Igniting Souls Podcast with Kary Oberbrunner show

Igniting Souls Podcast with Kary Oberbrunner

Summary: Welcome to the Igniting Souls Show. If you want to experience clarity in business and in life then discovering who you are, why you're here, and where you're going is a must. The Igniting Souls Podcast is dedicated to help you do just this.


 #091 - ELIXIR Project: The Name Change Ceremony | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2740

FIRST PART: Enjoy a play-by-play breakdown of #IgnitingSouls16 from this past weekend. You'll experience a plethora of coaching nuggets that will help your own book, brand, and business. Don't miss out on our super early bird rate for #IgnitingSouls17. It expires on Friday, October 28th. ===> http://www.ignitingsoulsconference.com

 #090 - ELIXIR Project: We are the authorities | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1689

What advice is breaking you? Who's giving you orders? Is that advice benefitting you or breaking you? How can you know for sure? => What advice is making you? You must decide what advice shapes you. You are the authority. More on this topic in the first part of the episode. We find Sienna taking it. In the second part of the episode, Sienna and her friends discover they can't run to the authorities for help. Here's why: "Either of you care to explain why you had to drug us?” Chloe asks. “Walking out the front entrance of the airport would have been a little less…traumatic.” “Couldn’t,” McNultey replies. “We received confirmed reports of more SWARM agents at the airport. And the board gave us strict orders about transporting all twelve clerics safely.” “And we’re supposed to believe you?” Chloe asks. “I’ve already snapped photos of you with my ring. Who says we’re not going to turn both of you in to the authorities on charges of kidnapping?” “Authorities,” McNultey laughs. “Did you hear that, Kiran? Young lady, you’re going to find out real quickly something you’d better never forget. We are the authorities. And someday you’ll look back and thank us for ‘kidnapping’ you. SWARM knows you twelve clerics are valuable, and that’s why they’re after you.” Sienna knows the only way to discover the truth is right through the fog. Read chapter 7 now by clicking here. Each week we’re releasing another free chapter of Elixir Project, no strings attached. It’s yours for the taking and for the reading. ===>>> bit.ly/ElixirProject7

 #089 - ELIXIR Project: Fear no one but truth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1770

What's your desire? Ask children what they desire and they'll tell you. It's no secret to them or anybody else. A bigger question is, do they see their desire fulfilled? Often times, the reality is no. They may simply move on to the next thing out of boredom or difficulty, but are you and I that different? Desire without deadlines are simply pipe dreams. A secret of high performance are deadlines. What's your deadline? Confession! In one sense I hate deadlines. I know that when I put a date out there, then I'm on the hook. If I fail to deliver, than in a way I've failed. In another sense, I love deadlines. I know without them I'd never get anything done. They force me to focus my attention and amplify my energy. More on this topic in episode 89. Fear no one, but truth. In the second part of the episode, we find Sienna and her friends kidnapped and inside a transport vehicle. Sienna is the first to wake up. She meets ELIXIR's spokesperson Tilda. Here's that interaction: -------------------- But then I find them—or maybe they find me. Unmistakably blue, ignited by a bottomless fire. Tilda's gaze pierces me, unwrapping every fiber and undressing every mask. Then she speaks again, her voice a blend of seduction and mystery, dripping with hypnotic intonation: “Please let me offer an apology and congratulations. First the apology. Although I’m unsure of the exact measures administered to bring you to ELIXIR, I’m assuming they were somewhat extreme. Understand, our current campaign against SWARM demands we adhere to the highest levels of security. We could not jeopardize our Project at this time by providing details about your relocation to you or your families. In the future, you will know the whole truth. “And now for the congratulations. Unbeknownst to you, we’ve been monitoring you for quite some time. We’ll share more on this topic when you arrive. You are one of twelve clerics we have recruited from all corners of the world to assist in the overthrow of SWARM. Soon you will become household names. “I’m sure you have questions. But rest assured, ELIXIR has the answers—and in time you will, too. Breathe deeply. I know the angst you taste. I was once recruited by ELIXIR, too. I chose to accept the call for my country, my family, and myself. Today my life is forever changed. “I look forward to meeting you very soon. Remember, fear no one but truth.” ------------------- Should Sienna trust Tilda or should she run the other way? Read chapter 6 now by clicking here. http://elixirprojectbook.com/free Each week we’re releasing another free chapter of Elixir Project, no strings attached. It’s yours for the taking and for the reading.

