The Vibration of Sexual Energy


When it comes to vibration and how much energy you have, sexual energy is one of the most potent energy centers that we have in our body. When we are going out and what we are doing, is we are wasting it. It could be a form of masturbation because there are some people that masturbate every single night and think of it, you're just literally spilling it everywhere, it's not going anywhere, it's going towards any actual purpose, it's just being spilled, making a mess. That's one way that a lot of people use their sexual energy, they waste it, they pour it out everywhere, they make a mess, and they're energetically literally depleting themselves. 

Then, they feel lethargic, they don't know why they don't have that much energy, when they talk, they don't have a lot of enthusiasm or passion in their voice. Well, literally what they are doing is they are getting their life force energy, and they are spilling it everywhere and wasting it. What happens is when we talk about the vibration of sharing sexual energy can be a very magical thing, can be a very sacred thing.

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But sometimes what happens is understanding the connection that we make to other people, and how that vibration of the other person. In a way mix with that. Imagine that you are going out and you are sleeping with many different people. Imagine that you are then mixing your energy with them. That's what happens when you are having sex, what happens is then the pure energy that you have, if you are doing it mindlessly, let's say you're doing it with people that maybe have a lot of trauma, maybe you're doing it with people that you know, it's giving you an ego gratification, but there's a lot of stuff underneath the surface that you're absorbing, you may not even know it.

Then what happens is you go out and you're literally giving your energy to other people filling up their cups. But imagine that what happens is when you keep doing it, and you're doing it from a place of maybe validation, or your mind, you're not aware, you know, when it's with somebody that you really love, or it's somebody that you really connect to, it's a different type of energy, it could then be self-sustaining, actually fill up your cup, but realize you're energetically mingling with other people and if you hardly know them, you may be taking on energy that you're not even aware of, could be an energy cord, you know, they talk about this in some esoteric traditions, but cords that we literally connect to when we connect to other people, but they've actually shown epigenetically, that when two people have sex, especially for the woman, the energy is absorbed inside of her and then that changes the DNA in the genes, which is very interesting.

It's something to very much be aware of, and that be more protection of your own sacred sexual energy. Because what happens is when we continue to waste it by putting it on the counter, when we continue to mix it with other people, and we're not aware of the things that they have under the surface. Imagine that gunk in the bottom and you're moving that around but then you feel afterwards, you feel kind of drained and depleted? Well, one of the reasons could be is because literally some of that energy now is something that you're dealing with. When it comes to this, realize you can use your sexual energy for just about anything. You can use it towards certain goals, you can use it and you literally feel that you have more vitality.

I know that when it's just been wasted, there is a drop in energy for men, what happens is there is a drop in testosterone, there is a drop and actually oxytocin, ironically enough for a woman, there's normally if especially if it's with somebody else there's an increase in oxytocin, there are certain increases, but when it's being wasted, when we're mindlessly throwing out sexual energy, it is maybe the reason people feel fatigued. Stop wasting your energy.. stop filling it over the counter and have more boundaries when it comes to who you are sharing your sexual energy with. What I recommend is to share it with someone you know and you feel comfortable and safe and loved. For me personally, I’m selective and judgmental in a certain way, because I understand the interplays of sharing your sexual energy. 

Manifest Everything you Want with literally 0 Action (works 100% Guaranteed)


There are three main things you need in order to manifest anything you want in your life without having to work at all. The first thing is you need a couch. The second thing is to think about what you want. The third step is you just do everything else after that, that you would normally do. It's really simple. I did that for years and got zero results.

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Back in 2012, I went through my spiritual awakening and I went through this kind of flighty sense where I started learning about the Law of Attraction, I learned about the movie, The Secret and everything in my life was then about thinking. I was thinking, I was thinking and I got nowhere because I wasn't being. Everything changed in my life when I started to take action. There are a lot of people in my life, I just dealt with somebody in my life today actually, and it's this common pattern that I'm noticing in life in general, is that there are people that are going through this very flighty kind of like spiritual thing where they are waiting for things to happen. They feel a little bit of resistance and then it's like,

"This doesn't resonate. This is the low vibe." The thing that I want to encourage, and sometimes I just want to shake people and be like, "Come on." Especially for a lot of uninitiated men in the world. Uninitiated, meaning maybe and there's compassion here with this, maybe you didn't have a strong father figure or a masculine presence growing up, but there's this energy and vibration right now on the planet, where so many people are expected to be given things. Because they're expected to be given things, anything that represents a little bit of work or work in general, it seems like that's not necessary. There are some benefits. Some benefits are the millennials are trying to learn how to do things easier in a more… with less effort. That could be one benefit.

But one thing that I’m noticing in the energy dynamic of a lot of people, in general, is when a little bit of resistance comes up, "Oh, it's doesn't resonate. This isn't meant to be." The mentality that I had to go full-time on YouTube, is I started making daily videos on YouTube in February 2017, I was working a nine-to-five job that I did not enjoy, and I made the choice to make daily videos on YouTube. I did that for months. Eventually, I went full-time doing what I love. The YouTube channel took off. I started coaching people and I was able to quit. Sometimes people ask me, "How did you do that? I want to have that passive income lifestyle too." Well, it took quite a bit of work, especially in the beginning. The work is taking action. Physical action and the vibration of your ideal reality, where you're doing what you love, requires an element of action because, for a period of time, we are in a 3D physical world.

It's having a vision for what you want. A moving in the direction of that vision, taking action in that vision, and when other things come up, the meaning we give those things, is the meaning we get out of it. If I would've made a couple of videos on YouTube and been like, "Oh, you know, this feels very hard. I have to make this video and I have work tomorrow." There's a little bit of resistance. I'm getting assigned now to go do this. I would have to go do something else, which is like this spiritual flightiness that I was in in 2012, I would have never got to where I am today. Realize that when you have a vision and when you're going in a certain direction, the part of us that wants to have everything be easy, it is about being in alignment. When you're in alignment with what you're passionate about, I think that is great, but the missing key for so many people right now, and that's not only because I'm frustrated because today I'm dealing with somebody that feels a little bit of resistance and then just decides not to...

One of the things that I want to share with you is to think about it in the terms of the chakras. We've got the root chakra, we've got the sacral chakra, we've got the solar plexus, we've got the heart, the throat, the third eye, and the crown. A lot of spiritual people, like being in the third eye, the crown, the throat, the heart, but it's also about integrating into the bottom three chakras. Which is feeling safe, which is taking action, which is willpower, having discipline. When you have a deeper sense and you're rooted in your own body, you then have even more power to go up even higher into the Astro rounds. But there's this common thing in Sedona where people go through and they're having conversations with extra-dimensional beings and all this stuff. Sometimes I'm just like, "I get it." In 2012, I went through that phase as well, but it becomes so fickle, like a leaf in the wind, like, "This wants me to do this. This wants me to do that." What do you mean want to do? Take your power back.

