Courage & Clarity show

Courage & Clarity

Summary: These spirited conversations give us a peek behind the curtain and share what it really takes to earn an independent living doing something you love. Add one part grounding inspiration to one part tangible tactics and you've got this podcast: a unique way to catch insights that really work from successful female entrepreneurs. These real, honest stories will help you find the courage and clarity to go after what you love!


 Ep 056 // Sick of Hearing About "Gratitude"? Here's a Fresh Approach to Feeling Grateful (For Real) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:28

We’ve all been there: you go to journal about what you’re grateful for. You write some things. “I’m grateful for my business. I’m grateful for my family. I’m grateful for my health.” …. but then, not only does it not “get you anywhere”, you feel even worse because gratitude isn't “working”. You may wonder, "What’s wrong with me? Why don’t I really feel anything about these words?" In today's special Live Podcast recording, we're talking about how to reverse engineer gratitude.  We need to shift from an intellectual practice -- empty, hollow words we can't quite sink our teeth into -- to an emotional practice, one that resonates on the deepest level, and translates into an instant mood lift.  It's possible to feel what you hope to feel right away, and I hope this quick mental shift does the trick for you. 

 Ep 055 // Exactly How To Build Courses That Change Lives & Get Real Results with Janelle Allen (Clarity) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:24

Janelle Allen is an Instructional Designer, which is code for "this lady really knows what it takes to create courses that make customers say 'YES!' instead of 'Meh.'" If you're interested in creating courses, or maybe you've even tried but feel things could have gone better, this episode is for you. IN THIS CLARITY EPISODE, YOU'LL HEAR: -The HOW behind creating courses that change lives WHY we have so much resistance towards truly listening to our customers before taking action Where to start before you ever launch a killer course The concept of "backwards design", which helps you reverse-engineer courses that really work Real examples of what a good "learning goal" sounds like The danger of "fuzzy goals" and how they majorly turn customers off Things you probably think matter, but DON’T

 Ep 054 // Closing A Six Figure Business In Favor Of Fun & Energy with Janelle Allen (Courage) | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 34:15

As an Instructional Designer, she's trained to identify and solve learning gaps. She builds world-class online courses that gets results for her clients' businesses.  IN THIS COURAGE EPISODE, YOU'LL HEAR:  The story of how Janelle built a 6 figure instructional design agency ... and the difficult decision to close that agency to pursue curiosity instead How emails & comments Janelle received became clues about her future  What janelle did for the first year before ever creating her first course   How Janelle fused her natural skill with the needs of her followers The balance between "pressure to succeed" and "space to create" — how much financial runway should you have before making a new leap? 

 Ep 053 // The Only Thing You Need to Beat Overwhelm & Finally Focus | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 38:29

Remember that time I started recording LIVE podcast episodes with you? Well, we're back for Round 2!  Over on the Courage & Clarity Facebook page, I've been testing out some podcast recording with you during a LIVE session. It's been so fun so far! This episode's topic was inspired by a C&C listener, Jodi. Here's what she requested: "How do you deal with overwhelm when transitioning to or setting up your own biz? Sooooo many choices, so much info... so I want to hear something about how to find focus and stay focused!" In this episode, you'll hear:  3 big threats you need to avoid when you're just starting out THE most important thing you need to do to stop feeling overwhelmed and start feeling focused Why you STILL aren't jumping in, even if you know you should  A 3 pronged approach to gauging your progress & tweaking to improve quickly

 Ep 052 // 12 Questions to Ask When You Need to Be Brave with Emily Ann Peterson (Clarity) | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 41:48

Have you ever thought about bravery as a concept that is as much science as it is art? Until I talked with Emily Ann Peterson, I always thought bravery was one of those things that people either had or they didn't. Real deal bravery is reserved for heroes, selfless people and storybook characters.  But in this episode, Emily Ann gives us a recipe for bravery -- we break it down into 12 ingredients, almost as though we're cutting bravery open to examine what it's made of.  Emily Ann brings an extremely approachable perspective on bravery, and with her tips in mind we can all strategically get our bravery on, right away.  In this Clarity episode, you'll hear:  The 12 ingredients of bravery -- 3 big ingredients and 3 sub-ingredients for each  12 questions to ask yourself next time you're terrified and you know you need to do something brave   A concrete method for incorporating more bravery into our businesses  How we can boost our own confidence when we need to make a bold move How to make sure your bravery resonates and connects with others, maximizing the results of your efforts

 Ep 051 // How To Be Brave When Your Dreams Get Crushed With Emily Ann Peterson (Courage) | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 33:02

