The Fierce Marriage Podcast show

The Fierce Marriage Podcast

Summary: Show hosts Ryan and Selena Frederick discuss modern marriage issues with their trademark transparency, humor, and gospel-centered teaching. Join them for honest conversations, light-hearted hilarity, and more than enough grace to go around...

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  • Artist: Ryan and Selena Frederick
  • Copyright: Copyright 2018 The Fierce Marriage Podcast


 5 Specific Ways to Pray for Your Spouse | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:42:52

Prayer is one of the most tangible and powerful ways you can love your spouse. For Christians, the importance of prayer is readily acknowledged but often forgotten. This tendency to forget is probably because we haven't had a deep revelation of what prayer is and why we do it. In today's episode, we'll unpack 5 specific ways you can pray for each other. Thanks for listening! Please remember to subscribe, rate, and review. As always, we welcome questions and feedback! Go to ( to explore the options there. Support for the Fierce Marriage Podcast comes from partners like you via our Patreon page ( If we've helped you, we'd be honored to have your partnership.

 The Anatomy of a Healthy (and Happy) Sex Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:55:35

One of the most prevalent topics we get questions about is sex and intimacy. And for good reason: sexual intimacy is an important part of marriage, but it also tends to be one of the most misunderstood. For starters, here are some biblical truths about sex: * Sex is a good, gracious gift from God. He designed it. * Sex is created exclusively for the marriage covenant. Elsewhere is sin and will lead to brokenness. * Sex is created with huge purposes in mind. * Sex is meant to be enjoyed! With those principles in place (there are more, but for today we'll stop there), we can begin to understand what a healthy sex life might look like. For a much more in-depth look at the purposes of sex, consider reading our latest book Fierce Marriage ( Thanks for listening! Please remember to subscribe, rate, and review. As always, we welcome feedback! Simply go to ( to leave a comment, ask a question, or submit a letter to your spouse Support for the Fierce Marriage Podcast comes from partners like you via our Patreon page (

 How is Your Phone Hurting Your Marriage? (Part 1) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:55:12

You're probably using your smartphone to listen to this episode. Your phone is a great tool, but it can also create problems in life and marriage. A few diagnostic questions: Do you check your phone first thing in the morning? Do you spend many of your idle moments checking it compulsively? What is the longest stretch you've gone in the past year without checking your phone? In today's episode, we'll start this conversation by diving into a new book we're both reading. Note, we weren't paid to do this, we're just VERY convicted about this subject and the below book is gospel-centered, relevant, and challenging. Resource: "12 Ways Your Phone is Changing You" by Tony Reinke Thanks for listening! Please remember to subscribe, rate, and review. As always, we welcome feedback... simply go to ( to leave a comment, ask a question, or submit a letter to your spouse Support for the Fierce Marriage Podcast comes from partners like you via our Patreon page (

 4 Ways to Build Lasting Unity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:46:50

Unity. Deep, true unity is unmistakable and irreplaceable in a healthy marriage. God's word says "they shall become one flesh" (Genesis 2:24). Not two people with a common goal, but one flesh. Combined. Unified. God created us for deeper unity with our spouses than any other human. There are profound reasons for this, like the necessity of strong families for flourishing churches and societies. There are also pragmatic reasons for this, like how it sanctifies us as individuals to seek unity as a couple, and how pursuing unity causes you to have otherwise impossible conversations with each other. In this episode, we'll share 4 ways to build true, deep, lasting unity in your marriage. Thanks for listening! Please remember to subscribe, rate, and review. As always, we welcome feedback... simply go to ( to leave a comment, ask a question, or submit a letter to your spouse

 7 Reasons Why Getting Away is (Very) Good for Your Marriage | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:51:05

Getting away with your spouse is a vital part of keeping things renewed and fresh. This means taking time to intentionally disconnect from your everyday world and reconnect with your life partner. We strongly believe that getting away should be a regular (at least monthly) occurrence in marriages; here's why... In this episode, we'll discuss 7 reasons why getting away is very good for your marriage. We'll also spend a good amount of time sharing tools we've found for doing it affordably. (Including how we toured Europe for 18 days and less than $1500.) This episode is a little different for us, but we hope you find it helpful! All of the tools mentioned (and more) can be found on this blog post: ( Thanks for listening! Please remember to subscribe, rate, and review. As always, we welcome feedback... simply go to ( to leave a comment, ask a question, or submit a letter to your spouse

 Stop Keeping Score | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:39:50

Keeping score is never healthy for a marriage, yet it's often our default. Why? Because keeping score of wrongs, acts of service, faults, and personal victories can't possibly come from a spirit of love. It most often comes from a place of insecurity and lack of faith in the gospel. In this episode, we'll unpack how keeping score is damaging to a marriage, and share some of our personal stories of how it's hindered our closeness and growth. Thanks for listening! Please remember to subscribe, rate, and review. As always, we welcome feedback... simply go to ( to leave a comment, ask a question, or submit a letter to your spouse.

 Your Marriage is Your Ministry (Part 2, Functional Discipleship) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:47:10

This episode continues our talk about how your marriage is your ministry, particularly through discipleship. When we live for God we are ministers of His gospel, period. You don’t have to be a vocational pastor or licensed priest, we are all lay-ministers of Christ (“lay” comes from “laity” which means common people). Ministry is a byproduct of knowing God intimately and allowing Him to pour out through us. We long for the day when Christian married couples en masse minister through their marriages. We aren’t called to simply love each other fully and end our mission there. Let’s explore our callings and live to see Christ change our world through the work He does in our marriages! Thanks for listening! Resources mentioned in this episode: * Family Worship ( by Donald Whitney * The Master Plan of Evangelism ( by Robert Coleman * A Mingling of Souls (, by Matt and Lauren Chandler Please remember to subscribe, rate, and review. As always, we welcome feedback... simply go to ( to leave a comment, ask a question, or submit a letter to your spouse.  