 #088 - ELIXIR Project: Conspiracy in the Control Room | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1750

In the first part of this episode I discuss why live events are so powerful. Simply put, it's because they stretch us. This phenomenon is called nerouplasticity. Experts used to believe this process ended in our childhood. However, the latest studies reveal that we can carve new pathways into our brains well into adulthood. One of the ways we do this is by being exposed to new settings, circumstances, people, and experiences. In these situations we're literally being stretched in ways. In the second part of the episode, we find Sienna and her friends in a difficult situation facing a difficult decision. Here's a sneak peek: “Drink this,” McNultey orders. His eyebrows squish together at the top of his forehead just below his hair. Streaks of silver give away his age. He points to four vials of orange liquid on a high-top table in front of us. The clear glass cylinders rest on a simple glass tray. “What is it?” Nick holds one vial between his right index finger and thumb. He lifts it up to the single lightbulb overhead, trying to identify the contents. “Come on, people,” the senior officer growls, tapping his foot on the hard floor. “We have to move.” He places his hands on his hips, one hand near his stun gun. Will Sienna and her friends follow McNultey's orders or will they choose to disobey and suffer the consequences? Get the first 5 chapters of #ElixirProject free right here: http://www.elixirprojectbook.com/free/

 #087 - ELIXIR Project: The new technology that reads your thoughts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2942

This episode begins with sound practical coaching on when to grow your team, how to grow your team, and what to charge for your services. After that, it's all ELIXIR Project. Sienna and her Uncle Cai engage in a heated debate about Cortex, the cutting edge smart ring that utilizes a new technology called Prompts. Sienna sees the risks, but Cai only sees the benefits. Sienna's Uncle understands the value because it could be used to defeat SWARM, a hacktivist group which threatens global peace. “But isn’t it a little…dangerous?” I asked, shifting my weight on Cai’s dark brown leather sofa. I tucked both feet up under my legs to get into a comfortable position. “Prompts? How so?” He rested his chin on his fist. “Well…,” I fumbled, trying to form an educated objection. “Thought-influencing technology sounds awfully similar to mind control. Isn’t it risky?” “Risky? Come on, Sienna. What news feed have you been scanning? Sure, we have skeptics and haters, but think of all the good it can do.” “Prompts might be a breakthrough, but sometimes I worry about all of you at ELIXIR. You seem so busy creating I wonder if you have time to evaluate what you’re doing. There’s a price for playing God, you know.” “Well, any time God wants to step in and stop SWARM he can,” Cai replied. “In the meantime, we’ll do our part.” GET MORE FREE CHAPTERS HERE ===> http://elixirprojectbook.com/free

 #086 - ELIXIR Project: Unexpected encounter at the airport | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2104

ENGAGE EARLY Without a doubt, writing a fiction book was the most difficult thing I've ever done in my entire adult life. I'm not exaggerating one bit. It tops grad school, writing a dissertation, and starting a global business and non-profit. Part of the struggle was knowing how to start ELIXIR Project. My first few attempts were slow, boring, and too deep. With a near future thriller this was not my goal. As a result, I shifted everything and went for a scene that sucked readers in. ENGAGE OFTEN I've always enjoyed "smart movies." A few examples are Matrix, Inception, and Equilibrium. Each of these required me to remain engaged, just to make sense of the movie. Part philosophical, part sci-fi, with a blend of technology, these are the movies that stick with me longer after the closing scene. I like brilliant character development, cool fight scenes, inner conflict, and epic stakes involved. It's one thing watching this type of world unfold, it's another thing creating a version all your own. I wanted ELIXIR Project to include believable characters, original plot lines, and near future integration. ENGAGE UNEXPECTEDLY Pace is everything...in life and in literature. I like twists and turns. Give me a big dose of surprises and I'm a happy reader. I don't want to see it coming, even though I try with all my might AND mind. ELIXIR Project is chocked full of the unexpected. ENGAGE NOW Each week we're releasing another free chapter, no strings attached. It's yours for the taking and for the reading. Click below to get caught up to the most current chapter. Enjoy getting engaged in ELIXIR. Just remember: Everything can be hacked, even the truth. =====>>> http://bit.ly/ElixirProject3

