Get Happy Hour show

Get Happy Hour

Summary: In each episode, I chat with entrepreneurs, thought-leaders & life‘s go-getters. They‘re real people, living a real-life journey & inspiring real change in the world. We discuss their secrets to happiness & success, sources of inspiration and inspiring stories of change. Listeners will learn what makes these people‘s heart sing and leave each episode with new tips that‘ll help bring more happiness into their everyday.

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  • Artist: Carla Maree
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 Lets Design your 2022 with your host Carla Maree | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:11

This episode is about reflecting on the year that’s gone by and how you have shown up and how to make the next year more impactful. What does 2022 mean to you? How will you show up? What do you want to see happen this year?   Carla reflects on her Christmas in Melbourne with her family Carla’s birthday is shortly after Christmas and spent it with family What has brought Carla joy over the festive period is: Tick Tick Boom on Netflix and Bump on Stan The Knowing by Wayne Dyer’s two daughters is a book that was thoroughly enjoyed Conversations with God is another book Carla has revisited. Carla explores the questions of obligations or opportunities in the online dating world Carla talks about having an intentional 2022: Are your goals heart-centred and do they excite you? Describe how you want to feel in 2022 in one or two words What are 3 health goals you want to achieve? What are 1-3 career goals you want to achieve? What are 1-2 financial goals you want to achieve? What are 1-3 relationship goals you want to achieve? What are your travelling goals this year? What are 2-3 hobbies you want to explore that brings more fun into your life? What habit are you committing to not bringing into the new year? What will you make more time for? What is your morning routine like? How do you shape your day? What does your ideal day look like? What does your night time routine look like? What can you do for yourself to make you feel more alive and more joyful everyday? Meditate on the questions and imagine what your life looks like in the picture of your answers   Guided meditation

 How To create a Life by Design with Samantha Riley | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:04

BIOGRAPHY Samantha Riley is an authority positioning strategist, best-selling author, speaker, host of the Influence By Design podcast and has been on the judging panel for the Stevie Awards (Women In Business) for the past two years.  She has built multiple businesses over the past 28 years and grew her first 7-figure business from the ground up before she was 30.  Samantha now works with coaches and practitioners to sell and deliver their expertise online so they can live their life by design. PICTURE SHOWNOTES Sam grew up in Adelaide and left high school mid year 11 and moved into the working environment by owning a dance studio Sam starts her day early at 4.30am-5am and works until lunchtime as this is her most productive part of the day Sam talks about the best moment of her life – getting married on an Alaskan glacier Living in true authenticity is Sam’s definition of happiness Having the courage to say what we want is a part of adding value to what is important to you Sam starts her day with a coffee with her husband and watches the sun come up Going out for dinner with her husband with friends weekly, dancing, and going to business conferences makes Sam’s heart sing. She finds all of these things inspiring and allows her to find fellow people who love living life to the full. Sam’s fantasy meal would be tapas. A little bit of everything is a good metaphor for Sam’s life too. Her fantasy dinner guests would include Richard Branson, Phil Knight, Sam’s dance teacher, and Nelson Mandela Sam and Carla discuss The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz Sam’s gratitude practice involves journaling almost every day Sam’s theme song would be This Girl is on Fire by Alicia Keys   BOOKS The Four Agreements – Don Miguel Ruiz THINGS DISCUSSED IG: @thesamriley Facebook: The Sam Riley    

 Time to check in with ourselves with your host Carla Maree | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:17

Carla Solo episode – Dec 2021   Carla talks about the framework of things that are bringing spice to her life! Including a sauna that helps her find some peace and meditate in there. Carla talks about the benefits of having a sauna She is enjoying being back at the studio and coaching her clients The American Grit Joseph Campbell books Carla has learnt about human design and mastery Total Control on ABC and Aretha Frankin movies have been Carla’s TV pleasure Carla talks about her experience on dating apps Carla discusses the Dirtbox rally for her Uncle to raise money for cancer  Travelling is on the cards for Carla Carla talks about the challenges of the pandemic and what to be grateful for in this season including being able to reopen both businesses, Bikram yoga teacher training, NLP training and utilising a dating coach Taking into account of the big wins is the biggest things that makes your heart sing – Carla talks about when she gets together with all of her siblings Ask yourself the question – what have you done to grow this year? You are your number one job, making your happiness priority is your job only. Carla talks about asking yourself whether you are looking after you to take care and love yourself Do you have a healthy work/life balance? If not, how can you change that? Are you living or are you existing? Are you journaling? Are you focused on getting a good night sleep? Do you exercise? Are you saying no to people? Are you protecting your heart and ask yourself – does spending time doing a particular thing bring you joy?

