Worth Your Time show

Worth Your Time

Summary: Ericka Andersen hosts "Worth Your Time," a podcast full of interviews with interesting women (mostly!) you won't hear from on every other program. She features entrepreneurs, political leaders, athletes, authors, faith leaders, activists & more. Ericka's political, faith and writing background leads her to speak with conservatives, liberals, independents and apolitical folks. Most importantly, its substantive conversation about things that matter -- and inspire. She talks with people doing important, fascinating work and learning from what drives them to make the world better.


 The Truth About Alcohol: Annie Grace of This Naked Mind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:23

I’m so excited to speak today with Annie Grace, the founder of “This Naked Mind” — a book and a large community dedicated to helping people change their relationship with alcohol, or quit all together. I found Annie after I sought a resource for finding a healthier relationship with alcohol. Since I started drinking my senior year of high school, I’ve always had a love/hate relationship with the substance. And a substance it is — as Annie points out the major health downfalls of drinking. After quitting drinking, digging into the science behind the substance and realizing there were a lot of people out there who didn’t quite feel like a program like AA was for them, she started her 30-day challenge. The program has morphed into a massive Facebook group, live support groups, a yearly conference, training programs & more. Annie says: After quitting drinking, digging into the science behind the substance and realizing there were a lot of people out there who didn’t quite feel like a program like AA was for them, she started her 30-day challenge. The program has morphed into a massive Facebook group, live support groups, a yearly conference, training programs & more. Annie says: “The thing I hear most is, why didn’t I do this sooner?” I’m so impressed by how Annie turned this simple transformation in her own life into an entire career — and only because she was so enthusiastic about sharing how positively her life changed when she quit drinking. She also frequently tackles the dicey issue of the “mommy drinking culture,” where wine brands, memes and jokes tell moms they need alcohol to deal with the stress of parenthood.I did the 30-day challenge in December — and since then have cut my drinking back by probably 10 times. I had gotten to the point of drinking wine almost daily for stress relief and I was feeling gross, but struggling to stop. I thought of all the experiences I’ve had with alcohol over the years an realized the lies I’d been telling myself about why it was so great. I appreciate Annie’s approach and that she makes “normal” people like me realize we are not alone in feeling uncomfortable with relying on a substance for stress relief. Also for me, I felt it was a barrier to my relationship with God and ultimately increased anxiety in the long run. What We Talked About: * This Naked Mind Website* This Naked Mind Book* The Alcohol Experiment* This Naked Mind Coaching* The Exchange Group Support* This Naked Mind podcast Connect with Annie: * Facebook* Twitter* Instagram* YouTube Recent Episodes: * Lila Rose on Choosing Life with Love* Hunting, Fishing & Politicking with Gabriella Hoffman*

 Lila Rose on Choosing Life with Love | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:12

I’ve watched Lila Rose, the president and founder of the impactful pro-life organization Live Action, from afar for man years. She was just arriving on the scene back when I first made my way in Washington, DC. Lila started the organization when she was only 15 years old. At 30, she’s grown it into a very visible and powerful entity that is helping to change hearts and minds around the issue of abortion. Her commitment to the issue from such a young age and the reasons behind why she’s dedicated her life to this cause are admirable. Lila says: “The ultimate antidote to abortion is people who are living lives of love.” Abortion is a hard issue to tackle on a daily basis. She’s received death threats and plenty of hate mail, but Lila doesn’t waver on her belief that life is worth fighting for. With the recent controversy over abortion laws in New York, Alabama and Georgia, Lila has been very busy. She has also been making the rounds in podcast world, her interview with Candace Owens last week receiving quite a bit of attention for discussing something you hear little about these days: chastity until marriage. Kind of refreshing in this day and age if you ask me! She also launched her own podcast and recently announced her first pregnancy, so I can only imagine it makes the issue she cares most about even a little more significant. What We Talked About: * Live Action* The Lila Rose Show* Spiritual Batteries podcast* What to Expect When You’re Expecting* Good to Great by Jim Collins* Jacque Phillipe Books* Lila Undercover in 2008 Connect with Lila: * Facebook* Twitter* Instagram Previous Episodes: * Hunting, Fishing & Politicking with Gabriella Hoffman* Fox News’ Shannon Bream on Finding the Bright Side of Life* The Melody of Autism: Faith Clarke’s Parenting Journey* Changing the World One Conversation at a Time: Annafi Wahed’s Bold Vision* The World Needs Your Story: Speaking Well with Alex Perry

