Heartful: living a wildly creative life show

Heartful: living a wildly creative life

Summary: The Heartful podcast is for soulful peeps who wanna live a wildly creative life. Brooke Schultz is a photographer, writer, and lover of all things creative who brings you thought provoking ideas, research, + interviews every week about creativity so you can unleash your most creative self + make what your heart longs to make. http://brookeschultzphotography.com email : hello@brookeschultzphotography.com

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 Ep 16: Here's the truth about motivation and creativity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:01

Motivation is that elusive unicorn we all want but can never seem to get enough of, especially when it comes to our creative endeavors. Here's the truth about how to create motivation in your life (good news: you don't have to 'effort' your way there!) and start crushing those 2019 goals. Learn the simple (but not easy) process with some extra get-to-know yourself goodies so you can set yourself up for success. Mentions: Love Soaked Family Photography Retreat: http://brookeschultzphotography.com/april-2019-love-soaked-family-photography-retreat-course/ Julie Solomon on victimhood as the opposite of creativity: https://www.juliesolomon.net/pip-episodes/067-detaching-your-self-worth-from-your-career-living-your-honest-life-instead Gretchen Rubin's quiz on the four tendencies: https://gretchenrubin.com/2015/01/ta-da-the-launch-of-my-quiz-on-the-four-tendencies-learn-about-yourself/

 Ep 15: The ONE mindset shift that'll make your creativity soar | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:23

We all experience imposter syndrome, and this is the one mindset shift that's going to save you from following the crowd and ending up in the middle of the pack in your creative niche. Instead, with this mentality you'll be the leader in your industry, you'll make more money and have a greater impact--sounds fab right? Listen up to find out what it is and get actionable tips for implementing it right away. Mentions: Airbnb founder story: https://getpaidforyourpad.com/blog/the-airbnb-founder-story/ https://www.tonyrobbins.com/podcasts/airbnb-art-resilience/ Made to Stick by Chip + Dan Heath: https://www.audible.com/pd/Made-to-Stick-Audiobook/B002V0QVY6?source_code=GPAGBSH0508140001&ds_rl=1262685&ds_rl=1258208&ds_rl=1260658&gclid=CjwKCAiAmO3gBRBBEiwA8d0Q4j1f8mRAAz4aXZzn0VTE5TQEOUD4SWhxCcrMBIBv1zfH8ac7fNudbRoC2EEQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds Love Soaked Family Photography Retreat + Online Course: http://brookeschultzphotography.com/april-2019-love-soaked-family-photography-retreat-course/ JLD Entrepreneur on Fire Podcast: https://www.eofire.com Impact of your entire social network: https://medium.com/the-mission/youre-not-the-average-of-the-five-people-you-surround-yourself-with-f21b817f6e69

 Ep 14: The power of play to pump up your creativity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:10

If you're banging your head against the wall trying to come up with new, creative ideas, the secret is actually to have more fun! We discuss what makes play so powerful in pumping up your creativity, and why playing Candyland with your kid most likely won't get you there, plus how to play when you've kinda forgotten how as an adult, both in your everyday life and beyond. Mentions: The Love Soaked Family Photography Retreat + Course: http://brookeschultzphotography.com/april-2019-love-soaked-family-photography-retreat-course/ Play by Stuart Brown: https://www.amazon.com/Play-Shapes-Brain-Imagination-Invigorates/dp/1583333789 Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert: https://www.amazon.com/Big-Magic-Creative-Living-Beyond/dp/1594634726/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1544732176&sr=1-1&keywords=big+magic+elizabeth+gilbert