 Lets talk positive growth and change with the awesome TT transformational coach and hypnotherapist Rose Cox | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:04

BIOGRAPHY Rose Cox is an RTT transformational coach and hypnotherapist, business strategist and founder of the HSP Business School. Rose works specifically with highly sensitive people and empaths who have amazing gifts to share with the world,  but struggle with both the mindset and technology necessary to make their dreams a reality.   Rose’s unique blend of soul, science, systems and strategy combines her 20 years experience in the fields of online business, hypnotherapy, coaching and psychology to help clients solve technology issues and dissolve mindset blocks so they can create a profitable online business with more ease and less burnout.   Here's a link to my summit early December:   Free sensitivity quiz if someone wants to discover if they are highly sensitive:   SHOWNOTES Rose has been studying personal development since her twenties and found an awakening course with Marisa Peer on Mindvalley then saw her on an intensive 12 day course with her when she came to Australia. This led her to her coaching and HSP business school. HSP business school is a one year course with 12 modules to uncover what it means to be a highly sensitive person and how this impacts online business and therapy/coaching. Rose is currently doing an advanced therapy hypnotherapy. Her clients use her hypnotherapy to help with all ailments from weight loss, phobias, confidence and self-esteem. Rose talks about being drawn to people who are HSPs and how this impacts business and how this re-wires mindset for HSPs in their self-belief. Rose’s definition of happiness is doing what you love to do. Rose is regimented with an ayurvedic starts to the morning such as oil pulling, tongue scraping, pranayama, vedic meditation and talks about her gratitude practice Seeing client transformations makes Rose’s heart sing, along with her pets and the beach with her husband Her fantasy meal would be a salmon and steam veggies and a baked New York cheesecake All time favourite book: Power of Your Subconscious Mind - Joseph Murphy What book are you currently reading? Genius Zone - Gay Hendricks, Psychotherapy for HSPs - Elaine Aron, Wild Mind - Bill Plotkin, Quiet - Susan Cain Her fantasy dinner guests would be her Mum as she passed when she was 20, Mahatma Gandhi and Audrey Hepburn The theme song for Rose would be Troy by Sinead O’Connor Please check out Rose’s links on HSPs

 Lets talk toxic mould with Dr Gupta - is it mold that is making you sick? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:22