Emily Ann Peterson, host of the Bare Naked Bravery podcast, is a singer / songwriter and a marketing consultant / coach. Specifically, she helps creative misfits (and other people who don't feel like they quite "belong") to show up and do their meaningful work. But it wasn't always this way. Before this chapter, Emily Ann was a cellist & cello teacher who had been playing her instrument for most of her life. When a devastating diagnosis turned her world upside down, she had to figure out how to navigate a new world. She had to learn to be brave. In this Courage episode, you'll hear: A gripping story of an artist who lost her craft -- how it happened, and how she picked up the pieces How to navigate the future when your life plans are completely altered, despite your best effort What to do when your success in your business or craft is completely out of your control The 3 main ingredients of bravery

 Ep 050 // Leveraging Authentic Storytelling to Sell Out an In-Person Event with Megan Hale (Clarity) | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 43:57

In today's Clarity episode we're talking about something I'm super curious to learn more about: in-person retreats with your customers! <img class="thumb-image" data-image="" data-image-dimensions="720x721" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-load="false" data-image-id="5991be636a49633ef8e4858c" data-type="image" src="" />  Megan Hale is the host of Wild & Holy Weekend. Here's how she describes it: "Wild & Holy Weekend is a unique experience for 10 women to gather around a fire, celebrate our power, break bread, and dive into the pure truths of our souls while embracing the concept that we can be both scared and ready, unsure and certain, still evolving and confident."Megan's recent inaugural W&H Weekend was a total success -- she sold every single spot. But before that... she tried to host an in-person event, and it completely flopped. So today, Megan is letting us peek behind the curtain in order to show us what went wrong, what she changed and how Wild & Holy Weekend has become the definition of Meaningful Work for her. In this Clarity episode, you'll hear:  The flop of Megan's first in person event (why it flopped, and what went wrong) What she changed in her process & in herself for the second time around (which led to selling out!) How to create an emotional connection to an event, leading customers to click "buy"  All about marketing an in-person retreat: when to start & how to do it in order to sell out How to make your customers feel awesome -- not pressured -- during a sales process  Show notes:Wild & Holy Weekend

 Ep 049 // How to Find Your Truth & Let it Guide You with Megan Hale (Courage) | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 41:24

This week I'm thrilled to welcome my friend & fellow mastermind group member, Megan Hale!  <img class="thumb-image" data-image="" data-image-dimensions="717x729" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-load="false" data-image-id="5991be33e6f2e1489988ca15" data-type="image" src="" />  Megan focuses on spiritual development & relationship coaching, and she also has a brand new podcast called Wild & Holy Radio. Before that, she hosted a podcast called The Enoughness Revolution for 150+ episodes (!) This episode is veers into some unchartered territory here on the Courage & Clarity podcast, and I love it.We're talking about spirituality, but it's now what you think.If you consider yourself even remotely spiritually inclined, but perhaps you've dealt with frustration and helplessness in a more traditional religious setting (um, hand raised over here), I think you will love Megan & this conversation. In this Courage episode, you'll hear:  How Megan made the crazy decision to close her successful podcast & start over What spirituality can teach us about business  How to get out of your own way and let the process guide you (hint: it feels AMAZING) How to tap into the feeling that you've already arrived at your goal What to do to resolve discomfort, fear and anxiety, in business & in life  SHOW NOTES:  Megan's website Wild & Holy Radio Wild & Holy Weekend

 Ep 048 // What to Do if You Love Your Ideas, Yet Still Procrastinate | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 39:12

This week I'm so excited to bring you a different & special version of the Courage & Clarity podcast!  <img class="thumb-image" data-image="" data-image-dimensions="714x720" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-load="false" data-image-id="5987a4b33a0411d1820ff6ac" data-type="image" src="" />  Today, you're hearing the audio from my first ever Facebook LIVE podcast. Verdict? It was so fun to be live with you guys!Not only did my energy feel much higher (can you tell?), but I absolutely loved interacting with many of you during the recording.I received lots of awesome comments and questions for that -- I can't thank you enough for that! This episode's topic was inspired by Fizzle community member Sinead N. She started an epic conversation in our forums, and after reading through the discussion & participating myself I knew I had to take it deeper with you. Here's Sinead's question: Do you feel alienated when people tell you that if you truly loved and believed in something, you'd get the work done? Does it make you second guess yourself and your ideas or business?I'm dissecting this extremely relevant question in 6 parts:  Breaking down what the question is really asking The big fear running in the background here, without us realizing it (and what to do!) Why we sabotage our progress on projects, even if we REALLY love them  The incredible power of celebrating wins  Answering the question, "but how hard do I push?" How to start small (and be genuinely okay with the progress) SHOW NOTES: Episodes with Jessica Eley Big Magic Jess Lively Eat Within Your Means Fizzle - Grab 5 weeks for free!

