Igniting Souls Podcast with Kary Oberbrunner show

Igniting Souls Podcast with Kary Oberbrunner

Summary: Welcome to the Igniting Souls Show. If you want to experience clarity in business and in life then discovering who you are, why you're here, and where you're going is a must. The Igniting Souls Podcast is dedicated to help you do just this.


 #106 - How to find the perfect business partner | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2975

It's been said that you should be choosier about picking a business partner than even picking a spouse. While I don't necessarily agree with that I do know that business partnerships often begin on a napkin at a restaurant and end with a judge in a courtroom. Choosing the right business partner is incredibly important. It can sink your future or solidify your present. In today's episode I share how to pick an UNHACKABLE business partner. U = Unique N = Noble H = Happy A = Adept C = Collaborative K = Keen A = Achiever B = Believable L = Learner E = Electric For additional content have you and your current or future business partner take the FREE Unhackability Assessment: http://www.elixirprojectbook.com/assessment/ Or watch the FREE Unhackability webinar: http://elixirprojectexperience.com

 #105 - How to create a killer coaching business as your side hustle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4010

In 2011, while still in my day job, I saw the writing on the wall. Although I loved the people I worked with and the organization I worked for, I also knew I had untapped potential and unrealized dreams. I began coaching a few clients on the side. After a few months of seeing clients become souls on fire, I knew I was hooked. The extra income helped me realize I could scale this side business and eventually leave my day job. Sure enough, I implemented this plan. To this day I still coach on a weekly basis. It fills me up and it transforms my clients. In this episode I share 7 essential elements for creating a killer coaching business as a side hustle. C = Clarity O = Ownership A = Action C = Commitment H = Hungry E = Example S = Support I hope this episode encourages you. And...if you're interested in learning more about the Igniting Souls Team, we are taking applications for a limited number of openings over the next few days. More information can be found here: YOUR SECRET NAME = http://www.yoursecretname.com/ysn-team/ THE DEEPER PATH = http://www.deeperpathbook.com/deeper-path-team/ DREAM JOB COACHES = http://www.dayjobtodreamjob.com/dj-coach/

 #104 - How to use video to grow your book, brand, or business. An interview with Vlog Boss Amy Schmittauer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2882

If you're not using video for your book, brand, or business you are missing out on increasing your influence, impact, and income. The truth is though, most of us are scared or at least a little intimidated to enter the brave new world of video or vlogging. There is a solution. I invited special guest, the queen of vlogging, Amy Schmittauer, to join us. Her #1 Bestselling book Vlog like a Boss is sweeping the globe. She has now captured the word VLOG on all of Amazon.com Amy is here to show you how to kill it online with video blogging. With a collection of strategies and tactics from years of experience in online video, Schmittauer shares time-tested, proven methods to creating brand awareness with vlogging that will build a loyal community for years to come. Listen in and learn. Your future clients will thank you. And to learn how I can help publish you through Author Academy Elite like I helped Amy, watch our FREE author training for a limited time. CLICK HERE ===> http://www.karyoberbrunner.com/book

 #103 - 6 tips to help you sell your first online product or program | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2293

Are you ready to sell your first online product or program? Using our latest Elixir Project Experience launch, I share the backstory behind our Transformation Invitation (sales page). Integrating these 6 tips will make it a much smoother experience: 1. Pain 2. Proof 3. Picture 4. Process 5. People 6. Purchase Check out our page and then podcast to see how we utilized these 6 tips: ===> http://www.elixirprojectexperience.com/join/

 #102 - How to spread your dream: 3 factors that help ideas catch fire | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2088

Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream...and decades later we still remember it. WHY IS THIS? His dream, like several others throughout history, spread. BUT HOW? 3 factors help ideas catch fire. For dreams to spread they must be: 1. Clear 2. Compelling 3. Contagious In this episode I unpack each factor and give you a map to give your dream the best chance it has to be remembered for decades to come too. For a limited time, help me spread my dream of making the world unhackable in work and life. Download Elixir Project for FREE here ==> http://amzn.to/2iY9Al8 Limited time only.