 Your Marriage is Your Ministry (Part 1, Sharing Your Story) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:48:14

When we live for God we are ministers of His gospel, period. You don’t have to be a vocational pastor or licensed priest, we are all lay-ministers of Christ (“lay” comes from “laity” which means common people). Ministry is a byproduct of knowing God intimately and allowing Him to pour out through us. I long for the day when Christian married couples en masse minister through their marriages. We aren’t called to simply love each other fully and end our mission there. Let’s explore our callings and live to see Christ change our world through the work He does in our marriages! Thanks for listening! Please remember to subscribe, rate, and review. As always, we welcome feedback... simply go to ( to leave a comment, ask a question, or submit a letter to your spouse.

 No Backup Plan, No Escape Clauses, No Regrets | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:44:11

There’s profound joy in the mutual and reckless pursuit of each other in marriage. Marriage requires a fierce tenacity that never gives up and never gives in. What does this reckless pursuit actually look like in marriage? What enables it within every complex issue and circumstance you will face? To start, look at Christ’s example. He pursues you without fail. It’s his steady pursuit that drew you to him, and it’s because of his love and grace alone that you’re in a relationship with him. David writes, “Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence? If I ascend to heaven, you are there! If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there!” (Psalm 139:7-8). The psalmist is reflecting on God’s limitless pursuit of those he loves. The concept of a pursuing love has immense implications for your marriage. Pursuit is active, not passive. It means to chase steadily with the goal of capture. This is why it’s vital to keep dating each other long after you marry. When you work with the expressed intent of capturing your spouse’s heart, you’re in active pursuit. And more importantly, when you’re having a hard time connecting, the pursuit continues. May you throw out any and all backup plans in your marriage. When you do, you’ll enjoy the intimacy that comes only from pursuing unconditionally and being pursued exactly the same way. Stay fierce,Ryan & Selena Thanks for listening! Please remember to subscribe, rate, and review. As always, we welcome feedback... simply go to ( to leave a comment, ask a question, or submit a letter to your spouse.

 Prenuptial Agreements: Are They Good or Bad? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:30:18

Prenuptial agreements are a fairly common practice nowadays. As people of faith, how should we view and approach them? What should we do if we have a prenuptial agreement already in place? We'll discuss these questions and more in today's episode! Mentioned in today's podcast: * ( * ( Thanks for listening! Please remember to subscribe, rate, and review. As always, we welcome feedback... simply go to to leave a comment, ask a question, or submit a letter to your spouse! Stay fierce, Ryan & Selena

 Loneliness within Marriage | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:40:54

It's ironic, but many individuals and couples experience loneliness while married. God said, "it is not good for man to be alone". Why? What else does the Bible say about being alone? In today's episode, we discuss ways forward into healthy, gospel-driven community with your spouse and others that will bring greater joy to your marriage. Thanks for listening! Please remember to subscribe, rate, and review. As always, we welcome feedback... simply go to to leave a comment, ask a question, or submit a letter to your spouse! Stay fierce, Ryan & Selena

 Abstinence: What is it, and is it Really God's Idea? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:34:07

In today's episode, we discuss the idea of abstinence: where it comes from, what it means, and how to be abstinent for your good and God's glory. Thanks for listening! Please remember to subscribe, rate, and review. As always, we welcome feedback... simply go to ( to leave a comment, ask a question, or submit a letter to your spouse! Stay fierce, Ryan & Selena

 Ask Us Anything Q&A #2: Submission without Becoming a Doormat, Building Quality Friendships, and More | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:34:16

In today's episode, we answer listener questions. Some on the lighter side, some tough, all honest. Thanks for listening! Please remember to subscribe, rate, and review. As always, we welcome feedback... simply go to ( to leave a comment, ask a question, or submit a letter to your spouse!

 6 Ways to Affair Proof Your Marriage | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:50:35

Affairs take two common forms: emotional and sexual. In either case, by the time an actual affair materializes, there have been latent and unaddressed problems for a long time. "Affair proofing", if we can call it that, includes proactively building systems and rhythms into your marriage that will make it much less likely that you'll start down the subtle path toward an affair. Spread the Love If we've earned it we'd be honored if you would SUBSCRIBE, RATE, and REVIEW this podcast in the Apple Podcasts app (or podcasting app of your choice). It takes 30 seconds, and it helps would-be listeners decide if it's worth their time. Thank you! Do you have a question? Feel free to ask! Anything goes. Just visit ( to submit a question or story; we’ll take care of the rest!

 Naked and Unashamed: Keys to Experiencing Intimacy on Every Level | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:32:51

In today's episode, we sought to answer the single question: What does it mean to be truly intimate with another human? We explore that by looking at Genesis 2 (pre-Fall) and examining what it means that they were "naked and not ashamed". Then we'll spend a few minutes answering common questions we receive from readers regarding emotional intimacy, how to maintain closeness when you have young kids, and how to have tough, honest conversations even when you feel divided. Spread the Love If we've earned it we'd be honored if you would SUBSCRIBE, RATE, and REVIEW this podcast on your app of choice. It takes 30 seconds, and it helps get the word out about gospel-centered marriage. Thank you! Do you have a question? If you have a question, feel free to ask! Anything goes. Just visit ( to submit a question or story; we’ll take care of the rest!


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