The Addiction Podcast - Point of No Return show

The Addiction Podcast - Point of No Return

Summary: This podcast addresses hope and recovery options for individuals, friends, family, parents and associates who have been or may be addicted to opioids, heroin, cocaine, prescription drugs, fentanyl, and want to overcome the addiction. There are interviews with former addicts, stories of having gone through numerous failed rehabes, parents and loved ones that describe the horrors and ultimate methods they have sought to save lives and help. Issues include the changing world of rehab, from 12 step programs to successful and effective alternative approaches to detox, withdrawal, and education for stable life style changes for former addicts. The benefits and dangers of different types of rehab from those that have experienced it. The "point of no return' is when the individual has come to a realization that they need and want help. This is also for friends and family of addicts who are at their wits end and don't know what to do to help the addict. This podcast gives hope and inspiration for recovery. Some topics include: - Where can I get help? - How do I know if my child or relative or friend is addicted? - How do I get someone up to realizing they need help?

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  • Artist: Joanie Sigal
  • Copyright: (c)2017-2020 Sigal Consulting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


 Kelly Beazley - Behind the Scenes in the West Virginia Drug Epidemic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:58

This is the story of one unbelievably unethical doctor in West Virginia - Dr. Raj Masih - who was not only responsible for at least one death, but for 100s if not 1000s of people becoming addicted to prescription pain killers.  Doctors across the country are now being arrested for this crime against humanity.  Kelly worked for this doctor and her stories will raise the hair on the back of your neck. Especially since now he makes money from the State of West Virginia and from telling his story.

 Bobby Newman's New Intervention Approach | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:12

Bobby Newman is an interventionist with a 90% success rate of getting people into treatment. He is a former addict, so knows all the whys and wherefores that prevent the addict from getting clean and sober. Bobby has developed a series of videos to help YOU to do your own intervention and get your loved one into treatment NOW.

 Ted McGrath's Path from Addiction to Successful Entrepreneur | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:41

Today's episode is an interview with Ted McGrath.  Ted is a highly paid consultant, coach, motivational speaker, actor and entrepreneur.  Following his struggle with addiction, Ted created a movement called The Good Enough Movement with the mission to help people realize that no matter what their circumstance or dream, they are good enough to achieve their goals.

 Benjamin's Story - From DJ Addict to Recovery | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:30

Benjamin is from Denmark and started on drugs when he was DJing in Denmark.  He is now clean and sober and wants to help spread the word to others.  He goes into depth about his experiences on the Narconon program.  He suggests that communication is a good first step for anyone addicted.

 Giles' Story | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:50

Giles has an amazing story of how he finally got out of his drug addiction and makes a point that anyone can beat it. Something can be done. This is an amazing story.

 Randy's Story - NFL Player from Addicted to Helping Others | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:41

When we think of athletes and drugs, it's general performance enhancing drugs like steroids. However, when you are a professional athlete and your job depends on your performance, it's easy to depend on pain killers to get through the next game or the next tournament. That's what happened to former Tampa Bay Bucs offensive lineman and NFL player Randy Grimes. He ended his football career addicted to pain killers. He's clean and sober now and helpoing others get sober. This is his story.

 Drug Prevention Summit Part 3 - Dan Zsido and More | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:27

This is also part 3 of the interviews from the 7th Annual Southeastern US Regional Drug Prevention Summit.  We interviewed recovering addict Eric Burgiss who has found a simple tool to help himself and others stay clean and sober; Dan Zsido former Pinellas County Sheriff lieutenant with the law enforcement viewpoint and Michael DeLeon, founder of Steered Straight which helps educate youth about the dangers of drugs.

 Drug Prevention Summit Part 2 - "Tall Cop" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:56

This is part 2 of our Drug Prevention Summit interviews.  In this episode we interviewed an independent consultant who is an expert on the effects or drugs and how to post the indicators of addiction; a medical doctor with a slightly different approach to addiction; and a cop who has educated more than 75000 people on drugs and addiction. Our thanks to Drug Free America for allowing us to interview their speakers and attendees.

 Drug Prevention Summit Part 1 - Former WH Drug Czar - Robert DuPont | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:06

We interview onsite direct from the 7th Annual Drug Prevention Summit, put on by Drug Free America. Part I are interviews with key event speakers including industry leaders Former White House Drug Czar Robert DuPont; then Dr. Ken Finn; and finally Luke Niforatos, Senior Policy Advisor for "Smart Approaches to Marijuana". Parts II and III will be uploaded in the next week, so look for them.

 Overdosed: The Film Premiere | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:17

A few months ago we interviewed the producer and director of the feature documentary "Overdosed" which exposes how McKesson pharmaceutical distributor specifically targeted West Virginia for the distribution of billions of opioids to only a few million citizens.  Recently the film premiered locally and we were able to get some great feedback from audience members as well as an interview with one of the key characters in the film.

 Brandon Jordan's Story - A Rock Star's Road to Recovery | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:35

Brandon Jordan was one of the founders of Kill Radio - a punk rock band. His family had a history of drug abuse, but Brandon didn't start abusing alcohol and drugs until his early 20s. Once he started to party, he went from 0 to 60 in a split second. Friends didn't want to party with him because he was so hard core. After tanking his successful music career, he got sober and now devotes his time to being the L.A. regional director of "Rock to Recovery" and uses music to help rehabilitate others.

 Devin's ADHD Drug Addiction to a New Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:03

Devin's story starts similarly to others in that he was prescribed drugs to address ADHD.  Since those drugs are actually stimulants, they caused him to act out and he countered that with marijuana and other drugs.  During high school he experimented with various different drugs and after 11 visits to jail and 3 rehabs, he has found path to being clean and sober and hopes to be reunited with his children in the near future.  His story is one of hope.

 Author Nate Wilson's Recover - "Zero to Hero" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:51

Nate's story is typical but then not so typical.  Addicted to drugs at an early age, he attempted suicide several times after the death of friends close to him.  In and out of jail but now clean and sober, Nate Wilson has written a book - Zero to Hero: The Tale of My Recovery from Drug Addiction and Psychosis.  Nate has turned his life around and is now mentoring young people.

 Angela's Story - Revisited | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:07

Angela is a graduate of Narconon and she was on the podcast last year telling her story.  Her story is unlike any other and addresses those addicts who maybe just drink every day and take pills but don't need rehab.  If this is you, listen to Angela's story and think again.

 Rock Icon Wes Geer of Korn Now Rocks Others to Recovery | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:19

Wes Geer is a successful rock star - literally.  He founded the rock band HedPE and toured with the band Korn.  In 2003, Wes was addicted to methamphetamine, alcohol and pot.  He is now in his 11th year of sobriety. In 2012 he founded Rock to Recovery which is a non-profit organization that allows recovering addicts, victims of abuse and troubled teens to express themselves through song.  Rock to Recovery also works with Wounded Warriors bringing the magic of song to our veterans.


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