Sandeep Gupta is a specialist general practitioner who is a member of the RACGP special interests group in integrative medicine. Dr Gupta graduated from medical school at the University of Queensland 1999. Since then he served in a range of public and private hospitals in the South-East Queensland region, serving as a cardiology, medical and anaesthetic registrar. He also has approximately five years of experience in working in Intensive Care, particularly in the area of post-cardiac surgery care. Dr Gupta then went on to invest many years training in integrative medicine, and was awarded a Fellowship of the Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine (ACNEM) in 2008 and a Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners  (RACGP) in 2010. He also has a physician training certification with Dr Ritchie Shoemaker in chronic inflammatory illness and a Masters of Nutrition with Dr Gabriel Cousens in diabetes and living food nutrition. Other major influences include William Wolcott CN, Robert Marshall PhD, and Dietrich Klinghardt MD PhD. He established the Lotus Institute of Holistic Health in 2017 to provide training in integrative medicine for those who seek it. He has also had an advocacy role in integrative medicine with a prior position on the ACNEM board, and a current position on the Australian Integrative Medicine Association (AIMA) advocacy committee, and is a founding board member for the Australian Chronic Infectious & Inflammatory Disease Society (ACIIDS) and the International Society of Environmentally Acquired Illness (ISEAI). Dr Gupta strives to walk his talk in his own life, keeps up to date with current developments in the field, and genuinely aims to approach clients with respect, service and empathy. He believes listening and validation of an individual journey are some of the most powerful gifts and practitioner can give anyone. Special Interests Chronic diseases in all ages Environmentally acquired illness, particularly chronic inflammatory response syndrome, mast cell activation syndrome and multiple chemical sensitivity Integrative cardiology including preventative management for those at high risk of cardiovascular disease Bio-identical hormone therapy   Qualifications MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery, University of Queensland) FRACGP (Fellow of Australian College of GPs) FACNEM ( Fellow of the Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine) MA (Masters of Arts in Live Food Nutrition) Memberships Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine (ACNEM) Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) Australian Chronic Infectious & Inflammatory Disease Society (ACIIDS) – Director International Society for Environmentally Acquired Illness (ISEAI) – Director Australian Integrative Medicine Association (AIMA) – Advocacy committee member & Sunshine Coast co-ordinator Functional Diagnostic Nutrition (FDN) – Advisory committee member for 10% off on the online course use the coupon CARLA10     Shownotes The integrated approach is to ask how and why when looking at integrative medicine. For example, why has this happened to you? Dr Gupta explains consults and advice beyond pharmaceutical approaches Lotus Institute is to fill in the gaps for knowledge to do with nutrition and environmental medicine Using a binder such as charcoal can be a way to remove and eliminate toxins in the body Dr Gupta talks about mold, fungus and the power of mushrooms The importance of diet including reducing gluten, sugar and dairy is discussed and how they impact the health of the body Dr Gupta’s definition of happiness is being at peace with yourself Dr Gupta’s start of the day is santmat meditation The things that make his heart sing is being close to the water, playing guitar and being close to spiritual teachers One of his last meals on Ea

 How to live a Eco-Friendly and low tox life with Eco Warrior Mandy Spooner | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:01

How to live a Eco-Friendly and low tox life with Eco Warrior Mandy Spooner   BIOGRAPHY   Mandy is passionate about health, hydration, low-tox living and contributing to an eco-friendly planet. She lives in Queensland Australia with her Husband, 2 boys and 2 dogs. She organises beach cleans with her son and together they educate and inspire others to stop using single use plastics.   Mandy Spooner #ThatWaterGirl @mandy_spooner on Instagram   0434 908 029   SHOWNOTES   Mandy has always been conscious of litterbugs and her eco-friendly journey Mandy talks about the use of single use plastics Mandy and Carla talk about sustainability and the shocking truth about coffee pods taking 500 years to disintegrate. Terracycle is an innovative recycling company that has become a global leader in recycling hard-to-recycle materials. Mandy discusses ways you can replace your everyday items like shampoo, conditioners, soaps and replace them with bars and re-using jars and taking them to the shops to refill Moments of capturing happiness during the day is Mandy’s definition of happiness Mandy’s family, dancing and laughing and creating memories are the things that bring Mandy joy Pizza or a burger are Mandy’s favourite food. The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz is Mandy’s favourite book and gave a copy to both of her sons Being in a state of gratitude as a practice throughout the day is a part of Mandy’s practice  

 How to find more Joy in our lives with your Happiness host Carla Maree | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:05

Carla talks about re-directing her outside world to the inside When in doubt can you assume the best? Can you trust in something better? Carla talks about how to gain control during times when things are out of control including making lists. Carla talks about the biggest lesson she’s learnt about trust. Life-Cycle and 4-sigmatic adaptogens from mushrooms is something that Carla is enjoying Carla has been looking at old holiday photos and shares a hilarious story from a party Carla talks about scrolling on her phone and what she has done to combat this and encourage mindfulness Carla discusses the importance of asking yourself “are you happy?” The “Disease to Please” and the importance of saying no   Books discussed: Richard Branson’s Autobiography Nine Perfect Strangers – TV show The Hunting – TV show  

 Tips to save, build wealth with the inspiring Brokegirlwealth Aleks Nikolic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:30

