Hotline League show

Hotline League

Summary: Call in show about League of Legends Esports hosted by Travis Gafford, Mark Zimmerman, and sometimes Kelby May.

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 TL wins 4 in a row! NA teams bootcamping in Europe How will C9 perform at worlds - HLL 88 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:50:45

00:00:00 Intro 00:11:05 How HLL works 00:15:55 Dr Manhattan's Hot Take: live performances have no place in esports  00:33:19 Ra-zen-ken believes that everyone is underestimating TL/NA (TL is a top 4 team in the world) 00:44:45 Break (PAX West Alienware meet up) 00:49:19 Freezy's Take on C9: the team has underperformed the last 5 years, Reapered hasn't gotten enough of the blame   01:08:17 hiesendinger thinks that teams are gonna Bootcamp in whichever country Worlds is held in from now on  01:22:29 whathead's Hot Take: Froggen is a Top 2 mid laner in NA  01:31:04 Break 2 (Steve buys a MVMT watch in Twitch chat!) 01:34:24 Detective Raichu thinks Ballers is representing esports and LCS poorly  01:41:57 MrMoeJoe believes C9 will do worse at worlds this year cause they don't have to go through gauntlet and play-ins  01:49:42 Outro

 Amazing takes with 100T Amazing Summer Finals predictions who will win the gauntlet - HLL 87 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:47:05

00:00:00 Intro 00:10:00 How HLL works 00:11:37 ApexBattalion's hot take: TL will sweep C9  like they did back when C9 still had Jensen. 00:26:59 Freezy's take: TL picking Sona/Taric should not be looked down upon 00:40:50 ViceVersaVirtue 's spicy TSM take: The TSM Akaadian situation proves that Parth should be gone from the org 01:08:35 Thanks Alienware! New Auroras?! 01:15:11 GulliPete's take: FlyQuest is gonna win the gauntlet. 01:23:19 Mr. Dongstrong's take: If Reapered/C9 lose this final, Reapered should face criticism for his record with finals. 01:38:00 Zaser77 Thinks Clutch Gaming will win the gauntlet. 01:43:33 Outro

 TSM out of playoffs, what should they do? Is NA worse than Spring? - HLL 86 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:56:12

 00:00:00 Intro 00:09:20 How HLL works 00:10:45 Aroc Thinks NA is worst than they were before MSI 00:18:05 Razgriz believes Ruin shouldn't have gotten 3rd all pro team  00:31:57 thanks Alienware :) 00:33:58 OP_TSM_FAN wants to see a major overhaul if TSM misses Worlds - Death of the TSM dynasty? 00:54:25 TomShoe disagrees with the idea that NA can developed talent  because of Damonte  01:01:57 TheBiggestCow's Hot Take: TSM subbing in Spica was the worst decision TSM could've made in playoffs 01:10:20 Azel fans will have a better experience if they focus on cheering on winners rather than flaming losers  01:23:04 Fr0sty predicts C9 to finish the split with 2nd seed at Worlds 01:39:37 SandyToez thinks CLG will beat C9 in playoffs  01:51:06 Outro 

 TSM Roster Changes LCS Point Changes Playoff Predictions - HLL 85 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:09:21

 00:00:00 Intro 00:20:53 How HLL works  00:24:14 NamSlam's Hot Take: TSM is hurting themselves by not subbing out Bjergsen 00:31:35 Woodzys thinks because of TSM's Spica move that the academy bot lane might play in playoffs too  00:43:00 Aether wants to change the point system to qualify for worlds  00:57:58 SpacePope20K predicts Bjergsen will go to worlds next year without TSM  01:09:14 JimmyTheKid1997 Both Fnatic and C9 will beat G2 and TL respectively  01:21:11 Joe547 thinks that Dhokla is the worst top laner in the LCS 01:30:57 Razgriz believes that Sneaky isn't that bad  01:46:06 TomShoe wanted Yusui to play on Echo Fox's main roster 01:56:27 Playoff predictions 02:09:14 Outro  

 LPL announcement, TSM's Struggles, Team Sponsorships, GGS Trade - HLL 84 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:49:44

 00:00:00 Intro 00:08:00 How HLL Works 00:12:00 YeehawMan believes that TSM will miss playoffs and Clutch will take the playoff spot due to their coaching changes 00:23:28 SpacePope20K's Hot take Bjergson will leave TSM at the end of the year 00:39:08 Chovy152 thinks that LCS teams and Riot don't use their sponsorships correctly, and that is gonna damage the future of the league  00:57:20 LPL Announcement/ break  01:02:57 Joe thinks GGS management made a mistake when they subbed out Olleh and Deftly/ 100T will take their playoff spot 01:14:09 Dr Manhattan on what the Deftly trade means for C9 01:22:41 Vienna LCS relies too much on imports and veteran players instead of using academy for player development  01:42:49 C9 Diamond talks about TFT and flames Nisqy   01:47:51 Outro 

