The Anatomy of a Healthy (and Happy) Sex Life

The Fierce Marriage Podcast show

Summary: One of the most prevalent topics we get questions about is sex and intimacy. And for good reason: sexual intimacy is an important part of marriage, but it also tends to be one of the most misunderstood. For starters, here are some biblical truths about sex: * Sex is a good, gracious gift from God. He designed it. * Sex is created exclusively for the marriage covenant. Elsewhere is sin and will lead to brokenness. * Sex is created with huge purposes in mind. * Sex is meant to be enjoyed! With those principles in place (there are more, but for today we'll stop there), we can begin to understand what a healthy sex life might look like. For a much more in-depth look at the purposes of sex, consider reading our latest book Fierce Marriage ( Thanks for listening! Please remember to subscribe, rate, and review. As always, we welcome feedback! Simply go to ( to leave a comment, ask a question, or submit a letter to your spouse Support for the Fierce Marriage Podcast comes from partners like you via our Patreon page (