EPISODE – Aleks Nikolic BIOGRAPHY Having already amassed an impressive net worth of $100,000 at just 26-years-old, Sydney-based Aleks Nikolic (@brokegirlwealth) is the perfect example of this. Her journey to financial freedom is profoundly inspiring and while she recognises that we all start our financial journeys at different places, her Instagram page is dedicated to helping other women better understand budgeting, investing and building wealth.   SHOWNOTES Aleks is a lawyer by day but her Instagram page is dedicated to personal finance. The start of the journey started as a result of credit card debt and realized she couldn’t pay it off as a way with her part time job. Aleks and Carla talk about building up credit card debt. 60% of Australians live paycheck to paycheck. Aleks and Carla discuss ways they find money empowering and making it work for you Take your bank bill and go through it with a highlighter and separate it in 3 parts – one that brings you joy, one that are bills and ones that you are ok to let go of. This can help you save some of those expenses. Finding a sustainable way of budgeting is critical and Aleks talks about some processes that helps to build your budget and seeking help. The Barefoot Investor – Scott Pape is a recommended book that both Carla and Aleks recommend to help understand your finances a little better

 The World health diet with Will Turtle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:27

EPISODE – Will Tuttle BIOGRAPHY Dr. Will Tuttle, visionary author, educator, and inspirational speaker, is author of the acclaimed Amazon #1 best-seller The World Peace Diet, published in 16 languages. He has presented widely throughout the world, in all 50 states and over 50 countries over the past 40 years, sharing the vegan message in many thousands of lectures, arguably more than anyone in history. A recipient of the Courage of Conscience Award and the Empty Cages Prize, he is also author of Your Inner Islands: The Keys to Intuitive Living, as well as editor of Circles of Compassion: Essays Connecting Issues of Justice and the newly-released Buddhism and Veganism: Essays Connecting Spiritual Awakening and Animal Liberation. Devoted to cultural healing and awakening, he is a former Zen monk and Dharma Master in the Zen tradition, and his Ph.D. degree from the University of California, Berkeley, focused on educating intuition and altruism in adults. He has taught college courses in creativity, humanities, religion, and philosophy, and is also a composer and concert pianist. He is noted for his clear and inspiring presentations, and is featured in many documentary films, including Cowspiracy; A Prayer for Compassion; Vegan: Everyday Stories; and HOPE: What You Eat Matters. See "" for more details. Products: The World Peace Diet – book, audio book; Circles of Compassion – book; Buddhism & Veganism – book; Your Inner Islands – book; Bursting Light – book; Daily VegInspirations – book; Conscious Eating - DVD, and ten CDs of original piano music, guided meditations, and spoken word. Websites:,, and Will talks about how important it is for us to learn about nutrition and really understand where your food comes from. Will talks about his book The World Peace Diet and the importance of making connections between imprisoning, enforcing medications and tracking animals and how this also happens to humans. The most straightforward diet is to go plant-based, whole foods, organic diet with fresh fruits, legumes, nuts and seeds without resorting to processed foods. Will’s definition of happiness is doing the best he can to find his unique pathway into the world and share and bless others with his gifts to make it a better world. Will’s routine in the morning involves, meditation, tai chi, swims in the lake. Nature is what makes Will happy. His way of unwinding is playing the piano, reading out loud and taking an outside shower. Will’s all time favourite book is Cosmic Consciousness by Richard Bucke which had a profound impact on Will

 Get Happy Hour is back with your Jolly Happiness expert Carla Simpson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:10

Carla Solo episode – Sept 2021   Find your Happy is the book that Carla has been spending time on  Carla talks us through a mindfulness meditation   Carla tells us what she has been up to in the meantime from NLP training, coaching, yoga teacher training, to reading some new books The importance of water is discussed and cryotherapy Carla discusses her experience online dating Carla challenges you to think about what happiness means to you Having a routine is really important to Carla starting with meditation, celery juice, and teaching yoga, and jumping into the ocean The top three things that make Carla’s heart sing is her nephews and nieces, travelling, sitting in the café drinking a coffee reading a book Hummus, avocado, salmon would be her last meal Carla talks about the importance of sleep Oprah, her Nana, Tony Robbins, would be her fantasy dinner guests Her theme song would be Walking on Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves Carla finishes with a concluding meditation   Books discussed: Greenlights – Matthew McCaughey Glennon Doyle - Find Your Happy – Carla Maree Nothing is Impossible – Christopher Reeve Man’s Search for Meaning – Victor Frankel The Girl from Munich – Tania Blanchard Shoe Dog – Phil Knight  