 Hunting, Fishing and Politicking with Gabriella Hoffman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:15

I had no idea that women were making such big moves in the conservation space, but Gabriella Hoffman is one of them who is paving the way! She’s an avid fisher (wo)man, likes hunting and dedicates her time to efforts that empower both men and women in the conservation field. In fact, she has a whole podcast and YouTube series about it! At the same time, Gabby runs her own marketing and consulting business — and her entrepreneurial spirit is incredibly inspiring and contagious! Though Gabby and I met through our political connections in DC, I’ve become so interested in her hobbies, which she’s turned into ventures of their own. In this interview, we talk about being a woman in these male-dominated spaces, what’s its actually like to be a member of the NRA and why she loves what she does so much. Her parents fled Lithuania as adults and she and her sister were born in California soon afterward. Because of her history, Gabby cares deeply about the freedom offered here in the United States. Like me, she enjoys the political scene, but has plenty of other things she is passionate about — and she shares it all in this episode. Things we talked about: * Gabby’s marketing & consulting business* District of Conservation podcast* The Resurgent* Cast and Blast podcast* Not Your Average Feminist podcast* She Thinks podcast* The Meat Eater Podcast Connect with Gabby: * Instagram (personal)* Instagram (podcast)* Twitter* Facebook

 Shannon Bream on Finding the Bright Side of Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:46

I’ve been watching and listening to Shannon Bream on Fox News for years, so when I got the chance to hear her speak and meet her last summer, I was thrilled! Her career story was so inspiring — and then I found out she was writing a book! That book, her first and only (as she will tell you!), is released today! I was lucky enough to interview Shannon for the podcast and since the book release just so happens to fall on a Tuesday, we got very lucky. In our interview, Shannon reveals: “I got fired from my first TV job..he said, ‘I don’t know why anyone ever put you on TV or thought that was a good idea. You’re the worst person I’ve ever seen on TV and you’re never going to make it in this business.” Shannon is truly as sweet as she seems on TV, but also a serious lawyer lady who values truth! More importantly, she is a Christian who values her faith above all — and has used it in some pretty rough things life has thrown at her, including very serious health problems. Things got so bad that Shannon even considered ending her own life at one point, something she writes about in the book and speaks to me about in this episode. I admit, I was surprised to hear that and to read about the extent of her issues. You would never know it watching this beautiful, talented woman on TV, but she has had to overcome so much. It’s still a battle and like all of us, she is a work in progress, but Shannon’s awesome perspective on life and her incredible relationship with God is something to admire. I was so honored to share this time with her and I know you’ll be blessed by it too. What We Talked About: * Finding the Bright Side by Shannon Bream* Living the Bream (Shannon’s podcast — we didn’t talk about it but check it out!)* Fox News at Night with Shannon Bream* The Federalist Papers* Educated by Tara Westover* Same Kind of Different as Me* Left to Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust Connect with Shannon: * Facebook* Twitter* Instagram

 The Melody of Autism: Faith Clarke’s Parenting Journey | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:56

