The Expand Your Awareness Podcast with Aaron Doughty show

The Expand Your Awareness Podcast with Aaron Doughty

Summary: The Expand Your Awareness Podcast is designed to expand your consciousness with practical techniques, ideas, and processes that can change your life for the better. Topics will include the law of attraction, spiritual awakening, states of consciousness/meditation and everyday awareness that will help you see life in a new and empowering way.


 How to SHIFT To Your DREAM Reality within 6 Months | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:41

How to SHIFT To Your DREAM Reality within 6 Months

 How to SHIFT To Your DREAM Reality within 6 Months | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:41

Today, I'm going to be sharing with you exactly how to shift to your dream “reality”. Within six months or less than six months from now, you may find that you're in a totally new reality. I'm going to be sharing with you exactly how you can shift to the parallel reality you prefer within […]

 3 Secrets of Your Higher-Self That Will Change Your Life (FOREVER) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:06

3 Secrets of Your Higher-Self That Will Change Your Life (FOREVER)

 3 Secrets of Your Higher-Self That Will Change Your Life (FOREVER) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:06

Today, I'm going to be sharing with you the three secrets of your higher self that will totally transform your life.So, come on and watch the video below:  For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…  To experience THE SHIFT, click here Follow me on Instagram aaron_doughty44 Subscribe to the Show on itunes […]

 Why You Came to Earth From The Higher Dimensions and WHY You Are Here NOW | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:52

Today, I'm going to be sharing with you exactly how I went from low vibrational states of consciousness into higher vibrational states and how I changed my set point forever. I'm going to show you exactly how we went from one side of the spectrum of feeling the lower vibrational energy at that level of consciousness and how I shifted into higher levels of consciousness and how you could do these same exact things. In order to do this, I'm going to share a little bit more of the story that I've told many times before. But I'm going to share it in a different way and I'm going to point out a couple things along the process that maybe you may or may not relate to a, but it's going to be also using that scale of consciousness that I use and a lot of other videos understanding the different states. So, come on and watch the video below:  For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…  To experience THE SHIFT, click here Follow me on Instagram aaron_doughty44 Subscribe to the Show on itunes herecan you leave a review for the podcast? I would soo appreciate it You can leave a review here (Click here to watch on YouTube) It kind of gives us our logical mind in a way for understanding how we can move through these states of consciousness. I understand when you look at the scale in general, as you move up the scale, you are feeling better like you were increasing your state of being, you are feeling higher vibrational, you feel like things don't bother you so much. Feeling expanded. It's a very positive feeling. The benefit of that is also you will attract what you want easier because in higher vibrational states you attract higher vibrational people, high vibrational activities, high vibrational things, and lower vibrational states may be that have 200 and below that is going to cause more of experiences that are equal to those levels of consciousness. In order for me to explain this, let me kind of give you a little bit of a backstory. If you haven't heard my story before. I know I share it and a lot of videos and basically back in 2012 I went through my little shift in consciousness. That was actually a big shift in consciousness for where I was to wear, how I ended up feeling. And I would say that on a scale of one to 10, my base point, just to give it like a linear scale, that's easy to understand, on a scale of one to 10, before I was feeling about a three to a five out of 10, meaning 10, feeling amazing, feeling not great at all, about three to a five. And then after this shift that happened in 2012, I then started to feel like a majority of the time I was at about a seven or an eight. I felt really, really good. And I was wondering, I mean, I knew kind of why, but I remember thinking, is this feeling going to go away? I remember a couple of weeks after starting to feel this, I was walking around my room and I was thinking myself, is this too good to be true? Is this feeling going to go away? It never really went away. What happened was it became a natural base point and it became less like less out of this world. I'm new for me because it became natural. That's something that I remember thinking like, is this going to go away? What happened was in 2012 I was feeling a lot of resistance. To give you a little bit of a backstory of that 2012, I was working at Nordstrom's in women's shoes. It was something I wasn't very passionate about. I was there about four or five years and I realized that I knew it wasn't something I was passionate about. I knew I had to switch up something and at the same time, I felt a lot of resistance because I was at the time taking Adderall, which is the prescription drug that they give to people that have what is called ADHD, which means it's like for some people it's hard to focus. They go to a doctor, they'll say, oh,

 Why You Came to Earth From The Higher Dimensions and WHY You Are Here NOW | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:52

