The Morgan Harper Nichols Show show

The Morgan Harper Nichols Show

Summary: Artist and poet Morgan Harper Nichols interviews storytellers on finding meaning and peace in life and work. HTTP://

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 How to find rhythms in the wild of change with Tess Guinery (Interview) | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 1668

Season 5, Episode 2: How to find rhythms in the wild of change with Tess Guinery.  Tess is a dancer by upbringing, a designer by trade, and an artist by calling. Tess is currently working on book no.3 (Surprise title) which launches 2021 and is on the cusp of launching her new fine art range 'Words for Walls.’ Tess Guinery's website Tess Guinery on Instagram The Apricot Memoirs (Instagram) The Moonflower Monologues (Instagram) _ Morgan Harper Nichols' website Morgan Harper Nichols on Instagram --- Send in a voice message:

 How to make the most of where you are with Monique Coleman (Interview) | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 2003

Season 5, Episode 1: How can we make the most of where we are now? No matter the season? Today is the first day of a new season of my podcast where I will be interviewing storytellers from around the world on how they are finding peace and meaning in life and work. Today, I am sharing a conversation I had recently with Monique Coleman: Actress, Global Youth Advocate, and Founder of Mo'Tivated Product and Gimme Mo. Monique Coleman on Instagram GimmeMo' Youth on Instagram GimmeMo' Talk on Instagram --- Send in a voice message:

 A note from Morgan | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 334

Click here to leave a voice message! (click “message) How you can support this podcast: Leave a review in the Apple Podcasts App! Download my app "Storyteller" for daily messages, wallpapers, and FREE push notifications: My shop: How you can connect on social media: Instagram Twitter: Pinterest: YouTube: TikTok: Facebook: --- Send in a voice message:

 Hope in the waiting | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 258

Waiting is an invitation into noticing - noticing all of the little details that get forgotten when life is busy, and we're rushing from one thing to the next. Waiting invites us to be still and listen. In that stillness, we may hear the creek of the neighbor’s stairs in the townhome next door. We may notice how quickly we get bored a little bit more than before. And we also start to notice the precise moment where the sun rises. The precise moment where light filters through. The leaves on the tree across the street, and how each color, yellow and green, dance their way into noon. In the waiting, we notice that we're not the only ones waiting. We're not the only ones walking a little slower, looking around, noticing the little things that get so easily forgotten. All around us, there are other people and animals too - engaging and experiencing the same things that we're seeing. Even when it seems like much of the world is rushing from place to place, from space to space - there are still all of these other people who are waiting just like us. There are all of these other people who are learning to look closely at their relationship with solitude and silence. What matters is that we know we are not the only ones waiting. We are not the only ones turning our face to the window for any little flicker of light that reminds us we are loved and we are seen. So the next time you turn to the sun, or you feel the wind blowing around you: know, in that moment, someone else is feeling that too. You may never meet this person or speak to this person. But you can imagine: what do they look like? What are they waiting for? What chapter are they in, in their story? Why are they noticing the wind today? What about this particular sunrise caught their attention? Even when we don't know each other, we can hope for the best for one another in the waiting. We can smile at the possibility that maybe someone who is just walking down the street is finally getting that fresh air that they've been needing. Maybe that car that drives by just like every other car is a car that holds someone who has a story, who's on their way to a new chapter in that story. Someone who is trying to make the most of the waiting. I hope today that your imagination can take you to a hopeful place. A place where you imagine a better present and a better future, not only for yourself, but for those around you. We may never know the ins and outs and details of the stories of people that we cross every day. But we can trust that far beyond what we see, new connections are being made. We are all in this together, learning to make the most of the wait. Journal: Listen for a car outside or the sound of someone speaking not too far away, and ask yourself: what beautiful thing do you hope happens in their life today? How you can support this podcast: Leave a review in the Apple Podcasts App! Download my app "Storyteller" for daily messages, wallpapers, and FREE push notifications: My shop: --- Send in a voice message:

 Is gratitude enough? | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 284

This is for the one who is patiently waiting to see things come together in your life, while simultaneously seeing things fall into place in the lives of others. You found yourself in a place where you're grateful for where you are and you're excited for those around you - and you also find yourself saying, Congratulations! And I'm so happy for you! so much to the point that you just wonder, when is anyone going to say this to you? When are you going to hear those words echoed back to you? Congratulations, I'm so happy for you! I'm so glad to see things working out. Again, you're grateful for where you are. And it's not that you live for the approval of others or you live to acquire material things. But every now and then, you wonder what it would be like to finally see the fruits of your labor. To finally get that deep breath, that sigh of relief that so many others around you seem to receive. In that place, I hope you know, there is no shame in feeling frustrated or disappointed because you’re yet to see things fall in place. It's okay to feel impatient, because to feel impatient is to feel human. You can be the most grounded and grateful human being, and yet - you are still a human being. In the same way your physical body hungers and thirsts, this is also true of your heart. Whatever it is that you're craving right now shows that you are still in this life. You are still connected to the ground beneath your feet, even when it feels like your mind is miles and miles away. So allow yourself to wonder. Allow yourself to ask questions - to pray prayers about your longing. Having gratitude for where we are is a wonderful thing, but not when we're shaming ourselves into it. If gratitude becomes a way to ignore the gravity of what we are longing, then gratitude is not enough. Because the purpose of gratitude is not to make us get in line and forget everything that we've ever longed for. But it is to help us be grounded in the present moment as we continue to face new unknowns. Having gratitude for what you have doesn't mean ignoring your needs. If you are in need of love, belonging, acceptance, intimacy, affection - it's okay to name those things, even if you already have relationships that you're grateful for. You are allowed to be grateful and thankful for where you are - excited for your friends and your family. And at the same time, acknowledge wherever your needs are not being met. It is okay to long for more. It is okay to admit that you're tired of waiting. It doesn't mean you're ungrateful to admit that you are tired of waiting. At the very same time, as you exhale those words, may you remember that you are more than those words. You are more than those feelings. You are more than that expression. There is life beyond what you've just shared. Whether you're sharing it in your journal, with a friend, a therapist - allow yourself to feel. Allow yourself to express honestly, and allow yourself to trust that even here there is more to come. Journal: What are you longing for right now? How you can support this podcast: Leave a review in the Apple Podcasts App! Download my app "Storyteller" for daily messages, wallpapers, and FREE push notifications: My shop: --- Send in a voice message:

 Let there be spaces in your togetherness. - Khalil Gibran | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 243

May you never forget the beauty and the power of community. Sometimes community means a big group of people, where you feel seen and heard by more than one person - and sometimes community is seeing yourself reflected in a work of literature, and a poem, or comedy series. So whenever you feel a sense of warmth today, or you find yourself laughing, or enjoying the presence of a song, or of another person, consider this to be a moment that you are engaging in community. You do not have to have a big group of like-minded people to know that you are seen. Yes, this can be immensely valuable. But now more than ever, we are having to get creative about how we connect with others. So keep this in mind - if you feel alone, if you feel like you're not able to connect with others in the way that you used to or the way that you desire to. You are not the only one experiencing this, you're not the only one walking through this. And here's the thing: we are also able to connect around what we don't know. If you have to feel lost or lonely or overwhelmed, trust that at any given moment, there are other people out there experiencing the same thing. I have said this quite a bit here, and it remains true: none of us have ever been here before. We are each having to get creative and push into the deep layers of creativity in ways that we have never had to do in our lifetime. At the same time, this work connects us. This work shapes us together and reminds us that we are not in this alone. This unique year has also stirred up so many unique ideas among us. So let us share the recipes. Let us share the poems and the comedies and the movies that have spoken to us and brought us joy, laughter, and meaning in uncertain times. Let us allow our creativity to be an opportunity for generosity and connection, even when we are apart. I believe that I have shared this poem by Kahlil Gibran before, but I want to share a little bit of it today if that's okay with you. Let there be spaces in your togetherness. And let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love: let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls. And stand together, yet not too near together: for the pillars of the temple stand apart, and the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow.  - Khalil Gibran These words were written in 1923. Even if we are apart, we are not alone in any of this. Journal: Where will you find togetherness today? How you can support this podcast: Leave a review in the Apple Podcasts App! Download my app "Storyteller" for daily messages, wallpapers, and FREE push notifications: My shop: How you can connect on social media: Instagram Twitter: Pinterest: YouTube: TikTok: Facebook: --- Send in a voice message:

 What are you called to do? | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 203

Today's episode is for the one who feels like you have been called to something more and yet you don't quite know what. You feel the pulse, you feel like you're on the verge of something, and yet, you also feel like you're staring at a blank canvas. With a whole variety of paint - many colors sitting at your side - with no idea of how to mix them together, what to paint, how to paint, how to create something. And yet, these tools are here. And yet, nothing comes, you're still waiting, you're still trying to figure out what this is, what's calling your name to create, what new thing were you meant to step into? I cannot tell you exactly what you were meant to do in the next few weeks, few months, few years, or decades, but I can tell you that there is something right here in the present moment that does bring you alive. There is something right here that does energize you. You do not have to start with a blank canvas in order to create something beautiful. You do not have to start with a blank journal page in order to contribute something of value. If you feel energized by learning new things about the world or you feel motivated when you get to spend a little extra time with the people that you care about, continue to do those things without worrying about the outcome. That pulse that you feel when you're doing something you love doesn't always have to turn into a project. You are allowed to nurture what brings you joy without worrying about how it fits into the larger picture. You are allowed to be excited about something in this present moment, even without knowing if that excitement will come tomorrow. That is all the more reason to feel the full weight of the excitement today. How can you nurture the relationships and connections and curiosities that you have right here in the present moment? Give energy to the things that bring you joy, and the things that bring others joy-  right here, right now, without worrying about the outcome. Without worrying about how this is going to play out months from now, years from now, or decades from now. You will arrive at the future when you are meant to be there. And in the meantime, you have today to make the most of where you are. Journal: What energizes you? How you can support this podcast: Leave a review in the Apple Podcasts App! Download my app "Storyteller" for daily messages, wallpapers, and FREE push notifications: My shop: How you can connect on social media: Instagram Twitter: Pinterest: YouTube: TikTok: Facebook: --- Send in a voice message:

 Good enough | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 184

Whenever you feel like you're not good enough to handle the task at hand, I hope you can always remember that there are so many ways to be good at things. Not everyone is skilled in the same way. And even further, it can take years - even decades -  to figure out where you're able to work and flow the best. Allow yourself to go on that journey of figuring it out. Allow yourself to engage in the practice of learning and growing more and more of how you're wired. Even when it comes to personality theory, for instance, the enneagram - there are so many different versions of each type, that it is impossible to be able to completely map out who you are, especially in a short frame of time. It may seem discouraging at first to feel like you don't really have a grip on who you are. And at the same time, this is true: everyone else is on this journey to. Everyone else, including the people you look up to, live with their own questions on how to cope and make the most of this life. No one has figured it all out yet. And even when we do get into a stride and we start to feel pulled in a certain direction, we must remember that it's exactly that - a direction, not a destination. Even when the plans line up and we're ready to go on our next adventure, we are still venturing out into a new unknown, but there is no reason to be afraid of the unknown. For while the unknown may bring up certain fears -  it also brings with it the possibility that there is more to your story that is worth uncovering. The more you travel into the future each day, the more you will start to see new things about yourself in new ways. Trust, you're going to learn more about yourself as you go. You're going to learn how you work best. You're going to learn how to rest. You're going to learn that everyone else is still learning, and whatever little bit of wisdom you pick up along the way will prepare you for the days to come. There will be days where you wonder if you're good enough, and on those same days you will learn to carry on. You will learn to carry on knowing that every moment is wrapped in grace, and you are free to travel through the rest of the day and the rest of this life - pace by pace by pace. Journal: What work do you feel like you're not good enough to do and you can still try to do it anyway? How you can support this podcast: Leave a review in the Apple Podcasts App! Download my app "Storyteller" for daily messages, wallpapers, and FREE push notifications: My shop: How you can connect on social media: Instagram Twitter: Pinterest: YouTube: TikTok: Facebook: --- Send in a voice message:

 Slowly seeing progress | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 160