Faith Clarke’s son, Jaedon, was diagnosed with Autism at the age of 2. Since then, she’s been on a roller coaster of parenthood. But Faith isn’t the kind of person who just lets things happen. She armed herself with knowledge, awareness and resources — enough to go around to other parents who were unexpectedly living out the journey of Autism with their children. After Jaedon was diagnosed, Faith eventually created the organization, Melody of Autism to provided resources, community and support for other families. She wrote the book “Parenting Like a Ninja” and has become a fierce advocate for children and parents in the Autism community. In our interview, Faith speaks about how faith impacted her experience with a child with special needs and poignantly, how God showed her how her son was answering the prayers of many people. She felt God was giving her a responsibility and an opportunity to offer hope and help to others — and she took it. What I loved most about our conversation was when Faith told me why she called her organization “Melody of Autism.” She said this: “Find the music, don’t be in conflict with it — but be in alignment with it. So many therapies were trying to stop Autism and trying to control it and I shifted to try and understand my son and be in sync with him. When you an come in sync with yourself…can we step into peace and harmony and flow WITH, not against, the life we have?” Amen and amen! I think this applies to our lives in a multitude of ways and is wisdom for the ages. Faith is also a podcaster, a writer and has a new venture for entrepreneurial moms in the Autism space. Talk about an inspirational lady! What We Talked About: * Melody of Autism* Parenting Like a Ninja* Autastic Biz Moms* Disrupt & L.E.A.D. podcast* How I Built This* Revisionist History* Life Coach School podcast* The Go Giver (book) Jamaican recipe Faith mentioned: Bread fruit fried in coconut oil with codfish and tomatoes stir fried with onions! Connect with Faith: * Facebook* * Instagram

 Changing the World One Conversation at a Time: Annafi Wahed’s Bold Vision | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:17

Annafi Wahed left a lucrative job in finance to join the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign. She was unfulfilled by her career and wanted to do something to make a difference. Like many people, helping out with a monumental Presidential campaign seemed like a good way to do that immediately. She was blindsided on Election Day 2016 when Donald Trump won the election — and admits, she shed more than a few tears in the days that followed. Annafi says: “Even if you can’t change the world today, if you change your world — your small sphere of influence today — that could someday change the world.” But she soon dried her tears and start having conversations with those she didn’t agree with. She didn’t like the vitriol coming from her fellow liberals and wondered if Trump voters were really the horrible, racist people those she knew cast them as. Her curiosity led her to places she never expected and she eventually started The Flip Side, a daily newsletter than offer both sides of the political aisle on big issues of the day. She’s still a hardcore liberal, but has lost friends who don’t like her approach to respecting conservatives. The Flip Side has exploded in growth as people from both Parties and in between hunger to find common ground and courtesy once again. I love chatting with Annafi about her experience and what she’s learned about people over the past three years. You are guaranteed to be inspired and will definitely want to sign up for the Flip Side by the end of our conversation! What we talked about: * The Flip Side* Annafi in the Wall Street Journal: A Hillary Staffer Goes to CPAC* The Righteous Mind by Jonathan Haidt* Annafi on Fox News* Weapons of Math Destruction by Cathy O’Neil* Actor Chris Evans new venture: A Starting Point Connect with Annafi: * Facebook (The Flip Side)* Facebook (Annafi)* Twitter*

 The World Needs Your Story: Speaking Well with Alex Perry | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:42

Alex Perry has an infectious personality — cheerful and spirited — she is the kind of positive warrior everyone would like to have in their life. I’m guessing that’s why she’s so great at her job teaching people how to craft and share their stories through public speaking. After starting her career working with individuals who were unable to speak — either from birth or a condition — as a speech therapist, she transitioned to started her own business, PS with Alex. Alex says: My basic underlying belief is that we all have a message to share and we owe it to those that an’t speak to speak well.  I got a taste of her skills last summer, when we met for coffee to discuss a few ideas for speaking I was doing for my upcoming book tour. Even spending one hour with Alex got my gears going. She truly knows how to bring the important messages to the surface. That’s partly why I was so excited she agreed to chat with me for today’s episode. We’ve all heard that statistic that people fear public speaking more than death. In today’s episode, we tackle why that is — and get to the root of why Alex loves her job and how every single person has something worth sharing with the world. What we talked about: * PS with Alex* See Alex speak!* Becoming by Michelle Obama* No Ego podcast with Cy Wakeman Connect with Alex: * Facebook* Instagram* Linked In Don’t miss the most recent episodes of “Worth Your Time”: * Love Your Neighbor: Shannan Martin’s Messy, Beautiful Life* Trust Your Gut: Creative Life Lessons with Michelle Cordero* Bold and Beloved Community with Carrie Sheffield