 #085 - 3 essential ingredients for going viral with your book, brand, or business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1722

Are you ready for viral? If you've been around the Internet for more that a few days then you know going viral is a good thing. Let me qualify that last statement. If you have a book, brand, or business, then going viral is a VERY good thing. Virality increases your influence, impact, and income by gathering attention and engagement around your message. While most people would love to go viral, unfortunately, these same people have no clue HOW to go viral. Although engineering a video, website, or book to go viral is nearly impossible, there are 3 ingredients that make this phenomenon much more likely. Do you know the ingredients? Going viral is a result three essential ingredients: (1) COMMUNITY When it comes to viral, which comes first content or community? Great question. Sometimes, it's community (like in the case of 21 Pilots). They have a cult following and so when they drop a new video it gets millions of views automatically. (2) CONTENT Other times it's content (like in the case of the chewbacca mom). She was relatively a no-name before her video hit the mainstream. Her video was so unique and valuable (entertainment quality) that it went viral quickly. (3) CONVERSATION Virality centers around conversation. Comments, opinions, and dialogue propels books, brands, and businesses further. When apple announced it's new products recently, conversation happened immediately. Even spoofs about the announcement went viral, fueling the conversation even further. Going viral requires 3 essential ingredients: dynamic content, community, and conversation. In episode 85, I unpack these 3 essential ingredients. I also give you a proven example you can use to replicate for your own book, brand, or business. Want to Sample the Ingredients? With my new book ELIXIR Project, I wanted to "cook up" something amazing. As a result we decided to serialize the novel up until the launch. If you want to see these three ingredients in real time, you can check out the: (1) Community = It's called ELIXIR Project VIP Launch Experience. https://www.facebook.com/groups/elixirproject/ (2) Content = We release a new chapter every week on Sneak Peek Sunday. Here's chapter two. http://www.elixirprojectbook.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/ELIXIR-Project-2-ARC.pdf (3) Conversation = Each chapter includes a facebook thread where readers can weigh in with their thoughts, comments, and guesses (since this book is a conspiracy). https://www.facebook.com/groups/elixirproject/permalink/674055276079291 Out of my 6 traditionally published books, 3 ghostwritten books, and hundreds of other writing projects, ELIXIR Project seems to be the perfect mix of all 3 ingredients. (We'll see how this all shakes out on December 6th, launch day.) In the meantime, enjoy your FREE sample. And feel free to use this strategy for your own book, brand, or business.

 #084 - The #1 reason why you're not winning as much as you could be | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2876

Are you winning? In sports, winning and losing is a black and white deal. At the end of the game, despite bad calls, poor performance, and fantastic displays of athleticism...someone wins and someone loses—end of story. But in life things get murky. How do you keep score? Should you keep score? Is there even such a thing as winning and losing? And what's the point of the game anyway? What does winning mean to you? After coaching thousands of people, I've realized most people don't even know what it means to win or lose in life. This is a major problem. Lack of clarity about what it means to win in life often contributes to depression, discouragement, and disengagement. Many studies, including this one by Psychology Today, reveal that: Progress on our goals makes us feel happier and more satisfied with life. Translation? Happiness, joy, and fulfillment are deeply tied to defining the win and then designing the win. Could you be winning even more? If you haven't defined and designed your win, then check out this FREE webinar going on right now. ===> bit.ly/IWANTFREEDOM Or maybe you already have. In that case, then could you be winning even more? My guess is yes. I think you're underperforming and you have tons more inside you waiting to bust out. In this episode, I reveal the #1 reason you're not winning as much as you could be. Start winning now! Nobody wins without intentional practice. If you want to be better you need to get better. Igniting Souls Conference 2016 is designed to do just that. BECOME UNHACKABLE = I want to help you win more. Invest 2 days with me and a small group of world changers. Learn how to “become unhackable” in your personal and professional life. Check out the schedule and you'll see exactly what I mean. We have only 10 tickets left before a sell out. Use code elixirvip to take $100 off now through September 12 or until tickets are gone, whichever comes first. ===> http://www.ignitingsoulsconference.com

