The Boob Group: Judgment-Free Breastfeeding Support show

The Boob Group: Judgment-Free Breastfeeding Support

Summary: We support parents who are passionate about providing breast milk to their babies. Each week, a group of experienced moms openly discuss their success, their struggles and society’s impact on how they feed their babies. The show helps guide listeners by providing an honest, natural and judgment-free approach to breastfeeding, pumping, milk sharing and more.

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  • Artist: New Mommy Media | Independent Podcast Network
  • Copyright: Copyright © 2023 Independent Podcast Network


 Back to Work: Is my baby getting enough milk? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2924

When a breastfeeding mother returns to work, she often has questions about how much breast milk her baby needs while she is away. How can you best calculate how much your baby will eat and what are the varying factors? How much breast milk should you keep in each bottle? And how can you ensure that your caregiver isn't overfeeding your baby? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 Becoming a Badass Public Breastfeeder | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3032

Breastfeeding in public can be a daunting task for a new breastfeeding mom. Today we're talking with Abby Theuring of the popular blog, The Badass Breastfeeder, about her recommendations for conquering those initial fears to accomplish your breastfeeding goals. Why is it so important to breastfeed while in public? And what tips does Abby have for dealing with staring onlookers?  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 Oral Anatomy and the Affect on Breastfeeding | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2452

A baby's latch may look perfect from the outside, but it's what's happening on the inside that's causing the breastfeeding challenge. How can a baby's oral anatomy impact their ability to breastfeed? What are some of the most common issues babies face? And how have our panelists overcome their personal struggles? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 Breastfeeding Expectations: The 4th Month | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2285

New moms usually have a certain expectation of what breastfeeding is going to be like. Sometimes it happens as planned, and sometimes not. Today we're continuing our year-long series where we follow three women on their breastfeeding journeys. How are they coping with their breastfeeding challenges, such as sudden changes in behavior? And what are they doing to help prepare themselves for going back to work? Plus, what would cause a sudden drop in supply? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 Breastfeeding for Moms 40 and Older | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2455

Are you age 40 or older and wondering if you can still breastfeed your baby? How does your body's ability to produce a full supply of milk change with age? What are the risk factors and potential challenges? And how can you better prepare yourself prenatally?  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 How Stress Affects Your Breastfeeding Relationship | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2348

Did you know unusual amounts of stress can impact the breastfeeding relationship you have with your baby? Sometimes these hormones work together to improve mood and lactation and sometimes they are in conflict with one another. So, what can we do about it? How does fear and anxiety impact your baby? And how can it create difficulties when trying to bond with your baby? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 Traveling with a Breastfeeding Baby | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3174

Traveling with a breastfeeding baby or toddler can be anxiety provoking for any parent. What are some great tips to help you thrive during long road trips? Or how about traveling on a plane? What supplies are absolutely necessary and what can you leave at home? Plus, some advice about crossing state lines and visiting different cultures. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 Breastfeeding Tips for the Working Mom | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2226

Returning to work after having a baby can be quite emotional for a new mom. Add pumping and keeping up with your milk supply and your life can seem pretty stressful. How can you make this transition as smooth as possible? What should you expect from your colleagues, your boss and human resources? And how can you help other breastfeeding moms who may find themselves in the same situation as you? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 Low Milk Supply: Donor Milk, Milk Banks and Formula | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2437

When a breastfeeding mom isn't making enough milk on her own, she has to consider some sort of supplementation for her little one. If you have low milk supply, what options are available and what are the pros and cons of each? Which options did our panelists choose and why? And what additional resources are available to help you make an informed decision? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 Breastfeeding Beyond 2 Years | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2332

Breastfeeding beyond toddlerhood is a very hot topic. What are some of the benefits of extended breastfeeding? What are some of the common benefits of continuing to breastfeed? What should you do if your child wants to breastfeed day and night? How much breast milk does your toddler really need? Plus, tips for criticism about breastfeeding beyond two years. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 Why Do We Need Lactation Rooms (and Legislation that Supports It)? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2841

We are busy multi-tasking mamas, and many of us are breastfeeding and pumping for our babies on-the-go. So, what happens when you need some privacy when you’re out in public with your baby? What are public nursing or lactation rooms and how can they help? Are these area hurting or helping the breastfeeding/pumping cause? Today we’re talking about the importance of lactation rooms and legislation to support it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 Breastfeeding Expectations: The 3rd Month | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2293

We all have certain expectations as we begin our breastfeeding journeys. Sometimes those expectations are met and sometimes they are exceeded- it's all part of your developing role has a new mom. Today we're continuing our series where we follow three moms and their newborns as they explore breastfeeding for the first year of life. Have common issues such as vasospasms and colic been resolved yet? How are the moms dealing with breastfeeding in public and returning back to work? Plus, more on pumping and getting support from family and friends. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 Breastfeeding While Pregnant | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2397

You're pregnant and had no intentions to suddenly stop breastfeeding. While the thought of being pregnant while breastfeeding your little one can be daunting, it is possible for most moms. What type of changes could you experience early in your pregnancy? Should you expect a dip in your milk supply? Plus, tips for the nursing two children shortly after giving birth.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 Breastfeeding Challenges: When Babies Bite | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2094

Ouch! That's what happens when your sweet, little baby clamps down on you like you're a teether! Sometimes it's on accident and sometimes it's on purpose (followed by a cute smile), but it's never enjoyable for mom. So, when do babies start biting? And how do you get them to stop? Our moms share what's worked best for them! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 Breastfeeding Expectations: The 2nd Month | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2699

Today we're continuing our series "Breastfeeding Expectations", where we follow three new moms on their breastfeeding journeys. This month, find out if our moms have settled into a schedule when nursing their babies. Are they getting any sleep at night? Are they facing any new breastfeeding challenges? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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