 Phreak Speaks! NA Mid Rankings Talent vs Toxicity and Who Will Succeed in Summer Split - Hotline League 83 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:56:52

 00:00:00 Intro 00:06:32 How HLL works 00:10:15 DexFactor777 says NA and EU are much closer than they appear talent-wise, and the percieved gap exists because EU 'had a head start' 00:23:50 Jack Dickolson disagrees with the analysts' ranking of Pobelter among NA mid laners 00:34:30 InSaiyan predicts this is the year C9 wins summer split and becomes NA's first seed, with TL and CLG being 2nd and 3rd, respectively. 00:45:45 We <3 Alienware Summer Deals & Mark's cat 00:48:50 JosepiHack believes the league needs to regulate C9 Jack's hoarding of talent, as it hinders the power of the league. 01:05:15 Kitskune thinks that adding the cohesion of Ryu contributed to 100T's recent success, but is a poor strategy for the long run. 01:17:43 Robert's take: TSM is way better than they appear right now, they just need to commit to a style that suits them. 01:29:49 Shad0w Panther says the NA talent issue is caused by a focus on "nice" players rather than toxic players that are skilled. 01:41:05 theSnailSage thinks TL has peaked, and would benefit from losing this split/not going to Worlds. 01:54:43 Outro 

 Looking back at Rift Rivals Echo Fox roster moves respect among pro players - Hotline League 82 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:36:50

 00:00:00 Intro 00:06:20 How HLL works 00:08:11 micspam says Pro View sucks and he regrets buying it. 00:22:40 ido proposes that mid/low-tier NA players seek out more competition from surrounding regions (LAN, etc) to improve; compares to LEC's competitive pool 00:38:16 SojuNinja wants to talk about Mike Yeung, Rush's career path & Echo Fox roster moves. 00:44:50 Mark's sleepy kitty & shoutout to Alienware! 00:47:38 D0P3ST wants to improve Rift Rivals, says the players don't like it. 01:00:34 Spaggle predicts that we'll see less major EU imports to NA; NA will have to seek lesser-known EU imports. 01:12:15 Flowzy talks about the idea of respect among NA players. 01:22:14 Bobby thinks Rift Rivals could benefit from having higher stakes ie. a spot in Worlds. 01:30:45 Outro 

 Doublelift Rift Rivals EUNA casters Steve EU coaches - Hotline League Live | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:20

 00:00:00 Intro 00:04:10 Azael joins HLL Live! Is NA screwed? 00:13:50 How HLL Live works 00:15:00 TFT chat w/ Azael 00:16:14 Michael from Anaheim sees LEC playing fast while NA plays for late game. 00:25:30 Brian from NYC remembers when NA destroyed EU in RR2017 then EU improved before Worlds; wonders if NA will do the same. 00:36:20 Steve joins HLL Live! Marvel + TL & more. 00:41:50 Andre Guilhoto, head coach of Origen joins HLL Live! 00:51:10 Fabian "Grabbz" Lohmann, head coach of G2 joins HLL Live! 00:58:40 Kelby May joins HLL Live! Wants to discuss the future of esports & hype. 01:09:00 Travis tries to thank Alienware :) but DL has other ideas 01:10:23 Doublelift & Aaron "Medic" Chamberlain join HLL Live! 01:19:13 EU perspective: LEC's scrims are more competitive for EU teams to practice with than NA/EU events like Rift Rivals. DL says NA isn't competitive enough. 01:26:00 Grabbz gives TL&DL props, acknowledges TL doesn't have competitors for practice in NA. Doublelift discusses perception of toxicity in NA. 01:33:35 G2 Jankos joins HLL Live! Talks about improvement since 2016. 01:36:26 Pr0lly joins HLL Live! Asks Jankos who his favorite coach is? 01:40:00 Robert from Riverside joins HLL Live; asks Jankos about the biggest lessons in his career. 01:43:48 Travis asks Jankos what it's like to be a member of G2 while they're on top of the world. 01:45:25 Capt. Flowers and Drakos join HLL Live! Talk rap battles, rivalry, and whether NA or EU will win Rift Rivals on the final day. 01:57:41 Ovilee joins HLL Live! Talks TL Update sponsored by Alienware; talks faith in NA; Peter Pan? 02:01:38 Outro 

