The G&E Show show

The G&E Show

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 063: 10X Everything | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:43

“The business of being married.” – Grant & Elena Cardone Husband and wife team Grant and Elena Cardone tackle the subject of how to balance business, marriage and family and 10X them all. Committed to their kids, their business endeavors and their marriage they share what they do to make it all work. Join them every Wednesday at 12 PM EST where they live out their motto of “stick and stay it’s bound to pay.” How do you have a 10X life? What does it mean? What is it? Just because you made a few extra phone calls or sales one day doesn’t mean you’re living a 10X life. It’s about living life on everything that’s important to you. We are more fulfilled together as a result of our commitment to living this 10X life. If your life isn’t full of stuff of things to do, how do you plan on living a massive life? is going on July 29th! What does it take to be a 10Xer? 1. Say yes and be dynamic. 2. Be nimble. 3. Learn how to combine events. 4. Be willing to set aside your emotions for greater mutual goals. Watch the full episode or listen to the podcast to hear the callers and the rest of the wisdom from the dominating duo, Grant and Elena Cardone!

 062: How to Quit Arguing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:29

“The business of being married.” – Grant & Elena Cardone Husband and wife team Grant and Elena Cardone tackle the subject of how to balance business, marriage and family and 10X them all. Committed to their kids, their business endeavors and their marriage they share what they do to make it all work. Join them every Wednesday at 12 PM EST where they live out their motto of “stick and stay it’s bound to pay.” What’s the plan when you two blow up at each other? You can argue, just don’t keep arguing. Don’t stay in the past. “You said,” is friggin’ stupid. Callers share their worst arguments and how they handled them. Do you have new problems, or old problems? Are you having the same arguments over and over? When there is no game to play you pick your spouse as an opponent. You need to go to your spouse and admit to them you’ve been using them for target practice to keep your wit fresh. Make a list of your recurring arguments. How to Handle Your Arguments: 1. Make a list of all reoccurring arguments 2. Decide on the solution 3. Learn to master the art of arguing At 6:05 tonight, find something to argue about with your significant other. See how much energy it takes to put into that. You’ll never forget it. Watch the full episode or listen to the podcast to get all of the insights from Grant and Elena on how to stop arguing and build your success as a couple.

 061: Anyone Can Be Successful | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:00

Husband and wife team Grant and Elena Cardone tackle the subject of how to balance business, marriage and family and 10X them all. Committed to their kids, their business endeavors and their marriage they share what they do to make it all work. Join them every Wednesday at 12 PM EST where they live out their motto of “stick and stay it’s bound to pay.” Can anyone be successful? Can anyone be successful in a relationship? Being successful is about accomplishing a task. “If you can’t repeat it again, how successful was it?” – GC As a couple you have to come together and define who you are as a couple. Are you even on the same page to begin with? What path are you on? What path are they on? 1. You have to have an agreement 2. Keep your commitments 3. Set aside your differences When a couple is arguing they are not in line with their purpose. When you are chasing the dream of the agreement and the two of you are after the hustle of success you aren’t going to waste time fighting over things that don’t help you reach higher. One single human being cannot make you happy enough to fulfill dreams and goals you had before you met them. They can add fuel to your tank so you can get there, but if you’re going in different directions you are going to have difficulties. If you get bored and lose purpose you’re just going to attack each other to fill your time. Watch or listen to the full episode to hear all of the amazing tips!

 060: How to Handle Disagreement | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:30

Welcome to the home of The G&E Show, which airs at 12 PM EST every Wednesday. Husband and wife team Grant and Elena Cardone tackle the subject of how to balance business, marriage and family and 10X them all. Committed to their kids, their business endeavors and their marriage they share what they do to make it all work. Join them every Wednesday at 1pm EST where they live out their motto of “stick and stay it’s bound to pay.” How do you handle disagreements? Do you have a plan for The last thing you need with all of the challenges of life is to be hammering each other in a relationship. 1. Acknowledge the disagreement 2. Spend time focused on it 3. Find a solution 4. Make a deal Don’t continue to make the other person wrong over and over again.

