Dan Lok Show show

Dan Lok Show

Summary: Discover how to “Unlock” your greatest success in business and in life each week as bestselling author and internationally renown business mentor Dan Lok shares his inspiring insights, interviews the world’s most brilliant business minds, including influential celebrities, to inspire you to develop high income skills, create financial momentum, and unshakable confidence and help you to unlock your higher self.


 How To Recession Proof Your Income And Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:08

What will happen to you and those around you when the economy goes sideways? For most people, their business would crash or they would get laid off and not be able to generate income. So in today’s episode, Dan Lok shares with you how to recession-proof your income and business, so that you never have to worry about bad economy and recessions ever again.

 Is This The Highest Paid Freelancing Career Without A Degree? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:16

If you’re hearing this right now, chances are you've been thinking about becoming a freelancer or starting your own business. But, just like most people, you might be wondering, “what freelance career is the easiest to get into and highest paid?” Well, in today’s video, Dan Lok’s mentee and copywriter, Peter Lu, will break down the highest paid freelancing career you can get into even without a degree.

 4 Reasons Why You’ll Never Be A Millionaire And How You Can Change That | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:29

Even though there are over 18.4+ million millionaires in the US alone, what are the odds of you becoming one yourself? Well, the odds are slim to none if you don’t know these 4 pitfalls that Dan is about to share with you in this episode. So if you want to become a millionaire someday, listen now and discover 4 reasons why you’ll never be a millionaire and how you can change that now.

 3 Ways To Deal With Business Competition | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:53

Do you also feel like the competition in your industry is massive? It’s not just your imagination. As more and more businesses come into your industry, your customers are getting more skeptical than ever. And that can drastically hurt your clientbase and damage your bottom line. So in today’s episode, Dan Lok wants to share 3 ways to deal with business competition with you, so that you can dominate your niche and scale rapidly & profitably.

 Should You Take Out A Loan To Start A Business? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:24

For a lot of entrepreneurs just getting started, they always ask Dan, “Should I take out a loan to start my business, Dan?” If you have been asking the same question, Dan has a short, simple, and guiding answer for you in today’s episode. Listen now to find out if you should take out a loan to start a business.

 9 Books Every Aspiring Millionaire Must Read | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:26

For over 2 years, Dan has been getting thousands of messages asking, “Dan, what books do you recommend I read?” And although Dan is very careful to recommend books because it depends on each person’s goals, here are the 9 books every aspiring millionaire must read to become successful and rich fast.

 Janice Bryant Howroyd – ActOne Founder | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:44

Joining Dan today we have Janice Bryant. JANICE BRYANT HOWROYD, a North Carolina native, left her hometown in 1976 armed with $900. Two years later she founded ActOne, which she grew into a multibillion-dollar global organization that now leads the human resources industry. With 2,000+ employees across more than twenty countries, ActOne Group is the largest privately held, woman-owned workforce solutions company in the world

 How To Develop A Millionaire Skill Set | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:25

If you've been following Dan Lok for some time, you've probably wondered how to develop a millionaire skill set... or what high income skill should you develop first? Well, in this episode, Blake Wyatt, Director of Marketing, takes you behind-the-scenes on how to develop a millionaire skill set.

 7 Pricing Strategies – How To Price A Product | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:09

There are many different ways to price a product or service in business. The problem is, most entrepreneurs and business owners choose a pricing strategy that prevents them from scaling or staying profitable. So in this episode, Dan Lok is going to give you 7 different pricing strategies and how to use them in your business today.

 Dan Lok’s Biggest Financial Regrets | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:16

Are you making these 2 financial mistakes? If you have been taught the conventional ways of spending, saving, and investing money, you're probably making these mistakes right now without even knowing it. In this episode, Dan shares how these 2 financial mistakes turned into his biggest financial regrets and how you can avoid them immediately to get a better return on your money.

 Before You Take Life For Granted – Listen to This | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:11

Most of us often walk around and see other people drive around in a shiny car. Or they post a great picture on social media from a beach with the caption "Enjoying this lovely place! Can't believe I get to wake up to this view every day!" And we think to ourselves that we need more in life - that we don't have enough. The problem is... that is ruining your life more than you know it. Listen to this episode to find out why and how you can start living a happy and grateful life immediately.

 How To Start An E-Commerce Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:02

How do you start an e-commerce business and make it successful and profitable? What is the secret to e-commerce success? And how do we avoid the many costly pitfalls in business? In this episode, Dan Lok reveals his 3 top lessons from building a multimillion-dollar e-commerce business. Listen now to discover how to start an e-commerce business.

 3 Things I Learned From… | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:54

In this episode, you'll be joined by Gabriel Saldarriaga, Director of Media, who will be sharing the top 3 things he learned from working with Dan Lok. So if you have hope and dreams of working with Dan or you just want to know some of the behind-the-scenes secrets that Dan has shared, listen now.

 Robin Sharma – Founder of The Robin Sharma Foundation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:08

Today joining Dan we have Robin Sharma, Robin is a globally respected humanitarian bestselling author and the founder of The Robin Sharma Foundation for Children, a not-for-profit venture that helps children in need lead better lives. His new book 'The 5 am Club' is currently one of the best selling books in the world. Now here's your host Dan Lok

 How To Lead Like Dan Lok | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:13

What leadership style did Dan Lok use to build multiple multimillion-dollar businesses throughout his career? And how can you apply the same style to the business or career that you're in? Listen now, as Dan Lok breaks down his leadership style, what to do, and what to avoid to become a highly successful leader.


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