Daily Medical News show

Daily Medical News

Summary: The latest clinical medicine and health policy news for healthcare professionals, delivered each weekday by host Nick Andrews and MDedge editors. The information in this podcast is provided for informational and educational purposes only.


 Is it time to revise ASCVD cardiovascular risk threshold? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 07:38

Is it time to revise ASCVD cardiovascular risk threshold?

 TENS cuts fibromyalgia pain | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:24

The MDedge Psychcast is new with Dr. John Rozel and a conversation on gun violence. ( TENS cuts fibromyalgia pain in large, randomized controlled trial.  Brisk walking may decrease total knee replacement risk in osteoarthritis.  Smoking neglected in patients with peripheral arterial disease. The American College of Physicians beefs up firearms policy.

 NSAID risk score validated for CV events | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 07:39

MDedge Psychcast: Jack Rozel (http://bit.ly/2uWxaG6) Risk score validated for major NSAID adverse events.  http://bit.ly/2AD5ASz ACIP resuscitates pertussis working group.  http://bit.ly/2CTbCAa Talk to adolescents about sexual assault. http://bit.ly/2yGfaT4 Kids and guns: Injury costs rose as incidence fell.  http://bit.ly/2Svo7al

 Part B scheme raises concerns | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 07:17

Trump scheme for Part B drugs raises red flags. http://bit.ly/2yEicre Statins cut all-cause mortality in spinal cord injury, http://bit.ly/2ENwifu ACR readies first-ever guidelines on managing reproductive health. http://bit.ly/2yEy39f Primary care holds key to curbing early-onset colorectal cancer. http://bit.ly/2OUI7F8

 AKI linked to later dementia | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 06:04

AKI linked to later dementia. http://bit.ly/2OUsjlH ACIP votes unanimously in favor of immunization schedule update and redesign. http://bit.ly/2yDoM0U Daptomycin/fosfomyin: A new standard for MRSA bacteremia? http://bit.ly/2CJFyhM Experts: Kavanaugh may have lasting impact on health care. http://bit.ly/2OSM2Cp

 Validation for SLE low-disease definition | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 07:46

The Postcall Podcast: http://bit.ly/2CfnY52 1) SLE low-disease definition receives prospective validation.  (http://bit.ly/2CDPZUc) 2) Swollen knee in a kid? Above 9, treat for Lyme.  (http://bit.ly/2OPTvSz) 3) FDA approves Xolfuza for treatment of influenza. (http://bit.ly/2Rh9Uwh) 4) Problems persist with APMs. (http://bit.ly/2ShNsV2)

 Screening for intimate partner violence in women of a certain age | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 07:29

MDedge Psychcast: http://bit.ly/2uWxaG6 USPSTF advocates screening reproductive age women for intimate partner violence.  (http://bit.ly/2D3rT6u) Drug overdose deaths down since late 2017. (http://bit.ly/2O4uxd0) Stroke risk in elderly following AMI extends to 12 weeks.  (http://bit.ly/2yvY0I3) High-dose flu vaccine in RA patients beats standard dose. (http://bit.ly/2EHBEIV) 

 Novel blood test for RA prevention | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 07:52

Novel blood test for RA prevention

 Cardiomyopathy could be under recognized in lupus | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 06:52

Antimalarial-induced cardiomyopathy in lupus may be underrecognized (http://bit.ly/2JaEzII) Low BMD and spinal syndesmophytes predict radiographic progression in axSpA (http://bit.ly/2Amld0p) Sensory feedback modalities tackle gait, balance problems in PD (http://bit.ly/2q1zcTA) Clinically meaningful change determined for RAPID-3 in active RA (http://bit.ly/2Czsg7L)

 A new smartphone device detects post-stroke AF | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 06:31

Smartphone device beat Holter for post-stroke AF detection (http://bit.ly/2R3D6Xq) XR-naltrexone beats oral medication for opioid use disorder (http://bit.ly/2yunRQy) Pay attention to kidney disease risk in people living with HIV (http://bit.ly/2yuRkcY) With site-neutral payments, the devil is in the details (http://bit.ly/2JbHalJ)

 Ultrasound for ovarian cancer improves survival | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:15

Ultrasound for ovarian cancer improves survival

 Genes more important than food in hyperuricemia | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 07:01

1) Genes found more important than diet in hyperuricemia. (http://bit.ly/2Ov31uj) 2) Time reveals benefit of CABG over PCI for left main disease. (http://bit.ly/2NGxTCV) 3) Lower-limb atherosclerosis predicts long-term mortality in patients with PAD.  (http://bit.ly/2QTucf9) 4) TV ads must trumped drug prices per Trump proposal. (http://bit.ly/2RUwZ90)

 Glycemic effects of lorcaserin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:06

All new psychcast today: (http://bit.ly/2CfnY52) Daily News Stories: Weight-loss drug lorcaserin's glycemic effects revealed.  (http://bit.ly/2QUkTLL) Older adults who self-harm face increased suicide risk.  (http://bit.ly/2ykFQsF) Corporal punishment bans may reduce youth violence. (http://bit.ly/2P44pnd) PURE Healthy Diety Score validated.  (http://bit.ly/2RV3fJ7)

 A change in ‘incident to’ billing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:21

1) MedPAC eyes 'incident to' billing.  (http://bit.ly/2AbQBP3) 2) Stepdown to oral ciprofloxacin looks safe in gram-negative bloodstream infections. (http://bit.ly/2CKC0wx) 3) Nasal cannula device may be an option for severe COPD. (http://bit.ly/2IX5aZR) 4) Brexanolone injection quickly improves postpartum depression. (http://bit.ly/2CLuLVs)

 Benzodiazepines double risk of suicide for COPD patients | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:12

Postcall Podcast: (http://bit.ly/2CfnY52) Suicide risk doubles in COPD patients who are taking benzodiazepines. (http://bit.ly/2yGVIVt) Feds say ACA's silver plan premiums will drop in 2019. (http://bit.ly/2ygRQLt) Bias in the clinical setting can impact patient care. (http://bit.ly/2CIqH89) Managing asthma in children: PEts don't always have to go.  (http://bit.ly/2IVYD1m)


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