002: Reputation: The Art of Running Red Lights with Pam Gockley

The Growth Now Movement with Justin Schenck show

Summary: Does your reputation precede you? Do you think there is opportunity with how customers or individuals perceive you? In this podcast we speak with Pam Gockley, founder and CEO of Reputatus and the Author of Two Books. The Reputation Factor, and The Art of Running Red Lights. With Pam we dive into how you can discover what the perception is of your image right now. Trust me, for most of you, it will be a surprise. This podcast is great for anyone, because we talk about how your perception of how you think you are perceived can vastly differ from how you actually are perceived. In order to then relay how you want to be perceived, we need to define who we are. By defining who we are, this sets the tone for everything else we want to relay. All this allows us to develop a plan of action to create that great reputation we want others to think of us. So join us on this incredible episode and really learn what makes this incredible, hardworking woman tick. If you like what you hear, please Subscribe on iTunes for more episodes. Please give us a 5 Star Rating and follow us on Facebook for announcements, give aways, and a ton of exciting stuff. www.growthnowmovement.com [soundcloud url="https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/251921151" params="auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true" width="100%" height="450" iframe="true" /]