Today, I'm going to be sharing with you the truth to why you chose to come to earth at this time from the higher dimensions and why you are here right now.So, come on and watch the video below:  For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…  To experience THE SHIFT, click […]

 The Money Belief that Changed Your Life FOREVER | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:02

Today, I'm going to be sharing with you exactly how I went from low vibrational states of consciousness into higher vibrational states and how I changed my set point forever. I'm going to show you exactly how we went from one side of the spectrum of feeling the lower vibrational energy at that level of consciousness and how I shifted into higher levels of consciousness and how you could do these same exact things. In order to do this, I'm going to share a little bit more of the story that I've told many times before. But I'm going to share it in a different way and I'm going to point out a couple things along the process that maybe you may or may not relate to a, but it's going to be also using that scale of consciousness that I use and a lot of other videos understanding the different states. So, come on and watch the video below:  For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…  To experience THE SHIFT, click here Follow me on Instagram aaron_doughty44 Subscribe to the Show on itunes herecan you leave a review for the podcast? I would soo appreciate it You can leave a review here (Click here to watch on YouTube) It kind of gives us our logical mind in a way for understanding how we can move through these states of consciousness. I understand when you look at the scale in general, as you move up the scale, you are feeling better like you were increasing your state of being, you are feeling higher vibrational, you feel like things don't bother you so much. Feeling expanded. It's a very positive feeling. The benefit of that is also you will attract what you want easier because in higher vibrational states you attract higher vibrational people, high vibrational activities, high vibrational things, and lower vibrational states may be that have 200 and below that is going to cause more of experiences that are equal to those levels of consciousness. In order for me to explain this, let me kind of give you a little bit of a backstory. If you haven't heard my story before. I know I share it and a lot of videos and basically back in 2012 I went through my little shift in consciousness. That was actually a big shift in consciousness for where I was to wear, how I ended up feeling. And I would say that on a scale of one to 10, my base point, just to give it like a linear scale, that's easy to understand, on a scale of one to 10, before I was feeling about a three to a five out of 10, meaning 10, feeling amazing, feeling not great at all, about three to a five. And then after this shift that happened in 2012, I then started to feel like a majority of the time I was at about a seven or an eight. I felt really, really good. And I was wondering, I mean, I knew kind of why, but I remember thinking, is this feeling going to go away? I remember a couple of weeks after starting to feel this, I was walking around my room and I was thinking myself, is this too good to be true? Is this feeling going to go away? It never really went away. What happened was it became a natural base point and it became less like less out of this world. I'm new for me because it became natural. That's something that I remember thinking like, is this going to go away? What happened was in 2012 I was feeling a lot of resistance. To give you a little bit of a backstory of that 2012, I was working at Nordstrom's in women's shoes. It was something I wasn't very passionate about. I was there about four or five years and I realized that I knew it wasn't something I was passionate about. I knew I had to switch up something and at the same time, I felt a lot of resistance because I was at the time taking Adderall, which is the prescription drug that they give to people that have what is called ADHD, which means it's like for some people it's hard to focus. They go to a doctor, they'll say, oh,

 The Money Belief that Changed Your Life FOREVER | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:02

This blog is going to be a discussion about the money belief that will change your life. By the end of this, you're going to have a totally new perspective as to how you relate to money and you will then be forever changed.So, come on and watch the video below:  For my Guided Meditation MP3 on […]

 3 Things Your Higher Self Wants You to Know (But Can NOT Tell You) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:25