 #101 - How to do 5 day's work in 1 and still have time to drink lemonade | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1947

It would be cheating—if it weren’t. Up until now, most people settled for working harder or smarter. But what if you could achieve more by working less—like 500% more? Too bad it’s impossible—except that it’s not. FLOW is possible for everyone, at anytime, in any place, pending the right conditions. Forget dumb luck or random chance. FLOW doesn’t mean using the other 90% of your brain as antiquated science suggests. Instead it means shutting down large portions of your brain to achieve nearly perfect decision-making abilities that achieve superhuman feats in any field of study. Fiction? Hardly. Try FLOW instead. CLICK BELOW FOR YOUR FREE FLOW TRAINING ===> http://www.elixirprojectexperience.com

 #100 - How to Make 2017 Your Year of Unhackability | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1847

The odds aren't in your favor. Unless you're superhuman or you have a secret weapon, you're probably going to get hacked in 2017. What does this mean exactly? It means that you'll have an amazing idea, but then the noise of life will sideline or sabotage you and you'll fail to implement your idea. Don't believe me? Check out the stats. Take smart phones for starters. On average people touch their phones 2,617 times a day! I couldn't believe it either. But it's true according to a study conducted by the research firm Dscout (heavy users do 5,427 touches a day.) Hold on. It gets worse. The average person spends a total of five hours a day browsing the web and using apps. This equates to around a third of the time a person is awake, and is twice as often as many people realize. Researchers also found smartphone use was typically confined to short bursts, with more than half of uses lasting less than 30 seconds. This means that people experience "distracted work" far more regularly than what Georgetown University computer-science professor Cal Newport’s calls "deep work." Many people justify distraction-filled living by claiming multi-tasking as the solution. But is it? Multi-tasking is a myth. The brain can only do 1 cognitive activity at a time. This phenomenon, more properly understood as switch-tasking, decreases productivity by up to 40%. According to Forbes: "Researchers at the Institute of Psychiatry at the University of London studied 1,100 workers at a British company and found that multitasking with electronic media caused a greater decrease in IQ than smoking pot." Time to face the facts. Most of us get "hacked" on a daily basis. Other people and things take control of our calendars. Our ideas stall our dreams slide. Thankfully there is a solution. In a society of increasing distractions, Unhackability is the new secret weapon used by those who’ve achieved the most success in relationships, business, athletics, and every other area. In our upcoming webinar, I'm going to share you how you can become unhackable in work and life. You'll discover a proven pathway for escaping the noise of life and implementing your best ideas once and for all. 2017 can be the year you become unhackable. Register now before you get hacked again. ===> Click HERE to become unhackable http://bit.ly/2hm5rXZ

 #099 - The 2-Second Tweak that Crushes the Competition Every Single Time | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3295

What if you had a secret weapon that helped you become a superstar in your industry? Wouldn't it be amazing if you possessed a certain quality that made you an outlier? Here's the crazy thing...you do! Regardless of your past failures or successes, you can implement this strategy and begin seeing results immediately. - It doesn't cost you a dime. - It requires no advance training. - It's ridiculously simple. Best of all it's insanely easy to do. In this episode, I reveal you can utilize a 2 second tweak that crushes the competition every single time. For bonus content that will help you succeed even more check out the FREE Becoming Unhackable webinar. ===> Click HERE to become unhackable http://bit.ly/2hm5rXZ

 #098 - How to create raving fans that love you and your brand | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2729

Raving fans that love you and your brand are a byproduct of a few key components. It's the result and never the goal. If you want to be successful you must seek to be valuable, not visible. In this episode I reveal a proven process for building long-term loyalty online and in person. Also, for bonus content that will help you succeed even more check out the FREE Becoming Unhackable webinar. ===> karyoberbrunnerwebinars.com/unhackability

 #097 - The Secret Sauce Behind the Elixir Project Global Release Party | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 553

Ready for the Secret Sauce? In this 10 min. podcast I'll share the plan behind the party. And I hope you can join us for the Global Release. ===> http://www.elixirprojectbook.com/party

 #096 - Why Audiobooks are the Fastest-Growing Format in Publishing and How to Cash In | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4010