 Love Your Neighbor: Shannan Martin’s Messy, Beautiful Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:54

Today’s episode of “Worth Your Time” is a real treat. I was honored when writer Shannan Martin agreed to speak with me, after becoming a HUGE fan of her writing. Her two books — both incredible and worth buying — are “Falling Free: Rescued From the Life I Always Wanted” and “The Ministry of Ordinary Places” will convict you to your core the moment you crack them open. Shannan’s story of building the life she wanted, complete with monetary security, good jobs, a great home, neighborhood and friends was turned upside down when she her husband Corey tuned into God’s call on their lives. Shannan says: It’s worth looking at the world through the lens of Jesus, that we can see beauty in hard places and we can see interruptions as our redemption. They did a 180, moving to a place they never expected with their three children and striking up relationships with the most unlikely folks. They also ended up adopting their 4th child, a 19-year-old named Robert who brought unexpected blessing and joy to their new lives. Shannan’s life is one example of how we can live a bit more like Jesus did here on earth. It’s a life that includes less money, lots of interruptions, reams of grace, humility you never thought you could muster and a true dependence on God for whatever may come with each day. I was just as inspired and moved by hearing her in real life as I have been reading the words in her books. She’s got plenty to teach us all, but you can tell she doesn’t hold herself in any kind of high regard. She’s just listening to God and trying to love the people around her. It really is that simple. What we talked about: * Falling Free* The Ministry of Ordinary Places* Glorious Weakness by Alia Joy* Tattoos on the Heart by Gregory Boyle* Connect with Shannan: * Facebook* Instagram* Twitter* Website

 Trust Your Gut: Creative Life Lessons with Michelle Cordero | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:38

The day I started this podcast, I knew I’d eventually interview my best friend, Michelle Cordero. She is kind, courageous and resilient, having overcome a childhood filled with domestic violence, depression and a broken home — I’ve always wondered how she managed not to dwell on the things that could have held her back. Today she shares what she’s learned from her past, from the recent death of a close friend of cancer and how parenting her high-energy and uniquely sweet little boy, who is 5, taught her how to trust her gut even when teachers and experts told her something different. Spoiler alert: Her gut was right. Michelle says this of her challenging few years raising a rambunctious boy: “Trust your gut. You know your kid…you are your child’s only advocate and you have to stand up for them. Don’t let one teacher tell you what’s best. You know what’s best as their parent.” Michelle is also mom to a 3-year-old girl and works full-time at the Heritage Foundation, commuting 1.5 hours both ways each day to Washington, DC from her home in the suburbs of Virginia. Despite her busy life, she manages to make time for bettering her marriage, taking care of herself through exercise at Orange Theory (we hear that a lot on this podcast!) and doing all kinds of really memorable things with her kids each weekend. You’ll love her “list idea” for keeping yourself happy and on track — and she talks about how it’s helped her in her frequent struggles with depression. We also talk about about false stereotypes of conservative women and why would would both give our right leg to have a long, drawn out sit down dinner with one of our favorite writers, Elizabeth Gilbert. What we talked about: * Heritage Explains Podcast* Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday “Your Own Truth” episode* The Happiness Project podcast* The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Anchor* Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert* Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert * My tribute to Liz Gilbert for inspiring me to finish my book!* WorkLife podcast by Adam Grant* Michelle’s Cookbook: Jelly Shots (so many fun recipes for parties!) Connect with Michelle: * Instagram* Facebook* Twitter

 Bold and Beloved Community with Carrie Sheffield | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:04