Today, I'm going to be sharing with you exactly how I went from low vibrational states of consciousness into higher vibrational states and how I changed my set point forever. I'm going to show you exactly how we went from one side of the spectrum of feeling the lower vibrational energy at that level of consciousness and how I shifted into higher levels of consciousness and how you could do these same exact things. In order to do this, I'm going to share a little bit more of the story that I've told many times before. But I'm going to share it in a different way and I'm going to point out a couple things along the process that maybe you may or may not relate to a, but it's going to be also using that scale of consciousness that I use and a lot of other videos understanding the different states. So, come on and watch the video below:  For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…  To experience THE SHIFT, click here Follow me on Instagram aaron_doughty44 Subscribe to the Show on itunes herecan you leave a review for the podcast? I would soo appreciate it You can leave a review here (Click here to watch on YouTube) It kind of gives us our logical mind in a way for understanding how we can move through these states of consciousness. I understand when you look at the scale in general, as you move up the scale, you are feeling better like you were increasing your state of being, you are feeling higher vibrational, you feel like things don't bother you so much. Feeling expanded. It's a very positive feeling. The benefit of that is also you will attract what you want easier because in higher vibrational states you attract higher vibrational people, high vibrational activities, high vibrational things, and lower vibrational states may be that have 200 and below that is going to cause more of experiences that are equal to those levels of consciousness. In order for me to explain this, let me kind of give you a little bit of a backstory. If you haven't heard my story before. I know I share it and a lot of videos and basically back in 2012 I went through my little shift in consciousness. That was actually a big shift in consciousness for where I was to wear, how I ended up feeling. And I would say that on a scale of one to 10, my base point, just to give it like a linear scale, that's easy to understand, on a scale of one to 10, before I was feeling about a three to a five out of 10, meaning 10, feeling amazing, feeling not great at all, about three to a five. And then after this shift that happened in 2012, I then started to feel like a majority of the time I was at about a seven or an eight. I felt really, really good. And I was wondering, I mean, I knew kind of why, but I remember thinking, is this feeling going to go away? I remember a couple of weeks after starting to feel this, I was walking around my room and I was thinking myself, is this too good to be true? Is this feeling going to go away? It never really went away. What happened was it became a natural base point and it became less like less out of this world. I'm new for me because it became natural. That's something that I remember thinking like, is this going to go away? What happened was in 2012 I was feeling a lot of resistance. To give you a little bit of a backstory of that 2012, I was working at Nordstrom's in women's shoes. It was something I wasn't very passionate about. I was there about four or five years and I realized that I knew it wasn't something I was passionate about. I knew I had to switch up something and at the same time, I felt a lot of resistance because I was at the time taking Adderall, which is the prescription drug that they give to people that have w...

 3 Things Your Higher Self Wants You to Know (But Can NOT Tell You) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:25

I'm going to be sharing with you the three things your higher-self wants you to know, but will never tell you. These are going to be things that I think will absolutely transform your life once you become aware of them. Today, I'm going to be sharing with you those three things your higher-self wants you […]

 3 Beliefs that SHIFT During Spiritual Awakening | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:41

I'm going to be sharing with you three beliefs that shift during spiritual awakening. I'm going to show you how you can also have this kind of transition so that you transform your life. I'm sure there's more than three. However, these are the three main ones that I've noticed in my own life. When […]

 3 Beliefs that SHIFT During Spiritual Awakening | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:41

Today, I'm going to be sharing with you exactly how I went from low vibrational states of consciousness into higher vibrational states and how I changed my set point forever. I'm going to show you exactly how we went from one side of the spectrum of feeling the lower vibrational energy at that level of consciousness and how I shifted into higher levels of consciousness and how you could do these same exact things. In order to do this, I'm going to share a little bit more of the story that I've told many times before. But I'm going to share it in a different way and I'm going to point out a couple things along the process that maybe you may or may not relate to a, but it's going to be also using that scale of consciousness that I use and a lot of other videos understanding the different states. So, come on and watch the video below:  For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…  To experience THE SHIFT, click here Follow me on Instagram aaron_doughty44 Subscribe to the Show on itunes herecan you leave a review for the podcast? I would soo appreciate it You can leave a review here (Click here to watch on YouTube) It kind of gives us our logical mind in a way for understanding how we can move through these states of consciousness. I understand when you look at the scale in general, as you move up the scale, you are feeling better like you were increasing your state of being, you are feeling higher vibrational, you feel like things don't bother you so much. Feeling expanded. It's a very positive feeling. The benefit of that is also you will attract what you want easier because in higher vibrational states you attract higher vibrational people, high vibrational activities, high vibrational things, and lower vibrational states may be that have 200 and below that is going to cause more of experiences that are equal to those levels of consciousness. In order for me to explain this, let me kind of give you a little bit of a backstory. If you haven't heard my story before. I know I share it and a lot of videos and basically back in 2012 I went through my little shift in consciousness. That was actually a big shift in consciousness for where I was to wear, how I ended up feeling. And I would say that on a scale of one to 10, my base point, just to give it like a linear scale, that's easy to understand, on a scale of one to 10, before I was feeling about a three to a five out of 10, meaning 10, feeling amazing, feeling not great at all, about three to a five. And then after this shift that happened in 2012, I then started to feel like a majority of the time I was at about a seven or an eight. I felt really, really good. And I was wondering, I mean, I knew kind of why, but I remember thinking, is this feeling going to go away? I remember a couple of weeks after starting to feel this, I was walking around my room and I was thinking myself, is this too good to be true? Is this feeling going to go away? It never really went away. What happened was it became a natural base point and it became less like less out of this world. I'm new for me because it became natural. That's something that I remember thinking like, is this going to go away? What happened was in 2012 I was feeling a lot of resistance. To give you a little bit of a backstory of that 2012, I was working at Nordstrom's in women's shoes. It was something I wasn't very passionate about. I was there about four or five years and I realized that I knew it wasn't something I was passionate about. I knew I had to switch up something and at the same time, I felt a lot of resistance because I was at the time taking Adderall, which is the prescription drug that they give to people that have w...

