The Chris Harder Show show

The Chris Harder Show

Summary: Giving you every tool you need to be unapologetically successful, these episodes will share the secrets, tips, and incredible stories of of how wealthy entrepreneurs, celebrities, and people of influence have risen to the top, and what they’ve done to make this world a better place as a result of their success. Host Chris Harder pulls out the best in people, proving that when good people make good money, they do great things! As a successful entrepreneur himself, he also believes that everyone has the right to an abundant lifestyle, and the responsibility to help others have the same. Money’s most important role is that it gives options and solves problems, and there are way too many stories of successful individuals doing GREAT things with their wealth that go unreported. Chris' goal is to expose those stories, therefor giving you the permission, motivation, and the tips & tools to love and attract money, become a smashing success, and in return, empower you to live generously in your earning and your giving. For more content, check out


 130: Simplify Getting More Clients with Dan Kuschell | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:29

Today’s conversation with serial entrepreneur, Dan Kuschell, has to be one of the most value-packed episodes I’ve had to date. He shares what initially got him hooked on self-development and as a result, propelled him into his crazy successful career today. With so many actionable tips, stories and takeaways, this episode is going to blow your mind and possibly help you acquire more clients – and more success! I can’t wait to hear what you think!

 129: My Millionaire Mornings | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:27

I’m addressing another popular question today and that’s, “What do your mornings look like?” Let me start by saying that I think having rituals (whether they’re in the morning, mid-day or evening) are vitally important to a person’s success. These rituals are crucial to my and Lori’s self-care, and let’s be real, our sanity! Personally, mornings work the best for me.

 128: From Welfare to Millionaire and the Tools That Got Him There with Christian Mickelsen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:07:09

This is one of the most empowering conversations I’ve had to date and I know that Christian's insights will help propel you to the next level of abundance in your life and business.  I love diving deeper into his story as he tells us more about being on welfare as a child and how that lack of money made him feel and how it affected his money mindset later on. Christian overcame that mindset when he realized that he’s always been “rich” – just not in the traditional way. He now helps others wor

 127: A Controversial Lesson to Share | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:52

Today’s topic may be considered controversial by some and I may get judged for it. On the other hand, you may actually like it and have a breakthrough. Whichever reaction this episode sparks in you, I just want to clarify that my podcast is all about understanding how wealthy people think and giving you alternate ways of thinking when it comes to your views on money and how you want to embrace and pursue it. The following story is just one way how wealthy individuals may think vs. how the everyday person.

 126: STOP Trading Time For Money with Lori Kennedy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:31

As a single mother running multiple, wildly successful businesses, Lori’s level of resourcefulness, grit and intention is impressive. From navigating a failed business and having kids to creating massive levels of success and giving equally, Lori admits to times of struggle, but she’s kept going anyway. She's unapologetic about living an extraordinary life with her kids and takes pride in helping others do the same. Listen in and get the knowledge that may just help you take your success to the next lev

 125: When is Enough, ENOUGH? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:38

Have you ever heard the question, “When is enough, enough?” It’s a question I’ve gotten before and I totally understand why people ask it, but I’ll be honest…I don’t like it. The question instantly makes me feel judged even though it’s generally someone’s curiosity about what drives you. But the more people ask the question, the more you start to question yourself. Am I working too much? Listen in as I dig into this question and what it could be doing to hold you down.

 124: How Massive Forgiveness Can Bring You Wealth with Mahsheed Barghisavar | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:41

I’m certain that today’s guest, Mahsheed Barghisavar, and I were meant to cross paths so she could be on the show. She's a successful real estate professional and philanthropist now but what most people don’t know is that she didn’t start out on top… her success didn’t actually come until after she’d filed for bankruptcy. Tune in to hear all the details on how Mahsheed is inspiring and creating a ripple effect with her success – I think you’ll be surprised at the wild journey it took to

 123: Does Money Bring You Happiness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:17

Today I’m talking about the question I probably get asked the most in regard to my podcast, and that’s, “does money bring you happiness?” This can be a complicated question, but I’ll try to break down the answer. Money does indeed impact your happiness, but only to a certain degree. I’m a firm believer that money magnifies who you already are. If you’re a giving person, you’ll give more when you have more money. If you typically give less, you’re not likely to give any more when you do

 122: Creating More WEALTH Through TRIBE with Lori Harder | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:29

I’m always excited to interview my wife, Lori Harder, but today on the eve of the official launch of her book, A Tribe Called Bliss. As the subjective husband, of course I would say this book is a must-read, but because I never sugar-coat anything and am brutally honest, objectively I would say the exact same thing. Today, I’m asking questions all about Lori’s new book – why she wrote it, who it’s for and how it can help you get your message out in the world with the help of a supportive tribe.

 121: The Middle of Your Mindset Journey | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:38

o celebrate money…so now what? What should she be doing?   This is such a great question – and here’s the answer: Now that you have the right frame of mind, you’re able to attract and accept more wealth. It’s time to “do the work to create your wealth.” This means starting your business, figuring out that extra way to earn income or finding that side hustle that will help. Full honesty, the middle is the LONGEST part of the journey – but one of the most fun.

 120: Creating More Certainty in Your Money Mindset with David TS Wood | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08:38

I am so inspired and proud to call today’s guest, David Wood, a friend and mentor. I’ve learned countless lessons from him over the years and today he shares even more with you. David is unapologetic about his success and life, and has a heart of gold – making it a point to give in some way, shape or form, on a daily basis. Tune in to hear all about his journey so far and also what he uncovers about me and my money mindset that I never even thought about!

 119: Should You Act As If...or Not? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:29

You’ve all heard the phrase “fake it ‘til you make it,” but lately there’s been a lot of talk that by doing so you’re being inauthentic. Why act like something we’re not and be who we really are in the moment? Well, I beg to differ and am a huge supporter of acting as if. Here’s my reasoning…

 118: Sales, Leadership, Confidence, and Cocaine with Zach Slobin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:40

I am stoked to finally be able to have my friend and fellow entrepreneur, Zach Slobin, on since he hit the 7-figure mark. He’s one of the most well-studied and philosophical people I know and I’ve had many a conversation with him about business and life – and now he gets to share his knowledge with you. I have a feeling this conversation will spark breakthroughs for a lot of listeners. With knowledge bombs on human potential, Zach helps us all see that we are all meant for something greater.

 117: Are You Doing This For Others? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:23

Today’s podcast is about something really important, and whether you realize you’re doing it or not. Are you lifting others up or are you accidentally holding them back? Here’s what I mean… Let’s say you have a friend who just released a podcast. You’ve always told them you support them, but are truly showing it with your actions? Are you sharing their podcast on social media and to your others friends? Listen in as we talk about how supporting others will not only help them but propel yo

 116: How to OVERCOME LOW SELF-ESTEEM with Nicholas Bayerle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:46

I can’t wait for you all to hear my conversation with entrepreneur and CEO of The Billion Dollar Body, Nicholas Bayerle. Today, Nicholas shares his experiences with other men and coaches them on how they too can live The Billion Dollar Lifestyle by focusing on their health, businesses, and relationships. Be sure to listen in as Nicholas shares what this means and how it’s affected his journey thus far.  Get a pen and paper ready, he delivers tremendous value with this advice, nuggets of knowledge and t


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