 #083 - The true test to know if you're ready for success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3515

Can I predict your future level of success? Absolutely! There's a test I give all my clients to determine their future level of success. The test centers on one particular law—The Law of Diminishing Intent. If you're unfamiliar with it, let me explain. Jim Rohn first coined the concept: "The longer you wait to do something you should do now, the greater the odds that you will never actually do it." What's something you know you should do right now? - Change your diet? - Read that one article? - Attend that one conference? - Schedule that one appointment? - Start writing that one book you've been talking about? Successful people are action-takers We never procrastinate what's urgent. If your loved one was taken hostage, you wouldn't delay or debate taking action. Rather, you'd reorient your schedule to go after what's valuable to you. This is the same mindset successful people have. Successful people are able to identify and eliminate what IS NOT urgent, discern what IS urgent, and then take massive action in that direction, immediately. Immediately is the key word! In this episode I introduce you to a real client of mine I call Charlie (name changed). I tell you why he was on the road to self-sabotage and how he rerouted himself onto the road to success. You'll discover no nonsense wisdom you can practically apply today. Take action today Which of these do you need to do? Identify at least one and then do it NOW! If you delay, chances are you'll never do anything. And if you never do anything, you'll stay exactly where you are. BECOME UNHACKABLE = If you want to invest 2 days with me and a small group of world changers and learn how to “become unhackable” in your personal and professional life then come to the Igniting Souls Conference ($300 off – limited time only - use this code at checkout = elixirvip). ===> http://www.ignitingsoulsconference.com LEARN TO LAUNCH = If you plan on launching a book, brand, or business sometime in the next 3 years, then join my VIP Launch Experience, and I’ll mentor you for 6 months as I launch my next book ELIXIR Project. (FREE – over 350 already joined) ===> http://www.elixirprojectbook.com How to take back control of your calendar: Free web class. In just over 60 minutes discover how you can regain control of you life and become a Master in the Art of Living. Watch it now. Limited-time replay. Includes free webinar workbook. Hundreds of people have already found freedom. ===> http://bit.ly/2bllFkn

 #082 - The smartest way to more influence, impact, and income | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3052

Too Many Opportunities...That's the Problem We live in a time and place where opportunities abound...too many actually. Just pick up your smart phone and you'll see endless invitations to: Play Join Browse Buy Look Promote Engage Comment Post Scroll And a thousand other actions... Sooner or later though, you're going to have to make a choice. Are you going to be a consumer, critic, cynic, or creator. Our world is an inch deep and a million miles wide. If you want to stand out then you're going to need to separate from the pack and differentiate yourself. To increase your influence, impact, and income you need to get smarter. In my 39 years on the planet, after coaching thousands of clients and engaging with hundreds of businesses and business models, I've realized a truth. I believe it's the smartest way to more influence, impact, and income. Why it Makes Sense to Get SMART At the end of your life you can look back and see hundreds of half-dug holes. In our illustration these holes represent places where you tried to make an impact. Most people start digging with the best intentions, but then they stop digging for one reason or another. Fast-forward and then they start digging a brand new hole. As a result, they never take an idea to it's full potential...and quit right before they get to the good stuff. Thankfully, there is another option. You can become an outlier. You can take one of these holes and then dig, dig, and dig—mining it for all it's worth. Many times these deep holes connect with other deep holes, becoming synergistic and creating even more influence, impact, and income. Such was the case with my last 3 books: Your Secret Name, The Deeper Path, and Day Job to Dream Job. I sought out to answer 3 questions: Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going? We completed the SMART model by turning these 3 books into 6-figure businesses. Getting SMART by writing, publishing, marketing your book the right way is wise for these 5 reasons: S = Specialization: A book narrows your focus which increases your irreplaceability and value in the marketplace. M = Magnification: A book acts a magnifying glass to your entire brand. A = Articulation: The writing process forces you to be clear, concise, and direct. R = Revitalization: Publishing a book brings new life to your business. T = Transformation: The writing, publishing and marketing process always transforms the author first. Here's How to Get SMART In this episode I teach you all about getting SMART. Before or after you listen to the podcast, I'm sure you'll have more questions. I've helped over 40,000 aspiring authors find answers to these questions. This Wednesday August 24 on a FREE live webinar I'd love to help you too. You can secure your spot by registering here or by clicking on the link below. (We'll send those who register the limited-time recording if you can't make it live.) ===> REGISTER HERE http://bit.ly/2brdzTF

