Courage & Clarity show

Courage & Clarity

Summary: These spirited conversations give us a peek behind the curtain and share what it really takes to earn an independent living doing something you love. Add one part grounding inspiration to one part tangible tactics and you've got this podcast: a unique way to catch insights that really work from successful female entrepreneurs. These real, honest stories will help you find the courage and clarity to go after what you love!


 How to Build a Viral Community Anchor with Cailen Ascher | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 46:04

Cailen Ascher is a business and lifestyle coach whose name and work have become synonymous with the 3 Day Work Week. Imagine growing your business, making more money while working less hours. Sound impossible? Cailen will show you it’s completely do-able with her powerhouse community anchor. Today we’re chatting about where the idea for her 3 Day Work Week came from and how she leveraged it to build her incredible brand. *IN CAILEN’S COURAGE STORY YOU’LL HEAR: * Why she designed the 3 Day Work Week in her own business model before turning it into a wildly successful community anchor How she doubled her income while working half the hours. (seriously, do the math on that, it’s a business owners dream!) IN THE CLARITY HALF OF THE EPISODE YOU’LL HEAR: Why working less hours doesn’t automatically mean a pay cut A/B Weeks and how they benefit not only you but your clients How she developed a course and program around her community anchor Today’s episode will show you how to listen to your audience and build something they actually want. Then double down on it and watch it produce results!

 How to Run Your Own Business Staycation | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 51:55

My secret’s out. There’s a practice from my corporate days that I stole. I think it’s so good, you should try it too! Companies hold retreats for their employees all the time. It’s a thing, right? Yet as entrepreneurs, it’s easy to think it’s too expensive, it’s a waste of time or it’s too indulgent. But what happens when you change your environment, focus on treating yourself and give you and your business the time and love it deserves? I’ve just wrapped up my own business staycation, and the response from my community was so strong, that this episode is devoted to sharing what exactly I was up to in my hotel room with my multi colored poster boards and markers! You’ll hear why it’s integral for, when and where it should happen and who should be involved. I also outline what exactly went down in mine, right down to the four poster boards I created: dreams, what’s working and what’s not, revenue goals and content plan. After this brainstorming session and a good night’s sleep, I woke up refreshed and ready to create my implementation plan. Out came my calendar and I plugged in how to best make my plans come to life. It’s normal to have a little voice in the back of your mind telling you this is a waste of time, that you don’t really need to have a business staycation. But that voice wants you to play safe, and knows that devoting time like this to your business is a chance to be bold and dream big. This is a chance to combine self-care with business strategy. If that’s not balancing the head and the heart of business, I don’t know what is!

 How to Find Satisfaction as an Entrepreneur (Hint: More Money Won’t Do It) | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 47:01

When you’re starting a business from scratch, it’s easy to look ahead to the next milestone or achievement and think “once I get there, then I’ll be happy”. Once I have 10,000 followers… my business will feel important and legit. After I start making over six figures… all my money worries will go away. If I can build my business to the size of needing staff… then I’ll have really made it! Today’s guests, Emylee Williams and Abagail Pumphrey from Think Creative Collective have surpassed all of those milestones and then some. They’re back for a second time on Courage and Clarity with a heavy dose of reality of what it’s like to run an incredibly successful online biz. *Think it’s all rainbows and unicorns once you’ve “made it”? Think again. * In this episode we’ll explore what it really takes to feel satisfied as an entrepreneur. Because depending on outside vanity metrics or monetary milestones just doesn’t cut it. Emylee and Abagail had reached a point to where every hopeful entrepreneur wants to be. They had solid products, a large and engaged audience and steady income. Yet even though they were successful, they were both still unhappy and stressed. They just weren’t excited about what they were doing anymore. Something else was out there that they needed to be doing. They knew they needed to listen to their guts, follow their instincts and do something that felt fun and fresh again. *Enter the Boss Project Summit. * These ladies were so in tune with this new idea, that within two weeks of even thinking of it, doors were open for registration. Over the course of 4 days, 40+ speakers (myself included!) are going to absolutely shake things up in the attendees’ businesses. Whether it’s branding help, messaging tweaks, funnels set up, social media strategy in place, financial planning, mindset shifts, or more, they’ve got you covered. And if you’re reading this before November 6 2018 -[ you can still snag your free ticket here.]( This summit is such a great example of doing what feels right in your business vs doing what you think you should be doing. I think this episode has something for all of my listeners, those just starting out and the more seasoned of the bunch. Have a listen and then head over the Courage and Clarity Community on Facebook and tell me what your biggest takeaway was!