Be in your body. Be present. Part of taking action in our reality is taking action using our body. Anytime a little bit of resistance comes up, realize that that resistance might be there because that tension is what you through. Intention. It means you're in tension. Part of the intention is taking action because you're doing something, you're wiring something into your reality, that is new. If you want to be a leader, you have to be okay with taking action. Even if you're a feminine person listening to this or you're a female, initiation is really about going into yourself and going into your wounds as well. There are some people that go through a few negative thoughts or negative emotions that they don't want to go there. They don't want to go into their childhood wounds. Well, guess what? Childhood wounds stay on autopilot. You may have a childhood wound with your mom and your dad and therefore you're not being assertive in your life. You may become a people pleaser. You might have a childhood wound around thinking that you're entitled, and then you don't want to take action because it feels low vibrational.

Be okay with leaning into the shadow, and at the same time, realize that in your life right now, your life is a direct reflection of who you are being, and one of the most important parts of being is not just your thoughts, it's not just your emotions, but it's your actions. When I looked at my reality of when I was working nine to five jobs, to then going full-time, I was taking the action of making videos every single day on YouTube. I know that this is kind of like a little bit more of like, just imagine me shaking you right now, like, come on, I love you, but you got to take some action. You got to spiritually initiate yourself into this and realizing you came here to be a part of also 3D physical reality, you could say 5D, but taking action is not a low vibrational thing when you're doing what you love.

how to REALLY let go (once and for all) and WIRE in the New


If you want to bridge the reality from where you are to where you want to be, it's going to require two things of you. On one hand, it is letting go of the old, it may be letting go of an attachment. You have might be letting go of a belief system that no longer serves you. It may be letting go of people that you've been around that have maybe been draining your energy, but whatever it is, your current reality is equal to that, which you've been putting out in that w also you've been allowing some people have trouble letting go of boundaries, but nonetheless, this is about being aware of that and then making a choice to let it go. I know letting go, can't be easy. It can be easy. I know letting go for many people, isn't easy, but I'm in a healing room right now.

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Like this thing right here, this is a PMF bed that puts a pulse electromagnetic frequencies through your body. That helps with healing. We have a bio charger thing over here. It looks like a little test. The machine also has to do with the energetic field of the body, letting go of frequencies or energies that don't serve you so that you can then purge them out of your system. Over here, you will see a hyperbaric chamber, this thing, the same thing. It brings high vibrational oxygen into your body so that you can then let go of what doesn't serve. These are all different tools, different products that we can use. The one thing that I really want to share with you in this video is that anything that helps you give yourself permission to let go is healing in of itself.

It's letting go of a person that's draining your energy, or it's letting go of an attachment that you have to a story you tell yourself about who you are. All transformation is about letting go. Even in my own life, now I look to what I'm experiencing right now in my life. I'm letting go of a lot of beliefs that don't serve me. One belief that I had is that, you know like I'm growing up my hair. One of the beliefs that I had for a long time is that even though I like having, like, I've had a beard before I got on YouTube, and I like having a beard for me, it just feels good to have a beard. I shaved it because I was like, you know, I want to get to a million subscribers on YouTube and grow it a message that impacts many people.

But I don't think I can do that. If I look like I have a beard or long hair, you know, and that was a story I told myself. For a long time, that was the reality I was in. Maybe that would become a self-fulfilling prophecy at some level. But what I'm realizing is that the more I, I hold onto things that don't serve and belief systems that don't serve and also trying to make other people accept me. It's almost like in a way, me bridging my old identity, which cared a lot about what people thought wanted to be like, you know, more relatable. If I don't have a beard, I'm more relatable. What I'm realizing now is that keeps me feeling attached and in a box, you know, I even looked to a lot of the videos I've had on that have done very well in the past.

A lot of times they were videos that were, I was kind of scared to put out and I cared what people thought like, I went through like awareness of like me being attached back in 2018 or 19, and still to this day, there's definitely an attachment sometimes to the content that I create. Just to be honest with you guys. There was a time when I was afraid to make videos on esoteric concepts, like star seeds and the certain like Ascension Awakening we're going through, which is very esoteric ideas. But eventually, I realized that why am I afraid? I'm afraid of what people will think. Once I became aware of that and I let that go and I made those videos guess what happened? Everything got taken to the next level. Many times, the key to letting go is having the courage to step into the unknown. It's having the courage to make a new choice about who you are. That's the thing that I see holds back.

Many people, it's the pro it's, it's the not being able to let go because of the story, tell yourself it's a story. I can't start, you know, spit a lot of people. I see that especially that follow my videos, want to either be creating content or want to help people with their healing practice. Maybe they have a Reiki business and they hold themselves back because of a story they're like, well, I have to do this. I have to do that. That's all a story that we tell ourselves that keeps us in limbo mode that keeps us from actually stepping forth and boldly being who we came here to be at one point in my path. A lot of times what happens when people eventually decide to let go and put this down for a sec, people eventually make the choice to let go is, is when they experience a lot of pain. Maybe someone's experiencing an immense amount of pain. Unfortunately, a lot of spiritual awakening comes from pain. I was in that night. If I drop, I hate it. Then eventually I said, no more. I'm going to start making daily videos.

I'm going to bridge this reality. Remember all transformation is it's a letting go of the old to then wire in the new. When I used to have ADHD, you can see in any part of my transformation even to this day with growing out the beard and growing up the hair and I may not keep it and eventually shave it. I’ll shave it because I want to not because I believe that I can’t grow a message by doing so. I believe that many things in life are also self-fulfilling prophecies. If, I tell myself a story that I can’t grow on YouTube unless I look a certain way or unless I’m only sharing content that I think people’s going to like. Then, what I do is I put myself in that box and that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. It’s almost like the universe is saying and so it is. I can’t do this unless this and so it is. But, what if I reframed it? Much of our reality is based on the meaning we give to different situations. If you look at the scale of consciousness, you’ll see shame, fear, anger, neutrality. You’ll see the reasoning and then love.

The reasoning is the intellect of the mind. In order to get into unconditional love or to love in general, you’ve got to let go of all attachments, and also attachment to meaning attachment to the stories you tell yourself about who you are. Once you become aware of that, that’s when you move into a higher state and that’s also when reality becomes much more magical. Even for me, I’m looking at myself now and I look into the past, for example, I let go of this self-image of myself having ADHD and I started to let go of that belief system. Let go of that label that people gave me in the past. I then started to wire in a new way of being a new habit and that habit was meditation. I was out of the pain that got me to that point to make that choice to then move into the new pain as if I am continuing to take Adderall, the side effects are you can’t sleep and eat very much.

