The Ted and Austin Broer Show - MP3 Edition show

The Ted and Austin Broer Show - MP3 Edition

Summary: The Ted and Austin Broer Show features a wide variety of important topics including health, news and more

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 10-25-18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

New research shows Glyphosate found in 26 of 28 of United States cereals. Scientist warn that blood pressure pills have now been shown to raise your risk of lung cancer significantly. Mainstream media still continues to talk about the fake bomb fake news, including blatantly blaming the bombing on Trump supporters with zero evidence. Interesting study proves that taking the scenic route to work actually helps you maintain a positive mood. Plus much much more

 10-24-18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Ted gives advice on handling your disappointment and dealing with people that do not do what they say they are going to do. Were real pipe bombs actually sent to the Clintons, Obama’s, Soros and CNN newsroom? Will this be used by the democrats to claim they are now the victims? Why are all trump supporters already being blamed for this? Paid Protest Company, “Crowds on Demand”, is now being sued $23 million for trying to extort a business rival. Plus much more

 10-23-18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Ted and Austin do live call in on the show today. Also discussions on the real reasons why the US administration pulled out of the INF treaty with Russia. Plus many health topics Great Show!

 10-22-18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The truth about the Prison Industrial Complex, The War on Drugs, Child Trafficking, and why no one wants to speak the truth. Trump deploys Airborne Army division to southern border. But who is really funding, feeding and supporting this horde of migrants from Honduras and how are they traveling so fast across on a 1600 mile journey? US declares it will now pull out of the landmark nuclear weapons treaty over accusations that Russia has broken the agreement. Is Darpa creating a gene edited super soldier?

 10-19-18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

US steel workers get largest wage hikes in years with trumps tariffs. DARPA are working on an agriculture bio-weapon by dispersing infectious gmo viruses into insects so the bugs can edit crop chromosomes. Why are the ACT scores for 2018 the lowest they have been since 2004? Lana (Austin’s wife) had her first experience with a pediatrician who told her he will no longer see her for future checkups because Lana refuses to inject toxic compounds in her children via vaccines. As everyone glorified Amazon two weeks ago for making their minimum wage $15/hr, Take a second look, as Amazon has now announced they will cut all warehouse workers bonus and stock program in one fell swoop right before Christmas time.

 10-18-18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Is Bankruptcy ever an option, Yes or No? Ted has in depth real talk on Debt, Bankruptcy, Loans, Cars, Money Management, and Financial Independence. Fully autonomous robotic security forces now actively patrol New York City. More studies show evidence that coconut oil can be beneficial to individuals with Alzheimer’s. .Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz releases a disturbing video of the ever enlarging 4,000+ migrant caravan from Honduras being handed fistfuls of dollars to get in line and join the march towards the US border.

 10-16-18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Discussion on our fresh batch of Toby’s Beef snacks (Biltong) and what makes them so healthy, pure and also why it taste so great. We talk about the New study, titled “ Prenatal Fluoride Exposure and ADHA symptoms in Children 6-12 Years of Age”, and why it is so important to know what you are drinking and putting into your body. As if we do not have enough things spying on us, Amazon is now working on a versatile robot that will be capable of establishing connections with smart homes, cloud service, Internet of Things, Artificial intelligence, smart voice, big data analysis, and 5G networks. Plus much more

 10-15-18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Scientist are getting nervous about genetically engineered smallpox as a paper was released earlier this year on how researchers have successfully stitched together segments of DNA in order to revive a form of weaponized horsepox. Do you think something else is going on behind the scenes as the US threatens sanctions on Saudi over the disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi? Forbes now reveals the first known case in the US in which google nest has handed over surveillance feed and customer data from cameras to law enforcement. Never allow cameras or microphones in your house!! Ted and Austin have and in depth discussion on the real reasons behind this push for transgenderism. As we know, there is absolutely no one in US history that has forced an entire population to change their entire way of life, including dialogue and vocabulary in order to make .5% of the population happy. Hear the real truth!

 10-12-18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Governor of NY signs bill added gender X to birth certificates. Ted talks in detail about the persecution against patriots in the mids 1940s and how this may be about to happen again. The truth about sodium benzoate, why its still in so many foods and why you should never put this stuff in your body. Facebook has now purged over 800 conservative accounts in the last few months. A lot of these accounts had millions of followers and are being taken down on the excuse that they are a fake news account with zero evidence whatsoever.

 10-11-18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Leftist communist have begun mobbing all over the country in order to push their agenda, including burning cars to the ground simply for having a Trump2020 sticker on them. Ted talks about key nutrients that help with healthy mood and keep the brain sharp. Schools around the country are now acquiring police grade surveillance technology to “protect and Monitor” students. United nation continues to demand that geo engineering be started on the plant to prevent global warming along side demanding that by the end of the year we have a $49 per gallon gas tax implemented worldwide to protect us from global warming. Plus much more

 10-10-18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This is a High energy must listen show! One of the best shows of the year. This is the show where I tie together Genesis chapter six with the ancient satanic religions of the Canaanites. I also discuss ancient Israel and their worship of the Canaanite demons... Then I explain the Christianity era of the first century along with Israel’s exile into Babylon. The show then goes into the six century writing of the the Babylonian Talmud and the Zohar which is the foundational work in the Jewish mystical thought known as Kabbalah. Yes this is that show. One of the best shows of the year. I then connect the dots to the Illuminati the Masonic lodges and to the goal of a one world religion and the destruction of Christianity! This is a must listen show! High energy must understand and know information!

 10-09-18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

High energy must listen show! Erasing History the globalists don’t want us to remember who we are and where we came from. What is Tavistock? Is there still freedom of the press? The communist model is almost complete! CoQ10 deficiency can increase risk of skin cancer. Why you should avoid vasectomies. Artificial sweeteners can mess up glucose tolerance. B12 deficiency may increase risk of Alzheimer’s. Train up your children in the way of The Lord! Ted tells some stories of his sons. The globalist divide and conquer strategy is upon us! Please support local organic growers. Plus much more! High energy must listen show!

 10-08-18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Why are we not being told that the 5g Network uses the same frequency as military frequency less lethal weapons? As Columbia becomes a key military figure in the world, is a invasion of Venezuela becoming imminent? New study from a team at Chalmers University of Technology shows that type 2 diabetes has a direct relationship between food and lifestyle habits, and has hardly any influence on genetics. Why does a New study show men seeking treatment for low sperm has increases 700% in 15 years? More research shows why gluten is so toxic for us and also why gluten free foods can also be harmful. Plus much more

 10-05-18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Hebrews 11:1 Faith is the assurance of what we hope for and the certainty of what we do not see. We must have faith in God and Jesus not in politicians. LA has an outbreak of if living there wasn’t bad enough. Pray for the police officers shot in Florence SC. The deleterious non reversible effects of pot on the adolescent study confirms what I have said for years! Do leftists really despise old white men? Vitamin D3 is critical for proper brain function. Israel says it will continue bombing Syria using F35 fighters to defeat the Russian S300 anti aircraft weapon system.

 10-04-18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The retail apocalypse continues to get worse as multiple big retailers have now stated they are also going to filing bankruptcy. More detailed discussion on the fake news New York Times article about 80k flu deaths last year. Russia now warns Israel that they will be using electronic jamming warfare to disable gps and navigation on any Israeli fighter jet that enters Syrian airspace. While only .2% of the population identifies as transgender, more and more schools are now ditching homecoming king and queen terminology. They are now making the terms gender neutral as the war on traditional values and heterosexual lifestyle becomes more vivid. Plus much more


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