Small Beans show

Small Beans

Summary: Small Beans Podcasting is a place for beans of every sort to come bean it up. Free your soul, eh? Be a frijole.

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 282. The Cast and the Curious: Tokyo Drift | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:14

The third installment of our Fast and Furious deep dive comes with many epiphanies, like Sarah learning what drifting is. Both the hosts are pretty confident in their scoring of how fast this film is, but less so in if it's truly furious. Not a lot of violence in this one, as the franchise is starting to understand what it's broad appeal is and starts using more green screen. Sarah pitches Vin Diesel's semi-autographical short film "Multi-Facial" to us all. Available on Youtube! Features: Sarah Griffith: Bridgett Greenberg: Support Small Beans and access Additional Content:

 281. Directorpiece Theatre - Paranorman: The Failure of the American Tradition | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:31:28

Paranorman is a movie from 2012 that sneakily deconstructs American traditionalism, suburbia, and consumerism. Abe is a film nerd who believes that film school dissections of children's animated films are a good use of ninety of your minutes. Let's get real though. That Jon Brion score, Laika's beautifully grotesque animation style, and some superb voice acting keeps this movie afloat. I don't care what Adam says, he doesn't write these descriptions. Chalk it up as a win, baby! Features: Adam Ganser: Abe Epperson: Support Small Beans and access Additional Content:

 280. Frame Rate: Devs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:01

Sometimes we talk about TV too! This one is the new FX miniseries starring Nick Offerman and Allison Pill, written and directed by Alex Garland. It's no secret that Michael and Abe have been smitten so far by Garland's work, but does his recent attempt to break into the world of the small screen work? Figured this would be a great companion podcast with our other Frame Rate about Predestination that came out earlier this week. Michael wrote an intro song for y'all at the beginning of the episode! Abe wonders why. Also, if knowing there wasn't free will would change his actions... Abe wonders a lot of things. We decided to make this public and free for all because we're pretty cool guys. Also, tune into our twitch channel tomorrow at 7pm PST for a bunch of comedians trying to one-up each others' jokes for you: our illustrious beans. Support Small Beans and access Additional Content:

 275. Kings of King: The Mist | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:07:31

Abe and Michael discuss the themes and relevancy of 2007's The Mist. In the last episode, Stephen King took issue with the movie version of his tale. In this episode, he seems to approve of it. While we're all confined to the indoors in 2020, we think you'll all find something in this episode that will grab your attention, like so many-tentacled dimensional monsters. Support Small Beans and access Additional Content:

 279. Frame Rate: Predestination (Feat. Vanessa Gritton) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:23:15

Vanessa's back to help Michael and Abe unpack the dense time travel timeline of 2014's Predestination (starring Ethan Hawke). The gang asks: are all paradoxes in all time travel stories the same paradox? Why are a lot of seminal sci-fi writers thirsty and extremely problematic? Which two of the three podcasters are sleeping with each other? The last one is a trick question. They're all fucking Ethan Hawke. Everyone thank Charnstar for this one. They're the Flick Picker for the Pick the Flick tier! This conversation was a lot of fun to have and we have Charnstar to thank! Support Small Beans and access Additional Content:

 278. I'll Show You Mine If You Show Me Yours: The Album That I Could Live In | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:11:16

So this is how it works. The title of the episode is the episode prompt. How Maggie and Adam define it will be determined by them. In this episode, Maggie defines it as "not your favorite necessarily, but if you could surround yourself with it as if it were tangible you could do it." Adam defines it as "will continue to mean something to you or express an aspect of yourself (you hope) forever." Listen for spoilers. Except for the above image, I guess. It's up to you as to whose choice it is! As our beans dip into their first musical conversation and the more they eat, the more they toot! Jeez, that sentence got away from me. For the next week, you, our precious bean bags, can vote on the next episode's prompt! Anyone can vote! Find that here: Support Small Beans and access Additional Content:

 277. 1Upsmanship: Uncharted 4 (Feat. David C Bell) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:12:41

Michael and Adam sit down with soon-to-be doxxed David C Bell and discuss the only Naughty Dog production about pirates that hide crates on wheels on a deserted island: Uncharted 4. Does Nathan Drake have PTSD from all his murders and puzzle-based close calls? Could the treasure hunters leave the island and just return with stuff to make their job easier? Is the crypt with the exploding mummies the worst part of the game? Is Dave's new nickname Sweet Meat? These are the hard-hitting questions our hosts and guest must navigate to find the much-coveted treasure that is "keep or delete." Support Small Beans and access Additional Content:

 276. Directorpiece Theatre: John Hughes' Day Off (From Directing) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:42

Like the lazy titular character, John Hughes kind of takes it easy after Act I of Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Adam runs down the directorial bag of tricks he employs in the first 25 minutes of the movie that seem to be non-existent in the rest of the movie. Now, it's a fantastic first act, it's just that he took two acts off. Abe finally makes that big decision to tell off his dad! Support Small Beans and access Additional Content:

 271. 1Upsmanship: Titanfall 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:43

If the IMC spends all its resources making mechs in the war for more resources, does a titan shed a tear? Adam and Michael strap on their grappling hooks and wall walk around the story and insane politics of Titanfall 2, somehow drawing a parallel to EA in general. Luckily, they include a discussion of the value of a good FPS movement mechanic and what makes them work. Support Small Beans and access Additional Content:

 274. I'll Show You Mine If You Show Me Yours: What Movie Got You Into Show Business? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:09:28

Hot damn, a new podcast! It dawned on us that the most unlikely of pure friendships blossomed in the last few years between Big Beans Adam Ganser and Maggie Mae Fish. These two friendos are unexpectedly wholesome together and so we locked them in a room without only a few cans of food and told them to interview each other. Michael and I then broke into their houses and left stragetically placed microphones. And this is what we got, I guess. As an additional perk, you, our beans, the beanest of patrons will have the ability to vote for the following episode's topic. Look for more on that later. For now, enjoy the word tickles. Support Small Beans and access Additional Content:

 273. The Cast and the Curious: 2 Fast 2 Furious | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:50:09

Ah yes, we're here. The second installment of the series. Sarah learns that one of the tropes of this franchise is the obscene number of undercover agents each movie reveals. You choose which is more believable: felons freely bringing guns on planes or O'Conner's houseboat. Sarah gives her rundown of how fast and furious she's feeling after two films. Take Ludacris' advice and listen to the episode. Don't act a fool. Support Small Beans and access Additional Content:

 272. Frame Rate: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:52

Free Will? More like free William Shakespeare! I'd say it's 50/50 whether you liked that joke. If you do flip a coin and it ends up heads: we're very sorry, you may be in a simulation. You have the Pick the Flick tier to thank for this one yet again. Big shout out to Jason B. This time around we delve into the abstract Tom Stoppard Hamlet spin-off starring Gary Oldman and Tim Roth. It's a fascinating movie involving several filmmakers and actors integral to the movie landscape of the 1990s. While it's not for everyone, you don't have to be an actor or playwright to enjoy this movie so give the film a try. Support Small Beans and access Additional Content:

 267. Frame Rate: Snowpiercer (Feat. David Bell) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:35

Remember when Chris Evans told us that babies taste the best? Remember when that director/writer won an Oscar for Best Picture? In this episode, we stamp our approval like so many bug protein bars. Special thanks to Karl P for suggesting this one through the Pick the Flick patreon tier! Support Small Beans and access Additional Content:

 270. Rough Stuff: The Erotic Awakening of Swaim (Feat. Michael Swaim) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:56

Michael Swaim looked in the mirror for 7 hours, called Sarah and Bridgett and demanded a second appearance on Rough Stuff. This episode is wild guys. You might want to lock your door, get real alone and real comfortable because it's about to get weirdly sexual in your immediate space. Come on the journey of demystifying why theater kids are so horny and stay for the lickin' eyeballs story. Also, apparently in Swaim's home town, everyone fingered a drainpipe? I'm not quite sure what the point of that story was. Support Small Beans and access Additional Content:

 269: Directorpiece Theatre: The Dredd of Making a 40 Million Dollar Movie | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:09:05

In 2020, making a mid-range budget film is nearly impossible. Unfortunately, Abe has brought his spreadsheets to examine 2012's Dredd and how its cult influenced the way we make non-Disney action-adventure blockbusters. Turns out a great idea is helpful but there's a few things you may need to check off your list before you jump into producing a film that costs 45 million dollars. Support Small Beans and access Additional Content: SOURCES


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