 Master your addiction, master your life with the powerful Dennis Berry | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:39

EPISODE – Dennis Berry BIOGRAPHY Dennis Berry is a Certified Life Coach for Addiction Recovery and Life Mastery in Colorado, USA, but has been working with people worldwide for over 15 years. With modern technology, he can work with anybody anywhere via Zoom.His expertise is in Addiction Recovery for men and he has first-hand experience as he has been clean and sober since April 2003. Through his journey in sobriety and recovery, it helped define his mission in life, which is to help others on their journey to achieve inner peace and success in every area of their lives.    SHOWNOTES Dennis identified quite early on with his life that his coping mechanism to help with worry and anxiety revolved around drinking. After a difficult incident with cocaine while he was younger, he went into rehab and has been clean ever since. Self-love is the best way to overcome addiction and Dennis speaks more on this. Dennis talks about the importance of coaching. Contentment, and self-love is Dennis’s definition of happiness. Meditation is how Dennis starts his day. Dennis likes good food; exercise and his fantasy meal would be filet mignon. Bob Marley, Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela would be at Dennis’s fantasy dinner party. Finding our purpose is to be of service and to help each other according to Dennis. BOOKS The Happiest Man on Earth – Eddie Jaku The Tao of Happiness – Chuang Tzu LINKS Life Coach | Addiction | Recovery  Host of The Funky Brain Podcast Best Selling Author | Motivational Keynote Speaker Phone: 720-495-8194 Email:  

 Learn how to be a better you, with Inner life coach Hildie Dunn | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:28

EPISODE – Hildie DunnBIOGRAPHYHildie Dunn Senior Coach Hildie Dunn’s natural enthusiasm and incredible heart is well suited to coaching. Her spirit, while infectious and inspiring to her clients and colleagues, is balanced by her desire to see people through not only the victories, but also the roughest patches of their lives. Her mission as a coach with Handel Group Life Coaching is to empower people to live extraordinary lives and reach their dreams with joy and intention. That’s quite a tall order, but Hildie delights in the challenge.Hildie received her bachelor’s degree in English with a minor in Education from LaSalle University and her master’s degree in Student Personnel Work with an emphasis on Human Development from The Ohio State University. She dove into the educational world and has been committed to educating and helping people of all ages flourish ever since. She was formerly a fourth grade teacher at St. John’s Ukrainian Catholic School in Newark, NJ and an Assistant Dean of Ursinus College in Collegeville, PA. Hildie then saw her opportunity to help adults continue to learn and evolve when she found intenSati. She so loved this powerful heart-mind-body fitness practice that she became an instructor. As Assistant Program Manager at Johnson & Johnson, she not only led intenSati classes, but also co-led their corporate wellness program.Hildie is also a practicing nutritional counselor, educated at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and a certified personal trainer. She brings integrity and a unique knowledge of the body-mind connection to her clients. Hildie leads Handel Group events in the New York metro area, group telecourses and she privately coaches clients. She is a mother of three young adults and she lives with one bouncy chocolate Labrador and one little Shih-poo in Bridgewater, NJ.Inner.U  LifeLearn to Human Better with Lauren Zander's online coaching course, Inner.U LIFE, the online coaching course that gives you the tools to get yourself unstuck, wildly happy, and thriving where it matters most to you: your relationship to your SELF, CAREER, LOVE, BODY, MONEY, TIME, and more. From wherever, whenever. Get Inner.U LIFE for just $325 with your coupon. (regular price $650). Receive lifetime access with your subscription which includes: 12 audio coaching sessions from Lauren Zander, 1 free private coaching session with an HG coach, access to Inner.University and the 6-week coaching bootcamp with an HG Coach, 14 homework assignments, the interactive Promise Tracker to accelerate your accountability and track your promises and consequences. Get Started with your GETHAPPYHOUR coupon at: to a human and see if Handel Group coaching options are right for you: the web: Instagram @handelgroup SHOWNOTES Hildie’s background came from academia as a college dean then moved into nutrition and fitness and spent time teaching intense mindfulness training. This led her to move into coaching. 3 months of coaching changed the game for Hildie’s life. Hildie prirotises on having fun in every day. To help people get clear on what they want to do and what dreams they want to achieve. Hildie talks about dreaming – achieving small because it’s safe vs dreaming big for your passion. Hildie talks about how coaching and doing the Inner U work has helped her life. Being proud and inspired is Hildie’s definition of happiness. Hildie’s morning ritual is meditating and praying and doing her “daily design” of how she wants her day to go but written in the past tense as if it has already happened. She writes 5 things she’s grateful for from the day before. Being around family, moving her body in this world and when she knows she’s made a difference brings her extreme joy. The one thing that makes the biggest difference to your health is being honest and telling the truth in Hildie’s opinion. Hildie’s fantasy d

