Heartful: living a wildly creative life show

Heartful: living a wildly creative life

Summary: The Heartful podcast is for soulful peeps who wanna live a wildly creative life. Brooke Schultz is a photographer, writer, and lover of all things creative who brings you thought provoking ideas, research, + interviews every week about creativity so you can unleash your most creative self + make what your heart longs to make. http://brookeschultzphotography.com email : hello@brookeschultzphotography.com

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 Ep 106: How to reach your next creative tipping point for exponential growth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:56

There are moments in your creative journey that are hinge points with a clear before and after. Turning points, tipping points—the experiences, investments, and people that make all the difference in catapulting you forward vs business as usual or growing at a slow pace. This week, I share some of my hinge points and help you determine what your next hinge point could be. In this episode: -how money is key to our dedication -why making decisions is a powerful gift to ourselves -how to show up for the parts of creativity you struggle with Mentions: The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell: https://www.amazon.com/Tipping-Point-Little-Things-Difference/dp/0316346624 Ep 103: Transformation Stories from my Mastermind Students (How to Break Through Your Upper Limit): https://soundcloud.com/brooke-schultz-568659304/ep-103-what-my-mastermind-peeps-learned-about-creativity-biz-life-from-coaching-with-me Ep 22: Life as art with Yan Palmer: https://soundcloud.com/brooke-schultz-568659304/ep-22-life-as-art-with-yan-palmer 2021 Love Soaked Mastermind + Retreat application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1bS1nnRHf3OL3Pz-bETO5pzIBd_yXxTCxYMyVwZhS8xg/viewform?edit_requested=true

 Ep 105: When you don’t feel like creating ANYTHING! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:31

If you’re feeling blah, uninspired, just weighed down by all the other responsibilities on your plate--this ep is for you but also it’s for me because I just came out of a big ol slump where I didn't feel like creating much, and wanna share how I came out the other side + what I learned. In this episode: -the surprising key to renewed creative zest -why making things requires time spent NOT making things -how to get a break when your plate is full to overflowing Mentions: Wild Power: Discover the Magic of Your Menstrual Cycle and Awaken the Feminine Path to Power https://www.amazon.com/dp/1781807582/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_Se-HFbF5A34F6 Retreat + mastermind application 2021: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1bS1nnRHf3OL3Pz-bETO5pzIBd_yXxTCxYMyVwZhS8xg/edit

 Ep 104: Self Compassion: Science-backed Rocket Fuel for Creativity w/ Kim Beecher | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:50:08

Are you your own worst critic? Sometimes we think being hard on ourselves motivates us + pushes us to be better, but science is showing that the opposite is true--we HAVE to be kind to ourselves if we want to make our best work. Self compassion might sound like another fluffy woo-woo practice to add to your plate, but it’s proven to increase your creativity and doesn’t have to take any extra time. Kim Beecher is a mindfulness teacher (and she’s also my MOM!) here to help you be less depressed, more productive, more joyful, and more creative through self compassion. In this episode: -what even is self compassion and why should creative people caaare? -the real way to quiet the inner critic + be nicer to yourself -how self compassion makes you MORE productive, not less -practices to get started (+ make better creations) right away Mentions: www.kimberlybeecher.com www.self-compassion.org (Kristin Neff) http://ccare.stanford.edu/research/peer-reviewed-ccare-articles/ Ep 51 Mindfulness is literally magic + here’s why with Kim Beecher https://soundcloud.com/brooke-schultz-568659304/ep-51-mindfulness-is-literally-magic-and-heres-why-with-kim-beecher-1

 Ep 103: Transformation Stories from my Mastermind Students (How to Break Through Your Upper Limit) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:39

This week we’re going behind the scenes with a few of my love soaked mastermind peeps about how they broke through their upper limits and made huge changes in their art, biz and life through the experience of the retreat + mastermind. If you’ve gone to a retreat/workshop, and If it was good, you likely felt awesome during the workshop, super inspired, excited, ready to take everything and apply it to your next shoot. But then, what happened after, when you got home? Were you able to really apply all of it? That's what I thought. That’s why I created the retreat + mastermind together, so that you can make huge changes in your art, business (and life, wink!) In this episode: -why a retreat by itself isn't enough to transform your work -how to break through your upper limit -what you really have to do to make big things happen in your creativity Mentions: Tara Fry https://www.tarafry.com/ IG: @tarafryphotography Alex Friendly https://alexandrafriendlyphotography.com/ IG: @alexandrafriendly Hannah Key https://thefreckledkeyphotography.com/ IG: @thefreckledkey Jasmine Pulley https://www.jasminepulley.com/ IG: @jasmine_pulley 2021 Retreat + Mastermind application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1bS1nnRHf3OL3Pz-bETO5pzIBd_yXxTCxYMyVwZhS8xg/edit#responses Gemma Good Morning song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuI_p7a9VGs