 Ep 13: Kids + Creativity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:27

How do you think about creativity when it comes to the kids in your life? Do kids need to be taught to be creative? And if not, why don't all adults identify as "creative"? In this episode we talk about the major killers of creativity in kids, why I let my kids use scissors and get hurt, and 4 ways to nourish creativity in the kids in your world. Screenshot the podcast and share which of the 4 you're diggin' with me on instagram @brookebschultz ! Mentions: my TV feature :)--Last Minute Ideas if You Missed the Christmas Card Photo Shoot: http://studio5.ksl.com/?nid=122&sid=46439948 Love Soaked Family Photography Retreat (and online course!) http://brookeschultzphotography.com/april-2019-love-soaked-family-photography-retreat-course/ Seth Godin on schools (2 min version!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6NG4ECnaKw Seth Godin on schools full version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXpbONjV1Jc Sir Ken Robinson--Do schools kill creativity? TED talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iG9CE55wbtY Passion Driven Education by Connor Boyack: https://www.amazon.com/Passion-Driven-Education-Interests-Lifelong-Learning/dp/1943521115 Carol Dweck Growth Mindset: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyIF5VUOJc0

 Ep 12: Creating a body you love: how I lost 60 freaking pounds and loved myself the whole time | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:36

This is weight loss in a way you've prob never heard before--it's not about a specific diet, exercise program, or any of that runaround--it's about changing your MIND. The rest is easy. I share how I used to believe I was above caring about something so superficial as my weight, my top tips for losing weight, and WHAT in the world weight loss has to do with creativity (plus some compelling reasons why I think creating your body on purpose will help you massively in all of your creativity.) Mentions: Brooke Castillo (again!) Weight Loss Tools Part One: https://thelifecoachschool.com/129/ Compelling Reason: https://thelifecoachschool.com/146/ Want to create family PHOTOS you love? Join me at the Love Soaked Family Photography Retreat this April. You get instant access to the online course plus a deep dive into you, your work, and real time feedback while working with 5 amazing families, getting killer in-home images for your portfolio AND walking away with a detailed action plan for how you're going to skyrocket yourself on your photography journey. Read reviews + see all the details here: http://brookeschultzphotography.com/april-2019-love-soaked-family-photography-retreat-course/

 Ep 11: How to rock being a multipassionate creative with Elana Loo | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:24

@elanaloo is an entrepreneur, marketing maven, writer, and photographer with so many titles and talents we literally couldn't list 'em all in the interview. Learn how she thinks about being an "influencer" with many interests (and why she cringes at that term), how she made the big leap to moving to Hawaii and creating her life with intention, plus a fab takeaway to uplevel your creative work that you can do TODAY. Find her at https://www.elanaloo.com/ and @elanaloo on instagram and everywhere else. Interested in the Love Soaked Family Photography Retreat? I thought so! A few seats left for April 2019: http://brookeschultzphotography.com/april-2019-love-soaked-family-photography-retreat-course/

 Ep 10: What to do when someone copies you | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:25:45

If you are a creative, you're gonna be copied at some point. So what should you do when it happens? We dive into your options along with some big picture ideas to consider with the emotionally charged experience of being copied. Mentions: Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert: www.amazon.com/Big-Magic-Creativ…eywords=big+magic The Creative Curve by Allen Gannett: www.amazon.com/Creative-Curve-De…he+creative+curve

 Ep 9: Talent vs. hard work + finding your calling (with hashtag science) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:56

Do you really need talent to succeed creatively? And what about hard work? And how do you make sure you don't spend your life doing something you're not "meant" to do? Learn the role of inspiration + perspiration according to science + also a new free tool to help you discover what truly lights you up, so you can figure out the work you're meant to do in the world + spend the rest of your life doing it! (and no blowing up your current life required!) Mentions: The Love Soaked Family Photography Retreat (seats half full!)http://brookeschultzphotography.com/april-2019-love-soaked-family-photography-retreat-course/ The Creative Curve by Allen Gannett: https://www.amazon.com/Creative-Curve-Develop-Right-Idea-ebook/dp/B075PVQ99T Jonathan Fields' Sparketype Assessment: http://sparketype.com

 Ep 8: Creativity in motherhood + beyond with Alex Smith | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:50