 How to date and fall in love whilst still in Lockdown with Zach Schleien | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:04

EPISODE – Zach Schleien BIOGRAPHY Zach Schleien is the co-founder of the video speed dating app, Filter Off. Filter Off has been featured in publications such as The New York Times, BBC, and ABC. Prior to Filter Off, he ran and sold the dating blog Top Romp, which covered dating hacks and apps for the millennial dater. His passions lie in technology, health, and creating authentic connections. When he is not working, Zach loves to travel the world, listen to podcasts, and workout.    SHOWNOTES Zach has always been fascinated by online dating and this led him to create a video-first speed dating global app. Filter Off started a side hustle while Zach has been working his 9-5. Age, interest and gender and more are some of the parameters that are calculated when creating a video speed-date event. This is attractive to a serious dater where clients dress to impress ready for a video chat. It brings mindfulness and presence to being an active participant. Zach talks about how the pandemic has affected dating. Zach’s definition of happiness is about being fulfilled. His morning routine involves being disconnected with technology first thing so espresso and working outs is something that sets him for the day. The things that brings him joy are experiences, travelling, and spending time with people. His routine involves keeping health and nutrition at the forefront of his priorities. His fantasy dinner guests would include Martin Luther King Jr, and Gandhi. Zach ends his day with gratitude. BOOKS Shoe Dog – Phil Knight Kite Runner – Khaled Hosseini   THINGS DISCUSSED

 Time to get healthy and believe you can get pregnant with Aimee Raupp | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:52

Aimee Raupp, MS, LAc, is a renowned women’s health & wellness expert and the best- selling author of the books Chill Out & Get Healthy, Yes, You Can Get Pregnant, and Body Belief. A licensed acupuncturist and herbalist in private practice in New York, she holds a Master of Science degree in Traditional Oriental Medicine from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine and a Bachelor’s degree in biology from Rutgers University. Aimee is also the founder of the Aimee Raupp Beauty line of hand-crafted, organic skincare products. She has appeared on The View, and has been featured in Glamour, Allure, Well + Good, GOOP, Shape, and Redbook, and has received endorsements from Deepak Chopra, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Arianna Huffington, and Gabby Bernstein for her work in helping thousands of women to improve their vitality, celebrate their beauty, and reconnect to the presence of their optimal health. Aimee is also the Head of Chinese Medicine at The Well, an active columnist for media outlets such as Thrive Global, Well + Good, MindBodyGreen and is a frequent speaker at women’s health & wellness conferences across the nation. She engages her large community worldwide through her online programs and with her website,     SHOWNOTES Aimee’s passion is steeped in bringing her research into health and wellbeing to the masses and putting physical and emotional illnesses together. She uses this to work with clients to be kinder and more compassionate to yourself. Aimee’s definition of happiness is ease and flow. Aimee’s morning routine starts with meditation, coffee and finding moments of gratitude while looking out to the woods in the garden. The top things that make Aimee’s heart sing is seeing her young son have fun, laughing with her husband and helping women achieve positive pregnancy test results Bone broth, egg and spinach soup is her breakfast fantasy choice. Aimee is a big reader and Deepak Chopra Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, and The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho are her top favourite books. Her non-negotiables are listening to Abraham Hicks meditation and exercise – nourishing her body is a must. Connecting and listening to your body is the best thing you can do for your body according to Aimee. Her fantasy dinner guests would be family, Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra. Born To Run by Bruce Springsteen would be her theme song. Spreading the word of Aimee’s work and her books is the way to share the message on getting the best of health and wellness.