To the one who is slowly starting to see the progress You are coming into the Light. You are coming into the Light realizing that losing control in the past doesn’t mean you will lose control every moment in the future. You are learning to be kinder to yourself. You are learning to see that there is a way to be honest about where you need to grow without judgment. It’s taken a lot to get here, but you are well on your way. You are becoming more and more of who you were meant to be, every single day. Stay the course. You are moving forward, one day at a time. Even on the days where you feel like you are about to lose control over your emotions, you’re still learning to breathe through this. Even when everyone else seems further along than you, Light still pours through. The narrow path beneath your feet is warm with lamps that show you the way. There is no need to worry. The past that you thought would define you is getting further and further behind you. Beautiful things are unfolding in their time. You are finding grace for this part of the journey. And yes, you are still learning. You are still learning how not to compare yourself to others. You are still learning not to comparing where you are to your past self. And at the same time, here you are, breathing through. Slowly letting go of old ways of thinking and carrying on, anyway. You are noticing what brings you to a place of peace. You are nothings flickers of sunlight poking through the clouds. You are starting to see it now…you are not where you used to be and that is a beautiful thing. Question of the day: Where is the sun shining through today? How you can support this podcast: Leave a review in the Apple Podcasts App! Download my app "Storyteller" for daily messages, wallpapers, and FREE push notifications: My shop: How you can connect on social media: Instagram Twitter: Pinterest: YouTube: TikTok: Facebook: --- Send in a voice message:

 Trying to keep up | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 186

Transcript: When the sun sets sooner than you want it to, and you are trying to make up for lost time, ask yourself, “who or what am I trying to keep up with, and why?” When you’re out by the ocean, you don’t question the waves for arriving slower on the shore than they did an hour before. When you’re amongst the winter trees you don’t think less of them because of the absence of leaves. When you’re underneath a clouded sky you don’t shame the clouds for taking their time to roll by. So why would you do this to yourself? Why would you think for a moment that you were worth any less if you were unable to rush ahead? The modern world is filled with rushing, easily measured things and at the same time, that’s not how your heart beats. That’s not how your body breathes. So more than we seek to see ourselves reflected in a human-made calendar or someone else's schedule or way of living, let us look toward the natural, sacred rhythms around us. Our clocks and watches can tell time but they cannot tell us how to find meaning in the time we’ve been given. No matter the landscape you live in, there are unique qualities that you can look at slowly, closely, and lovingly. Notice what brings you a sense of peace. Notice how you don’t end up comparing yourself to the trees or the sunrise or the open fields in all their beautifully created glory. What if you were able to see your relationship with others in this way? What could daily life be like if comparison or worries about time were not in the way? It’s not too late to pursue a life beyond the worries that you don’t have enough time to live a meaningful life. It’s not too late to turn and face the windows and notice what brings you a sense of peace. Maybe, the open sky looks this way today for a reason. Maybe the trees or even the dirt patches outside your window have a story to tell. Perhaps, they have a purpose. Let today be a day of long, slow, looks. Long, slow looks, right here, where you are. This moment has something to show you right now and you are free to take the time to listen. How you can support this podcast: Leave a review in the Apple Podcasts App! Download my app "Storyteller" for daily messages, wallpapers, and FREE push notifications: My shop: How you can connect on social media: Instagram Twitter: Pinterest: YouTube: TikTok: Facebook: --- Send in a voice message:

 Running out of time | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 186

Transcript: If you find yourself becoming more aware that we are coming toward the end of another year, and you’re wondering if you’ll have time to complete all of the things you set out to do, I hope you can remember the peace you found in the days behind you. The days where you didn’t make it to the end of the checklist, but you did make it to your bed at night, where you were able to rest, despite all you did not complete. The days where you gave all of your time and energy to everyone else, and then ran out of time for yourself…even on the days, you woke up to a new morning. You woke up to a new morning with awareness that even though you couldn’t press the ‘undo’ button or add more time to yesterday,  you could start again today, anyway. Whenever you start to feel the hours slipping away from you, and you start to wonder if you’re going to make it to the end of the year or the end of this season with a sense of accomplishment, take a deep breath and remember how you have grown despite things not working out in the past. Take a deep breath and remember that even though you can’t get the time back, it wasn’t all bad. Yes, there were things left undone in the past, and there were also lessons learned that prepared you for where you are today. May you never let the memory of gathered wisdom slip away. Because even if you step into the future without the accomplishments or accolades you thought you would have by now, you are stepping into the future a little wiser. You’ve learned from your mistakes. You’ve even learned from the mistakes of others. You’ve learned that you can still be whole amidst everything that was left undone. As we move toward the end of the year, you might feel the rush of things. And at the same time, I hope you are able to lean into the peace that has already found you. Peace that reminds you to breathe deep and keep going. Peace that reminds you are whole and you are free to grow in grace and wisdom, no matter what remains undone behind you. You are not running out of time. You are making it through this just fine.  Question of the day: When is the last time you made it through a day you didn't think you'd make it through? - Morgan Harper Nichols How you can support this podcast: Leave a review in the Apple Podcasts App! Download my app "Storyteller" for daily messages, wallpapers, and FREE push notifications: My shop: How you can connect on social media: Instagram Twitter: Pinterest: YouTube: TikTok: Facebook: --- Send in a voice message:

 Is today different from any other day? | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 220

Slowly but surely, you're beginning to realize that the past will not have a permanent effect on your life. Even though you know more about the days behind you than you know about the days before you, this remains true: this present moment is about something so much more than comparing the present to the future. This present moment is a space to practice hope, no matter the unknowns that lie before you. For this moment right here will never be here again. Soon, this will become a past moment. Soon, this will become a day behind you. So before it becomes another past moment, how can you allow this moment to be different than the others? What can you do today, in this very hour, that you haven't done in a very long time, or you've never done before? Because now that you know that your past did not define you, this present moment doesn't have to be about keeping up with a storyline of yesterday. You are allowed to change things up. You do not have to be the same person that you were a year ago, a month ago, or even an hour ago. And if someone else says, hmm, you seem a little different these days or oh, you're changing course again, you are allowed to say yes, I am, and nothing else. You do not have to explain yourself. You are allowed to change course. You are free to go off script. And you are free to be excited about it. You are allowed to declare with confidence: no, I am not who I was yesterday. And I have this moment right now to try something in a new way. No, I do not know how tomorrow will go, but I am at home in grace. Grace that frees me to be who I was meant to be right here in the present moment. Not attached to who I was yesterday. Now there will be thoughts and maybe even conversations that continue to come up about yesterday. And at the very same moment you are afraid to try new things. You are free to ask, what does courage look like today? Not - what do I think courage will look like tomorrow? But what does courage look like today? What does joy look like right now, in this very hour? What would it look like to change my mind about something - right here, right now? You are allowed to ask new questions today. You are allowed to lean into the present moment in an all new way. Journal: How is today different from any other day? How you can support this podcast: Leave a review in the Apple Podcasts App! Download my app "Storyteller" for daily messages, wallpapers, and FREE push notifications: My shop: How you can connect on social media: Instagram Twitter: Pinterest: YouTube: TikTok: Facebook: --- Send in a voice message:

 How to find steadiness | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 252

If you happen to feel that this week is asking a lot of you - as you try to look ahead, while also reckoning with everything that has already happened - I hope that this could be a reminder to take a deep breath. For yes, you don't know what tomorrow is going to look like, and this is also true: the moments you are taking on days like this to breathe, are also strengthening you. Slow down and take a moment and think of a place or a space that gives you a sense of calm. Is it by the lake, by the ocean, out in the forest? What part of that place is always constant? Do you always hear the sound of the water there? Do you always notice the way the sun rises through the trees? Notice how even your memory of this place can bring you to a moment of stillness. Notice how the leaves on the trees are still green, or the bark or rich brown, or the color of the water clear and glistening in the light. Notice how all of these things are still present and steady, even when life is not. When you find yourself overwhelmed by chaos, or even an awkward conversation that has to be had, take a deep breath, and remember that place. Allow whatever is beautiful about that landscape to speak to your soul. Even though taking a moment to reflect on something beautiful may not make your problems or your worries go away, they will remind you that you have the opportunity every day to find a sense of steadiness. Merriam Webster defines steadiness as: the state of continuing without change. So whatever it is in the present moment, or even just in your memory, that reflects a sense of changelessness -  a sense of consistency and stability - allow yourself to hold onto that image. And allow yourself to go into that image. Pay attention to what colors, what textures, what the weather is like in that place. And again, this won't make everything that is difficult or challenging in life suddenly disappear - but it will illuminate what is beautiful. What is true. What is steady, even when uncertainty surrounds you. Find steadiness today by reflecting on what has not changed. Find steadiness by reflecting and holding on to what is beautiful and true, no matter what's around you. Journal: Using all of your available senses, describe a place that brings you a sense of calm. How you can support this podcast: Leave a review in the Apple Podcasts App! Download my app "Storyteller" for daily messages, wallpapers, and FREE push notifications: My shop: How you can connect on social media: Instagram Twitter: Pinterest: YouTube: TikTok: Facebook: --- Send in a voice message:

 You can do this | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 222

This is your Monday morning reminder that you can do this. Whether you have a busy week ahead; you have known busy weeks before. Whether you have a slower week ahead; you have known slower weeks before. Whatever you are facing - yes, it is unknown. You've never been through these exact sets of dates before. And at the very same time, you have already gathered wisdom, courage, and strength to make it through each day, each hour, each minute. So let today be the day you stay awake. Stay awake to each moment, knowing that it will prepare you for the next moment. Annie Dillard once said, How we live our days is how we live our lives. On its own, this Monday may seem like another day to get through. It may seem like another day on the calendar that will pass in a matter of hours before you are on to the next one. The reality is: the beauty that you notice today, the small courageous steps that you take today, the moment that you encounter love, and you actually embrace it - all of these things are strengthening you for what's to come, even though you don't know what's to come. Today is so much more than just another day. It is rich with possibility to learn and to grow. The poet David Whyte once said, You are not a troubled guest on this earth, you are not an accident amidst other accidents you were invited from another and greater night than the one from which you have just emerged. That's from his book, What to Remember When Waking. Today is the day to stay awake. Even if we can't quite grasp the fullness of what it means to be present on yet another day, we can still trust that it matters that we woke up yet another morning. Yet another day is before us. Another week is before us. And no matter how we feel about the days to come, we know that we are free to take this one day at a time, one step at a time. One breath at a time. Even here, this is a sign of strength and growth. Journal: What are you looking forward to this week? How you can support this podcast: Leave a review in the Apple Podcasts App! Download my app "Storyteller" for daily messages, wallpapers, and FREE push notifications: My shop: How you can connect on social media: Instagram Twitter: Pinterest: YouTube: TikTok: Facebook: --- Send in a voice message:

 The future will arrive when it is meant to arrive | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 196

The future will arrive when it is meant to arrive, and you do not have to exhaust yourself in the present moment trying to figure out how you will get there. The energy you have been giving to thoughts about the future is energy you need for right now. The time you have been given to try to sort through things in the past is time you could be spending in the moment that lies right here before you. Be present to this moment and let it surprise you, with just how beautiful this day can be beyond the boundaries of your worries. Dare to let yourself just be here. Dare to believe you are free to make the most of life while living with uncertainty. Because this is the wilderness, and it is not where you thought you would be. But it is out here on the unbridled paths you will find the courage and strength you need to be present in the moment and make the most of the little things. For even here, the sun is still rising. The wind is still blowing. And no matter the unknowns, you are still growing. Even when your mind is anxious, and you feel lost indoors, trying to make sense of a place you have never been before, I hope you can trust that the sun is still rising - even if you don't watch it rise - and that means something. You have not missed out on what was meant for you, even when it feels that way. When I talk about what was meant for you, I don't mean a perfect life down the road where everything will fall in place exactly how you expect it to. What I mean is that no matter what is missing in the present moment, life can still be fulfilling in the days to come. Maybe it might look differently than what you originally planned. Maybe some of the people that you thought would be there are not going to be able to be present in the way that you hope that they would. Maybe some of the places that you used to visit or the places that used to feel like home might not feel like home anymore. At the very same time, you are going to be fine. Maybe not perfect, but fine. You will find grace in the lining of every new day that lies before you. Journal: What about the future scares you? And what about the future excites you? How you can support this podcast: Leave a review in the Apple Podcasts App! Download my app "Storyteller" for daily messages, wallpapers, and FREE push notifications: My shop: How you can connect on social media: Instagram Twitter: Pinterest: YouTube: TikTok: Facebook: --- Send in a voice message:


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