Glow From Within show

Glow From Within

Summary: Glow From Within is a podcast for acne sufferers and health seekers alike. I am here for the growth minded woman. From being an acne & PCOS sufferer to food & exercise extremist, Harmony knows firsthand what it means to clear your skin naturally from the inside out without taking herself too seriously. With her high energy and no BS approach to holistic nutrition she will guide you to not only clearer skin but a fresh outlook on life and self love. No more hiding in your own skin! If you are looking to find that clear skin glow from WITHIN - you've come to the right place.

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5 DAY FREE CHALLENGE: MRT Food Sensitivity Testing: Instagram: Facebook: Website: ISSA THROW BACKKK Today's is an episode I recorded back in 2019 and NEVER shared with you! *insert gasp face* It's while I was transitioning my business and around the time I stopped uploading new podcast episodes (obviously). SO here it is! Enjoy! Don't forget to subscribe and share these episodes if you find them helpful! That's how this podcast grows and reaches more people. And more people need this message and this energy. Be the one to share it. Love you. You're a star. xoxo Harmony

 Ep 47 FOOD SENSITIVITY TESTING - IgG STICK TEST? MRT? FAKE NEWS? SPILLING THE TEA | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:29

Episode Links: 5 DAY FREE CHALLENGE: MRT Food Sensitivity Testing: Instagram: Facebook: Website: Today I am spilling the tea..... On food sensitivity tests. I see so many ads floating around these days about at home food sensitivity testing and lets just say I am NOT a fan.... So let's get INTO it today! Don't forget to subscribe and share these episodes if you find them helpful! That's how this podcast grows and reaches more people. And more people need this message and this energy. Be the one to share it. Love you. You're a star. xoxo Harmony

 Ep 46 Taking Back Your Personal Power + Celebration | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:43

Episode Links: Instagram: Facebook: Website: Have you ever felt powerless? I know I have. And power is often so misunderstood. We think it's something that we have OVER other people when it's actually within ourself. It's your personal power. In today's episode we're going to dive into the idea of personal power and what it feels like to give your power away without realizing it. Today we're also celebrating a HUGE chapter ending... So hop on into today's episode! Don't forget to subscribe and share these episodes if you find them helpful! That's how this podcast grows and reaches more people. And more people need this message and this energy. Be the one to share it. Love you. You're a star. xoxo Harmony

 Ep 45 THE ART OF PLEASURE AND RECEIVING FOR YOUR HIGHEST HEALING | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:07

Episode Links: Acne Mindf*ck Masterclass Replay:…-masterclass The Energetic Skin Code: Instagram: Facebook: Website: Healing isn't often linked to pleasure and receiving but it's such an important connection to make. Healing is often synonymous with HARD. It feels hard and confronting but WHAT IF leaning further into pleasure and receiving joy from life is actually the key to your deepest healing? The challenges? They'll still be there. The hard might be too. But opening yourself up to pleasure and receiving can bring so much joy into your life even if it feels scary. Listen in to hear more about this! Don't forget to subscribe and share these episodes if you find them helpful! That's how this podcast grows and reaches more people. And more people need this message and this energy. Be the one to share it. Love you. You're a star. xoxo Harmony

 Ep 44 The Energetic Skin Code - Closing the chapter on ACNE for good. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:05

Episode Links: Acne Mindf*ck Masterclass Replay: The Energetic Skin Code: Instagram: Facebook: Website: Welcome to episode 43! In today's episode we're talking ALL about The Energetic Skin Code. This is my newest program and nothing like I have taught before in the space of acne. I'm incredibly excited about it and I cannot wait for you to experience it. More than that I dove deeper today into my own motivations behind sharing and educating around healing acne naturally and also why that will no longer be at the forefront of my work. I love having the opportunity to share with you in this way, and there is so much more goodness to come in the Energetic Skin Code. So if you've been wondering what it's all about, wondering if it's right for you... Give this episode a listen. And even if you have no idea what I'm talking about or what this "skin code" is.... You won't regret tapping into the energy of this episode my listening. Promise. Don't forget to subscribe and share these episodes if you find them helpful! That's how this podcast grows and reaches more people. And more people need this message and this energy. Be the one to share it. Love you. You're a star. xoxo Harmony

 EP 43 WHAT IF YOU JUST SAID F*CK IT? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:10

Episode Links: Afterglow Membership: The Energetic Skin Code: Website: Instagram: Facebook: Welcome to episode 43! I think this is my FAVORITE episode I have recorded to date. It's a quick one but it's actually the best. Honestly though, what if you just said F*CK IT!? I mean really..... Enjoy! Don't forget to subscribe and share these episodes if you find them helpful and you think they could help someone else! Spread the love! This is also how the podcast grows which ultimately makes it so I can keep getting amazing content from my brain into your ear holes. Love you. You're a star. xoxo Harmony