 How to Get Out of a Funk, Rut or Creative Standstill | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 44:34

Feast or famine. The classic entrepreneurial problem. As a business owner you’ll no doubt have times when your energy (physical and creative) is low – and you start questioning it all. You’ll be scared that if you grant yourself a day in your pj’s watching This is Us on Netflix surrounded by crumpled up tissues – that somehow your business won’t survive. You built a business to have more time and freedom, but now taking a break is scary and it feels like you’ll never regain your momentum. How do I know all of this? Because I’ve been there. Not just last week – but this exact same time last year as well! October is a tricky month for me. After an interesting bout of déjà vu of a low energy, creativity lacking week, I’m sharing how to lean into a funk. Because as much as we always want to get “out” of it as quickly as possible, the only way out is through. The good news is if you take a step back and acknowledge your patterns, you can handle a much-needed break or a surprise funk with skill and ease instead of thinking your world and business is crashing and burning to an end. My greatest idea from last year, the 15 Minute Planner – even came from the tail end of a “funk”! The Clarity half of this episode includes four tips to navigate a break or funk: 1. Strategic Pause How to plan out a break on your calendar that makes sure you gain confidence in stepping away from your business knowing it will be there when you come back. 2. Ownership A necessary break in the flow of your business isn’t an excuse for a “woe is me” crisis. You’ve got to trust that you’ve got the creativity and skills to figure it out! 3. Trust Trust that “future you” can handle it and course correct. In order to give yourself and your business the space you need, you’ve got to believe this! 4. Cramming vs Resting Doubling your work so you can take a bit of time off isn’t a rest. It’s cramming. Instead, change the questions to – how do I work less? What can I Say no to? What ball can I drop?

 How We Sold Out a Live Event (Bizdom Retreat Recap) | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 39:28

The Bizdom Retreat in Austin Texas is officially a wrap! Before Megan and I flew home and went our separate ways, we just had to record our first Bizdom episode live together in the same room.

 Episode 111: From No Idea to Sold Out Group Program in Two Months | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 40:01

Meet Kalissa Scopes, an incredible student of mine with an inspiring entrepreneurial story to share. In this episode we discuss how her hard work in my course Crickets to Customers has paid off. She went from unsure if she even had a business idea to filling ten spots in her first small group program in under two months! Kalissa specializes in race equity and her new business can be found at She is committed to supporting fellow white people in their anti-racism work. In her Courage episode you'll hear The challenges she faced after being laid off from her government job of 15 years The long path of self-doubt she faced in her desire to build her own business Why she based her business on this incredibly important topic In her Clarity episode she shares Why she chose Crickets to Customers even after being disappointed with other business courses How she followed the steps of the course like a recipe and refused to deviate from the lessons Her transformation from uncertainty to running her first small group program with confidence Kalissa's story will really hit home for anyone hoping to build an online business but worried that their topic doesn't fit the mold.

 One Easy Secret for Creating Content on Multiple Platforms | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 34:55

There’s some marketing gurus out there who insist you need to be everywhere across every possible platform. Instagram. Facebook. Pinterest. Twitter. And don’t forget about your email list! But when we spread ourselves too far and thin, the quality of work is diluted and we quite frankly end up feeling drained and uninspired. It can be all too easy to get pulled in multiple directions and think you need to show up everywhere for your audience. Plus there’s the stress of “what the heck should I create for them this week?” Well friends, today I’m going to share my super simple secret to creating engaging and trust building content for your audience, across multiple platforms. After listening to this episode, I want you to sit and take a good look at where you’re showing up. Why are you there? Define each platform’s purpose, and if you’re feeling pulled in too many directions, I’m giving you the golden permission slip to let some of them go. By using today’s simple secret, you’ll know what to post and where each week - without reinventing the wheel. As always we come back to the idea of “what would this look like if it were easy?” Today’s secret will allow you to show up, be visible and add value for your audience and potential customers. I share exactly how I make it work with my own content too!

