Early Accountability show

Early Accountability

Summary: The Early Accountability Podcast transforms Dreamers into Doers and Visionaries into Victors through goal activation strategies that abandon excuses, jumpstart motivation, and ignite results. Early Accountability Coaching is a specialty focused on helping those who are in the fragile beginning stages of a new endeavor, professional project, lifestyle change, or mindset shift. Visit www.earlyaccountability.com for more information on reaching your goals!

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 EAP 99: Turn Your 2019 Setbacks into a 2020 Success Strategy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:24

On this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast, Kimi talks about turning 2019’s setbacks into a success strategy for 2020. Looking back at what happened in 2019 and thinking about the progress you made – or didn’t make – towards your goals is only half of the process. Here are the 5 ways that Kimi recommends you move forward in 2020: 1. State your setbacks – Be honest and transparent with yourself about what got in your way this year, but don’t dwell on these setbacks. Claim the goals you had set for the year but didn’t quite reach because it is important to keep these in mind as you plan for next year. 2. See the value in the experience – Reflect and really try to glean everything you can from the lessons you learned through the ups and downs of 2019. Be thankful for the things that happened and analyze the reasons why, allowing yourself to let certain things go. 3. Step out of your comfort zone – As was discussed in the previous episode of the podcast, it is likely that some of your unmet goals were the result of avoiding change. Next year, be prepared to do things differently and take steps towards where you want to be, even if they are micro-steps. 4. Select your alternatives – Take some time to define what exactly is going to be different, whether it means modifying or intensifying your process, streamlining, or outsourcing. Recognize that the way you have been doing things hasn’t been getting you the results you want, and you do not have to do it all alone. Coaches and accountability groups are a great resource as well. 5. Set small goals – If you have a big goal, it can be intimidating to wake up every morning thinking about how big the goal really is. It is much easier to break down the goal into smaller, shorter-term goals that are much more attainable from day-to-day and week-to-week. Setting smaller goals helps keep your motivation up and makes it easier to be consistent in your pursuit of the small and big goals. Celebrating these smaller milestones along the way builds your momentum on the way to achieving your big goal. Topics Covered in this Episode: • Taking action on lessons learned • Stepping out of your comfort zone • Setting smaller goals to gradually work towards a bigger goal • Deciding how things will be different from now on Connect with Kimi: http://www.kimiwalker.com/ https://web.facebook.com/kimiwalker https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimiwalker https://www.youtube.com/user/KimiFitWell

 EAP 98: 3 Reasons Why You Didn't Reach Your Goals in 2019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:13:06

This is one of the last episodes of the Early Accountability Podcast for 2019, so Kimi wanted to take this opportunity to talk about looking back on this past year, assessing your progress towards your goals, and applying the lessons learned to planning for 2020. From New Year’s Resolutions to short- or long-term goals over this past year, it is likely that you experienced some disappointments due to goals that were not met. Here are Kimi’s top three most likely reasons why you didn’t reach your goals: 1. You didn’t want to be uncomfortable – There is no denying that change is difficult, challenging, and uncomfortable. It is far easier to just keep things as they are and not go through the hassle of adjusting the way you do or approach things in order to make improvements. But in order to grow, you will have to think and act differently. In 2020, keep in mind that it takes 21 days to build a new habit, and encourage yourself that you can be uncomfortable for 21 days if it means that you get to reach the new personal or professional goal that you have been striving for. 2. You lack consistency – Since it takes 21 days to start a new habit – or stop and old one – this takes a time commitment that sometimes means sacrificing the comforts and pleasures of your old life. But if you stick with your goal every day, you will see the results in the end. Stick with the daily grind and persevere even when you don’t feel like it. 3. You don’t want to be held accountable – It is one thing to tell someone about a new goal that you have. It is another thing to have them check in on you to see how you are progressing towards your goal. That type of vulnerability is difficult sometimes, but accountability is a key aspect of learning and growing, taking steps towards those goals you have always made for yourself but never actually believed you could achieve. A great way to start participating in accountability is to set up tracking systems for your milestones and invite an accountability partner or group to help you stay on track. When you feel discouraged, take a look back at your tracking system to see how far you have come and reach out to the people in your life who can affirm your progress. Topics Covered in this Episode: • Reflecting on 2019 • Planning for 2020 • Reasons why you didn’t reach your goals • Applying lessons learned Connect with Kimi: http://www.kimiwalker.com/ https://web.facebook.com/kimiwalker https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimiwalker https://www.youtube.com/user/KimiFitWell

