The Ted and Austin Broer Show - MP3 Edition show

The Ted and Austin Broer Show - MP3 Edition

Summary: The Ted and Austin Broer Show features a wide variety of important topics including health, news and more

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 08-20-18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Must listen high energy show! Proper fatherhood the do’s and dont’s. Don’t become a victim of Laurel Canyon. 79 year old shoots intruder. Neuroplasticity of the brain. The good and the bad! What complaining does to the brain. This is a super important segment. Strength training reduces depression. Marital spats open the door for disease. USA steel coming back. Poland throws out Soros organizer. Amazon taking over federal government purchases. Plus much more! High energy must listen show!

 08-17-18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The vital importance of selenium in the diet. Why black seed oil is so good? Why are movies promoting children’s asthma? American couple stabbed to death in Middle East after proclaiming evil is a make believe concept. Why alternative Media is critical for the survival of the USA. New Mexico Isis training compound bulldozed before investigators can examine. Ted Gunderson was the former head of FBI in LA county what did he discover? High energy must listen show!

 08-16-18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Pastor Chuck Baldwin is my guest today. Incredibly informative show. Topics discussed include. America Burgeoning Civil War. What has happened to christian leadership? Is Federalism dead? Why is our budget deficit increasing? Why isn’t Saudi Arabia held accountable for the murder of Christians? Why the war on terror was started? How The tech giants are part of the us intelligence apparatus. It’s Hollywood that has the LGBT problem. Feminist professor says responsible fatherhood reinforces patriarchy. Can’t make this stuff up. High energy must listen show!

 08-15-18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

High energy must listen show! Christianity in a post modern crisis.. Must hear info...Soros is funding traditional and non traditional churches if they embrace collectivism....this is nuts! IQ scores continue to drop. Here’s why. What is the primary nutrient to reduce risk of heart disease. Hepatitis vaccine continues to kill. USA worst place to deliver babies. New York Times says New Hampshire is too white. Plus much much more. Must listen high energy show!

 08-14-18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Must listen high energy show! Sweden burns! The indigenous Swedes have no spine. Poppy production in Afghanistan at all time high. What is our military doing to stop it! A message to the liberals listening. You want our stuff...ok Who’s going to fix the stuff when the country collapses? Must hear Rant by Ted. Does a person with a 69 IQ have advanced reasoning skills? Currency wars are heating up. How bad is fructose? It’s beyond words bad. GMO foods getting more subsidies from the federal feral government. Plus much more! Must listen high energy show!

 08-13-18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Teds shares his accounts of the trip to Washington DC and reports back on his Antifa protester interviews United Methodist Church of Minnesota Removes ‘Father’ From Apostles’ Creed. Bayer stock plunged 14% this morning after Monsanto was ordered to pay out $289 million in lawsuit that they lost regarding roundup causing cancer. 4 of the 5 Virginia Supreme Court justices are facing impeachment proceedings. Plus much more

 08-10-18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

What is your emotional quotient? What is your spiritual Quotient? Why are these important? Who was the CIA’s sorcerer of death Sidney Gottleib? Mossad leads the world in contract killing. Surprise surprise. Fake NFL wants biometric data before entering games. NFL to introduce male dancers providing us another reason not to watch. Trump imposes “sanctions from hell on Russia”. Trump imposes sanctions on Turkey. This is a great way to make friends or is it an act of war think 1933. Liberal professor gets off after multiple assault felonies against Trump supporters. China’s sanctions against USA not working for China. Conditions masquerading as dementia and natural solutions. Plus much more. High energy must listen show.

 08-09-18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Must listen high energy show! Saudi Arabia returns to crucifixion. Why sugar is so addictive. What to use instead. Baby boomers are filing bankruptcy by the droves. Why? Bill Nelson Florida’s extreme liberal senator is already accusing Russia of meddling in 2018 election with NO proof. What type of churches should you support? Mandatory childhood vaccines stopped in Italy. Trump implements welfare reform. Man on tractor choked to death by police for asking to see their warrant. Plus much more. Must listen high energy show!

 08-08-18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Must listen show! More and more censorship! Where will it end? How does the 5G control grid fit in? How will your social credit score be used to force your compliance? Will Q save us? To quote the movie Rocky “ this is a fight not a show”. Genesis chapter 6 read on air. Fallen angel technology? Ever heard of the whisky rebellion? No longer taught in schools. Why not? Using aborted fetal in mice for human immune system research...ok this is strange...what’s the real reason? Perhaps it’s immunological research for pathogen release. French oncologist warns of the side effects of the Gardasil shot. Wow! Intense must listen show!

 08-07-18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Ted reports live from the west coast of florida reports on the red tide and algae bloom that Adam Putnum allowed to happen. Infowars and alex jones taken down last night on youtube, facebook, apple Itunes, spotify, pinterest, ect. Completely scrubbed, blacklisted and banned all within a 12 hour period. Nebraska sets January 2019 Deadline for out of state sales tax collections. A new study links statin drugs to cataracts.

 08-06-18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Theft of south African farms from whites continues to get worse. Candace Owens calls out New York Times editorial board member Sarah Jeong’s for her racist tweets and blatant double standard. New article shows the never ending corruption involving Governor Rick scott, who has now become Florida wealthiest governor in history, after selling a Michigan based plastic company for $825 million this year to a Japanese conglomerate. Facebook is now asking for multiple US banks to share their customers financial details including card transactions, and account balances, BUT of course facebook says they won’t use this info for ad targeting or sell to third parties…..France passes law saying ANY age children can consent to sex with an adult now, essentially legalizing pedophilia and capitulating to Islam.

 08-03-18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

High energy must listen show! Tommy Robinson out on bail in England. 35,000 March in gay parade in Israel. Please eat clean and be healthy. Don’t suffer the age related diseases. FDA trying to kill supplements again. Senate caves in to big dairy. This is ridiculous. Shut up boy! Eat your soy! Don’t ask any questions! Ted goes on rant! Media once again ignores Somalias mans horrible crime. Manafort could get 300 years in prison...insane witch hunt. What does the Bible say about acts of the sinful nature? Plus much more! High energy must listen show!

 08-02-18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Florida red tide is a monumental disaster. Democrats want trump impeached. Henry Ford quotes concerning international bankers. Soros/Rothschild running the show? Why are we giving money to countries that promote perversion. Plus much more. High energy very controversial show.

 08-01-18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

High energy must listen show! Christianity in a post modern crisis.. Must hear info...Soros is funding traditional and non traditional churches if they embrace collectivism....this is nuts! IQ scores continue to drop. Here’s why. What is the primary nutrient to reduce risk of heart disease. Hepatitis vaccine continues to kill. USA worst place to deliver babies. New York Times says New Hampshire is too white. Plus much much more. Must listen high energy show!

 07-31-18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

High energy must listen show! Watch your children many are being groomed for addiction and child abduction. Actor calls out several Hollywood stars as child abusers. Over 400 citizens have their weapons seized under risk protection orders in Florida under new law. So it begins. The medical monopoly is not your friend. New and more dangerous uses for the ineffective Gardasil vaccine. Republican leaders say Putin is not welcome in DC. Parasite outbreak found in national burger chain. Plus much more! High energy must listen show!


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