 Ep. 42 DOWN DAYS AND WHY THEY'RE ACTUALLY SO NECESSARY | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:34

Episode Links: Afterglow Membership: The Energetic Skin Code (starts 3.17.21): Website: Instagram: Facebook: Welcome to episode 42! Today's episode is all about down days. I wanted to SPECIFICALLY record this on a day I was feeling down and unmotivated. I wanted to share this with you so you kn ow that there's nothing wrong with you for not feeling and trying to be perfect all the time. Just be you, feel your feelings, and enjoy today's episode! Don't forget to subscribe and share these episodes if you find them helpful and you think they could help someone else. This is how the podcast grows which ultimately makes it so I can keep getting amazing content into your ear holes. Love you. You're a star. xoxo Harmony

 EP 41 PART 2: AN OPEN LETTER TO ANYONE WHO LOVES SOMEONE WITH ACNE... A FOLLOW UP | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:23

Episode 35: Episode Links: Afterglow Membership: The Energetic Skin Code: Website: Instagram: Facebook: This episode is a follow up episode to Ep 35. Since today is Ep 41 it may seem like it wasn't that long ago but for me that episode was recorded well over two years ago. I was recently reminded of that episode and the letter in a client session. I never know how my work impacts people until moments when they share with me their experiences... I was so moved with her and her husbands experience to Ep 35 that I knew I needed to do a follow up. And here we are. I hope this episode speaks to you today <3 You are beautiful. xoxo Harmony

 EP 40 ANSWERING YOUR 'UNCOMFORTABLE' QUESTIONS - MORE KIDS!? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:44

Episode Links: Afterglow Membership: Website: Instagram: Facebook: Today's episode was a fun one, I put a question box on my Instagram Stories and asked ya'll to ask me questions that might make me uncomfortable! I have to admit it's pretty hard to make me uncomfortable and you were very kind and tame in your questions! So let's get them answered! xoxo Harmony

 EP 39 WHERE DO YOU GO WHEN THERE'S NOWHERE TO TURN? DO YOU HAVE PEOPLE WHO GET YOU? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:14

Episode Links: Afterglow Membership: Website: Instagram: Facebook: Where do you go when you feel like there's nowhere to turn and no one in your life who understands what you're going through? When you just WISH you had someone to talk to who won't judge you but can see and hold space for your experience. When I was going through the hardest times of my life I didn't feel like I could turn to family or friends with it. I wanted to talk to women who had been where I was, and women who were on a similar path as me. The women who wanted MORE out of life and we're afraid to work toward getting it. Luckily for me I joined a paid container - a mastermind - and met the perfect group of women for where I was in my life at the time. It's those women who stood strong in their power and held their belief in me. They GOT where I was coming from and honestly understood me in a way that the people in my life couldn't because they just didn't have the context or experience. It felt so good to be SEEN even in my lowest moments. I thank God for those women who I can still call friends to this day and I am SO grateful that I joined that container back when I did. Where do you go when you're in crisis and can't talk about it with your partner, friends, or family? DO you have support from people who are on a similar journey to you? Do you have people in your corner who GET you and your crazy dreams? I hope you do, but if not, my Afterglow Membership may be just right for you. If you're called - I hope to see you there! xoxo Harmony

 EP 38 WELCOME BACK EVERYONE! IT'S A WHOLE MOOD! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:57

WELCOME BACK EVERYONE! Episode Links: Afterglow Membership FREE Trial: Acne Mindfuck Masterclass: Social: I'm so thrilled to be back on the Podcasting bandwagon. I've missed you. I recently asked in my Instagram stories is you all preferred podcasts or IG lives and the majority of you said podcasts. SO I'm taking the content that I was previously sharing on my iG live videos and instead recording it here as a podcast for you and damn it feels good! It's been 2 years since my last upload and needless to say a lot has happened #2020 So today's episode is all about updating you, catching up, and letting you in on some exciting things I'm dropping including an amazing membership called AFTERGLOW and an exciting masterclass called ACNE MINDFUCK MASTERCLASS. I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU THERE. Also it's been awhile and since I've been gone I've totally rebranded not only the podcast, but my entire company as well! I cannot wait to reconnect with you or if you're new around here, I can't wait to get to know you! xoxo Harmony

 EP 37 YOUR SKIN ON PALEO + WHY IT'S NOT RIGHT FOR EVERYONE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:25:48

In today's episode Harmony tells you about her experience going paleo, how everyone makes it way too complicated, basics of what the paleo diet entails, and why a plain paleo diet is not right for everyone. She also delves into the topic of ancestral diets, Metabolic Typing, and why no one should eat 1000% paleo 24/7 365. Learn how to make an ancestral diet work for you and see that it doesn't HAVE to feel complicated or restrictive. Paleo Blog Post: Metabolic Typing Test: Complementary 30min Call for 1:1 Coaching: CONNECT WITH HARMONY:

 EP 36 GETTING PNEUMONIA + WEANING + WHAT I LEARNED ABOUT MYSELF | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:39

Today's episode is a life update. Harmony discusses getting pneumonia, and the process of accepting that she was sick. She also opens up about current parenting and breastfeeding challenges she is facing after her sickness. This episode gets personal and shows that vulnerable underbelly. CONNECT WITH HARMONY: APPLY TO WORK WITH HARMONY:

 Ep 35 AN OPEN LETTER TO ANYONE WHO LOVES SOMEONE WITH ACNE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:08

AN OPEN LETTER: Dear Well Intentioned Loved One, First of all I want to say that I know you love me, and I love you too. I want to say that I know you truly have the purest of intentions. I really do. I am grateful that you care so much for me that you want to help and offer me advice to clear my skin. I’m truly am lucky to have someone like you in my life who cares so much. I do however want you to know that I’m aware of the state of my skin. IN fact, not only am I aware of it, it consumes my mind daily. I wake up and the first thing I do is look in the mirror to see how my skin looks so I can determine what’s in store for my day. I’ve withdrawn from my relationships for fear of being rejected. I’ve covered up with makeup to hide my shame from the world. I’ve let it take control of my life. Or what’s left of my life anyway. I’ve felt worthless. Ugly. Hopeless, everyday... All because of my skin. I don’t expect you to understand this, and I’m definitely not looking for pity or advice. All I’m asking is that you continue to love me and treat me exactly as you did before I had acne. I’m still the same person, I’ve just muted myself for fear of what others - like you - will think of me if they see what my skin truly looks like. I’m ashamed. Ashamed that despite my efforts my skin still looks like this. Ashamed because acne is supposed to be a teenagers problem, not an adult. Ashamed because I see the judgement in your eyes, and I see you noticing my skin. In fact I’m sure it’s all you can see what you look at me. That’s why I stay up late at night researching miracle cures and remedies. That’s why I cry into my pillow wondering when this will end. That’s why I scroll Instagram all day looking at all the people with beautiful skin and wishing that I had their life even for just a second. That’s why I spend hours upon hours everyday looking in the mirror so I can see what you see. That’s why I mask my insecurity with pessimism and humor. To protect myself. Because really all I want to be normal. I want to be loved & to give love freely. I just want to have clear skin. I just want to be confident like everyone else. I want to be able to go makeup free and not obsess the whole time over what everyone's thinking about my skin. I want to see you without worrying what you’ll think or say about my skin. How you’ll judge me. I want to wake up and splash my face with water then start my day without a care in the world. Even now I worry what you’ll think of me as you read or hear this. Because sometimes I care just a little TOO much what you think, and not enough about my own happiness. I want to be comfortable in my own skin more than you could ever know. I want to feel sexy in front of my partner without makeup or shame. I want to be FREE from this burden. I want to be FREE period. I want to be unapologetically ME! The ME that I’m supposed to be - without acne. And I’m working on it. I’m getting there. I’m doing my best! So please…. I know you mean well, I know you love me and remember that I love you too. But don’t mention my acne to me. Because I’ve been working so hard to accept myself as I am. With acne. Trust me…. I know it’s there, and I know you know it too. So since we’re on the same page here please respect me and know that you bringing it up will only cause more pain even though I know you mean to help. Can you do this for me? Because you love me? Even though you want to help me SO badly, can you do that for me please? Thank you for being you, and caring so much about me. I’m so lucky to have you in my life. I can’t wait to grow into the person I’m meant to be & with your love and support I know I’ll get there. Sincerely, Your loved one. CONNECT WITH HARMONY: APPLY TO WORK WITH HARMONY:


Today Harmony is interviewing the amazing herbalist and holistic skincare curator Carly Barrett of Skin Juice Organics. This company has quickly become one of Harmony's trusted and favorite skincare company! They use not only the purest ingredients but everything is handmade with care and attention by Carly herself without ANY scary ingredients! They talk all things from internal and external herbal remedies for acne, to oil cleansing, gua sha boards, skin purging, the rose quarts roller hype, and the best way to approach natural skincare in a modern world surrounded by toxic hormones disrupting chemicals. From Carly: Nature has beautiful intentions and can be used to treat some of our biggest skin battles. Herbalists have broken the code on using constituents & phytochemicals contained in plants to heal and nourish the skin. Skin Juice Organics is an organic, whole plant, beauty brand changing the way consumers use plants in their everyday life – the way that nature intended. Organic ingredients are carefully sourced and botanical extracts are made in-house to ensure potency & efficacy. We combine herbalist knowledge & whole plant nutrients to heal your skin. CONNECT WITH SKIN JUICE ORGANICS: DISCOUNT CODE: HARMONY15 at Checkout for 15% off your Order! CONNECT WITH HARMONY: APPLY FOR 2019 1:1 COACHING HERE:


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