 EAP 97: Holiday Hacks - Handling Sadness and a Lack of Holiday Cheer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:06

On this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast, Kimi discusses one final “holiday hack”: how to handle the holidays when they are not a happy time for you. Kimi became keenly aware of the difficult emotions that some people face during this time of year when she was working with sexual abuse survivors who explained that often times going home to visit family means having to face their abusers. If you have experienced a trauma like sexual abuse, lost a loved one, gone through the ending of a relationship or life situation, had unmet expectations, or had financial struggles that have made the holidays an unhappy time, there are ways that you can try to work through these difficulties and enjoy the holidays more than you thought possible. 1. Be ok with your process – Don’t expect more of yourself than is feasible right now. Accept how you are feeling and where you are in your process, recognizing that everyone’s process looks different. 2. Seek professional help – Whether you currently see a therapist for your struggles or not, the holidays may be a great time to consider talking with someone, especially if you recognize that you might be triggered during this time of year. If you are not comfortable with a one-on-one setting, look for support groups in your community or church that could meet your needs. 3. Take care of yourself – As simple as it sounds, getting enough sleep, eating healthy, setting up an exercise routine, and being aware of the things that might trip you up can make all the difference in how you handle the holidays. 4. Resist the urge to overcommit – Be realistic with your time and capacity in order to keep your mental clarity. Don’t make promises that you can’t keep and avoid becoming involved in a lot of things just to avoid your feelings. 5. Try something different – If your family traditions are not beneficial for you right now, start a new tradition or go on a new adventure. People may be disappointed at first, but they will understand that you are doing what is best for you. If you are going to be spending time with someone who is struggling this holiday season, focus on respecting their space while supporting them. Ask them how they are really doing and let them know you are there for them without being pushy. In short: be the friend they need right now. Topics Covered in this Episode: • Handling the holidays when they are not a happy time • Being sensitive of others who may be struggling • Doing what is best for you • Facing loss during the holidays Connect with Kimi: http://www.kimiwalker.com/ https://web.facebook.com/kimiwalker https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimiwalker

 EAP 96: Holiday Hacks - 'Don't Go Broke' Guide to Gift Buying | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:10

As the end of the year and the biggest spending season of the year approaches, Kimi provides Early Accountability podcast listeners with four tips for financial wellness. From managing spending to cultivating financial security to pay off debts to focusing on savings, there are many aspects to financial wellbeing that we often don’t want to think about, but could be very helpful for us to keep in mind: 1. Create a budget – Have a number in mind for how much you will spend on all of your gifts total, and stick to that number. 2. Make a list and check it twice – Write down every person that you want to buy a gift for and what you want to get for them, then review your list and ask yourself these questions: “Do they really need this?”, “Do these gifts have purpose?”, and “Am I just buying this because of the deal?” 3. Be intentional – Avoid “shiny object syndrome” by sticking to your list and budget, not being swayed by the flashy “deals” that are put in front of you. Have enough resolve and focus to pass by this year’s “hot toy” and buy the thing that you know that person would like most. 4. Prioritize experiences over tangible gifts – The spirit of the season is to spend time with those you love and express your appreciation for them. People will remember the time you spent with them and the experiences you shared much longer than they will remember what you ate or what you gave them, so extend this concept to your gift-giving as well. Look into purchasing loved ones memberships to museums, tickets to a show, opportunities for learning, or a meal out with you, or even make them something sentimental like a photo album that would be more significant than anything you could find at the store. Topics Covered in this Episode: • Financial wellness • Cultivating financial security and freedom • Managing spending and savings • Financial aspects of your entire wellbeing

 EAP 95: Holiday Hacks - How to Stay Holistically Healthy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:36

EAP 95: Holiday Hacks - How to Stay Holistically Healthy by Kimi Walker

 EAP 94: Holiday Hacks - How to Handle Difficult Relatives & Co-Workers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:01

The topic of this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast is how to deal with difficult family members and friends during your interactions around the holidays. We all have that person who pushes our buttons that we dread seeing at family gatherings or parties, but Kimi has some ideas about how to make the interaction a little less stressful: 1. Remember that you have control over where you allow someone to take you – You can choose not to get worked up or ask that leading question that you know will lead to a place you don’t want to go. You are in charge of your mental state, attitude, and actions, not the other person. 2. Have realistic expectations – It is unlikely that your cousin has changed drastically since last year, so they will probably still get on your nerves. Recognize that and be prepared to be offended or bothered by what they say or do. 3. Avoid potentially upsetting conversation topics – You know what topics are going to fire that person up, so if they start to steer the conversation in that direction, try a conversation diverter to swiftly move away to something less divisive. 4. Watch your alcohol consumption – While you can’t control how much other people drink, you can control how much you do, and it is likely that if you use good discernment and balance, things won’t get blown out of proportion. 5. Be grateful – Realize that other people would love to have family members or friends to disagree with. Just be grateful for the fact that you have people you care about – and fight with. You could take this gratefulness a step further by volunteering or donating to worthy causes this season. Topics Covered in this Episode: • Dealing with difficult people • Handling conversations • Relationships with family members • Knowing where to draw boundaries

