Red Rocks Church Weekend Messages show

Red Rocks Church Weekend Messages

Summary: Weekend Messages at Red Rocks Church

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 In Jesus' Name | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Shawn's message can be summed up in five words: pain, prison, power, platform, purpose. Gabriella, the youngest pastor to ever preach at RRC, embodies these words and shares her compelling story of her battle against Leukemia.

 A Vacation From A Vacation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

We've all wanted to escape from our day-to-day lives through a vacation- or even to the world of Netflix. This week, Chad talks about how easy it is to disengage and dwell on our past. We follow Peter's story and how God never looks at our future through the lens of our past fears and failures.

 Unworthy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This week Shawn talks about the woman at the well and her feelings of unworthiness. Just like God wanted to meet with that woman, he wants to meet each of us where we're at. You. Are. Worthy.

 A Walk To Remember | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Guest speaker, Ryan Leak, throws down a challenge to get out of your comfort zone and become what God intends you to be. It's easy to get caught up in what we can't do, instead of what we can become. When Jesus asks us to follow him, accolades don't matter. We qualify through following Christ.

 All Of The Greatness, None Of The Glory | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This week Jessie asks if you, like John the Baptist, would live a great life for someone else's glory. Are you living your greatest life possible for the sake of God's glory?

 Take It By Force | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Chad continues looking into the life of John the Baptist, and unpacks his thesis, 'Entrance into the kingdom of God is free. Enjoying the Kingdom of God is costly.' 

 Pain Is Real & God Is Good | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This week Shawn continues talking about the Greatest Of All Time, John the Baptist (Luke 7:28). Even the G.O.A.T. experiences hard times. Pain is real and God is good.

 Rip It, Feed It, Rest | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

We've all wondered who is the G.O.A.T., Greatest Of All Time. Who's the greatest athlete? Band? Movie? Jesus played the G.O.A.T. game too. In Luke 7:28 He says, 'I tell you, among those born of women there is no one greater than John.' Jesus declared John the Baptist the greatest human of all time. This week, Chad takes a deeper look at what makes John the Baptist the G.O.A.T.

 Watch What You Worship While You Wait | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Ironically, when we first hear God's invitation, 'let's go,' it doesn't always mean that the 'going' will happen right away. Rather than being called immediately into seasons of action, we find ourselves first called into seasons of waiting. And like the Israelites in Exodus 20, we are 'notoriously bad at dealing with delays.' This week, Chad picks up with his second point of how to wait well and throws us a proverb-like warning, 'watch what you worship while you wait.'

 The Domino Effect | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This week, Eric challenged us by looking at a simple yet profound question: Why am I here? If we are honest with ourselves, we have all wrestled with this question at one point or another in our lives. Some of us have faced this question on many different occasions! Though the question may feel daunting, and maybe ethereal in nature, it can actually be a question full of hope, purpose, and possibility. The Bible is very clear our purpose on this earth is to make God's glory known, and bring people into his kingdom. However, this purpose manifests in a million different ways, as we serve a God of creativity and variety.

 Against All Odds | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This week, Shawn changed direction and focused on how God viewed Moses, when he had a tough time trusting God and his own abilities. Moses had a very complex and difficult past. God saved him as a tiny child as he floated away in a papyrus basket from a certain death into the arms of Pharaoh's own daughter. God had his hand on Moses life, as he was drawn out of the water as a child and was raised in luxury and privilege. The same palace hallways he played soldier in, would be the very same hallways he would walk through to confront Pharaoh to let his people go. God was preparing Moses for his calling, but Moses needed to come to terms with his plan.

 Let's Go... Slow | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This week, Chad continues the series talking about how the Lord's timing is rarely close to our own. In seasons of the Lord whispering 'let's go,' often the call comes with a deep and critical need for patience. As Chad pointed out, the Lord's thoughts are higher than our thoughts, his ways of thinking are not limited by our human capacity.

 Called & Confused | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This week Shawn talked about how often-in life, God's calling comes amidst confusion. The enemy of our soul desires to confuse us, but even when we are feeling that, we can be confident of God's voice. He is the author and perfecter of our faith. He knows that the chapter and page He is writing and our story is one about faith. God has plans for our lives and they are good plans.

 Let's Go... Back | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This week, Chad continues the series talking about how obscurity precedes prosperity in God's economy. When we hear the word 'prosperity' many of us cringe as we think it is referring to evangelists on television, but the reality is God wants to prosper our lives in so many ways. God desires for our relationships to prosper in richness and depth. God desires to see our marriages prosper as we cultivate resilient patience and sacrificial love. God desires for us to prosper in our work environments as we work diligently, honestly and lead the way we should to give glory to God. If we prosper financially, then we look for ways to invest in the things that matter and that build God's kingdom and not just our own.

 When God Calls | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Throughout Scripture, God continually says, 'Let's go.' From Abraham, Moses and Gideon to Mary, Joseph, the disciples, and the apostle Paul; all had moments of God asking them to trust him. 'Going' is not always a destination, but it does take obedience and faith. For some of us, let's go can mean it is time to stay right where you are and dig in. For others, let's go means drop what you are doing, turn the other direction, and go where Jesus is leading you. God truly speaks to us through his word, prayer, and through the Holy Spirit who guides and counsels.


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