The Fizzle Show show

The Fizzle Show

Summary: Weekly insights for online business builders and small business owners earning a living doing something they care about. We focus on modern business essentials, self employment, motivation, productivity, audience growth, blogging, podcasting, content marketing, work-life balance among other things!


 Episode 132: How to Use Email Marketing To Grow Your Business in 2015 (FS132) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:10:52

<p><a href=""></a> Email marketing. Those two words pack a powerful punch in the world of independent entrepreneurs and small business. In this week's episode we tackle some of your most common questions about using email to grow your business. Corbett, Steph, and Barrett are your hosts for this week's show on email marketing tools, strategies, and terminology. But if that's all you get out of this episode, then you've missed the point. Email marketing should fuel your business strategy, not the other way around. Sure, email is as relevant as ever before in building a business, but only if you use it well. If you've been wondering when and how to get started with email marketing in your business (or perhaps you want to revamp your current email strategy), this is the perfect conversation for you. Tune in.</p>

 Episode 131: What it means to be an entrepreneur (Plus, building an abundance mindset)FS 131 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:09:36

<p><a href=""></a> What, exactly, does it mean to be an entrepreneur? And is this whole passion thing all it's cracked up to be? Is it possible to shift from a mindset of scarcity to one of abundance? We tackle all of these questions and a few more on today's episode of the show. Today's episode is fueled by real questions from real entrepreneurs struggling with what it means to build an independent business in today's world. We pulled five questions from the forums and answered them in depth on today's show: 1. How do you shift your mindset away from the scarcity mindset? 2. Where does passion come from and why does it matter? 3. What do I do if I have NO lasting interests? 4. What does it mean to be an entrepreneur? 5. What advice do you have to stop obsessing over negative feedback? If you're up for an hour of existential fun and entrepreneurial contemplation, this is the perfect episode for you.</p>

 Episode 130: How I Memorize Lines for Video Scripts & Public Speaking (FS130) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:41

<p><a href=""></a> On the show today we share a smorgasbord of rewarding and profitable tidbits! - Want to know more about how we prepare for public speaking? Done. - Want to know how Chase memorizes lines of his video scripts? Done. - Want to hear about that one time when Steph ruined the sleepover? Done. - Tesla driverless car stuff? Of course! - YOU GET A CAR! YOU GET A CAR! YOU GET A CAR! Honestly, I had a blast recording this episode. It's honest, raw and interesting, with plenty of rich tips to collect along the way. Enjoy!</p>

 Episode 129: The Art of Low Competition Business Ideas (FS129) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:51

<p><a href=""></a> - What if you could start a business today that actually interests you? Not a lame business, not something your parents would say sounds like a decent idea, but something that only excites someone like you? What if I told you that working on that crazy, "just for you" business idea might lead to more success faster than a more generic, "this will probably work" kind of business idea? In this episode we tell the story of a Fizzler who literally did both and share what happened in each. The results are like a punch in the gut. In this hour of the podcast we share Chris' story, the reasons behind the results and several eye-opening examples of non-obvious business ideas.</p>

 Episode 128: A Tribute to Scott Dinsmore and Live Your Legend (FS128) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:11:48

<p><a href=""></a> - Last Saturday, our friend Scott Dinsmore died while climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. He was just 33 years old. Scott and his wife Chelsea were eight months into a year-long trip around the world. Scott was a close personal friend, and a big supporter of the work we do here at Fizzle. Scott's Live Your Legend blog and community reached hundreds of thousands around the world, and his excellent TEDx talk on finding and doing work you love has been watched nearly three million times. Scott deeply believed we could all change the world simply by doing work we love. Today's podcast episode is dedicated to Scott. Scott and Chelsea visited my wife and me in Mexico this winter as part of their trip. During the visit, Scott and recorded an interview for a new project he was working on. We talked about how a first-time entrepreneur should go about creating their first product for sale. This was one of the last long conversations I had with Scott.</p>

 Episode 127: 9 Stage Small Business Roadmap: A step-by-step plan for what comes next in your business (FS127) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:15:17

<p>The 9 Stage Small Business Roadmap: A step-by-step plan for what comes next in your business (FS127) One of the biggest challenges in building an independent small business is figuring out the answer to one simple question: Now what do I do? At every stage of building a business, it's a challenge to learn what you need to know to continue growing. In this episode. we chat about the 9-stage small business roadmap we've just released at Fizzle.</p>

 Episode 126: Zero Budget Marketing: Growth Hacking, Guerrilla Marketing, and More Buzzy Marketing Tactics (FS126) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:21

<p><a href=""></a> Zero Budget Marketing: Growth Hacking, Guerrilla Marketing, and More Buzzy Marketing Tactics How do we as indie entrepreneurs navigate this stuff? How can we get more people to our stuff without spending a bunch of money. that's what we get into today... answering a specific question from Fizzler Tim Wetton. Enjoy: <a href=""></a></p>