That’s a lot of pain there. I come across meditation and research and show this is very powerful and there are no negative side effects of meditation. Then, I decided to wire into a new identity. As I begin to meditate, I began to see myself as a more calm. That changed my sense of identity. I let go of one to wire into the new. I think a lot of spiritual people as well sometimes maybe they resist taking action because it seems low vibrational. But, I believe that if you’re doing what you’re truly passionate about taking action is not hard. One of the biggest things I can tell you about transformation is it’s all about letting go of the old story.

WAKE UP in the Matrix by reading this blog (no going back)


There's two choices you can make. On one hand, we have what is called the blue pill. The blue pill is blue, but you know what else? The blue represents autopilot, mind being asleep, blissful ignorance, listening to the media in the news. These are all things that the blue pill taking. The blue pill will put you back. Wouldn't you it'll put you back in that state of comfort. You want to be comfortable, even though it's the autopilot mind.

It just might be comfortable, even though there's nothing exciting about it, even though you might even be in fear, that fear may be actually comfortable. On the other hand, we have that of Zen red pill. The red pill is uncomfortable. It's an uncomfortable truth about reality. In the red pill, you go down the rabbit hole. You see how far down that rabbit hole goes in the red pill.

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You are waking up to the truth about who you are to the truth about the way reality works, and you are becoming free. The difference between the blue pill and the red pill and whatever choice you make, understand this, whatever choice you make, there's no going back. I know it sounds very cheesy when I first took the red pill back in 2012. By the way, red pill, blue pill, I'm not talking about politics here. One time I posted on my Instagram, I posted something about the movie, the Matrix, there's a scene from the Matrix. I talked about the blue pill versus the red pill.

First off, we have that of the blue pill and then the red pill, like I would say now, why is the choice permanent? There's no going back. I remember this back in 2012, I was at a place many of you know, my story if you've been watching my YouTube videos, but at the time I had ADHD, I had a painful past that I felt a lot of emotional burden with. I was working a nine to five job that I absolutely hated, but I was doing it because I thought I should, because my dad wanted me to go to college and do this. I felt very stuck. Then what happened is I learned meditation. When I learned meditation, I learned how to observe my thoughts, observe the autopilot mind. I learned how it put me into a new state of consciousness because here's the thing that happens when we come into this reality, this is getting a little bit more esoteric for y'all.

When we come into this reality, we completely forget who we are. We are these eternal spiritual beings that have logged into this reality. It's almost like the movie, the Matrix. The movie, the Matrix, they have this AI twist to it. They have it where they're in this like gel poo stuff. Then they come out of it. It looks like really disgusting. Maybe that's not the way it really is, but that's like a symbol. It's like a metaphor. What we do is we come into this reality. One of the rules of this reality, just like the, like the movie, the Matrix is people forget who they are. We forget who we are. Then part of the purpose of life is so that we remember who we are now, what happens is many of us have come here during this time to go through the process of awakening, the process of awakening, I attribute to that, of the red pill.

Because the red pill is where you realize that the truth. I think about the movie, the Matrix, the movie, the Matrix Morpheus, who is coming to him in his dreams. There's like a deep symbolism here. Then it gives them the option of either taking the blue pill, which is where he wakes up in his bed. He goes about his nine to five life, which is very boring or the red pill, which he goes down the rabbit hole. He learns the truth about who he is. It may be uncomfortable, but he had the two options. Then when he chooses the red pill, he goes down this, this part of reprogramming himself of letting go of everything he thinks he knows so that he can become invincible. He can then overcome his belief system so that he becomes free. Then at the end of the movie, what is he doing?

He's flying around and stuff. He realized that part of the whole movie is him learning to believe in himself by unbelieving and things that weren't him. The thing with the blue pill is the blue pill is very comfortable. The blue pill is stuck inside that belief system and the rigid belief system is what keeps people in that mode. Once you're given the option, some people would happen as they start to go through a spiritual awakening and they then start to go into, they start to take the red pill and they start to have these like perceptions about themselves. They start to maybe even share that with family. You know what sometimes happens. People didn't get afraid cause their family starts to judge them.

They get afraid of the unknown and they try to go back into the, like the blue pill mentality. The problem is that there really is no going back. Even if you pretend to go back deep underneath you, you know that deep down, there's something that's not authentic about that. Some people will go for years and kind of like shove down what they are learning when they started to take the red pill. If you are reading this blog right now, I’m sorry but you most likely already resonate with some of this ideology of the red pill. You’re realizing that the way reality is set up. Even when we talk about the great awakening and what has happened in this reality, there have been a certain group of people, we call them the elites. They have kept and have a system set up just like in the movie “The Matrix”. A system set up that then keeps people in a certain state of consciousness and that has to do with feared anger. When people aren’t fearing anger, they’re easier to be able to control. They’re much more likely to look to authority for certainty.

What happens is the resources can continue to get funneled to them and part of that is that there’s a lot of stimulation that keeps people distracted and then what happens is people beginning to break out of the autopilot mind believing everything they’re told about the media. Believing everything that they’re told about the way the reality like the way the system works so then they can become free. But, the bitter pill to swallow is that it’s acknowledging that a lot of reality has been set up and a lot of what you believe to be true has been a lie. Even when we look in our society, how much of our own history do we know for sure is true? How much of it could be fabricated so that we have a certain belief system. They’ve shown there was a documentary that came out that was called “Out of the Shadows”. It’s very hard to find in YouTube for some reason even though there’s over like 7 million views on it. It talks about how back in the day, the CIA infiltrated Hollywood so that then it could control the belief system of millions of people that watch these Hollywood films, which then controls the belief system of the people.

One of the biggest part of this process, is that we talk about blue pill, red bill which has nothing to do with politics. The blue pill people, they want to conserve their reality and their belief system. When we talk about this, understand that you have a choice. You can either choose the blue or red pill. Either one is a choice. As you start to uncover the truth that you are an eternal spiritual being having a temporary human experience that everything you believe to be true is a belief system that most likely was regurgitated to you. That’s when it starts to become a little bit more interesting. In my own life, I started going back through it in 2012 and it just keeps on going. I ain’t got it figured out yet. Beliefs are the program. Whatever we believe to be true, that is a self-fulfilling prophecy. The craziest thing about this whole problem thing is that everything in our reality is fundamentally neutral except for the meaning we give it.