Carrie Sheffield dreams really big. And she doesn’t just dream, she takes action. Her big, hair, audacious goal (some call it a “BHAG”) was creating a media empire in BOLD Media. She’s getting there and it’s awesome to watch from pretty close by. I’ve known Carrie for many years on the DC media scene, but we only recently spoke more personally, and it’s been a treat. She’s a truly, genuine person to respect and quite the role model for young women today. Carrie says: “We exist because we want to build the beloved community that Martin Luther King spoke about….the concept of beloved community, we believe that exists here and now and it’s our responsibility to build that everyday.” In today’s episode, we talk about how she went from a DC intern to writing op/eds for some of the nation’s most well-known newspapers, speaking to thousands and starting her own media company. BOLD isn’t just any old platform. It seems to bring diverse minds together to talk about difficult issues in a civil and respectful way. You can find panels live on BOLD throughout everyday, featuring people of all colors and ideologies. As the company partners with more publications, organizations and potentially TV networks, there’s no doubt you’ll be seeing BOLD on your screen in the near future if you haven’t already. Carrie is living out her dream beautifully — and psst, she was just featured in the Wall Street Journal column, “The Secrets of Wealthy Women.” What we talked about: * BOLD Media* Crazy Christians* Zero to One by Peter Thiel* Blue Ocean Strategy* Mastery by Robert Greene* Secrets of Wealthy Women podcast* Financial Grownup podcast Connect with Carrie: * Facebook* Twitter* Instagram

 Actress Lynn Downey on Living Out Your Dreams Authentically | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:18

Picture yourself in the 7th grade cafeteria eating Fritos, drinking Sprite and complaining about having to go to gym class after lunch. Those are some of my first memories of Lynn Downey. I never would have imagined we’d be chatting it up on a podcast (those didn’t exist) gulp 20+ years later. But here we are! Lynn followed her dreams of becoming a Hollywood actress after majoring in theater in college — and I ended up writing and communicating. I’m so happy we could merge these two crazy professions for an online conversation reunion. Even though we haven’t seen each other in years, Lynn’s fun personality and confidence shined through. I loved when she talked about ego, self-awareness & how hard we can be on ourselves as professionals, saying this: “I think that the ego is literally trying to save our life, physically and emotionally. Like, if you do that bad, then you’ll die!” She’s been a working actress in LA for 14 years and yes, you may have seem her in a thing or two. What I loved about this conversation was connecting with Lynn as a creative. It reminded me that no matter which art you choose to practice, the creative process translates. We talked about learning to accept the process it takes to even BEGIN creating the thing. And that is part of accepting yourself, your passion all that it takes to get there. She’s also been on a roller coaster of a spiritual journey and has finally accepted she may just stay out in crazy California for life (or maybe not!) This is a great convo and you creative peeps will most definitely get something out of it. What we talked about: * Lynn talks with Shauna Niequist after “Cold Tangerines”* Little Candle Productions* Life Group TV Show* The Liturgists Podcast* Tattoos on the Heart (book)* Here’s the Thing with Alec Baldwin* Lynn on IMDB Connect with Lynn: * Facebook* Twitter* Instagram

 Lay Down Your Right to be Offended: Kira Davis Explains | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:55

Kira Davis is an outspoken political writer, activist, actress, film writer and director, mom and podcast host. Yes, we’ve got another woman who keeps busy busy busy with her many passions, which means Kira and I get along great

 How Running 100-Mile Ultra-Marathons Prepared This Woman to Found a Thriving Organization | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:34