 Manifestation Secrets of Your Higher-Self it’s Time You Know about… | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:45

What I'm going to be sharing with you is the secrets of your higher self. It's time you know these things. These are things that once you know will also speed up the process of you achieving your goals. Today, I'm going to be sharing with you that of understanding the secrets of your higher self. […]

 Manifestation Secrets of Your Higher-Self it’s Time You Know about… | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:45

Today, I'm going to be sharing with you exactly how I went from low vibrational states of consciousness into higher vibrational states and how I changed my set point forever. I'm going to show you exactly how we went from one side of the spectrum of feeling the lower vibrational energy at that level of consciousness and how I shifted into higher levels of consciousness and how you could do these same exact things. In order to do this, I'm going to share a little bit more of the story that I've told many times before. But I'm going to share it in a different way and I'm going to point out a couple things along the process that maybe you may or may not relate to a, but it's going to be also using that scale of consciousness that I use and a lot of other videos understanding the different states. So, come on and watch the video below:  For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…  To experience THE SHIFT, click here Follow me on Instagram aaron_doughty44 Subscribe to the Show on itunes herecan you leave a review for the podcast? I would soo appreciate it You can leave a review here (Click here to watch on YouTube) It kind of gives us our logical mind in a way for understanding how we can move through these states of consciousness. I understand when you look at the scale in general, as you move up the scale, you are feeling better like you were increasing your state of being, you are feeling higher vibrational, you feel like things don't bother you so much. Feeling expanded. It's a very positive feeling. The benefit of that is also you will attract what you want easier because in higher vibrational states you attract higher vibrational people, high vibrational activities, high vibrational things, and lower vibrational states may be that have 200 and below that is going to cause more of experiences that are equal to those levels of consciousness. In order for me to explain this, let me kind of give you a little bit of a backstory. If you haven't heard my story before. I know I share it and a lot of videos and basically back in 2012 I went through my little shift in consciousness. That was actually a big shift in consciousness for where I was to wear, how I ended up feeling. And I would say that on a scale of one to 10, my base point, just to give it like a linear scale, that's easy to understand, on a scale of one to 10, before I was feeling about a three to a five out of 10, meaning 10, feeling amazing, feeling not great at all, about three to a five. And then after this shift that happened in 2012, I then started to feel like a majority of the time I was at about a seven or an eight. I felt really, really good. And I was wondering, I mean, I knew kind of why, but I remember thinking, is this feeling going to go away? I remember a couple of weeks after starting to feel this, I was walking around my room and I was thinking myself, is this too good to be true? Is this feeling going to go away? It never really went away. What happened was it became a natural base point and it became less like less out of this world. I'm new for me because it became natural. That's something that I remember thinking like, is this going to go away? What happened was in 2012 I was feeling a lot of resistance. To give you a little bit of a backstory of that 2012, I was working at Nordstrom's in women's shoes. It was something I wasn't very passionate about. I was there about four or five years and I realized that I knew it wasn't something I was passionate about. I knew I had to switch up something and at the same time, I felt a lot of resistance because I was at the time taking Adderall, which is the prescription drug that they give to people that have w...

 The 3 Most Powerful Ways to Tap into Source Energy (Raise Your Vibration Like This) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:04

I'm going to be sharing with you the three most powerful ways to tap into source energy. We will also share with you exactly how you can raise your vibrational set point. Today, I'm going to be sharing with you the three most powerful ways and also the most simplistic ways to tap into something that […]


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