It’s all about choosing. Always be choosing. If you treat everything in your life as if you chose it, you will start to find that things in your life happen very magically because you let go of resistance. But, remember everything is flexible. It’s all up to you. The key is becoming aware of these self-fulfilling prophecies and then realize that you can choose something new. It’s about waking up and if you didn’t know, right now, a lot of what’s happening in the planet is people are waking up out of the blue pill mentality. Part of this is us teaming up our energy together to visualize, this is called the meditation effect when many of us get together and we visualize a certain outcome it has such a powerful effect on us.

Before the end of 2020… READ THIS!


The biggest weapon that the dark, the elite or the heck we want to call the biggest weapon they have is they are able, or the intention they have is to manipulate the emotions of the collective. Because what they believe is that if they can get people into certain states of emotion, it's going to shift them or put them into a certain state of powerlessness. When people are in powerlessness, they're giving away their power and it has an effect on the collective energy. This is something that I haven't shared as much when I talk about the great awakening. When I talk about what's going on in the world. But in this blog, I'm going to show you the probabilities for the end of 2020, the different things they may intend to do. Also, what you can do to retain your power and to really stand in your own energy so that these things don't affect you. They don't affect your family. They don't affect the timeline. You're on nearly as much.

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Now, in 2020, it's already been pretty freaking crazy as you can see, it's been crazy. One of the reasons it's been crazy is because there's certain energy dynamics at play to keep people within a certain state of consciousness. Now, what is happening? Let's look at it from a metaphorical point of view. I know this is going to sound esoteric, but there's so much light and transformation happening on the planet right now. There's so many people waking up to more of who they are. That what has happened is there's an old, outdated system that has been around for a long time. It's almost like if a computer it's got really old software on it. Imagine that software just wants to remain there. Imagine you borrow your friend's computer or somebody that had the weird energies computer, right. They're being really weird towards you. They were giving it to you. You're like, okay, I'm going to update the software, so I can use it. I'm like, don't update the software.

Don't do, you're not updating the software. Then, you're like, why don't I update the software? Just don't do it. What they would then maybe do is have you believe that you need to leave it the way that it is because maybe they have some hacking software on it that where they can see inside of what you're doing. They can do some creepy stuff that you're not really aware of, but in a similar way, what is happening, there's so much light being brought onto the planet. Many people are waking up, but this older software system, these older you call them, they're people that have just had power for a long time. They do very dark things dark. I mean, just kind of horrible things when it comes to the way they are and what they do is they want to keep people in. Look at the scale of consciousness here, you got fear, anger, neutrality, willpower, reasoning, love. They want to keep people in fear and anger. When people are in fear and anger, they're much easier to control. Then, that in away from their mind stops, the process of transformation happened on the planet. They know it's inevitable.

There are people that I believe know it's inevitable that people are eventually going to wake up, but they want to prolong the process because the longer they can keep people in the dark, the more they can retain their power and the more they can keep the smoke show going. Here's one of the things that you may have not heard me say before. One of the things, their intention is, is to create the emotion, negative emotion. If they keep people in negative emotion, they're much less powerful, but also think about it like this. There's a collective energy that we all have connected together. I believe that there are people on the planet that know this and what they do is if they can manipulate the collective energy, the beliefs of millions, of people on the planet, then they can keep them.

Where they want them. What they do is they have them feeling certain emotions. Think about it like this. There's an infinite number of timelines that exist. The goal for them is to keep people on the most fearful timelines because that's where their power is. The idea is that if we infuse fear in anger, and we control it, then people are going to remain on those timelines. If we can control the narrative. That's why the media will spew out and exaggerate just about everything that's happening. Well, the media is owned by one of the six major corporations that have almost the same intention, whether on this side or this side, it's like, if you're battling that's in that, that reset, that kind of state. The thing that I want to share with you in this video specifically, is that there's an infinite number of timelines that exist at the end of 2020. There’s some astrology that says just like it did, you know I’m not huge like the biggest astrology person ever. I don’t understand it all. I do know though that there are people that study this a lot.

They’ve been saying that at the beginning of 2020, it’s going to be crazy. It definitely has been. Many people that study astrology have said that the beginning of 2020 also points to the end of 2020. The thing that I want you to put your attention on is that this does not have to be a fearful thing. The fear is a choice. If we can neutralize it by observing it, we then have our power back. My guess is that there’s could be something before the end of the year that surprises us. The thing that I want you to be aware of is there are things that have happened this year and each time I put my attention to it, I got very triggered. I immediately reacted. Then, I caught myself as the story started to unfold, you could see different things happening. When it came to the riots, you can see that bricks were planted in different places. There were people that were at these riots that we are seeing other people that were not black that were writing BLM that then were being confronted and you could tell that they are undercover or something was going on.

Not to say that all of them like that, you can tell that there are people provoking other people at these types of riots. It was very interesting that began to unfold. In general, if you can manipulate the emotions, you then put people that are in those emotions on a timeline that is equal to that. I had a reading with Bashar, and one of the things that he said when it comes to this whole great awakening, there’s an infinite number of parallel realities that exist and what happens is we are going to individually shift to the collective that matches our vibration. Some of you I know may be going down the rabbit holes of a lot of the crazy stuff happened in the world. The thing I encourage you to do is not give away the power to not be in fear to understand it. Yes, there’s more going on that helps to wake people up but then to be in the state of what you prefer to raise your own vibration that’s the best thing you can do. For me, I realize that when I lower my vibe and it’s harder for me to get things done. This is the key though, it’s neutralizing what is happening, neutralizing your thoughts. Realizing that if something does happen before the end of the year get to a neutral place before reacting.

things aren’t adding up


Let me share with you so many messages. I'm getting from people all over the world that they're noticing whether it's in relation to the protests, whether it's in relation to a lot of what's going on right now in the world, I'm going to share with you a whole bunch of these, because I think it's important. Now, see me more as a reporter, I've just kind of showed you guys these things. What does it mean? I'll explain in this blog, what I think it means. I do believe that a lot of this is part of the great awakening. I think that this is awakening so many people to a lot of what's going on in many different ways. Let me share with you some of these. A friend was at the protest and LA and said exactly what you said about the cop car being planted.

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I can confirm that's true. Here's the thing, I had so many people reaching out to me, sending me DMS on Instagram saying, there's this video of this guy in LA that is saying that the cop car was planted there in LA. That was like an old beaten up cop car that was in graffiti, like the words, racism, and what it was then done is like put fire on and blown up. There were people saying this was planted. This was not something that people here did. Of course, people added to it because they were throwing a fire at it, but the cop car itself was planted there and there was already graffiti on it. Isn't that kind of interesting. Let's go to another one. Pallets of bricks have been seen in filmed, turning up on city streets out of nowhere.

