Crushing Iron Triathlon Podcast show

Crushing Iron Triathlon Podcast

Summary: Crushing Iron is an age grouper and his coach talking and learning about triathlon. Together they explore the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual side of training and racing everything from a Sprint to an Ironman. Great for beginners and intermediates triathletes. Released every Monday and Thursday.

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  • Artist: Crushing Iron
  • Copyright: Copyright Mike Tarrolly. All rights reserved.


 #148 - How To Not Suck At Cycling Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:57

After a short warm-up we take a deep dive into how you can make huge cycling gains. This is not a technical discussion as much as how you can train more effectively and how it translates into race performance along with an overall stronger body for long-term health. We hit on proper (and custom) cadence, pedal stroke, power vs. MPH, hill techniques and many more insights that will take your cycling to a new level. 

 #147 - Detaching Yourself From The Outcome | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:12

You train your ass off, do all the little things, then get to the race . . . and say, "Well, it wasn't quite what I hoped for . . . But what is hope? Is it genuine optimism or expectations you've pulled out of thin air? Today we talk about the importance of detaching yourself from the outcome and how it will change the way you, not only train and race, but go about your life.

 #146 - Understanding Training Load | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:15

Are you tired and sore a lot? This podcast is about understanding why that is and why sometimes there's not much you can do about it, especially in periods of heavy training load. There's a lot in here about how to handle the month leading up to your race. 

 #145 - Forgiving Yourself To Get Faster | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:50

Setting yourself up with expectations that don't hold you back and derail your progress. - Making Your Mission The Right Mission Check out our new Crushing Iron Coaching Philosophy Video If you enjoy the Crushing Iron podcast, you can support us with a direct pledge here. Thanks for listening! Please subscribe to Crushing Iron on YouTube and iTunes. For information on the C26 Coach’s Eye custom swim analysis, coaching, or training camps email:

 #144- Inspiration When You Need It Most | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:07

What happens to your mindset when a workout goes to shit? Do you accept it or go into Triathlete Tinkering Mode trying to solve a problem that might not be there? There are a lot of different solutions for training and life but one of the best is to find a course and stick with it to see if it's really working or not. Today we talk about the struggles and reality of triathlon and why we don't frame our conversation or strategies as "The "10 Greatest Ways to . . . " 

 #143 - Breaking Through Your Limits | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:20

How do we know when we’ve reached our limit? Odds are, we haven’t. What will it take to be one second better today? One minute? One hour? It’s likely all in our minds and believing we can overcome those limits. Seeing ourselves as that person and accepting the flow. Today, we start with how to build chemistry in the home with such a grueling workout schedule and wind up in a fierce discussion about why we must accept ourselves and our progress in order to break through our limits. 

 #142 - Have Fun And Give It Hell | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:20

- Going From Inside to Outside Training - Hip Triathlete Training Terms - How You SHOULD Be Riding The Trainer - What To Do If You Feel “undertrained” - Training Vs. Exercising - Building Your Body For A Specific Course - Triathlete Frankenstein - Swift Culture - Differences in Bike Trainers - How Progress Is Made - Practicing Corners in Running - Surging and What That Takes Out Of You - Why STOPPING Sucks So Much Energy - Learning To Surge, then Chill

 #141 - Navigating Triathlon Clickbait | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:33

You wouldn’t worry what other people think of you so much if you realized how little they thought about it. We have to be confident that the journey we've set is the right one for us. It's so easy to get side tracked by what others are doing in this sport, but we're here today to tell you, it's all about action and not reaction. 

 #140 - Tapping Into Your "Suffering Reservoir" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:40

What do you do when you reach as deep as you can, but nothing is left? Those are the moments in training that teach your mind to be familiar with the pain and just go a little further. There will be suffering in your race, but we want to learn how to deal with in in training. Suffering can be more like learning if we frame our mindset ahead of time to be amazed by what we do rather than woe is me.

 #139 - Training In The Age of Distractions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:13

Mike gets a little old-man-mode on social media at the top and wonders if the distractions are putting unnecessary subconscious stress on his training. Also, fatigue, daily low-hanging-fruit and how to keep your training fired up. We talk Ironman 70.3 Texas and how to zone-in when you’re under 50 days. 

 #138 - Own The Daily Grind . . . with a Smile | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:22

Swim, bike, run, repeat. Just like wake up, shower, and get ready for work. Triathlon truly is a metaphor for life. The daily grind can get into your head, but today we talk about ways to make the seemingly mundane enjoyable. 

 #137 - A Proactive Triathlon Rant | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:54

Getting More Women Involved Sharing Tire Pumps At The Race How We Can REALLY Make This Sport Better Your Number One Race Goal How To Deal With Being Sick Coming Back Strong From Injuries Aiming Low Accepting Who You Are State of the Sport Address What’s the perception of Triathlon? Why so many white dudes ins this sport?

 #136 - Winning Your Race Before The Gun Goes Off | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:17

Wouldn't it be great if you lined up the morning of your next race with no fear or anxiety? To be relaxed, smiling, and already at peace with the outcome? We think so too and today we explore ways to find that mindset, not only for races, but for training, and every day of your life. “Don’t judge. Simply realize that pain is part of life. If you grow, there is pain, and if you don’t grow, there is pain.” - Baron Baptiste

 #135 - Outsmarting The Competition | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:40

Welcome to the 135th Crushing Iron Podcast. Today we springboard off the Super Bowl into how you can outsmart your competition on the race course.  We talk about everything from training to fast to getting your breath under control at the start of the swim, bike, and run. We also look at overall mindset for training and race day, starting with humility. 

 #134 - Race Specific Training | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:23

We recently read another article on about the New England Patriots and Bill Belicheck's philosophy that prompted this discussion. They practice with runs that are only directly related to plays in the game. For example, they may have the kick off team line up then sprint 70 yards. Then, they will have them jog back to the same line and do it one more time, just in case there is a penalty on the last play.  We wondered how this philosophy could apply to triathlon, and of course, we believe it does.


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