 Ep 047 // Two Types of Money You Need to Be Earning in Your Business, Starting Today with Jessica Eley (Clarity) | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 42:13

Welcome to this week's Clarity episode featuring Jessica Eley, a mindset coach who knows a whole lot about money. <img class="thumb-image" data-image="" data-image-dimensions="708x714" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-load="false" data-image-id="597e8b8817bffc7a49fe61b4" data-type="image" src="" />  In this conversation we’re digging deeper into how Jessica was able to replace her corporate income in TWO WEEKS without much of a game plan. She tells us there are two different types of money, and we need to focus on earning each one at different times. So depending on where we are in our journey, that’s going to dictate which to focus on. She’s going to tell us how she originally earned her living as a copywriter when she quit her corporate job, without really intending for that to happen. Ultimately she switched to coaching, and she’ll share how to transition from survival mode to dream biz mode. In this Clarity episode, you'll hear:  Two differing approaches to money -- how & when to generate real money using each strategy  Exactly how Jessica managed to replace her corporate income in 2 weeks after she quit her job with zero plan  How to earn a living doing work you find fun & purposeful  How you can start earning money and figure out what you want to be doing with your life at the same exact time  Values, priorities & vision, and what questions to ask to discover yours  SHOW NOTES: Jessica's website Lewis Howes Christina Scalera Fizzle - try 5 weeks free

 Ep 046 // How to Stop Learning & Start Doing, Even If You Have Zero Plan with Jessica Eley (Courage) | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 39:39

Welcome to another week of incredible interviews on Courage & Clarity! Jessica Eley is a mindset coach for high achievers who helps people figure out how to get their heads in the right space to achieve the success they want in their lives.   <img class="thumb-image" data-image="" data-image-dimensions="727x721" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-load="false" data-image-id="597e8b599de4bb91f41bd834" data-type="image" src="" />  In this courage episode she tells us how she went from a mega high achiever who finished college early while working full time and planning a wedding, to hitting a breaking point and calling a major timeout.She quit her corporate job spontaneously after putting 5 years in, and within two weeks she replaced her corporate income. In this episode we talk about how Jessica realized she didn’t need to become a guru overnight in order to make real money as an entrepreneur just using the talents she already had. She’ll also tell us what we need to do to STOP our fears from holding us back, and why Jessica considers herself “anti positivity moment”. In this Courage episode, you'll hear:  What happened when Jessica spontaneously quit her corporate job after 5 years with zero plan (hint: it involves replacing her income in two weeks)  What to do if you feel like you wish you had a teleporter to your future successful self Why the whole "positivity movement" might actually be holding us back  Exactly what to do if your fears are paralyzing you & preventing action  An important wake-up call about what's on your vision board right now  SHOW NOTES: Jessica's website Abagail & Emylee Smart Passive Income with Pat Flynn Fizzle - get 5 weeks free! 

 Ep 045 // The Worst Feedback I've Ever Received (& How I'm Handling It) | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 31:25

Okay friends, buckle up & grab your cup of coffee (orrrrr somethin' stronger) -- today it's getting real. I'm talking about the worst feedback I've gotten about this podcast so far. And guys, I won't lie -- that sh*t hurts! <img class="thumb-image" data-image="" data-image-dimensions="726x718" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-load="false" data-image-id="597565bedb29d6a05c62298f" data-type="image" src="" /> So when you have a podcast, this thing happens where you notice you've got a new iTunes review. You think, oh my gosh, another review! I can't wait to read it....So I raced over to iTunes... but in this particular case, what I found made my stomach drop. It wasn't positive. It wasn't flattering. In fact, it was anything but. And damn it, it did NOT make me feel good.  My initial reaction was to point fingers, call names, blame others, turn my feelings off and mark this firmly under the heading of "haters gonna hate". But I couldn't stop thinking about it, so I started talking to my inner circle about it. I realized no one is talking about this. At least, not in the specific "I'm not afraid to read my negative review on a podcast" sort of way. I want to bring this to light so we can learn from it. So today, I am doing just that.Today, I am reading the worst review I've ever received on the podcast airwaves for you. Not because I need you to reassure me (though y'all are sweet, and I love you!) Not because I need to prove anything. I'm doing it because: 1. You've been here and you need solidarity or 2. You haven't been here yet but you are terrified of the dreaded negative feedback. So, in this podcast you'll hear:  Me reading, word for word, the worst review I've received so far. Ouch.  How to decipher mean feedback from negative (or constructive) criticism  3 strategies for dealing with negative feedback, and growing from it!  How to re-frame feedback & turn it into momentum, even when it freakin' hurts  Why I'm not subscribing to the "haters gonna hate!" mentality, even though I reeeeally want to sometimes! *And hey, by the way? About 40 of you have left seriously amazing iTunes reviews -- and many more of you have reached out via email, Instagram, Facebook & more. This one negative review doesn't take any of that away. I love y'all more than you will EVER know. 