Also very conveniently to be thrown. There's always more things and it seems very deliberate to create division, maybe Soros or Antifa. Having a lot of people reach out to me saying that George Soros is and has been funding a lot of these protests. I've had so many, it's so interesting to me, all of this stuff. Here's another one, lots of random piles of bricks placed on right sites as well. I keep seeing pictures and videos of them, no constructions around either just bricks in a nest pile. Then, I'll show you this a photo as well, right here. I posted this and shared this on Instagram, just cause I'm getting so much of this. It's showing. I think it's like, there's other stuff going on. I think, I think that the more people are divided the more easily they are to be controlled.

The more likely than it's like, Oh, if we were to run through and have this martial law, everyone would agree because it's like it's for everyone's safety. At other ones, this is happening in Indianapolis to undercover. Cops have also been starting at the looting and had been caught on camera, starting vandalism. Very interesting. Another one says 100%. The riots are stage planned and peaceful protests are being taken advantage of. They have part a post showing the contract signed by the paid writers to escalate the protests and the violence and have jobs like burning down specific building. They also have photos of many accounts of the writers being flown bused in for the protest. I'm at a loss to what to do. I feel like there is nothing I can do, but watch.

It's terrible feeling interesting. I'm sorry. I'm telling you, I'm getting so many of these, someone else says I'm in Minneapolis and the same exact thing is happening here. A cop broke the first windows, starting, the riots, bricks are piled up, et cetera. People are paying attention. Another one live less than a mile away. I can confirm that this is true as well. You can't really see this, but this is also, this is right here, a pile of bricks. That is a, it shows the construction that's being shown, putting and putting the bricks in the middle of the city, just so convenient to be thrown. More of these showing these exact same things. Let me share with you my perspective to a lot of what's going on.

This kind of goes back to some of this stuff I was talking about in some of my prior vids about the hidden agendas going on behind the scenes that maybe we're not aware of and things to do with, with these other factions. A lot of this I think has to do with now to get a little esoteric with you. I believe that there's an awakening happening on the planet. I believe so many people are waking up to who they are. I think for a long time, there have been people on the planet that have kept people in a low vibration state for getting who they are so that they're more willing to just give up their power. I think that as more and more people awaken, there's more and more of a desperate call from these elite people to cause more and more chaos to happen.

Then what happens is people feel divided and in a way, then it leads to the solution they want maybe for some reason they want martial law. It's like, what can we do to have something like this? It's like, well, let's exaggerate this, let's make this way worse. Let's plant bricks and cities let's do this. Let's do that. Then it's almost like, you know, now, I'm in Sedona right now with friends from my buddy's birthday. There was a nine o'clock curfew because of the protests, 1220 $500 fine. If you're found outside, it's just very interesting. You know, when this first started coming out this whole, this whole situation, when it comes to George Floyd, I made some Instagram stories about it and it’s very triggering to make different types of videos. I was making videos about it and I was getting so much polarization on both sides of the spectrums. I believe that we are eternal spiritual beings having temporary human experiences that are skin are literally like clothes.

I do believe that racism is a problem. I have had people in my life that were African-Americans or minorities that I know for sure 100% fact I’ve had an unimaginable thing happen to them that it’s hard for me to understand because I haven’t had to deal with it. I believe that racism is a real thing and I believe that it is something that is reflecting back to us that we can go within ourselves and heal. When we talk about anger, a lot of people are feeling very emotional about what’s happening. That is okay as it’s part of awareness. There are things going in the world that’s not fair. With what’s happening right now, I do believe that there are different aspects of it that are causing more and more separation even within the spiritual community, I look in and I made some Instagram videos about it. I was talking about it.

But, I was noticing that some Instagram influencers that are in the spirituality niche that are literally like saying if spiritual influencers are not talking about this aren’t making like going to protest that are doing this stuff, then why are you even following them. I just thought it was interesting because the way I think we go about this is, first off, spiritual bypassing is not the answer. I think what we need to do is go within the energy we are feeling in the anger and we need to then realize what’s not going right and we need to do what we can to change within ourselves and move into that energy and do something about it. But, the way that we actually have the solution is by unifying people and not separating people. Separating people will just add to the problem. One of the most powerful thing that we can do is to come together, focus and do group meditation and imagine equality, imagine us all coming together, and not promoting more and more separation.

We need to lead by example here and be more inclusive. Envision a world where there is more equality. Feeling inside our hearts and understanding that people of different race are connected to us and that we are all one. We are spiritual beings having a temporary human experience. Every single one of us have been many different races in what we can call “past lives”. I think the best thing that we can do is go within ourselves. Become aware of our own judgement of our own inner things. We need to clear out and become aware of our own inner abuses of power within ourselves. In my own perspective, we’re all one consciousness, that there’s a lot of anger coming up and it’s okay to feel that anger. There’s a big group of people that need to feel heard. I want you to know that I hear you. I may not understand from experience what you have gone through. I’m not going to pretend to but I believe that this is going to wake up more people and I do believe as well that there may be something else here with the people that are funding a lot of these things. I do believe that there’s a great awakening happen on the planet right now. Many people are walking up and I think that now more than ever, it is time for us to wake up and realize that maybe this is emphasized to separate us and maybe what we need to do is come together as one. Create unity and create this connection that we all have with each other and understanding that if we do that we are changing the world.

LET GO (and it will come)


If you let go, it will come. That's all you have to do is let go. Just let go. Sell it off this ship. Stop trying to control the outcome. Stop trying to be attached to someone else, a person, the story that you tell yourself about why you are, where you are, the outcome, the past, let it go. It will come. I promise you. In this blog, I'm going to show you how to do that.

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Today, I'm going to show you all about letting go. This is the thing, and this is why it is so important to let go. When you let go like scale of consciousness, when you let go, just drop it. Your vibration naturally raises when your vibration raises you feel better. Then when you're in a better feeling state, you're more likely to have more contagious energy. You're going to be more attractive to people. You're going to have more of a, of a carefree mentality. You're going to find that synchronistically things reflect back in your life that are preferable, but you'll find in almost every situation when you attached to things. When you're not letting go of either a person and outcome control the past, the story you tell yourself, when you don't let go of that, you create resistance. In my own life, I've had to learn this the hard way. The hard way of learning about this was that it would probably, for me, I would say the one that was the most difficult was control, letting go of control.