 Ep 102: Running over butterflies with SUVs (anything worth doing is worth doing BADLY) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:30

The allure of creations we haven’t yet made can distract us from the most important thing which is MAKING the thing. People often wonder why they aren't making when they have all these great ideas floating around or sitting in a doc on their computer but the biggest reason why you're not making isn’t because you don't have time, or enough experience, or enough money, or the right tools, or you haven't found the right location to shoot your project or been able to take the trip to research your book. You're not bringing your great ideas to life because great ideas are perfect in your limitless imagination. You see how incredible it COULD be. But actually doing it? It’s crappy. It’s hard. It’s not what you see in your head. In this episode: -the biggest reason you’re not making what you wanna make -how to deal with sucking at something you REALLY care about -how to make your creativity into a game (that you just want to keep playing!) Mentions: http://gwenflorio.net/2015/10/01/the-allure-of-the-book-not-yet-written/ Ep 89: the rollercoaster of creativity + 3 ways to ride it gracefully https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/ep-89-rollercoaster-creativity-3-ways-to-ride-it-gracefully/id1438076373

 Ep 101: Live Your Dreams + Make More $ with Richie Norton | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:36:40

My business coach, mentor + friend Richie Norton is here to blow your mind about money and living your (real) dreams! Richie is a serial entrepreneur, he’s written an amazing bestselling book called the power of starting something stupid, he’s the co-founder of prouduct which manufactures physical products so you don't have to, everything from journals to yoga pants, he’s an international speaker, he has his own podcast. He’s done so many super cool things but one of the things I love most about him is that he is passionate about helping entrepreneurs and creative ppl work smarter, not harder, so they don’t sacrifice what they REALLY want for $. In this episode: -the simplest way to make more $ -what creative people should stop caring about immediately -how to outsource crap you don’t wanna do -how Richie helped me make more $ AND more impact without sacrificing time with my family Mentions: Richie's website: https://richienorton.com/ The Richie Norton Show: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-richie-norton-show/id1493699560 Jeff Bezos interview: https://www.cnbc.com/2018/05/02/jeff-bezos-this-is-what-you-are-going-to-regret-at-80.html Richie's Book The Power of Starting Something Stupid: https://www.amazon.com/Power-Starting-Something-Stupid/dp/1609070097/ref=nodl_ Prouduct: http://www.prouduct.com/ The Pareto Principle: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/paretoprinciple.asp Upwork: https://www.upwork.com Ep 27: Show up for an intentional life with Natalie Norton https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/heartful-living-a-wildly-creative-life/id1438076373?i=1000431745778

 Ep 100: COMPOUND Creativity (what i've learned from 100 episodes) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:41

The little things are the big things. We’re celebrating the 100th episode of the heartful podcast by talking about how little things not only add up after time but create a compound effect that makes you more creative than any one-off intensive effort. Best news, you can do it no matter what your days look like. In this episode: -what I’ve learned from 100 episodes of the podcast -the little things are the big things: how showing up small consistently is the secret to everything -problems are forever and why that’s great news Mentions: Plant more seeds quote: https://medium.com/the-mission/making-art-is-the-compound-interest-of-a-successful-creative-career-b1a35be4f1de Seth godin: https://www.sethgodin.com/ 2021 Retreat + Mastermind application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1bS1nnRHf3OL3Pz-bETO5pzIBd_yXxTCxYMyVwZhS8xg/edit#responses

 Ep 99: How to Cheat on Your Creativity (for multipassionate peeps) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:39

If you are multipassionate and you have lots of interests and you just want to live 100 creative lives—and you have fantasies of being prolific at ALL of them, this episode is for you. In this episode: -3 ways to switch between creative endeavors to maximize everythang -how cheating is different from multitasking (a productivity no-no) -why being multi passionate is a strength and how to harness it Mentions: Ep 44: Idea Infidelity https://soundcloud.com/brooke-schultz-568659304/ep-44-idea-infidelity Harvard health on multitasking: https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/multitasking-a-medical-and-mental-hazard-201201074063 Loss of productivity from multitasking: https://science.howstuffworks.com/life/inside-the-mind/human-brain/multitasking1.htm Study on attention breaks every hour: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/02/110208131529.htm

 Ep 98: People Pleasers Don’t Make History | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:33