 EAP 93: Learning to Let Go - Embracing Endings and Beginnings | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:51

Welcome to Part 2 of the Early Accountability podcast discussion of knowing how to end a chapter. With just two months left in this year – and this decade! – it can be tempting to skip ahead and start planning how to begin the new year, but an effective beginning comes only after an effective ending. You can’t commit to new endeavors and goals if you haven’t wrapped up the old ones, and perhaps it would be helpful for us to look at this process through the lens of an author. 1. “Break chapters when your story requires a shift. Changes of place, changes of time and changes of point of view are all excellent places for chapter breaks. Sometimes, our stories necessitate them.” (The Writer’s Digest) – Most people recognize when it is time for a change in their lives: a change of pace, a change of scenery, a change of location, etc. Take a look at what you need to do in your life to close the current chapter and make that change to a new start. 2. “Offer Wisdom: wisdom is a crucial ingredient in all great books; wisdom can be a fantastic way to end a chapter.” (The John Fox) – Often, looking back at the lessons you have learned during this chapter can give you the perspective that you need to understand that you are ready to move on. 3. “Use your chapter endings to look back and to look forward. No, not every problem is resolved, but there will be some closure. Not every chapter will have the same degree of closure as surrounding chapters.” (The Editor’s Blog) – Especially with relationships, it can be difficult to accept that there might not always be closure and you will have to move forward anyway. The Sankofa bird demonstrates the importance of looking back at the knowledge previously learned while still moving forward and applying those lessons to new experiences. 4. “Create an Arrival: Chapters don't have to end at the conclusion of a scene. They can end at the beginning of the next scene. It’s paradoxical, but your endings should be beginnings.” (The John Fox) – Endings are really new beginnings if you embrace the gaps and overlaps in between. A great example of this is graduations being called “commencements”, indicating that the completion of that degree is really the beginning of your next chapter. Topics Covered in this Episode: • Ending a chapter • The art of detachment • Wrapping up and letting go • Being confident in your endings Links: https://thejohnfox.com/2018/07/12-ways-to-end-a-chapter https://www.writersdigest.com/writing-articles/by-writing-goal/complete-first-draft/3-ways-to-know-when-to-end-your-chapters https://theeditorsblog.net/2012/04/11/dual-duties-of-chapter-endings

 EAP 92: Learning to Let Go - How to End a Chapter | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:26

EAP 92: Learning to Let Go - How to End a Chapter by Kimi Walker

 EAP 91: Want Results? Stop Making These 3 Excuses | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:24

With the holidays approaching, many people feel like they can’t set or accomplish new goals because there is too much going on. These feelings usually manifest as excuses, such as these common ones: 1. “I would _____ if I only had more time.” – Everyone is given the same 24 hours every day, so chances are if you feel like you don’t have enough time to get everything done that you are overcommitted or you aren’t managing your time well. There is always something that needs to get done, so be intentional about prioritizing activities based on their urgency and importance. 2. “I have so much going on with _____.” – During the first few weeks and months of a new job or after the birth of a child, it is normal to feel overwhelmed and struggle somewhat to keep up with other aspects of life or commitments. There should come a time, however, when you have established a “new normal” that is pretty stable and you can find a rhythm for productivity, learning how to live this multi-dimensional life by creating more space for yourself in the mornings or at night. 3. “Next year, I will ______.” – You have more than enough time left in 2019 to start something new this year. Don’t discount November and December just because you might have obligations or commitments related to the holidays. This is especially a good time to launch a new business because people are looking to spend money on gifts. Topics Covered in this Episode: • Excuses to avoid • Taking responsibility • Being effective and efficient with your time • Living a multi-dimensional life

 EAP 90: Finish the Year Strong | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:11:32