I think the reason that is, is because growing up and if you've heard my story, I know I've made a lot of videos on YouTube. This some over, you heard this story of anytime, but having the X step on my life from seven to 16 years old, I, you know, I realized I was always saying seven to 15 years old, so have you seven 16. There you go. New piece of information. The seven to 16 years old, I had the ex-step-mom in my life who was very controlling, very manipulative and didn't have much freedom at all. But what I learned is I ended up creating that certainty and that certainty, even though I w my brother and I both were treated very poorly after my dad divorced her. I remember feeling that sense of like, anything can happen. I don't like, even though we, my brother and I were normally doing chores outside, locked out, not allowed to have friends at, like, even though all those situations, we still, there was a level of certainty to that that felt comfortable.

After my ex step-mom left my life at 16 years old, my dad divorced her all the sudden, my brother and I are allowed to eat the food we want. We're allowed to have friends we're allowed to watch TV. We don't, we don't have to earn, going to school activities. All of a sudden, there's like this level of uncertainty. What ended up happening is I craved that certainty. Until I created it myself, one of the, I created certainty. One of them was actually smoking weed. Yeah… smoking weed. I know a lot of you may smoke weed. It's okay. I'm not judging you. But one of the ways I coped with the past for me was by smoking. I remember when I would smoke. It was a way of certainty. Anytime I would smoke, I would, then that feeling would go away. I was on a desperate climb to gain certainty in my life.

There were many different ways I did that. One was that one was taking Adderall was another one. It took Adderall because I had, it was labeled as Evan ADHD because I had a lot of energy. I am doing is taking that as well. Once again, certainty, you can take it, you feel that certainty. I decided, and I learned meditation. I wanted to get rid of having the side effects of like Adderall, which are you couldn't sleep very much. Couldn't eat very much. I learned and found meditation online was very powerful. I decided to do that. Within weeks I completely got rid of taking Adderall, completely got rid of smoking. I started to meditate. I didn't found certainty in something else, but this was something more positive. Then after meditation years later, I got certainty and making daily YouTube videos and starting to become successful.

This whole time I was having issues letting go of that certainty. I started to find that the more I had perspectives and the more I owed attach myself to meditation or videos, and I started to get success and I started to get rewarded for that. But what I eventually found is I had to let go of that control in order for me to really get to the next level. I hit a wall when I was making daily videos and I started to get results from it. But I felt like so much resistance. Remember, if you are attached, you are resistant. If you are not attached, you are not resistant to something. The energy is open and free and unconditional loving.  Remember, if you are having trouble letting go, there is a reason there. The reasoning of the mind. The cobweb of the mind that’s trying to decide why you feel the way you do. If you feel attached to a story about someone else, realize this, you are an infinite spiritual being living in a temporary human experience and you have an amazing experience with this person or maybe not amazing but you feel attached to them.

We have this perspective and what ends up happening is because of this perspective we end up feeling attached and it’s hard to let go of them. But, realize this, there’s 7 million people in the world. If you had such deep connection with this one person then it’s highly probable that there’s someone else out there that you could have even a deeper connection with. That is the difference. You realize that everything is already inside you. You can give yourself permission to love. You can give yourself permission to feel confident. It’s giving yourself permission and it’s just that we have rules. Anything you say, any belief you have, is a self-fulfilling prophecy. What is the key out of it? The key out of this, the way out is by becoming aware and it’s just a story. It is not actually 100% the way reality works. You just need to let it go. Let go and become free.

3 Myths of 5D you must NOT Buy into!


I'm about to share with you three huge myths of 5D reality, some of which go against everything that you've heard about it. Take a big old gold book, kombucha so that you don't spit it all over the screen when I share these with you cause that's how shocking they really are. In this blog, that's why there was a warning in the beginning. Make sure that it is safely being ingested into your beautiful crystal and body so that you can take on the energy that I'm about to share with you. Okay, you guys ready? So first off, 3D to 5D reality out. First off, what is 5D reality?

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I know it sounds esoteric, however, just a general overview of it. 5D reality is a level of consciousness that we have the ability to be in right now on the planet. We have been for thousands of years in what is called a 3D level of consciousness. 3D level of consciousness is right behind me. It is duality, separation, attachment to outcome, attachment to things, materialism, autopilot, mind thinking, the same thoughts everyday, filling the same motions every day, doing the same things every single day. Then reactive, very reactive. The news is happening, stuff's happening in the world and it's very reactive.  I wrote the words, look you want to know, I wrote the words look right here because I was trying out this new marker and I typed out low and then I was like, okay, hello. Okay. Yeah that's pretty much what happened.

Look, just look the eyeballs look. But 3D reality is something that has been here for a long period of time and now what we are doing is there is a 3D level of consciousness on the planet and then we're also shifting into what is called 5D level of consciousness or at the health 4D go, okay, where's 4D we just going to skip three and go to five. Come on. Is that even possible? They say that 4D is actually like time. Okay. In essence, I think that we've actually been in more of a 4D reality. 4D is like things become more vibrational. Things become much more flexible. Those duality and polarity. In 3D and 4D or 5D we begin to move beyond duality and polarity. The 5D level of consciousness is where we have more abilities than maybe we have right now.

Maybe we have more intuitive abilities. We understand our connection more. Five days about connection and love. It's very high vibration. It's very fun. It's very much in the moment. Whereas 3D reality is much more about the past and the future in the in the future. It's like identified with that now 5D reality is what is emerging right now on the planet. It's why there's so much transformation happening. A lot of the old 3D duality of good, bad, light, dark, all those things are beginning to really come to the surface for us to deal with. When we talk about this, the first thing that I want to talk about when it comes to 5D consciousness is the myth that many people believe, okay, hold your kombucha in just in case. Many people believe that 4D reality is actually a place they think.

That's a myth. It is not a place. 5D consciousness, fifth dimensional consciousness is not a place. It is a state of consciousness. Right now, on the planet, what Bashar has talked about, and even in the books by Dolores cannon, it talks a lot about this. There's like a 3D and 5D earth split that is happening. That doesn't mean physically that five, the reality is splitting from earth and that there are people going to be left behind and all of this stuff. Grab your, grabbed your grandma, grabbed your kids, let's get over to 5D. It's not like that. What is happening is right now on the planet, you've got people in 3D, you've got people in 5D, you got people in 4D for some reason in the spiritual community, we like to split up these things and we like to just completely skip 4D.

