Hannahlyze This by Hannah Hart show

Hannahlyze This by Hannah Hart

Summary: Hannahs discuss life, love, and the pursuit of happiness in this self-help podcast that just can’t help itself.  Each week the two Hannahs tackle tough topics head-on, and provide the listeners with hysterical, strange and candid feedback about their experiences.  With expert guests to keep them on track, this podcast is what happens when real friends, face their real problems and take on the challenge of change.

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 You Are Here (Facing Reality ft. Heather Havrilesky) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:49:03

This week, Gelb is joined by Heather Havrilesky - author, advice columnist, and wasteland warrior of the scrappy LA hills - to discuss the poisonous messages that our culture at large tries to tattoo onto the insides of our eyelids. You know the ones. You NEED: more money, a bigger house, a better mate, perfect hair, skin, and nails, genitals that smell like a rose garden, to lose/gain 10 lbs, to stop being sad, to look on the bright side, to really ENJOY cooking, to take up axe throwing, etc. Heather calls bullshit on the myth of constant self-improvement and and challenges us to accept ourselves as we are, in this very moment, inadequacies and all. Enjoy bonus content and more by supporting us on Patreon! Join your fellow Earbud Patrons in BTS splendor for as little as $5 a month.

 How We Make Decisions (Facets of the Self) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:48:44

What's in YOUR conference room of the mind? More importantly, WHO? Who's calling the shots, passing out the agenda, and ordering the snacks? Are they getting the GOOD artisan cheese and crackers or those oily pastries that make your stomach hurt? Are they people you know intimately, or are your mind-meetings populated with strangers? This week, take a deep dive into the metaphorical mind with Fabs and Gelb as they discuss the myriad facets of the self. It's possible there are some ne'er-do-well impostors sashaying around and getting their grubby hands all over your decision-making apparatus. In any case, this conference is bananas and we may need to bring in upper management (hint: that's YOU). Enjoy bonus content and more by supporting us on Patreon! Join your fellow Earbud Patrons in BTS splendor for as little as $5 a month.

 Vulnerability, Relationships, & Crazy-Clowning (Answering Earbud Questions) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:44:39

Breathe it in, folks! Yes, that’s the sweet aroma of Pumpkin Spice being jammed up your nostrils with a chimney sweep’s brush. Just in time for October, Gelb and Fabs are here to answer your questions! We cannot stress this enough: crazy clowning does NOT equal vulnerability. Make sense? Other important topics raised: favorite Sailor Moon seasons, a Fiona Apple/Lin-Manuel Miranda musical mash-up, Gatsby vs. Gelb, and banjo codependency. Enjoy bonus content and more by supporting us on Patreon! Join your fellow Earbud Patrons in BTS splendor for as little as $5 a month.

 Making Things (ft. Pam Ribon) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:17

Break out those flute-y glasses, because this week’s guest is Pamela Ribon (writer of Moana, Ralph Breaks The Internet), who happens to be champagne in human form. Ting ting! Thats the sound of the podcast looking deep into your eyes and cheersing you whilst Ribon speaks in dulcet tones about writing as a coping mechanism, Fan-face ™, and of course, discovering dead bodies in your trunk. Enjoy bonus content and more by supporting us on Patreon! Join your fellow Earbud Patrons in BTS splendor for as little as $5 a month.

 10% Happier (ft. Dan Harris) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:36:15

Harto was banging around NYC this week, and took a break from dancing with lamp-posts to drop by Dan Harris’ studio and get into it - meditation, that is. Much was discussed: how to deal with that voice in your head that wants to convince you of your uncontrollable suckiness, listening to your body to prevent work-place projectile vomiting, and how meditating for even a paltry 5 minutes a day(ish) can lead to profound internal changes (and potentially prevent public panic attacks on live TV.) Enjoy bonus content and more by supporting us on Patreon! Join your fellow Earbud Patrons in BTS splendor for as little as $5 a month.

 Hypnotoast (Past Life Regression Therapy) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:27

Hart and Gelb are back in action! It may feel like it's been a lifetime since our Hannahs have sat down and hannah-lyzed each other, but the question is - which lifetime? Travel back in time with both Hannahs as they recount their experiences with hypnotherapy and explore questions like: what can we learn from our past selves? Why are holidays triggering for queer people? And, of course, the age-old (literally) question: was Hannah once a short Greek man? Enjoy bonus content and more by supporting us on Patreon! Join your fellow Earbud Patrons in BTS splendor for as little as $5 a month.