 Stixxay Sticks, CLG winning, Rift Rivals, can NA be a top region - Hotline League 81 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:53:17

00:00:00 Intro 00:04:55 Rift Rivals, TFT Showmatch and Finals venues announced 00:11:45 How HLL works! 00:14:34 Sakowitz wants to know if/how teams are dealing with overly vocal shotcallers, especially veterans. 00:24:09 TangoTamer’s Hot Take: 100T will possibly make to 4 00:34:03 Rico Suave asks how much Weldon's coaching style has contributed to CLG's turn around  00:43:06 Rift Rivals HLL sponsored by Alienware <3 00:47:15 Dopst thinks NA will be a top 2 region next year  00:58:43 Merx says that we'll be seeing a lot of level 1 lane swapping  01:03:20 Sgt.MuffinHammer's very Hot Take: If it weren't for Travis (or other interviewers)  the professional league of legends scene would have died years ago, and if Travis ever left the LCS would have drastically less viewers 01:08:08 Ham's controversial topic: CLG's playstyle is very predictable and is easily to abuse 01:18:37 apoc37 says thats TL is gonna have a hard time at Rift Rivals so much that its gonna tilt them when they come back to LCS 01:25:37 DivideNZL's TFT topic A Sol is too strong and rng items are bad  01:31:10 Mars thinks Baron buff is overpowered  01:41:15 Ciro believes that the player awards should be awarded yearly rather than each split. 01:50:24 Outro

 Inero, 100thieves wins, solo queue frustrations, can CLG hold - Hotline League 80 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:29:52

00:00:00 Intro 00:08:17 Week 3 recap  00:09:18 How HLL works 00:12:16 CocaKonja thinks Optic is really good and is a couple changes away from being a top 3 team 00:24:25 William asks how far can a strategy go before it becomes a banable offense legit strategy vs griefing 00:34:07 Siege asks was subbing out Ssumday a temporary or permanent solution to 100T's problems 00:46:20 Rico Suave thinks CLG will finish Top 3 in the Summer Split with a couple reasons 00:52:11 WardenWinter says Pro View is gonna make the turn over rate lower skilled LCS players shorter because their weaknesses are going to be noticed by their own teams as well as other teams 01:01:36 Banana_BallzZ Thinks the top 6 team in the standings will stay Top 6 for the remainder of the split 01:14:34 D LORD M thinks the LCS's focus has changed to focus more on brands and advertisements than focusing on the storylines and league related content of the LCS  01:21:11 League of Casuals' Hot Take : The LCS should go back to BO3 matches for the regular season splits 01:29:00 Outro

 Teamfight Tactics dev answers your questions! 100thieves struggles, TL average? - Hotline League 79 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:51

00:00:00 Intro 00:07:55 Quick LCS recap 00:08:30 How HLL works 00:11:00 Freezy’s prediction: TL won’t make top 2 or 3 this split, but will still make finals. 00:25:05 Manuel thinks Optic/Immortal will have little or no success this year, & Crown will stick around. 00:33:25 Rawnblade says “original owners” of LCS teams have a better chance of building a fan base because they are a part of their orgs in a way no one else can be. 00:50:35 Teamfight Tactics producer, Riot MapleNectar joins HLL! 00:56:25 TFT: game mode or new game? 01:07:37 Skar94 wonders how League’s massive roster will be incorporated into TFT. Boardgame style? 01:13:46 Ryan’s hot take: unless Riot dedicates to TFT as a full-fledged game it will fall flat in comparison to other studios making their own Auto Chess clones. 01:19:05 Mattaey wants to know if TFT will improve upon the matchmaking system of Auto Chess. 01:25:22 Kyolus wants to know if the autobattling will follow the same structure of Auto Chess or if the champs will have individual abilities as well. 01:31:40 hiesendinger wonders what the “end game” is for TFT? Esports angle? 01:36:36 Skins in TFT? 01:38:18 Locodoco wants to know about the competitive potential of TFT. Party game? 01:47:00 ProjectCleanGuy in chat asks if there’s an account leveling progression separate from LoL/how it would work 01:48:48 TJBrown in chat asks about average TFT game time. 01:54:25 Maple/Richard signs off 01:56:17 Seaidk’s hot take: 100T should trade Ssumday for Solo! 01:59:37 Outro

 Riot Commissioner talks LCS vs LEC broadcast, geolocation + collegiate - Hotline League 78 #ad | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:13