I don't know why. I don't know. I feel bad for 4D it's probably lonely and it's like no one ever pays. It's like the, it's like the middle child that no one pays attention to. Okay. Now, why the middle child gets angry. It was like, I want you to pay attention to me. You have no choice. Okay. But remember 3D is like the naughty little kid that's trying to control everything. That's like the tyrant 5Ds, like the annoying spiritual kid that just loves everything. Then 4D's right in the middle being ignored. The first myth around that 5D is believing that 5D is a place. It's not a place. Back in 2012 there were a lot of people that were focused on ascending into a completely new, like it was almost like a rapture or something. These things are going to come and we’re going to literally phase out of this reality. When we wake up, these spiritual beings in a different reality. We are doing that in this reality. One of the things that happens when we come to earth, as spiritual beings is we totally forget who we are. We forget that we are spiritual beings.

Then, we go through this process of identifying with our ego, think of this is who I am and what we do is we then go through that kind of forgetfulness and we go through a process of waking back up to who we really are. One of those things that we forgot is we’re all connected. We’re all one consciousness and part of that forgetfulness is in the past in ancient times. Maybe what happened is the Mayans and stuff maybe they did ascend in kind of like group consciousness and they ascended into a higher level of consciousness. Maybe that did happen we’re meant to do it here together collectively. We are taking a little bit of longer path rather than back in 2012 when some of us could have ascended into some rapture. No, we are doing this together. The first myth is that it’s place and that going to happen like we are going to phase here and phase out. The second myth is that some people have this idea that what they’re going to do is they are going into 5D and they want to bring everyone in 3D. They are in fear and they think that this is like the end-all be-all end of the world. But, the other thing that says a lot of people ask us in the Dolores Cannon books.

The third one has to do with understanding that this 3D and 5D shift is not going to be some momentary thing that then is just permanent. There’s this buffer time right now where there is this 3D consciousness and 5D consciousness. But, these things are here now and we have the ability to go back and forth for awhile as the vibrations speed up and by back and forth remember it’s not two different earths. It’s not like one’s over here ones over here. It’s more so back and forth between this level of consciousness. As time goes on, the vibration will speed up more and will want to be more in alignment with what we and how we prefer to be. You observe the duality, the feeling of separation and all of these stuffs. Then, you just be in the 5D, in love, joy, and peace, and high vibe state. Remember, life is a form of dream. You are an eternal spiritual being dreaming right now. Enjoy life and have fun.

The Blog that broke you out of your box (and changed your life forever)


If I were to look at myself and the way that I live now, you making daily videos on YouTube, doing different things. When it comes to traveling the world, doing live events, these things to my old identity were very fearful. These things were at one point in my life, not familiar if I even thought of putting a video out to where a lot of people could see, it would freak me out. Actually, the first video I ever put out on YouTube, I put it out immediately called my mom and asked my mom to like my video on Facebook because I was embarrassed that no one else was going to like it. I was also very much caring about what people think. I was always reading the comments every like I'd like to watch the views go up like three views an hour. It was like something.

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I was like very fearful of getting any type of negative feedback. However, if I look at my reality now where I travel the world, do what I love, do events and do videos. Then I could see that this at one point in my life was completely unfamiliar, but realize that what is familiar is just how we've consistently thought felt enacted. That's just on autopilot and what'll happen is we're going to feel fearful of anything that's outside of what we consistently think, feel, and act and how we define ourself. One thing that's very important to do is to become aware of how we define ourself, but also realize that where the magic happens is stepping into the unknown. The thing you're probably afraid to do is going to be the thing that gives you the biggest result. Because that thing that you're afraid to do is what's going to break you out of that old identity, our identity, the way we see ourself, what is habitual, what we've already wired in is on autopilot.

It's in a survival mechanism. It's not looking to thrive. It's looking to just survive. When we do something outside of that, it's fearful and that's stretching us beyond where we currently have been, how we've currently thought felt and acted. I've remembered only, almost any YouTube video I've been afraid to put out. I made a video on the great awakening. I was afraid to put that video out and because of that thing, and I was like, do I define myself as this kind of person that puts out this kind of content? I said, well, do I feel authentically guided to put this out? I was like, yes, I'd put out that video goes viral. Almost any time. I've put out a YouTube video that I was afraid to put out because it's not a part of my identity. Those are the videos that tend to do very, very well.

I don't know why they just do the thing that I do that I most afraid to do tends to be the thing that breaks me out of that identity. I was at one point on YouTube considered the law, a law of attraction YouTuber. I remember, I wanted to make videos on esoteric stuff like star seeds and this stuff that I knew people were gonna think was very, we went out there, but guess what? That was the video I was afraid to do. Guess what I did. I said, okay, I'm making that video and I'm putting it out. Guess what? An explosion of growth. When you challenge your identity, you get out of the autopilot mind, and then you get into a new way of being my old identity, as well as I used to work at nine to five jobs on a woman's shoes, and I would walk around work and I'd mess with a customer.

I'd have a lot of fun. I was very loud, obnoxious. I'm just so loud. But I'm a different now I'm much more grounded now, at least that's what I like to think. But, I used to never see, I used to have what it's called ADHD. I took Adderall for it, the prescription drug for it, but it had a very hard side effect of he couldn't eat very much. He couldn't sleep very much. Eventually, I went online and I learned about this stuff called meditation. Guess what meditation I looked at, I was like, this doesn't sound like me. Sit down and observe my thoughts, how boring. I don't want to do that. But guess what happened? Because it was the thing that my identity didn't want to do. I did it and it completely changed my life. I did also started to redefine myself.

I'm like, well, I used to define myself as having ADHD and all this energy and having this big imbalance in this disorder. Then what I did is I said, you know, I'm going to redefine this. I'm going to meditate every day for 10 minutes, more than 10 minutes at night. I'm going to see myself as having balanced energy and I'm gonna walk barefoot on the grass to balance out my energy. If I feel like I have too much, I completely redefined myself. Almost any transformation you're going to make in your life is from a Reed death, redefining a sense of identity. I redefining of who you believe you are. I used to believe that I had to work a nine to five job. A lot of people don't, aren't aware of this, they may say, well, how do I know what I believe about myself and how I see myself?

Your reality right now on the outside is equal to that, which you see yourself and to that, which you are thinking, feeling and acting. If you want to know where your beliefs are, look at your life right now and it's okay. It's okay if you're living a life and you're, you're not experiencing what you want. The first step is becoming aware of it. For example, I was working that nine to five job and I could've said, well, what's my current limiting belief. What do I currently believe about myself? Well, obviously I believe I have to have a nine to five job, even though I knew that I wasn't passionate. I had a sales commission job because I knew I wanted to at least have some control over my paycheck. Eventually, I made a new choice about who I was. I became aware of that. I said you know what, I'm going to be this full time, YouTube. Right. I imagined and reverse engineer that future version of me and I saw that Aaron, the version of me was living my dream life.