 How to Get Your First Three Clients | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 38:51

You believe in your dream and you’re ready to put in the work. But the fact remains - if you’re ever going to take your business full-time or leave your current job, you’re going to have to land paying customers! Today’s episode is the perfect follow up to last week’s “Is Your Dream Really Possible?” and another solo show where I answer a question that was posted in The Courage and Clarity Facebook Group. This question resonated with so many in our community. She believes in herself and her talent, but what’s her next step when it comes to finding her first three clients? This question was a great chance for me to look back on my career and now I’m sharing 5 actionable steps that will lead to real paying clients. These are tips that everyone can do - you don’t need a lot of money for ads or any special circumstances. And while I believe it’s the simplest path to paying clients, don’t mistake simple for easy! In this Clarity episode you’ll hear: Why I recommend going one-on-one with your services as your first step How crafting one core and simple offer will make business easier on you and your future clients The benefits of leveraging IRL opportunities (even if they make you uncomfortable at first) The power of your very own personal rolodex My recommendation of going paid or offering free services when you’re brand new in your business Some of these tips will put you out of your comfort zone, but this is where your unshakable belief in your dream is necessary. You may need to risk rejection, put the work in, cold call and do things that scare yourself. When you’re faced with uncomfortable challenges in your business, you’ve got to have the courage to see your vision come true. And if you stick with it, you'll be rewarded for your conviction and your steady action towards your dreams.

 Is Your Dream Really Possible? | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 36:32

Do you ever feel terrified of your big dreams? Scared because if they don’t come true you’ll be devastated? I think we’ve all been there. And lately I’ve heard a common theme around this develop in the C&C community, my Instagram and even with my 1:1 coaching clients. Different versions of this same question, a mindset battle most entrepreneurs face. I hear my clients and community members place conditions on their dreams. They create backup plans and time constraints on their businesses. This energy of not being “all-in” is like telling your business you don’t believe in it 100% When we’re scared our dreams might not come true, we place conditions on them. “I’ll give this ten years to work, or I’ll go back to that career I didn’t really love”. We create backup plans and time constraints on our businesses. This energy of not being “all-in” is like telling your business you don’t believe in it 100% I know with Courage & Clarity that once I committed fully, let go of the “how” and came to terms with the fact that it would be messy and uncomfortable at times - my business transformed! So when you’ve got big dreams, you’ve got to let go of the conditions you put on your dreams and replace them with some faith and trust. Like I’ve talked about so many times on this show before, if you keep showing up, you’ll get whatever you’re dreaming of. I promise, when you’re all in, focus your energy and move forward with steady actions, The Universe will conspire on your behalf. You don’t get to choose the “how” - you just need to show up and believe. I get pretty deep into mindset and energy talk, but don’t worry, I didn’t leave the brass tacks out of this episode.  I’ve included 8 key points for you to consider when going after your dreams. You’ll also hear about an easy and fun tactic that helped me fill the pre-sale of my first course launch and is literally getting results for members of the C&C community right now. I loved recording this episode for you all, as I reflect on my journey to building C&C into what it is today and dreaming of all it will become. By the end of listening to this I want you to not only realize that your dream is possible, but that it’s already on its way to you!

 What To Do With Your Dream When You’re Dealing with Crisis | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 52:26

Bizdom Episode! Today Steph and Megan answer a question that will apply to every entrepreneur at one point in their business building journey. Courage & Clarity Community member Brigitte has recently discovered that her father has Alzheimers and she will be traveling more to be with her parents, all while raising her children and running her business. Her question is: *“How can she work and stay focused on her mission while she has family slow but irreversible crisis to focus on?” * Many listeners of this podcast can relate. Business builders are do-ers, go-getters and used to being in control and “making things happen”. The knee-jerk reaction is to make space and carry on like the crisis isn’t happening. In the Courage episode we discuss mindset adjustments for challenging times: *How to adjust your energy levels during times of crisis. *Affirmations to help get you through *Why you absolutely need separation between yourself and your business In the Clarity episode we discuss four tactical ways to approach your business in times of crisis: *A/B Weeks *Batching content and adjusting schedule to take full week off *Minimum Viable Effort *Minimum Viable Income The truth is, we’re all going to face a challenging time in our business and personal life. But if we’re honest with ourselves in how much we can give and strategic in how we schedule ourselves, we can truly design our lifestyle businesses to fit our needs.