Alex Smith of Daphne Mae Photography @lovedaphnemae is a writer, photographer, and homeschooling mama who found her creativity skyrocketing when she stopped looking left and right and started following her own individual path. She shares how to protect + nurture your creative energy, how to use creativity to give voice and beauty to hard experiences, and how to give yourself an instant boost when you're having a hard mama day along with lots more in this conversation. Mentions: Brooke's Love Soaked Family Photography Retreat + Course: http://brookeschultzphotography.com/april-2019-love-soaked-family-photography-retreat-course/ Alex's photography: http://daphnemaephotography.com Alex's motherhood photography workshop the Magically Mundane: http://daphnemaephotography.com/workshop/ Alex on instagram @lovedaphnemae

 Ep 7: Confidence + Creativity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:25:33

What does confidence have to do with creativity? We're only able to be creative when we're confident, but in this episode I expand the definition of confidence and share my top 4 tips for boosting your confidence in your creative work AND in your life, baby! Mentions: Brooke's Love Soaked Family Photography Retreat + Course April 2019 in SLC, Utah (7 spots left): http://brookeschultzphotography.com/april-2019-love-soaked-family-photography-retreat-course/ Love Soaked Family Photography Online Course: http://brookeschultzphotography.com/love-soaked-family-photography-the-course/ Tina Fey quotes on saying yes and improv: https://www.oprah.com/spirit/tina-feys-aha-moment

 Ep 6: The magic of the process with Summer Murdock | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:40:12

Summer Murdock was a burnt out photographer who found her voice accidentally as she re-fell in love with the process of making things. In this interview we discuss creativity as a meditative, sacred process, how to get out of ruts, get inspired, what to do when your kids don't want to be photographed, and much more. Mentions: http://www.summermurdock.com/ Summer's Magic of Light Class: http://www.summermurdock.com/magicoflight/ Illuminate Classes: http://www.illuminateclasses.com/ Brooke's Love Soaked Family Photography Course: http://brookeschultzphotography.com/love-soaked-family-photography-the-course/ Sally Mann's Hold Still: https://www.amazon.com/Hold-Still-Photographs-Sally-Mann/dp/0316247758

 Ep 5: Perfect is the enemy of good: how to stahp waiting + make rad stuff | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:22

Logically we know that perfection and pleasing everyone isn't possible, but we still try to do it! In this episode I share why we want to perfect everything we create and how to let good be good enough (plus why that's better than trying to make creations that are beyond reproach). And nope, this isn't advice to simply lower your standards and get sloppy. I also share two key takeaways to help you let go of perfectionism in your creative work (and maybe your life too, boo!) Mentions: Love Soaked Family Photography Course: http://brookeschultzphotography.com/love-soaked-family-photography-the-course/ Ann Patchett's essay on writing: The getaway car, inside the collection of essays This is the Story of a Happy Marriage https://www.amazon.com/This-Story-Happy-Marriage-Patchett/dp/0062236687/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1539285498&sr=8-1&keywords=the+getaway+car+ann+patchett

 Ep 4: Why you can't afford NOT to go after your dreams! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:03

Yeah, the world needs your dreams, but the person who needs you to go after your dreams the very most is YOU. We discuss the difference between abandoning your dreams and changing your dreams, plus why goals even matter and whether it's possible to have goals and be grateful + present at the same time. Mentions: the Life Coach School Podcast with Brooke Castillo https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-life-coach-school-podcast-with-brooke-castillo/id870239631?mt=2

 Ep 3: How to stay creative when you're in a rut | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:44

We talked about how to get started with your creative thang, now we talk about how to stay creative when you've been at your thang for a while. Ruts. Burnout. What to do when they come knocking in 3 easy (okay, not easy, but simple!) steps. Style Cycle: http://brookeschultzphotography.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Shoot-Betta.jpg My online family photography course: http://brookeschultzphotography.com/love-soaked-family-photography-the-course/

 Ep 2: How to get started with your creative thang | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:08

In this episode I detail the 3 phases to getting started with your creative thang. Mentions: 10,000 hours rule research: Anders Ericcson Glennon Doyle Melton on not watching TV at night: Magic Lessons Podcast


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