 Brain Tumors and Branding (ft. Simone Giertz) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:41

On this episode of Hannahlyze This, Simone Giertz joins Harto to do a deep Hannahlysis their lives. They bond over fear of death, brain tumors, YouTube careers and the strangeness of being known for sh*tty robots and drunken cooking. Enjoy bonus content and more by supporting us on Patreon! Join your fellow Earbud Patrons in BTS splendor for as little as $5 a month.

 Purr-ceptive Pets (ft. Jackson Galaxy) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:07

What do addiction, cats, and high bottoms all have in common? The only place in the universe they come together is this week's episode of Hannahlyze This! Join Harto and Jackson Galaxy (the Cat Daddy) as they explore the strange intersection of pets and mental health: how we impact them and they impact us. And then give this purr-fect episode a round of a-paws, Fur real.

 Do the Damn Thing! (Investing ft Sallie Krawcheck) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:20

Banish all antiquated notions you have about moolah and investing, earbuds! You, right now, in that sweet denim jacket with the sexy studs (you know the one) are already 100% ready to be a money making pro. Special guest Sallie Krawcheck (former Wall Street warrior, current CEO of Ellevest, and certified BAMF) sits down with Harto to walk through the obstacles that stop us regular folks (and women especially) from investing and money managing in general. Noting that women are conditioned to shy away from money matters, she emphasizes that empowering ourselves to invest and take charge of our fiscal futures is nothing less than premium, 100% organic, artisanal self-care. Enjoy bonus content and more by supporting us on Patreon! Join your fellow Earbud Patrons in BTS splendor for as little as $5 a month.

 The Art of Competition (ft. Ned Fulmer of the Try Guys) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:32

This week, on Hannahlyze This, Hannah Hart sits down with the one and only Ned Fulmer to chat about the tricky beast we call competition. When is competition helpful? Hurtful? Does it build relationships or damage them? Do you know people who cheat at card games?! Is Hannah competitive? Is Ned MORE competitive?? WHO IS THE WINNER OF THIS EPISODE?!? Spoiler, Earbuds: it's you. Enjoy bonus content and more by supporting us on Patreon! Join your fellow Earbud Patrons in BTS splendor for as little as $5 a month.

 What Kind of Creative Are You? (ft. Carolyn Gregoire) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:48:18

What kind of creative are you? (Spoiler alert - you are creative! Everyone is!) Join the Hannahs as they pick the brain of the creative mind behind the Adobe Creative Types Test, Carolyn Gregoire, and learn about the unique forms of creativity that keep the world going round! Enjoy bonus content and more by supporting us on Patreon! Join your fellow Earbud Patrons in BTS splendor for as little as $5 a month.

 The Enneagram (ft. Beatrice Chestnut) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:38

No, you did not accidentally start listening to a D&D podcast - the Enneagram is an interconnected map of nine personality types that can help us better understand ourselves and others. Ancient, mystical, complex - does it sound like the Hannahs are out of their depth? They are! Luckily they're joined by leading Enneagram authority Dr. Beatrice Chestnut, who explains how understanding the nine types can illuminate the path to self-awareness. Enjoy bonus content and more by supporting us on Patreon! Join your fellow Earbud Patrons in BTS splendor for as little as $5 a month.

 Burnout (ft. Elle Mills) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:39

This week Harto is joined by special guest Elle Mills to talk about the thrills, chills, spills, and possibly rills (a rill is a small stream!) of rocketing to YouTube stardom at the tender age of 19. Although Harto and Mills are a YouTube generation apart, both can speak to the pressure of high expectations, coping with creative burnout, and the surprising loneliness that comes with being surrounded by people. Enjoy bonus content and more by supporting us on Patreon! Join your fellow Earbud Patrons in BTS splendor for as little as $5 a month.

 Heartbreak Hannahlysis (ft. Thomas Sanders) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:40:08

Remember that saying, smooth seas don't make a good sailor? Well, plug your nose and grab a lifejacket, because because this week's episode is a deep dive into the turbulent waters of heartbreak. Have no fear - Harto and special guest Thomas Sanders will guide you through a candid convo and onward to the sunny shores of healing and self-discovery! Enjoy bonus content and more by supporting us on Patreon! Join your fellow Earbud Patrons in BTS splendor for as little as $5 a month.

 We Are (not) Witches (Answering Earbud Questions) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:07

Who's Gelb's fave Sailor Moon villain? Who is Harto's ultimate dream podcast guest? Just what the HECK are you supposed to do with your swathes of free time this summer? Find out the answers to these hard-hitting Earbud questions, (not to mention some real talk about bodies and boundaries), on this week's episode! Enjoy bonus content and more by supporting us on Patreon! Join your fellow Earbud Patrons in BTS splendor for as little as $5 a month.


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