we-know-it. Gordon delivered big time by guest hosting and bringing us this interview with plasma physicist and Mars researcher Dr. John Brandenburg:<br> Alex Tsakiris: This interview that you’ve done with Dr. John Brandenburg requires a little bit of contextualization. Before we start with Dr. Brandenburg’s theories, which are extremely controversial and can take us in a million places, do you want to tell us who he is?<br> Gordon White: Dr. Brandenburg is a plasma phycisist who has spent any number of years with Top Secret clearance, occasionally not. [And] working in the privatized Space Program so he’s XJPL. He’s worked on the Clementine mission. He’s worked in some of the companies that have fed into the Regan Star Wars program. That’s been his career.<br> Alex Tsakiris: Let me just fill in one detail: you say hard scientist. If you scan the internet for this guy, you’re likely to see, as you always will on anything that’s interesting, a lampooning of him in a number of different ways, [but] let’s be clear: Cal-Davis PhD. Theoretical Plasma Physics from Lawrence Livermore Laboratories. That’s top notch; the real deal. That’s a nerdy scientist. Sandia Labs, JPL…all of the places; rubbing shoulders with Carl Sagan — a personal relationship. Exchanging emails and telephone calls. [Also] Richard Hoagland. This is the real deal so if you do run across [him] in that Google search, and he’s portrayed as some kind of buffoon, that’s not the case here.<br> Gordon White: One thing is verifiable, we can prove based on this conversation and some casual research afterward, there is a section of the Anglo-American military that believes there are artificial remains elsewhere in the solar system. Whether there are or not is frankly open to interpretation. But it is self-evident in the policy over the last 70 years, that an element of the American Military Industrial establishment believes there are artificial remains around the solar system and it’s affecting policy. It is affecting internal policy and it’s affecting off planet policy.<br> I think when Dr. Brandenburg says quote, “They want this information out,” if they did I would suggest they go to the New York Times. What they’ve done is given it to brilliant, rigorous, oddball groups because you’ve run a P&amp;L. You know what it’s like. You don’t want the dog project on your books, but you do need the research anyway. That was Dr. Valet’s conclusion as to why FBI agents would show up to a UFO conference in the middle of nowhere. They’re not there in some kind of mysterious way that maybe someone’s [has] burst out with some secrets. They’re actually there because we’re in an area where we have to outsource the research because the dis-info component that comes with the National Security implications makes it very difficult to otherwise navigate.<br>  <br> <a href="http://www.skeptiko-forum.com/threads/dr-john-brandenburg-%E2%80%93-plasma-physicist-gives-inside-look-at-outsourced-ufo-research-325.3396/" target="_blank">Click here for forum discussion</a><br> <a href="http://lifeonmars.com/">Click here for Dr. Branderburg’s website (lifeonmars.com)</a><br> <a href="http://runesoup.com/">Click here for Gordon’s website (runesoup.com)</a><br> <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Pieces-Eight-Chaos-Essays-Enchantments-ebook/dp/B01J9REBIQ">Click here for Gordon’s ne...</a>