 #081 - How to become a more strategic thinker | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3476

Today, I'd love to change your mind....mainly about how you think. This little post and subsequent podcast could be one of the more important things you think about in 2016...and here's why: Live long enough on the planet and you'll hear: You are what you think. Live a little longer and you'll hear this variation: You don't get what you want, you get who you are AND who you are is a direct result of what you think. (Read the sentence again 5 times slowly. If you blow by it, success will blow by you. But if you soak it in, success will soak into you.) Bottom line, what you think shapes the results you get in life. So if you're not content with what you're getting then you must change what you're thinking. So far we've talked about the need to change WHAT we think. However, we haven't talked about the need to change HOW we think. You can Become More Strategic In today's episode I teach you how to become a strategic thinker. Although I lack plenty of gifts, skills, and talents, according to the Gallup Strengths Data, 1 of my top 5 strengths is Strategic. According to Gallup all this means is: I'm able to sort through the clutter and find the best route. It is a distinct way of thinking, a special perspective on the world at large. This perspective allows me to see patterns where others simply see complexity. This recurring question helps me see around the next corner. There I can evaluate accurately the potential obstacles. Guided by where I see each path leading, I start to make selections. I discard the paths that lead nowhere. I discard the paths that lead straight into resistance. I discard the paths that lead into a fog of confusion. Whether or not Strategic is 1 of your top 5 too is actually irrelevant. In today's episode I unpack 5 steps for how to Become a More Strategic Thinker. When I'm hired by individuals or organizations for a day or hour of —I rarely do these any longer—I help them by engaging them in a little framework I call FOCUS. Get better results with FOCUS Basically it all comes down to FOCUS. I'll use a metaphor to illustrate what I mean. Imagine that becoming a more strategic thinker is similar to harnessing more of the sun's power. In our little story, more sun equals more strategy. So, if you're lying on a beach, how do you get more sun? For starters, you can lie out in the blazing sun. After doing this for 3 hours, you'll get a fairly bad burn. But what if you put a magnifying glass over your arm. In a matter of 3 minutes you could burn a hole into your skin. Weird huh? What changed? Although it's the same sun and the same skin, the magnifying glass FOCUSED the sun's rays and amplified the energy. The result was dramatic. Imagine if your thinking could have a similar effect. Imagine if you had the ability to burn through obstacles in your personal and professional life. You can by utilizing a framework I call FOCUS. In the podcast I take you on a deep dive, but I'll give you a quick list below too. And if you want me to help you further, then check out the schedule for Igniting Souls Conference in about 60 days. http://www.ignitingsoulsconference.com The attendees in the room will be equipped with a brand new paradigm for innovative, strategic, and productive thinking. F = Filter O = Orient C = Cut U = Unhackability S = Singularity The R.O.I. (Return on Investment) from the Igniting Souls Conference is one you and your business/ministry CAN'T afford to miss. (Just 25 tickets left.) It's time you discovered how to Become Unhackable. http://www.ignitingsoulsconference.com

