The Embodiment Podcast show

The Embodiment Podcast

Summary: A weekly podcast for everyone who is interested in the body as more than just a brain-taxi. The podcast contains in-depth explorations of embodied topics, and hosts guests from around the world. Speakers have expertise in diverse embodied areas from yoga, to martial arts, to body therapy, to dance, to theatre, to bodywork. The podcast is also full of practical tips and experiential exercises. It can sometimes be a bit cheeky and contains swearing so bear that in mind. With Mark Walsh of The Embodied Facilitator Course ( and Embodied Yoga Principles (


 106. Dance as Mirror - with Martin Keogh | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:01

Experienced contact dance teacher Martin joins us to talk contact improv dance. We discuss spontaneous movement, the “open source” structure of CI, the relationship to aikido, cross-cultural factors, South American jams, naked contact, contact as relational mirror, learning about oneself through dancing, “terminus stations”, how we dress to a practice, what the room reveals, how you make and leave partners reveals, the political apathy of dancers and how we dance in times of war. http://martinkeog

 Special Episode - Podcast update | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 09:24

An update on how the podcast doing, what is changing and also some news about upcoming courses.

 105. Evidence-based embodiment - with Helen Payne | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:25

Dance movement therapist, academic researcher Helen Payne joins me to geek out. We discuss the body, being a "body person in academia", medically unexplained symptoms, psychosomatic illness, the evidence base for embodiment, resistance from mainstream culture, and what an integrated embodied-medical-academic future culture would look like. A fast, fun clever one.

 104. Conflict, Power and Chicken Flaying - with Stephen Kotev | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:21

Conflict resolution specialist Stephen Kotev joins me for some rough-diamond fun. We talk growing up in conflicted families, how conflict is about more than words and logic, Paul Linden, self regulation, the best quick-win centring techniques, how to stop interrupting and listen better, authenticity vs tricks in conflict, physical vs verbal triggers, why guns are fun and he offers a final challenge to kill and flay a poor chicken. A quite sweary one and non PC from the start.

 103. Buddhism vs Yoga - with Karin van Maanen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:13:00

Dutch yoga and mindfulness teacher Karin joins me to discuss how smoking got her into yoga, Tibetan Buddhism, cultural adaptation, EYP, making yoga useful, “karma yoga”, how Buddhism is a “refugee religion", Dutch culture, Bhutan Indian nationalism & yoga and concentration vs open awareness. She gives some practical mindfulness and meditation tips for practice. A relaxed amiable stroll of a conversation between friends and colleagues.

 102. Pain, sitting and eating - with Sindre Haga Andreassen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:06

Sindre joins the show from Oslo to discuss the evils of sitting, NASA research, issues with traditional yoga, Foundation Training and Eric Goodman, Anatomy Trains and Tom Myers, anatomy vs embodiment, biotensegrity, fascia, balance, diet / nutrition, the dangers of office work and antidotes to it, inflammation, the EFC course, chronic pain, centring, threats, bodywork and more. An ambling chat between friends. 

 101. The Touch Connoisseur - with Korina Biggs  | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:22

Alexander Technique teacher Korina joins the show to discuss how our embodiment is impacted by space and how this can lead to a different relationship with the environment. She also chats death, bodywork, participating in someone’s else body and gentle encouragement, the evidence base for AT, why it’s not that popular, somatic movement and RADA. A spacious elegant gentle interview. http://www.thespaciousself.

 100. Embodied story and calling - with Mark Walsh | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:18:25

In this special 100th episode we turn the tables and Maud Raber, seasoned embodied coach and facilitator, Leadership Embodiment instructor and EFC faculty member, interviews me with questions from listeners and students. We go into my work, what I get from the podcast, and some deeply personal events that impacted why I chose embodied work.

 99. Money, sex, Buddhism - with Martin Aylward | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:09:48

Meditation teacher Martin joins me to discuss how meditation is as much body training as mind training, body hatred in Buddhism, the 3 bodies of Buddhism, his money sex and work seminars, what money shows us, trust and money, dana payments, retreats, meditating in a city, integration, online mindfulness pros and cons, yoni / womb meditation and layers of relaxation. An informative engaged ramble.

 98. Somatic Coaching - with Curtis Watkins | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08:26

Experienced executive coach Curtis Watkins, known for working with the body, joins me from New York to both explain and show somatic (embodied) coaching. We discuss school sports trauma, acting, bring big and small, what’s too much and too little, what exactly is coaching, linguistics and Fernando Flores, Ontological coaching, habits, welcoming pain, curiosity, breath in coaching, and phone and Skype coaching.

 97. Trauma Commando - with Ari Geva  | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:46

My old Israeli special forces friend Ari joins me to share some war stories and his healing journey. We discuss “looking for magic”, PTSD, the training of elite military units, Israeli society’s trauma, adrenaline and sex addiction, the attraction of death, his experiences in refugee camps, The Grinberg Method, MDMA, why therapists can’t talk to most soldiers, and post traumatic growth. This one is both fun and deep, with lots of swearing. http://www.grinbergmetho

 96. Geek Yoga - with Justine Mastin  | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:49

Supreme fearless nerd leader Queen Justine of Namaste joins the show to talk Star Trek yoga, geeks and nerds, wellbeing for nerds, Harry Potter yoga, Star Wars yoga… you get the idea. We also discuss dressing up, play, childlike vs childish, compensatory functions in geekdom and embodiment, the fantasy of “normal” yoga, haters, feeling safe, the heroes journey and more! This was both silly and deep, and nothing if not original.

 95. Presence and Death - with Doug Silsbee RIP  | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:58

Master coach Doug Silsbee joined me to talk about his death, presence, urgency, meaning, coaching and play. A very special episode. Thank you Doug. RIP.

 The Embodiment Conference - special announcement | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 04:09

If you like the podcast you’ll most probably LOVE The Embodiment Conference! 80+ top speakers from around the world coming together for this online conference from 14th to 24th November.  More info and sign up: 

 94. Spiritual losers - with Robert MacNaughton  | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:19:05

Director of The Integral Centre joins me from Boulder CO for a bromantic romp though the world of spiritual towns, how to choose a practice, healthy addictions, first embodied loves, America vs Europe, developmental psychology, conservative practice and tradition, Jesus, why families are the best practice, the integral elite, Circling and relational mindfulness, what he learnt from running the centre and why he choose to close it. http://integralcenter.


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