When I met Jennifer Schubert-Akin, I thought she was one of the kindest, gracious women I’d ever encountered. Little did I know there was much more to her than that. As the founder of the Steamboat Institute, a non-profit policy organization based in beautiful Steamboat Springs, Colorado, Jennifer has proven herself a determined and dedicated warrior for freedom, free speech and Constitutional principles. Quote from Jennifer: We believe the most important thing we can do right is attracting people from all ideologies — left, right and in between — to hear reasonable arguments where people don’t scream at each other. I like to say, it does not take much intellectual rigor to call someone stupid. It does, however, require intellectual rigor to think through your own arguments, if you have to debate someone on the facts.Jennifer Schubert-Akin Not only that, she is an accomplished athlete who will completed her 25th Boston Marathon in a row this year and has run many 100-mile ultra-marathons, including the famous Leadville trail marathon multiple times. It’s that grit and hard work that she puts into running races that took over 24 hours that gave her the tenacity it takes to found an organization, no small feat. But she didn’t just found Steamboat — it’s thriving. Now in its 11th year, the Steamboat Institute brings names like Steve Forbes, Carly Fiorina, Ben Sasse and Ryan Zinke to the mountains for its annual Freedom Conference. Though Jennifer is conservative, she aims to foster robust debate on issues that matter from both sides of the aisle — bringing in both liberals and conservatives to debate hot issues in their “Campus Liberty” debate series. Civil dialogue is key and boy, do we need more of that these days! I loved talking with Jennifer about how hard work in one aspect of life translates to other parts of your life. I can see that so much in her and admire all that she’s done to build this growing & inspiring organization. She is certainly a female role model to all you ladies out there! What we talked about: * The Steamboat Institute* Freedom Conference* Boston Marathon* Leadville Marathon* University of Maryland President Wallace Loh remarks Connect with Jennifer: * Facebook* Twitter * Steamboat Institute Facebook* Steamboat Institute Twitter* Steamboat Institute Instagram Recent Episodes of “Worth Your Time”: * Saying ‘Yes’ to God When You Least Expect it with Linda Znachko* Living Beloved: Author, Attorney and Congressional Spouse Erin Hawley*

 Saying ‘Yes’ to God When You Least Expect It with Linda Znachko | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:44

I first heard today’s guest, Linda Znachko, unexpectedly at an event several months ago. She had me in tears within a few minutes of telling her story. The same could be said of our interview today, where Linda joined me at my house to talk about her beautiful ministry, He Knows Your Name. Simply put, this organization gives abandoned babies dignity in death. When a baby is abandoned outdoors or at the hospital in some kind of tragic circumstance, Linda is the one who comes to that baby’s side, taking custody of the child, giving them a name, a funeral and a headstone. Her ministry extends beyond just babies, and she’s been given the opportunity to help women mourning stillbirths, abo rtions and even the deaths of older children. There are so many families in need who cannot afford funerals or headstones. I’d never considered the importance of a headstone until reading her book, which showcases how beautifully families have been able to find closure through this simple gesture. The circumstances Linda encounters everyday are heartbreaking, but she has taken up this task with humility and courage. The friendships forged across many lines and the ability to share the love of Christ with people dealing with the hardest thing they may ever experience are priceless. I was truly honored to have Linda in my home to share her stories. What we talked about: * He Knows Your Name* He Knows Your Name: How One Abandond Baby Inspired Me to Say Yes to God (Book)* Cuddle Cots* Safe Haven Baby Boxes Connect with Linda: * Twitter* Facebook (personal)* Facebook (He Knows Your Name)* Instagram

 Living Beloved: Author, Attorney and Congressional Spouse Erin Hawley | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:22

Today’s guest on on “Worth Your Time” is Erin Hawley, an inspiring momma who has just moved her crew of two young boys to Washington, DC to support her husband, Josh, the newest Senator from Missouri. Erin is a graduate of Yale Law School, has clerked for the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Roberts and published her first book this year — “Living Beloved.” The book is a beautiful testament of her life written for parents about how we can navigate the world as sons and daughters of God. It all comes from what she’s learned about love from being a mom. Erin’s pathway to successful career woman began humbly on a farm in New Mexico, which she tells listeners about. Her position as the wife of a Senator has only just begun but it’s obvious she’s got plenty to say and do in her own right. Let’s just say Senator Hawley is lucky to have such a strong, smart, incredible woman in his life to keep him on the right track


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