Audiobooks are on the rise Unless you've been hiding under a rock, you've probably heard of audiobooks. Maybe you're even one of the millions of people who use an audiobook subscription service? Places like Audible are getting smarter. They remove all the risk by giving you a 30 day free trial with audiobooks included. The "Try Audible and Get Two Free Audiobooks" offer got me started on audiobooks a few years ago. Now I'm hooked! CLICK HERE TO SEE THAT DEAL: http://bit.ly/karyaudio Like many people, I found my margin for reading getting smaller and smaller. Yet, I also realized I had unencumbered time when I was driving, running, and doing errands. Rather than wasting this time, I popped in my bluetooth earpiece (when driving) OR wore some inexpensive headphones (when running). {There are hundreds of options for both, including the pair I use for driving and running.} Business guru Brian Tracy reveals what's possible in our daily "drive time." He says: The average person drives 12,000 to 25,000 miles per year which works out to between 500 and 1,000 hours per year that the average person spends in his or her car. You can become an expert in your field by simply listening to educational audio programs as you drive from place to place. After a short amount of time, I found myself working out my brain and my body simultaneously. Since then, I've consumed many quality books and kept my edge physically, emotionally, and professionally—even as a husband and father of three little ones. I'm not alone. Audiobook downloads have doubled in the past 5 years. 3 Reasons why audiobooks are exploding In episode 96, I share several reasons why audiobooks are quickly becoming the preferred medium (listen via itunes, audioboom, or stitcher). 1. Audiobook players (a.k.a. smart phones) are always within our grasp. 2. Audiobooks create an entirely different experience. (The spoken word adds a new dynamic.) 3. Audiobooks allow us to do two things at once (1 cognitive and 1 non-cognitive). Heather Masters, the narrator of Elixir Project, joins me on the Igniting Souls Podcast. We reveal key business principles like: * How to attract top level talent to work with you and for you. * Why your first email to top talent says everything about you. * How vision-casting is essential to drawing out the best in your teammates. * Why you should treat the people you hire as your clients. Enjoy episode 96 and click BELOW to Try Audible and Get Two Free Audiobooks. Who knows? Elixir Project might be one of two you choose. FREE DEAL: http://bit.ly/karyaudio ELIXIR PROJECT AUDIO: http://bit.ly/elixiraudio

 #095 - Are you with me? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2183

There comes a time when the stakes are so high that you need to lay it all on the line. This is that time. And this is that episode. Are you with me? P = Party: http://www.elixirprojectbook.com/party O = Order: http://amzn.to/2gbjIsH G = Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/elixirproject/

 #094 - How to create a killer book release party. 6 essential ingredients you can't overlook. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2558

If you're going to launch a book effectively then you need to tie it to an event. As a seasoned author I coach all my clients to consider having a birthday party for their book. In this episode I teach you how to create a killer book release party. I share 6 essential ingredients you can't overlook. Forget theory, I give you a front row seat as I unpack the who, what, when, where, why, and how of an effective book release party. ==> Click HERE to see the page: http://www.elixirprojectbook.com/party

 #093 - How to super rocket your success as an author, coach, and speaker | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2001

In 2012, I bombed big time. I sat outside a big corporate office in our minivan, dressed up in a suit and tie. I had just tried pitching my first corporate client and I had made a fool of myself. I held a big 3 inch thick binder full of someone else's content. I talked way too much. I listened way too less. I stumbled and bumbled along with the worst presentation known to humankind. On the verge of tears, I told myself all kinds of lies: "I'm not cut out for this." "I'll just stay stuck in my day job the rest of my life." "No one will ever hire me." I stood at the plate, taken the biggest swing of my life, and struck out big time. I felt hot and sweaty from embarrassment and I wanted to crawl under a rock for the rest of my life. In this raw and candid episode I tell this story for the first time. If you want to track my progress over the past 5 years, this was one of the lowest points. But then something changed. I made one major tweak and then literally overnight my results shifted. I began to super rocket my success as an author, coach, and speaker. I think you'll find encouragement in this episode as you realize you can make this one tweak too. And if you want more on this topic, after listening to this episode, check out this special webinar. It's only a limited time replay though and it expires November 7th. ===> http://karyoberbrunnerwebinars.com/webinarreplay/

 #092 - ELIXIR Project: We know everything about you | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1853

In this candid interview with Chris O'Byrne of Jet Launch—the interior designer of ELIXIR Project—we discuss several key topics including: - How to leverage live events for maximum impact - The costs of getting hacked personally and professionally - Pros and cons of self-publishing and traditional publishing - A brave new way of publishing And much more. Join us for our special FREE Author Webinar on November 2, 2016. Register here ===> http://karyoberbrunnerwebinars.com/publish-amy


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