 The science to well-being with the Statistician with a Soul” Nic Marks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:07

BIOGRAPHY Nic was once described as a “Statistician with a Soul” because of his unusual combination of ‘hard’ statistical skills and ‘soft’ people skills, he draws on scientific evidence to show that everyone benefits when businesses take happiness seriously. Nic founded Friday Pulse an innovative tech business based in London to be the catalyst in changing the world of work for the better.   After studying Mathematics, Economics and Management at the University of Cambridge, Nic gained postgraduate qualifications in Operational Research at Lancaster University and Organizational Change at the University of Surrey, also completing a three-year practical training in Counselling and Psychotherapy along the way.    In 2001 he founded the Centre for Wellbeing at the London-based think tank the New Economics Foundation. Nic and his team produced a stream of ground-breaking reports including the Happy Planet Index, Five Ways to Wellbeing and National Accounts of Wellbeing. In 2008 they were awarded the “Betterment of Humankind Award” from the International Society for Quality of Life Studies for their work on wellbeing in public policy.   Nic was an advisor to the UK Government Office for Science on the Wellbeing Foresight Programme and has written over 20 publications. In 2010 Nic was invited to speak at the prestigious TED global conference. His TED talk has now been watched well over a million times, and he authored one of the original three TEDbooks, entitled ‘A Happiness Manifesto’. Nic was named as one of the Top Ten Original Thinkers by the UK’s Institute of Directors magazine and his work was listed as one of Forbes Magazine’s Seven Most Powerful Ideas in 2011.   Nic is an in-demand public speaker, giving talks at a wide range of events from keynotes at HR conferences to an exclusive Virgin Unite gathering on Necker - Richard Branson’s private island - though undoubtedly his favourite recent talk was in a circus tent at the Wilderness music festival.   PICTURE SHOWNOTES Nic started out working in the public health field and over time started refining his skills working with the U.K. government and companies to help their employees. His priority to help to communicate health and happiness statistics to relay data in a meaningful way on how to live a better life. “Friday pulse” is about using KPIs to show how you measure staff engagement levels. It places an emphasis on how people “feel” and aim to have more good weeks than bad weeks and try to help with resilience in the workplace. Nic encourages people to be more open with people when they are working. Playing to their strengths, acknowledging their efforts and working on frustrations before they fester. Connect, being fair (balance), empowerment (delegation/autonomy), challenge, inspiration are examples of things organisations can do to help the happiness and well-being of their employees. Nic talks about staff morale in the time of Covid. Nic talks about the Happy Planet Index. Nic’s definition of happiness is feeling good and feeling well. Nic likes starting the morning slowly and eases into the day The top three things that make Nic’s heart sing is that he walks every day for an hour on his own to reflect and ponder, he likes dancing and being with people especially deep friendships, and being altruistic. Nic’s fantasy meal would alternate between salmon and salad or sausage and mash potato. Walking would be his non-negotiable thing he makes sure he does every day. Nic likes clever, improvised comedy and humour to make him laugh. Nic’s fantasy dinner guests would include his 80-year-old big-hearted friend Riccardo, Tim Minchin, Sandi Toksvig, and his wife Zoe. Jason Mraz “Have it All” and Leonard Cohen songs would be his theme songs BOOKS The Strange Order of Things – Antionio Demassio Shantaram – Gregory David Roberts THINGS DISCUSSED Connect on LinkedIn Connect on Twitter  


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