This episode of the Early Accountability Podcast is focused on how to finish out 2019 strong and transition well into 2020. With the holidays coming up, the next few months can slip away without you having a chance to take stock of where you are and where you want to be, to take this opportunity to pause and take these 6 steps: 1. Get clear – Write down 3 goals or accomplishments you want to complete in the new year. Focus intently on the top 3 priorities so you won’t get distracted by having too many goals. 2. Make space for yourself – Spend some time removing clutter from your living and working spaces, providing you with true spaces of rest and productivity and opening up more mental space for future opportunities. Think about your holiday traditions and evaluate whether you need to continue doing those things or make some adjustments. 3. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want and need – Be honest with your loved ones if you need their assistance or resources for anything going on in your life. It can be a stressful season with the expectation of giving many gifts, so reach out if you’re going through some tough times. 4. Reconnect with others – Make time to spend quality time with your loved ones without distractions. Embrace that time and don’t give into the guilt of not being productive because your relationships are just as important as your work. 5. Take some things off your plate – Look at everything you have going on in your life right now and all of your commitments to determine if there is anything that you can let go of. Set yourself up in the new year to have plenty of space for your new goals and priorities by closing the chapters of your life that need to be closed. 6. Spend some time in reflection – Be aware of all the good that is around you and express that gratitude. Topics Covered in this Episode: • Transitioning well into the new year • Finishing this year strong • Gaining clarity • Evaluating your priorities • Reflection and gratitude

 EAP 89: Moving in Silence | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:10:24

On this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast, Kimi gets a bit more personal on the topic of stepping out on faith, describing a journey she has been going through for the past several months. It became clear to Kimi earlier this year that she needed to adjust how she works and what that could practically look like. While there are plenty of times for community and collaboration in making big and small decisions, she felt that this journey was meant to be taken alone. By taking the time to process internally what she has been thinking and feeling about the future of her work, she has been able to get grounded, evaluate what has and hasn’t worked in the past, and grow personally. This process of self-discovery and self-affirmation has brought her to a great place where she feels confident with her decisions about the future rather than potentially being swayed by the opinions of others if she had shared her plans sooner. Seeking out counsel from trusted advisors before making a move certainly has its place, but sometimes it is best to come to your own conclusions and make a mental shift in silence before making your questions or plans public. When the time comes to talk about what you are doing, the people who care about you will support you. You know what you need right now, so trust yourself enough to take control of your own future and reach those goals. Topics Covered in this Episode: • Stepping out on faith • Navigating changes and transitions • Moving in silence • When to do things on your own • Mental shifts

 EAP 88: Walking by Faith | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:09:11

The topic of this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast is stepping out on faith. Whether you are religious or not, you have likely encountered a time in your life when you could choose to stay where you are or step out in faith that something bigger is ahead. By choosing to get out of your comfort zone and entrust the results to a higher power, you have to potential to achieve great goals. Here are a few of Kimi’s tips for stepping out on faith: 1. Learn to face fear – While you might still have questions and insecurities about the end result, facing your fears will build character and open up your potential for achieving great things. 2. Acknowledge unsettling feelings – Starting something new or committing to stop a habit is uncomfortable, and admitting that to yourself will make it seem less scary or unnatural. 3. Trust that there is good out there – Perhaps you have asked yourself “Is this really all there is?” The answer is no, there are bigger and better things in store for those who step out on faith. 4. Remember that you deserve good – Sure, you believe that other people deserve for good things to happen to them, but what about you? It is ok to be discontent with your current circumstances and want better things to happen. Believe that you deserve good and affirm those beliefs often. 5. Know that there will be challenges – Nothing good comes easily, so expect challenges and don’t be discouraged. 6. Affirm that you are equipped to handle those challenges – Recognize that all of your previous challenges have prepared you for the ones ahead, so accept them when they come and be confident that you can overcome. Topics Covered in this Episode: • Stepping out on faith • Accepting challenges • Achieving your goals • Reaching for more • Trusting the process

 EAP 87: Young & Retired - Breaking Stigmas & Building Communities | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:16