 Making videos on YouTube, travelling around the world and doing pretty much what I’m doing now. I said, “Okay, what if I can be that person before I am that person and I’m going to be that person because I know it’s more authentic. The key to this is to become aware of the box that you are in right now. You’re probably in your car, you’re probably in your house, you’re probably at your job, you’re probably in a box. The only way you’re not going to be in a box is if you are outside on the grass or something like that. Most likely you are listening to me right now in a box and you got a box of your identity for the way you see yourself. You may see yourself as only able to make 50K a year, you may see yourself as only be able to be in a relationship with someone you don’t care about, you may see yourself as somebody that’s being treated a certain way or someone as single or you may see yourself as somebody that’s not able to be successful. But, it’s time to break out of the old identity. It’s not okay to be in a box.

Go outside your box and walk barefoot on the grass. Be free and realize that you are an eternal spiritual being living in a box that you have agreed to yes you have to take responsibility for being in the box too that’s the thing otherwise it’s like you did this to me, Mom. One of the biggest things that you will ever learn, if you want to bridge your reality to your new reality, you have to start with your own identity and you got to get uncomfortable. If you want to create something new you got to get into the unknown. If you want to create anything magical in your life anything at all, all you got to do is break out of the old identity. Go out of the box and push yourself to step out of things that your old identity would have never done.

5 Things That Mess up Your Optimal Timeline (and you don’t even know it)


There are many different timelines that exist right now on the planet. There are some, where the stuff that happened at the beginning of the year has influenced hundreds of thousands of millions, of people. There are timelines that are much less optimal than what we are experiencing. It is more important than ever to be on the most optimal timeline. In this blog, I'm going to share with you the five ways and things that you must do so that you don't shift to the least optimal timelines. I'm going to show you exactly what to do about it.

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Today, I'll be sharing with you the five things you must know, and you must do to not shift to the least optimal timeline. First off, just to get this video, some context, I am at Zen new house in Sedona. Beautiful. Let me show you that the red rocks over here, Let me see if you can see it. Look at those. It's beautiful here. It's one of my favorite places in the world. It's funny. A lot of people are actually being called to Sedona right now. There are so many people that I'm meeting that have moved into Sedona coming here. I'll be going back and forth between here and Las Vegas. But nonetheless, this has really made me think about the most optimal timeline. What do I mean by that? Well, right now on the planet, what is happening with this whole great awakening and the great awakening for those of that you don't know.

The great awakening that is happening right now on the planet. There are millions of people all over the world waking up and understanding that there are a lot of things that have been in the dark for a long time. There were a lot of people that have had a certain amount of power, call them the elite, whatever we call them that have kept us in the dark and made us be on this hamster wheel of working these nine to five jobs doing and really existing the way that we have in the world where they've understood that if you keep people in fear, people are much easier to be controlled, and they're much more likely to also listen to authority. One of the things that have happened in the world right now is a lot of things are being exaggerated.

A lot of things are being emphasized in a way that we stay in that fear state so that we're more likely to be controlled. People are waking up to this. People are looking at the media, and they're like, man, something here just doesn't feel right. People even beyond just the media are just feeling like and noticing. It is really awakening more people who they are also understanding the spiritual dimension of life, that they are spiritual beings having temporary human experiences. It's an amazing time to be alive right now. Another part of this is there's so much light being brought into the planet that it's bringing up all these subconscious things that have not been dealt with.

One thing that he said is that right now, more important than anything else, it's understanding that there are many different timelines that exist. This is what a parallel quantum physics shows us is that there's an infinite number of parallel realities that exist. What he said is that based on our individual vibration, that is going to be the collective reality we shift to. When we think about that there are realities that exist where what happened at the beginning of the year was way worse. There are realities that exist, where there are more optimal timelines as well, where things are even much more preferred. There are realities that exist where vaccinations are being pushed even more than they are here. Then there's also more optimal timelines where that's pushed even less. The key to this is us raising our own vibration because when we raise our vibration, it then shifts us to the most optimal timeline.

That's what's more important than ever for us to realize is that this is all about our vibration and are we raising it? The first thing that will keep you on the least optimal timelines is going to sound super obvious, but I have to share it. It's watching and paying attention and buying into the news that will shift you to the least optimal timeline. I'm also doing my best to remain in a very positive attitude here in Sedona. I went yesterday to Whole Foods to grab some food because I came in from Vegas at like six at night. Then, I went to Whole Foods. When I was there, they were passing masks out front. This lady that was working at Whole Foods was like, here, take the mask. I was like, no, I'm not taking the mask. I'm good. She goes, "The mayor said that you have to wear the mask." or something like that. I took the mask, I just put in my car. I didn't wear it. This I'm not telling you guys what to do. I'm just telling you what I do or what I did because I did believe from what they've shown with the reports anyways, wearing a mask makes it worse. But also, it's just my personal opinion.

I didn’t say that it doesn’t exist. I believe it does. I don’t say that you don’t use your mask. Do whatever resonates with you. I just feel like it’s not exactly what is being shown. That is from my own perspective. The thing to recognize, though is I kind of observing what is happening. I’m not the only one not wearing a mask. There are people who are not also wearing a mask. There’s like a shaming thing going on that you will feel guilty if you are not wearing a mask. The thing that I can tell the people who are in that state, some people are watching the news and some don’t. Some are really buying into it. I think a lot of that is there to keep people in fear. The thing that I would encourage everyone is to do what resonates with you. If what resonates with you is wearing a mask, then wear a mask. Trust your intuition. In the news, I can see people why they are in that state because they are very afraid. They are very much concerns in believing into a lot what they’ve been told. The key is to observe it.

Being on the least optimal timeline is like if I would be over-reacting to that. I wasn’t resisting, I was just observing. Paying attention to the news is going to have a powerful effect on which timeline you go to. The second thing that I’ll talk about that will influence the timeline is actually the people you are around. If you have people around you who are putting ideas in your head, telling you that you are not worthy, you are not capable of achieving your dream life. If that is what people are telling you, then don’t be afraid to spend less time with them. There is a certain way we are reacting and feeling that keeps us within a certain state of consciousness and certain reality. One of the biggest anchors that will keep us in our current reality is people that are around us that don’t believe or uplift us. Don’t be judgmental of your friends, but pay attention to how you feel when you are around certain people. If you are a lightworker, step into your mission for you to feel powerful. That is more important than ever. If you have friends that are telling you that you can’t do it, it’s okay to separate yourself from them and to choose where you put your energy. It’s okay to have some boundaries.  Some people may tell you certain things and you may believe in them, and when you believe in them, it increases the probability of it coming true. Don’t give away your power. That’s one way of being on the least optimal timeline.

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