 Episode 125: How Do You Know What Content To Create? (FS125) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:18:41

<p><a href=""></a> The content you publish could be an evergreen source of traffic, revenue, brand love and loyalty. Or it could be a total waste of time and effort. So how do you know what content to create? In this episode we'll show you how to decide what questions you should spend time answering for your audience, including ways to learn right now from other peoples' audiences (in case you haven't built your own yet). Click play, subscribe in your podcast app, download it for later or do whatever it is you do with these episodes, but please, for all our sakes, enjoy yourself.</p>

 Episode 124: 7 Pricing Strategies To Use On Your Product, Service Or Workshop (FS124) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:16:06

<p><a href=""></a> How you price your product, service or workshop can have a *massive* impact on your sales. Unfortunately, it can also lead to a *massive* anxiety attack as well. In this episode we lay out 7 pricing strategies you should know about. More importantly, however, we share off the cuff, brutally honest ideas about how to price your offering. Other topics include: - 7 pricing strategies for you to choose from - 3 methods to price your first product - When to use your gut and when not to - What kinds of things should be on your sales page to help customers feel comfortable with your price - "Pre-selling" to test the price of digital products - Why we threw out our pricing strategy several months after we launched Fizzle Whether it's your first time putting something up for sale, or you're an old pro, the tactics in this conversation are going to help you get confident about your pricing. Enjoy!</p>

 Episode 123: Business vs. Family — Why NOT to Become an Entrepreneur (FS123) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:17

<p><a href=""></a> Why are you pursuing a life as an entrepreneur? Is it for money? How about freedom? The ability to set your own schedule? Or is it about working on a problem that's important to you? Whatever your reason (btw, we get into our own answers to these questions in the show), is it taking you too long to get there? Is your life as an entrepreneur showing signs of wear and tear on your relationships? How would you know if it's *not* working well enough? These are the questions we get into in todays episode in response to Mark's question (written below). This episode will help you get into *why* you're doing this work, what the purpose of the effort is. Remembering your *WHY* can be enough to completely open up the future for you and your project. Enjoy!</p>

 Episode 122: How to Manage a Remote Small Business Team (Learn from our Mistakes) FS122 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:55

<p><a href=""></a> Do you work from home or manage a team that works remotely? Have you felt how inefficient and lackluster running a decentralized team can be? It's nice to side step the costs of an office, the commutes, the daytime interruptions that come with going remote, but the challenges can build up. In this episode you'll learn exactly how we solve these problems, including: - **How to feel like a team** even when you're completely remote, - **The systems you need** to run smoothly (our <a href="">company operating system</a>), - **The tools to use** to communicate and stay productive remotely. Don't cobble together a Kludge (we define that in today's show :) — here's how we got to a fully functional remote team. Enjoy!</p>

 Episode 121: How, Exactly, Am I Supposed to Make Something People Want? (FS121) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:08

<p><a href=""></a> - It’s stupid how simple it should be. If you want a successful business, make something people want enough to pay you money for it. Duh, right? In practice, however, it is dubious and complex, requiring enough art, science and faith that we might as well call it alchemy. Here's a 45m conversation about that very topic. If you listen to it, you'll know how, exactly, you're supposed to make something people want. Enjoy!</p>

 Episode 120: Growth Through Guest Posting (FS120) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:15

<p><a href=""></a> This is a Q&A episode from the Fizzle Team — you ask the questions, Corbett, Chase, Steph and Barrett bring the answers. On the show today we get into a handful of questions, including: - What's the best way to approach growing your traffic through guest posting? - How should you be thinking about the mobile web? Do you need to change the *way* you're writing? - How should you pick a name for your side project? - + a couple more.</p>

 Episode 119: 4 Things Learned in 8 Months of Freelancing (FS119) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:17

<p><a href=""></a> The story on todays episode is especially helpful for those of you who work directly with clients — freelancers, videographers, designers, copywriters, etc. We have a special guest on the show today (*especially* special for those of you who listened to all the early episodes of <a href="">The Fizzle Show</a>) who's recently created a videography business from the ground up, and on the show today we hear his story. Enjoy!</p>

 Episode 118: I Have a 6 Month Runway. What Should I do Next? (FS118) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:12:44

<p><a href=""></a> Paul has a 6 month runway before he has to find another job. He *really* doesn't want to find another job. Instead, he's got a blog and a product — both already out on the market — that he wants to grow to support his family. So the question we get into today is: ***what should he do next?*** Corbett has some *very* strong opinions about it. If you like this business breakdown episode, you may also like the episode where we <a href="">break down Mary’s business</a>. Enjoy!</p>


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