00:00:00 Intro - Special guest Riot Sherman 00:08:30 Sherman explains Riot Scholastic Association 00:11:16 Siege asks Sherman about issues with schools’ expectations for collegiate LoL 00:21:55 Parth N asks about crossover, if any, between collegiate & pro LoL 00:31:11 Synthetica asks about collegiate esports’ (lack of) potential to funnel into pro play 00:37:50 Presto asks how Sherman sees the potential for collegiate to nurture NA talent & how he’d improve it 00:42:10 Commissioner Greeley joins HLL as a guest! 00:46:30 TY Alienware :) 00:50:27 Ventus Official says if Fantasy League was seriously implemented, it’d be beneficial for League. 01:02:52 Panda likes Pro View, but wonders if it’ll take away from incentive to come see the events live. 01:15:30 JazzyJas wants to discuss LCS’s marketing compared to LEC. 01:27:04 SPONSORED CONTENT: BRAWL STARS!! w/ OVILEE & COURAGEJD 01:29:30 Nikluos thinks the splits ought to be rearranged to accommodate players who have too-long breaks. 01:44:19 Dr. Jiggy asks Greeley about plans for geolocation for LCS. 01:51:38 MarkZ asks Greeley to assign each team to a hypothetical city (geolocating). 01:55:00 Outro/Wrap up!

 LEC rox, TL start to suck? Are LCS products good? Will Yuumi kill esports? | Hotline League 77 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:54:02

 00:00:00 Intro- WE LOVE EUROPE! 00:03:15 Pro View!? 00:08:25 Team/League Passes?! 00:10:33 Golden Guardians’ academy team and other news 00:15:55 How HLL works 00:19:34 RedWhaler's thesis: Echo Fox is in a good position for the Summer, they'll finish top 4. 00:28:44 TheBiggestCow believes 100T will finish 4th or 5th, but not go to Worlds. 00:38:03 Shoutout to Alienware :) or and TRAVIS10OFF  00:41:36 hitstreak discusses Pro View as a product. 01:00:20 legomaheggoz expresses his interest in Fantasy League coming back. 01:16:22 Dr. Manhattan returns to talk about TL going into Summer: based on their history, they'll revert to a bot-centric team and have a rough start. 01:24:30 Cheesecake thought that if Yuumi became pick/ban worth in pro League, viewership will go down because she's un-interactive to watch. 01:33:05 holdmyHTCphone discusses players being "held" by teams, such as Goldenglue, doesn't think it's a bad thing. (Based on this interview with Hauntzer: ) 01:43:14 tangysauce 's hottake: G2 is not the best team in the world; but WILL be by the time Worlds comes around. 01:52:57 Outro~ 

 G2 crushes TL, Esports org sustainability, Can Korean glory return? | Hotline League 76 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:46:49

00:00:00 intro 00:07:17 FaZe lawsuit situation 00:17:56 How HLL works! 00:21:47 Waklo’s take: G2’s strength at MSI came from the flex pick meta; even small shifts in meta could make other teams more dominant at Worlds. 00:35:03 Tea’s take: G2 may be the best team in the west, but as a whole region, NA>EU 00:50:50 Wafflefoot’s take: Esports orgs don’t necessarily know how to run sustainable businesses. 01:07:05 A Red Prius’ take: after MSI, EU appears to be the best region overall. 01:19:20 Stevie says Korea will never return to their former glory. 01:29:19 OP TSM Fan is excited for collegiate LoL and says it’s a great place to scout upcoming talent for teams and fans. 01:40:45 Heisendinger says that international teams are equal mechanically, and future international events will be won by strategy. 01:45:23 outro

 Can TL beat IG, What does NA success look like? G2 vs SKT - Hotline League 75 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:53:04

00:00:00 Intro-- Travis needs subs; Travis is turning 30! 00:09:50 How HLL works! 00:14:56 Travis's bday party plans~ 00:17:36 stevenmeister says rooting for NA is difficult if you're not a fan of TL... 00:29:00 mikeysteves says TL is gonna 3-2 IG! 00:36:09 Medic joins as an "on-call" host :) 00:40:35 zaser77 says G2 will 3-0 SKT! 00:51:31 Break -- Thanks Alienware! 00:55:45 Praedor says WHEN G2 beats SKT, EU will be officially better than Korea. 01:04:40 LeShmoltz says TL is currently NA's biggest international success (so far). 01:23:34 Fez says 100T's roster changes are problematic. 01:34:40 A Red Prius says this MSI feels like the 10-game group stage helps prove the teams' international potential. 01:50:29 Outro~


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