 #080 - How to become a thought leader and certify people on your own content | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2788

Could be earning more influence, impact, & income? If you're a content creator (speaker, blogger, authors, podcaster, etc.) and you're not certifying people to speak, coach, and train on your content, then you could be leaving massive amounts of influence, impact, and income on the table. Over the past 5 years we've issued well over 100 certifications for our 3 teams: Your Secret Name, The Deeper Path, and Dream Job Coaches. The crazy thing is, we've never publicly promoted our teams. Instead, people who went through our coaching programs and experienced massive life change asked us to be certified. They wanted to create life-change in others through their own speaking, coaching, and training. One of the Best Decisions We Ever Made I had reservations at first. The issues centered around ego, control, and fear. Family members even advised me against it. But then, I woke up and realized the massive benefits for the team members and our mission—Igniting Souls. Today looking back, it's one of the best decisions we ever made. In this episode, I share: How to Become a Thought Leader and Certify People on your own Content. I share the quick backstory below. And for the first time ever, during the next 7 days we're taking applications for new team members. If you're interested in learning more, please watch this 2 minute video here. After you do, you can then check out whichever team you're interested in applying for: Your Secret Name, The Deeper Path, Dream Job Coaches. ===> http://www.karyoberbrunner.com/teams Should you Certify People Your Own Content? I get it. As content creators, we're often scared to "let go" of our message. It's our baby after all. Will people represent our message well? Will they take care of it? Six years ago issues of ego, fear, and control kept me from ever considering it. But then I woke up and I'm so glad I did. On the podcast and below I share more about the story and process. However, here's 7 quick reasons to help make the decision easier. C - Coaches: You don't have enough hours in a day to help all the people that need it. E - Empowerment: Your message won't reach its potential if you protect it. R - R.O.I. : Your team increases their impact and income AND yours. T - Trainers: You can't train all the people who need your content. I - Influence: Your influence will grow as you grow your team. F - Focus: You can only do a few things well and you have more content to create. Y - Yawp: Your need barbaric YAWPERS that make the message even better. How it All Happened Almost 6 years ago Your Secret Name—my fourth book—released in September, 2010. In a matter of weeks we realized this book was special without much of our own doing. The book touched on an issue common to many adults and teens alike—identity. I blended my story overcoming self-injury with the reader’s journey of discovering who they were created to be. My friend Gabe created an interactive website that combined free tools with support from our growing community. My friend Josh produced a beautiful book trailer, and we began getting emails from people of various backgrounds and struggles. They told us about their newfound freedom and how they discovered a connection with their Creator, their community, and their core. Stories of victory over suicidal thoughts, depression, prostitution, workaholism, anorexia, and low self-esteem poured in. We continued sharing the message as best we could, but we’d clearly reached our capacity. Back then my day job brought its own set of challenges and commitments. And although I entertained thoughts of jumping into my dream job full-time, book sales alone didn’t come close to paying the bills. Then it happened. I received an email from Desiree Arney, a stranger in New Jersey touched by the message. Long story short, after a couple chats David and I asked her to join our “team.” The word team was a bit presumptuous. Although we wanted to change the world, we didn’t have a plan, a platform, or a paycheck. We figured passion was enough so we kept moving forward. A few months later we decided to have a conference and over one hundred people showed up. Toward the end of the conference we blocked off an open mic time for participants to share their thoughts about the day. The stories of transformation people shared blew us away. Feeling momentum and divine favor, we created the Your Secret Name Team. Clearly we needed a way to multiply our impact and fund our efforts. I knew I couldn’t accept every gig, and although I felt a little guilty turning down some opportunities, my family and day job took precedence. In no time we added a dozen members from all over the world, including Europe and New Zealand. Additional team members trickled in, and our impact and income increased slowly but steadily. Benefits of Passive Impact Even better than the passive income was the passive impact. I remember one chilly Ohio afternoon playing with my three children on the living room floor. I think Isabel won out with her game choice—sleeping giant. Our stomachs were full from a scrumptious Sunday lunch and the wood in the fireplace crackled and popped. Snowflakes fell softly outside and my wife and I smiled at each other as we tried to keep up with three active kids. Later that evening I checked our Secret Name Facebook group. Thrilled to read the posts, I learned how that weekend three separate team members had conducted Your Secret Name events in their own cities. I smiled. While I enjoyed my loved ones in the comfort of my home, our passive impact business was igniting. Our team was communicating this message of hope to people who needed healing. It hasn’t stopped since. Want to Join a Team of World Changers? What about you? Do you want a business or ministry in a box? Do you want to join a Team of World Changers and increase your influence, impact, and income? For the first time ever, during the next 7 days we're taking applications for new team members. If you're interested in learning more, please watch this 2 minute video here. After you do, you can then check out whichever team you're interested in applying for: Your Secret Name, The Deeper Path, Dream Job Coaches. I'd love to read your application and see if we're a good fit. It's time to Ignite Souls. ===> http://www.karyoberbrunner.com/teams

