Amazing takes with 100T Amazing Summer Finals predictions who will win the gauntlet - HLL 87

Hotline League show

Summary: <p><a href=";t=0s">00:00:00</a> Intro <a href=";t=600s">00:10:00</a> How HLL works <a href=";t=697s">00:11:37</a> ApexBattalion's hot take: TL will sweep C9  like they did back when C9 still had Jensen. <a href=";t=1619s">00:26:59</a> Freezy's take: TL picking Sona/Taric should not be looked down upon <a href=";t=2450s">00:40:50</a> ViceVersaVirtue 's spicy TSM take: The TSM Akaadian situation proves that Parth should be gone from the org <a href=";t=4115s">01:08:35</a> Thanks Alienware! New Auroras?! <a href=";t=4511s">01:15:11</a> GulliPete's take: FlyQuest is gonna win the gauntlet. <a href=";t=4999s">01:23:19</a> Mr. Dongstrong's take: If Reapered/C9 lose this final, Reapered should face criticism for his record with finals. <a href=";t=5880s">01:38:00</a> Zaser77 Thinks Clutch Gaming will win the gauntlet. <a href=";t=6213s">01:43:33</a> Outro</p>