 Ep 044 // How to Write Compelling Copy That Turns Lurkers into Buyers with Ashlyn Carter (Clarity) | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 38:21

Welcome to Part Two of my conversation with Ashlyn Carter, a sharp & sweet conversion copywriter for creative entrepreneurs!  <img class="thumb-image" data-image="" data-image-dimensions="729x724" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-load="false" data-image-id="596c0937cd0f68fd3582cc22" data-type="image" src="" /> This might just be one of the most info-packed Clarity episodes to date. Ashlyn & I couldn't decide between two awesome topics, so we decided to give it all! If you struggle to figure out how to craft your message in a way that truly lures people in, I think this episode will be perfect for you. The truth is, there's no magic bullet to copywriting. There's no voo doo formula here. This is about really listening and paying attention to the market, simplifying your message, and crafting your copy in a way that truly resonates. In this Clarity episode, you'll learn: The concept of customer led copy, and how great copy is assembled instead of created out of thin air How to leverage the words on your website in a way that actually gets you PAID How to "coach the conversion" -- aka, the 5 steps your audience needs to walk through to go from new follower to paying customer  7 little known secrets to copywriting that will make all the difference in your business  SHOW NOTES:  Writing Copy for the Web: A Guide for Copywriting Ask by Ryan Levesque Ray Edwards Breakthrough Advertising by Eugene Schwartz Jab Jab Jab Right Hook by Gary Vaynerchuk Start a Blog That Matters -- 5 weeks free at Fizzle Grammarly

 Ep 043 // Breaking Up With Career Obsession and Using Meaningful Work to Heal with Ashlyn Carter (Courage) | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 36:30

This week I'm excited to share two fabulous conversations with Ashlyn Carter, conversion copywriter for creative entrepreneurs!  <img class="thumb-image" data-image="" data-image-dimensions="720x718" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-load="false" data-image-id="596c0576f14aa1a6e70c1ff2" data-type="image" src="" /> Soon after meeting Ashlyn, I learned she's played a major part in some huge launches around the internet, including some names you might have heard before such as Jenna Kutcher, Heather Crabtree and Hilary Rushford. While Ashlyn now runs a thriving business, it wasn't always this way. In today's Courage story, she bravely shares how she went from sleeping with her phone under pillow as an ever-striving Public Relations professional to recognizing her mental health had been shuffled to the backburner in a major way. Ashlyn was hospitalized for a full blown eating disorder and generalized anxiety, and after dealing with frustration and feeling lost, she knew a change was on the horizon. In today's Courage story, you'll learn:  Ashlyn's rocky road to entrepreneurship, including why she had to hit "pause" on her life while she was hospitalized for two months  How she challenged her career mindset and decided to forge a completely new path after a successful, striving-based PR career  How she got started as a copywriter The BIG thing she did to accelerate her business and become the "go to girl" for launch copywriting in her industry in just one month  SHOW NOTES: Ashlyn's website Jenna Kutcher Fizzle - grab 5 weeks for free!

 Ep 042 // How to Be Seen as the Go To Expert in Your Industry with Reina Pomeroy (Clarity) | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 33:58

Welcome to the second conversation I'm having with Reina Pomeroy, the life and biz success coach behind Reina & Co who emphasizes heart based business. She helps people pinpoint what's most important to them so they can become the go-to expert in their industry.We're diving deep into Reina's area of expertise, which is visibility -- aka, how to show people you actually exist, and be known as a go-to expert in your industry. <img class="thumb-image" data-image="" data-image-dimensions="720x730" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-load="false" data-image-id="5962be7b414fb5783d0f7001" data-type="image" src="" /> In this episode Reina is going to teach us two of her signature strategies -- she'll tell us about her Social Glue Coffee Chats, as well as how she implements verticals in her business to dictate what she's really about and provide value around those subjects.Reina's teaching us:  How to figure out what you want to be known for  One simple and powerful tactic you can use today to start making a name for yourself (all you need are the email addresses of your family & friends)  How to make your business idea jump out at you Handling "cliquey vibes" in Facebook groups or other places you might be hanging out   The concept of verticals in our businesses and how we can use them to plan content and show up as professionals  “You don’t need all the fancy schmancy stuff in order to do visibility well.” “When you are very clear about what you do, the competition doesn’t exist.”  SHOW NOTES:  Customer Conversations (get 5 weeks free at Fizzle) Savvy Business Owners group Powersheets group Social Glue: Reina's free resource Verticals: Reina's free resource  


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