 #079 - How to overcome depression: 10 responses when you feel stuck in the desert | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2361

A number of years back I went through a season of depression. You could call it a "desert" type experience. But through the process though I discovered a powerful promise that kept me going and prevented me from giving up: The desert is a place of preparation before exaltation. As I looked at history I was blown away at all the people who encountered a desert experience too. Moses, John the Baptist, Jesus, St. Paul, Ruth the Moabite, and Elijah the prophet to name a few. Each had a significant assignment which required significant character development. The desert shaped them into who they needed to become to handle that assignment successfully. Many times we ask God for bigger blessings. We want more influence, impact, and income. God is a Heavenly Father who wants to give gifts to His children. But like any good Father, he's not going to give us gifts that will destroy us. So rather than giving us what we want, God gives us what we need instead. If we want to have more, then we must become more and we can only become more when we grow into the person worthy of it: Success doesn't ruin you; it reveals you. The desert is a place of testing and you can pass or fail. But if you fail you'll be destined to repeat that same desert experience again and again until you eventually pass it. Look at Daniel, David, Esther, and Joseph. Each of these figures also had a desert experience too. Daniel was exiled. David was hunted down by Saul. Esther was ordered to be exterminated. And Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers. But look at the result. Daniel became the ruler over the entire province of Babylon and in charge of all its wise men. David became King. Esther became Queen. And Joseph became the 2nd in command of the most powerful country in the world. Remember, preparation comes before exaltation. But don't be fooled. The desert alone doesn't dictate an instant upgrade. Rather, it's all about our response while in the desert. Like most people I don't particularly enjoy the desert either. But I have learned 10 responses when I'm stuck there. Mastering these 10 responses will shorten your stay in the desert and increase your chances of a significant upgrade. I'll list them below and unpack them in depth on the podcast. 10 Responses when you Feel Stuck in the Desert 1. Believe God's promises 2. Sing God's praise 3. Remember what God has done for me 4. Seek God's counsel 5. Do not give into temptation 6. Do not envy others 7. Do not turn to familiar idols 8. Do not despise the place you're in 9. Do not grumble 10. Obey God GET IN THE GAME: 3 of the actions below are absolutely FREE for you. The other two may be exactly what you're looking for too. Who knows, you may need some of these tools when you upgrade out of the desert. 2 Days of me Investing in You: Are you coming to our annual Igniting Souls Conference? It’s in Columbus, Ohio on October 22-23 – Our theme is Becoming Unhackable. Click the link for speakers, schedule, deliverables, testimonies, and more. Tickets are almost sold out. http://www.ignitingsoulsconference.com/ Learn to Launch: If you plan on launching a book, brand, or business sometime in the next 3 years, then join my VIP Launch Experience, and I’ll mentor you for 6 months as I launch my next book ELIXIR Project. (FREE – over 200 already joined) http://www.elixirprojectbook.com How to take Back Control of your Calendar: Free web class. In just over 60 minutes discover how you can regain control of you life and become a Master in the Art of Living. Watch it now. Limited-time replay. Includes free webinar workbook. Hundreds of people have already found freedom. http://www.onlinemeetingnow.com/register/?id=p59cb4ewvg How to Build your own Online Tribe: Well over 2,000 attendees showed up last month (physically or virtually) for our Igniting Souls Fellowship. Many of you asked for us to live stream the August one too. So….we’re going to try it again. Topic? Why you need a social media makeover: How to Build Your Own Actively Engaged Online Tribe. You do need to register here so we can send you the details. http://karyoberbrunner.com/is-fellowship Start Writing Your Book: My proven process for turning your killer book idea into a brilliant blueprint that makes your writing better, faster, and easier. Take $100 off of My Book Blueprint for a limited time. http://mybookblueprint.com Remember, it’s my deepest honor to serve you. And if you know someone who needs to be ignited, please share this episode with them.