People pleasing will kill all of your wildest dreams before they even have any chance and you’ll make everyone involved miserable in the process. Whether you want to make history with a crazy idea or just want to have clients who love what you do, people pleasing will block out your best creative efforts in business and art. In this episode: -the difference between people pleasing and collaboration -people pleasing vs. doing something for someone because you love them -why living without regret is not just doing whatever you want and telling everyone to suck it -the not-scary way to get off the people pleasing train Mentions: Regrets of the Dying Bronnie Ware https://bronnieware.com/blog/regrets-of-the-dying/ 2021 Retreat + Mastermind application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1bS1nnRHf3OL3Pz-bETO5pzIBd_yXxTCxYMyVwZhS8xg/edit#responses

 Ep 97: Crafting the Perfect Process | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:55

In this week's episode we cover 5 building blocks you can use to craft your perfect creative process Mentions: -Love Soaked Retreat + Mastermind 2021 http://brookeschultzphotography.com/love-soaked-family-photography-the-course/

 Ep 96: What’s Holding You Back from Creative Mothering w/ Rachel Larsen Weaver | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:26

Description: @rachel.larsen.weaver is a mother to five with a long creative career as a photographer. In this episode I ask her all my hardest Qs about creativity and motherhood--how they dance, how they fight, how she personally manages the tension between the two in practical and big picture terms. In this episode: -The one thing you’ve gotta stop doing if you want to make peace with how you mother -good news: you’re allowed to play! So uh, here’s how -how planning paves the way for spontaneity in motherhood and creativity Mentions: Ep 69: Here's why motherhood is making you more creative (not less!) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-69-heres-why-motherhood-is-making-you-more-creative/id1438076373?i=1000461359779 Now, Now class: https://www.yanpalmer.com/now-now

 Ep 95: Something to Look Forward To | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:10

I'm BAack from maternity leave with new nuggets to infuse into your creativity! If every day feels the same + you’re feeling uninspired, let's start a club, yah? Ha. Having nothing to look forward to breeds hopelessness. Hopelessness is a hallmark of depression + apathy, and creativity is born out of a zest for life, a sense of vitality--NO one wants to create when they’re feeling apathetic. Quarantine + covid have got a lot of us feeling like there's nothing to look forward to, which feeds the apathy/lack of inspo monster. Let's explore two flavors of something to look forward to so you can breathe new life into your creativity! In this episode: -how looking forward to something can help curb your need for instant gratification (+ achieve bigger goals!) -2 kinds of things to infuse into your life so you always have something to look forward to -the secret to eliminating ‘what should i be doing’ energy + fully enjoying your time (so you create more) *I drop this at the very end of the episode* Can't wait to hear what you think--share with me on instagram @brookebschultz. Mentions: Gamblers who had something to look forward to: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/06/170605133536.htm

 Ep 94: How I’m Thinking About Creativity + Motherhood as I go on Maternity Leave | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:09

New episodes coming August 2020! Before I go, I wanted to share some thoughts that are serving me in motherhood and creativity as I take a break from formal creativity. In this episode: -how to lean into and love the life that’s here -necessary vs. unnecessary suffering and how to tell the difference -the courage to suffer on purpose for a greater purpose Mentions: Free training for family photographers: http://brookeschultzphotography.com/webinar/ Shake off the need for approval with Susie Moore: https://soundcloud.com/brooke-schultz-568659304/ep-90-shake-off-the-need-for-approval-with-susie-moore The rollercoaster of creativity + 3 ways to ride it gracefully: https://soundcloud.com/brooke-schultz-568659304/ep-89-the-rollercoaster-of-creativity-3-ways-to-ride-it-gracefully

 Ep 93: Design Your Days to Support Creativity with Tracy Matthews | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:34

Tracy Matthews is a jewelry designer + creativity coach who helps creative people (YOU) get paid for their visionary ideas. In this episode we dig into: -HOW to design your days to support your creativity -what most people get wrong when trying to be productive and creative (and a simple fix you can start today) -what it takes to be a successful multipassionate entrepreneur (Tracy has 3 businesses and has been an entrepreneur for 25 years, yo) Mentions: https://www.flourishthriveacademy.com/ https://tracymatthews.com/ https://creativesruletheworld.com/

 Ep 92: What No One Told You (for creatives who did well in school) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:15

Mentions: Employers want critical thinkers: https://www.fastcompany.com/3037837/employers-want-critical-thinkers-but-do-they-know-what-it-means Sir Ken Robinson’s ted talk: https://www.ted.com/talks/sir_ken_robinson_do_schools_kill_creativity?language=en


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