Our guest on this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast is Tyran Cosby, a veteran, chef, actor, and business owner. Tyran retired from the United States Marine Corps after 20 years of service and then pursued his next dream of learning how to cook by graduating from culinary school. He became a sous chef for David Rose and traveled quite a bit with him while also pursuing his acting career. In early 2019, Tyran partnered up with one of his Marine Corps brothers to start a lifestyle brand called Life Behind the Beard. Life Behind the Beard sells grooming products, apparel, and cigars and they plan to offer more apparel products and perhaps a wine label in the future. In addition to providing high-quality products to their clients, the goal of the company is to give back, especially to young kids and veterans in the community. Tyran experienced his fair share of challenges while serving in the military, particularly struggling with being away from his wife and children for such long periods of time. For several years, he felt like an “Internet dad” who only ever talked to his family over Skype, but he has found great freedom to spend as much time with his family as possible in his retirement. He encourages men of color to step up and not be a stereotype, learning leadership and discipline and not having a chip on your shoulder. Men of color have overcome a lot in the past several hundred years, but you can choose to rise above and have a positive impact. He also encourages those who want to support and understand men of color to give them a chance and don’t generalize or assume how they will act. Tyran’s mantra is “there is no better occupation than helping someone who can’t help themselves.” Topics Covered in this Episode: • Pursuing your dreams even after retirement • Entrepreneurship • Stigmas and misconceptions about men of color • Collaboration rather than competition Connect with Tyran: https://www.lifebehindthebeard.co/ https://www.instagram.com/lifebehindthebeard101/ https://www.facebook.com/lifebehindthebeard101/

 EAP 86: Face the Issues, Choose to Heal, & Embrace the Growth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:20

On this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast, our guest is Swiss, a woman who has experienced her fair share of trauma and loss and has chosen to commit to picking herself back up. Swiss grew up in Switzerland and in an effort to run away from childhood trauma and feelings of abandonment, she moved to the U.S. when she was 16. As it turns out, running away from your problems and unhealed wounds doesn’t make them go away, and Swiss felt the impacts of them into adulthood. A few years ago, she was in a relationship with a man with whom she had been friends for several years before they started dating. She was putting everything into that relationship, and even though other people told her that she was losing herself in someone else who didn’t feel as strongly about her, she continued on with the same fervor. Abruptly and unexpectedly, he passed away. Since Swiss had put so much of herself into that relationship, she really struggled to make sense of it all, feeling numb at first, then disoriented, then depressed and lost in the world. She turned back to God and sought His help during this time of grief, but she realized that she needed more help. She had been so ashamed at the thought of needing to go to therapy because she didn’t want people to think that she was crazy, but she found that her friends were actually very supportive of her going to therapy. Her therapist helped her figure out that there were so many unresolved feelings lingering from her childhood and from the unexpected death of another friend many years before, and she began working through those difficult feelings of abandonment. Through therapy, Swiss has learned that it is ok to be in the lowest valley for a time, but you cannot let yourself stay there. She was also encouraged by reading about Biblical characters who struggled with deep agony and the feeling of failure but did not give up or lose sight of their ultimate purpose. She wants everyone to know that you will get stronger, even if it takes time, that there is a plan and a purpose for your life, and that you should not be ashamed of your struggles. Topics Covered in this Episode: • Childhood trauma • Getting the help you need • Not being ashamed of who you are • Don’t give up Connect with Swiss: https://www.facebook.com/findyourself01

 EAP 85: Fitness Is Not a Game - How to Play the Hand You Were Dealt | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:40:41

Krystal Taylor is a personal trainer and certified fitness and nutritional coach. She considers herself a “late bloomer” when it comes to fitness and nutrition, deciding to make a lifestyle change after having her second child because she was not content with how she felt. In 2014, she entered a fitness competition which really solidified her life choices and set her up in the eyes of those around her as a subject matter expert. She started providing nutritional plans and workouts to anyone who asked her for her help, and she really started to comprehend that this could become a career for her when her husband convinced her to start charging for these plans and shifting her acquaintances and friends to be her clients. She overcame her insecurities about her insufficiency and became a certified fitness and nutritional specialist so that she would have the research and science to back up her theories about fitness. Krystal encourages everyone to first shift your mindset about what you think “meal planning” and “working out” should look like. Meal planning doesn’t have to be several hours spent in the kitchen to completely prepare all of your meals for the week, but rather it consists of assembling some pre-portioned snacks for quick access, coming up with a weekly menu, and prepping some ingredients ahead of time to make the actual dinner cooking process faster and easier. Working out should really just be considered “moving your body” according to Krystal, who advocates for everyone to be active for 30 minutes every day, either all at once or spaced out throughout the day. Something as simple as walking a few minutes before work, during breaks, and after dinner could make a huge difference in the way you feel in your body. Like many others in the fitness space, Krystal encourages people to set goals that do not revolve primarily around losing a certain amount of weight but rather around inches lost or self-esteem gained. To find out more about Krystal’s programs, including her Fit, Fine, and Fabulous app, visit her website for more information. Topics Covered in this Episode: • Fitness is not a game • Mindset shifts about nutrition • Reframing a “workout” • Fitness is not about the scale


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