 Why Showing Up is Enough: From 0 to 13,000 Hits in a Day | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 57:24

Meet Jen Rao, new online business builder, Canadian nomad, one of my students AND my virtual assistant! I recently asked my listeners what they wanted to hear more of on Courage and Clarity. Many of you requested more episodes that feature business builders who were still in their early stages. There’s something so comforting and inspiring to hear stories from women maybe only one or two steps ahead from where you are. Jen is right there with you, as she only launched her blog in April of this year. The story we share on this episode is how a piece of her writing went viral. Guys, she literally went from blogging to crickets to having an audience. You’re going to love to hear the before and after numbers! In Jen’s courage episode you’ll hear: Why she decided to sell her home and most of her possesions to travel full-time How she finances her life and travel without putting undue pressure on her growing online business Why getting clear on how you want to feel in life can be the catalyst to make real change How she got clear on her business idea after months of “procrasti-learning” and too many ideas In her clarity episode we dive into: The lead up to one of her posts being featured on a big player in her niche’s site How she made sure she was ready for an influx of traffic to her site Why it’s so important to keep showing up, even when you’re not sure when, where or how your next or first big break is going to happen This episode is for any listeners out there discouraged that they aren’t seeing their work gain any traction. You never know when those magic moments are going to happen, and it’s up to us to keep showing up and putting in the work.

 Backstage Pass: Tools, Tech & Exact Process for a $40k Course Launch | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 50:39

If there’s one thing I love in business, it’s opening the curtain and allowing others to have a sneak peak behind the scenes on what it takes to be successful. In this backstage pass style episode, I’m giving you the real tactics I used to have a $40k launch. This Clarity episode covers: PRESELLING Why I ended up having a pre-sale even when I had zero plans or desire to do so How I stayed in the flow and connected with my community which built trust and eventually meant more sales The exact method I used to get 37 pre-sale students in 72 hours CHALLENGE + WEBINARS How I build a buzz and warm up my people with a fun and results driven 5 day challenge How a massive technical issue during my first webinar actually ended up working in my favor How I created a tight, no fluff and valuable webinar TECH/BACKEND The three user-friendly platforms I used for Crickets to Customers Plus the new tactic I use in my email provider to gather valuable data for future course launches PRODUCING THE COURSE Why I’m creating each module one week at a time and what it means for future launches My promise that you don’t need technical know how to create impressive video content I’ll let you peek into how I have a comfortable natural delivery in my videos I answer the question if you need fancy or expensive equipment MOVING FORWARD W/ THIS COURSE How I keep course launching playful and fun so I can have less nerves Why it's a key part of my business that will be launched again in future

 Thinking of Launching a Course? 4 Ways to Know When You're Ready (ep. 104) | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 42:27

In this 2-part series, I'm tackling the courage components of what it takes to launch a successful course (to the tune of $40k in revenue!) Before you dive into building your own course and risk hearing absolute crickets, here are 4 things to think through to be totally sure you're setting yourself up for success.

 How to Grow When No One is Paying Attention to You (Business Wisdom, ep 103) | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 50:36

Megan Hale is back for some "Bizdom"! Today we're answering a question from listener Vicki, all about how to move forward when literally 5 people are downloading your podcast. How do you persevere (and actually grow) when you have zero traction? Join us for some tactical answers.

 How To Sell Out a Group Program with Zero Audience with Kristine Newman (ep 102) | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 1:06:22

My student Kristine Newman shares the incredible story of taking her 15 year brick and mortar business online after a devastating change in her life. She went from absolutely zero people paying attention to her, to pulling 6 women into a paid group program in 2 weeks flat. What's more, the women in Kristine's program are seeing huge transformations in their lives due to Kristine's help. She tells us why she thinks small group programs create absolute magic for customers, and how anyone can replicate this model even if you're just getting started.


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