 #078 - How to survive and thrive being married to an entrepreneur: A personal interview with Joanne Miller | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3263

They call it the Entrepreneur's Rollercoaster for a reason. And if you're not careful, you can become just another statistic. In this episode I take a deep dive with Joanne Miller, wife of NY Times bestselling author Dan Miller. Together they've been married for nearly half a century. Joanne Miller says her #1 secret for surviving and thriving being married to an entrepreneur is Creating a Haven of Peace. As someone who's been in their home and their space many times over the years, I couldn't agree more. But what is a Haven of Peace in practical terms? And how do you go about creating one, whatever stage you're at in life? This is the core of our interview today. Enjoy and be sure to check out her brand new book that goes into even more content. http://amzn.to/2a5qzmq More on the inspiration behind Joanne's book: I learned at a very young age that a home full of anger, divorce and disrespect was not the way I wanted to begin my marriage, so at age 19 I drew a line in the sand and declared I would change my family tree. But that took determination and intentional living. I had a lot to learn and I eagerly sought out resources to head me in the right direction. Creating a Haven of Peace doesn’t take a lot of money. It doesn’t take a beautiful new home or all the stuff we think we need in order to be happy. You can begin building a peaceful and loving environment immediately by following the principles and insights I lay out in the chapters in this book. Creating the proper ambience, practicing being kind rather than right and maintaining the proper hierarchy in the family are only a few of the many ways to loving and lasting relationships. Distraction and disconnect, chaos and busyness, disappointment and frustration are realities that cover our days like a blanket of smog. Intentionally wiping the cares of the world from our shoes at the front gate and stepping into a sanctuary where love is unconditional, peace is the norm and laughter is abundant can make life a grand adventure in spite of what is happening in the world at large.

 #077 - Thirty Days to a Bigger Stage: How to leverage publicity so you can amplify your message with Joel Kessel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2782

Ever wonder how to PENETRATE your market, PLOW through your fears, and PREPARE to be a rock star in your industry? Over the years a number of amazing people have asked me to interview them on the Igniting Souls podcast. Because I'm so committed to our time together, my answer is almost always no. But...this week I invited someone special to join me on the show. He's been a friend and a client for 5+ years AND he helped me get some media when I launched my book Day Job to Dream Job. I spend about 45 minutes peppering Joel Kessel with questions that will help you get more media attention for your message. He covers a number of key components including developing a message map (sample = http://bit.ly/29OfGjv), interview questions, and a digital press kit. This is an episode you don't want to miss. Joel Kessel is a 20+ veteran on media relations. Joel’s focus as a communications advisor is to help people who are doing meaningful work get their story out in a meaningful way so they can have a larger impact on the people they serve. Throughout his career, he has developed a specialization in strategy and media relations, which has garnered attention for his clients in numerous publications and outlets from USA Today, New York Times and the Associated Press, to the CBS Evening News, NBC Nightly News and Columbus Business First, among others. (And some of you might resonate with his content so much you'll want to check out his newly developed course: 30 Days to a Bigger Stage===> http://bit.ly/29OgXqI QUESTION: Would you benefit from a bigger stage? (Please comment below. I’d love to hear your thoughts. And if you know someone who needs to read this, please encourage them by sharing this.)


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