The Growth Now Movement with Justin Schenck show

The Growth Now Movement with Justin Schenck

Summary: The Growth Now Movement is hosted by Entrepreneur and Public Speaker Justin Schenck. He sits down with amazing people with incredible stories of Growth! They teach you how to implement things into your life for you to live your dreams We all encounter struggles and hardships in life, we want to bring you the stories that will inspire you to overcome those obstacles to reach your goals. Please, join us on this journey!

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  • Artist: The Growth Now Movement with Justin Schenck
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 007: Overcoming Adversities to Make Dreams Come True with Chris Kaag | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:40

In this episode with Chris Kaag, he dives into huge obstacles he needed to overcome in his life. If you have had to overcome obstacles that have drastically altered your perception of how you thought you were going to reach your end goal. If you have already overcome adversity or will at some point have to overcome major adversity in your life. This episode is a MUST listen. Chris talks about how he went from being a Marine to losing use in both legs from a disease. The obstacles he faced mentally, physically and emotionally. And how to use life's obstacles to create your purpose. Justin and I are very excited to share this episode because we know this will help so many people who have had life altering experiences. Chris is the founder of Corps Fitness and the IM Able Foundation. You can find them at these links. and If you like what you hear, please Subscribe on iTunes for more episodes. Please give us a 5 Star Rating and follow us on Facebook for announcements, give aways, and a ton of exciting stuff.

 006: Your Purpose Is Your Million Dollar Check with William Hollis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:47

If you have ever gone through hard times in your life and are wondering how to get out of where you’re at. Listening to this podcast is definitely for you. William talks about his rough childhood and how he broke away from poverty. He shares his experiences in a way that you can relate and use his information to transform the way you look at your life. William was able to make positive come from negative because he focused on his purpose. He used his dreams to navigate him to great heights! He went from eating out of trash cans to now giving motivational speeches for a living. If he can do it, so can you. If you like what you hear, please Subscribe on iTunes for more episodes. Please give us a 5 Star Rating and follow us on Facebook for announcements, give aways, and a ton of exciting stuff.

 005: 1-800-GOT-JUNK?: Creating the Perfect Culture with CEO Brian Scudamore | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:57

Justin and Zac had the opportunity to learn from Brian Scudamore the founder and CEO of 1-800-GOT-JUNK?. Brian takes us through the trials any new or tenured entrepreneur can relate to like growing pains, making your dream a reality and much more. He explains what he did to deal with people, like his father, when they told him to stay in school instead of stick with 1-800-GOT-JUNK?. In Brian's case, he didn't let this keep him from his dream. Brian talks to us about why he fired his entire team after he had already been a multimillion dollar business. This leads into Brian explaining and giving tips on how important it is to hire the right person, and why it's not his job to motivate others. Finally Brian gives us his take on beer and BBQ. If you like what you hear, please Subscribe on iTunes for more episodes. Please give us a 5 Star Rating and follow us on Facebook for announcements, give aways, and a ton of exciting stuff.

 004: How Growing Your Community Can Affect Personal And Professional Growth with Craig Poole | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:04

In this interview we gain great advice on how to make others feel like a million bucks. Whether it’s personal or professional, Craig Poole is one who as proven to make great strides in making others feel important. Whether it’s his employees or guests at his hotel, we learn how we can grow as a community, pursue what makes us happy and impact others in a positive way. All by how we treat people. If we take the time to understand others stories, this will give us the knowledge and tools to impact not only them, but communities as a whole. Listening to this episode gives you tools to impact the culture of family life, community life and professional life in a positive way. If you like what you hear, please Subscribe on iTunes for more episodes. Please give us a 5 Star Rating and follow us on Facebook for announcements, give aways, and a ton of exciting stuff.

 003: Communicating to Win with Bob Paff - The Voice of National Geographic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:48:47

Do people often misunderstand what you’re trying to communicate to them? Do you have a hard time getting your point across? Clear and affective communication is where this can change and the Growth Now Movement is here to help. In this Episode with Bob Paff, Author of Communicating to Win, and the voice of National Geographic, we will cover how and why affective communication is the answer. We talk about how you intend others to receive your message, might not always be how you think it’s being perceived. We really get into how we can communicate to get others to perceive what we intend them to. This is something that Justin and I have started implementing immediately after this podcast. I can say, it has helped us personally and professionally almost instantaneously. If we can master communicating affectively, it can make our lives better professionally and personally. We also dive into how Bob wants to be the face of Mental Illness, and how he is in talks with a number of TV Networks for a show focusing on just that. We dive into his personal hardships and how his ability to communicate with himself helped him through it. So please enjoy this incredible episode with Bob Paff! You can connect with Bob at If you like what you hear, please Subscribe on iTunes for more episodes. Please give us a 5 Star Rating and follow us on Facebook for announcements, give aways, and a ton of exciting stuff.

 002: Reputation: The Art of Running Red Lights with Pam Gockley | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:38:54

Does your reputation precede you? Do you think there is opportunity with how customers or individuals perceive you? In this podcast we speak with Pam Gockley, founder and CEO of Reputatus and the Author of Two Books. The Reputation Factor, and The Art of Running Red Lights. With Pam we dive into how you can discover what the perception is of your image right now. Trust me, for most of you, it will be a surprise. This podcast is great for anyone, because we talk about how your perception of how you think you are perceived can vastly differ from how you actually are perceived. In order to then relay how you want to be perceived, we need to define who we are. By defining who we are, this sets the tone for everything else we want to relay. All this allows us to develop a plan of action to create that great reputation we want others to think of us. So join us on this incredible episode and really learn what makes this incredible, hardworking woman tick. If you like what you hear, please Subscribe on iTunes for more episodes. Please give us a 5 Star Rating and follow us on Facebook for announcements, give aways, and a ton of exciting stuff. [soundcloud url="" params="auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true" width="100%" height="450" iframe="true" /]

 001: Welcome to the Growth Now Movement | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:30

In this episode you get to know the hosts of the Growth Now Movement. We wanted to introduce ourselves to everyone so they can follow along in our journey of growth. We understand that if you have goals it is not easy to get there on your own, and we hope that this Podcast gives you the tools you need to continue to grow, and reach your dreams.


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