 059: How to Visualize Your Future | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:30

Welcome to the home of The G&E Show, which airs at 12 PM EST every Wednesday. Husband and wife team Grant and Elena Cardone tackle the subject of how to balance business, marriage and family and 10X them all. Committed to their kids, their business endeavors and their marriage they share what they do to make it all work. Join them every Wednesday at 1pm EST where they live out their motto of “stick and stay it’s bound to pay.” How clear is the visualization of your future? Show up and act right. Be positive. Be motivated. Be bold. Leave your problems outside. Don’t bring them into your business. Four Things for your visualization: 1. Commit to the Visual, don’t get hung up on the problems 2. Need to reinforce it daily, write it down twice a day 3. The lottery game 4. Make a dream board where you use photos to visualize this future

 058: How to Get Your Partner to Change | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:04

Husband and wife team Grant and Elena Cardone tackle the subject of how to balance business, marriage and family and 10X them all. How many people say, “I never want you to change!” to their significant other? People often ask Grant and Elena things like, “How do I get my husband to change? How do I get my girlfriend to change?” Elena’s Tips: 1. Write down your goals together. 2. Don’t nag each other. 3. Build on strengths. 4. Work as a team. 5. Don’t try to change them, work on yourself. Grant’s Tips: 1. Clear up any things you had said in the past, about not wanting to change 2. Figure out why you want things, and make your list first 3. Sit down and talk it out The old saying was 50/50 and that doesn’t work. Two people bringing only half of themselves doesn’t create a whole. Both of you bring 100%. You go 100/100 every day and that 200% will carry you much further. Listen to the full episode to hear all of the tips and advice!

 057: Stop Protesting, Start Parenting | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:15

Husband and wife team, Grant and Elena Cardone, tackle the subjects of balance, marriage, family, and business—and how you can 10X all of them. Last night, on April 28th, Grant did his live video webcast, How to Make Millions on the Phone. You can see the recorded version, receive the eBook and also get bonus material by registering here. While on WIOD to host Rick Sanchez’s show for 2 hours, they proposed he talks for the entire time on the Baltimore Riots. At 16 Grant had far longer days than he knew what to do with. That is the demographic that was the majority of the Baltimore Riots. They burned a CVS; they stole and burned cars, and caused wanton destruction in response to Freddie Gray’s death. The firefighters and police officers did not intervene so that the situation was not escalated. What do you think they should have done? What kind of people would damage their own community as a solution to a problem? It deflects the attention from the real issue. Get your facts straight: • 1,000 people were killed by police officers in America during 2014 • There are only 1-million police officers in America to protect 311-million people Ray Lewis has the right message, “Get off the streets!” Why the media is a problem: • The protestors spent 6 days in peaceful protest, and there was no media coverage. • The instant one act of violence occurred, the media was all over it. Where are the parents in this community? Watch to see one parent who took the right amount of action to address her son, who was rioting. When are you going to start taking responsibility for your community?

 056: How to Raise Highly Successful Children | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:20

Husband and wife team Grant and Elena Cardone tackle the subject of how to balance business, marriage and family and 10X them all. Committed to their kids, their business endeavors and their marriage they share what they do to make it all work. Join them every Wednesday at 1pm EST where they live out their motto of “stick and stay it’s bound to pay.”

 055: Keep the Sex Exciting | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:34

[Previously Aired on September 20th, 2013] Grant Cardone and Elena Cardone talk about how to keep excitement in their marriage and in their careers. The Cardones talk about how to have it all in their marriage and career. Life is difficult and there are no manuals for marriage, sales and career. How to keep your marriage exciting, interesting so that you never burnout or lose interest. Life, business and marriage are difficult and come with no instructions. Grant Cardone and Elena Cardone know how difficult life, career and marriage can be. Doing it all and keeping it interesting is a challenge.

 054: How to Deal with Losses | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:08

Marriage is tough, but you have to stay with it. You have to know how to get through the problems, the situations and the challenges. We were asked to bring a variation of The G&E Show to WIOD. A couple weeks ago they said they want Grant on a business show in the morning, but not Elena. Grant was faced with telling her that WIOD didn’t want her. She handled it extremely well. Handling Losses: 1. Confront the worst part. 2. Feel what you feel. 3. Stay focused on the future. 4. Enjoy the life you have while you have it. “How many losses do you think you’re going to have in your marriage, your career and your lifetime?” – Grant Cardone Minimize the losses. Focus on the gains. Elena notes to Grant that, “It’s not me versus you. When you win, I win. When I win, you win.” Have you had the conversation with your spouse, your parents, your friends and discuss how to prepare and handle losses?

 053: How to Deal with Changes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:50

Husband and wife team Grant and Elena Cardone tackle the subject of how to balance business, marriage and family and 10X them all. Committed to their kids, their business endeavors and their marriage they share what they do to make it all work. Join them every Wednesday at 1pm EST where they live out their motto of “stick and stay it’s bound to pay.” Grant reflects on his visit to Fort Benning for American Dream U and expresses how amazing the experience was. He points out that 150,000 soldiers will transitioned out of the Army this year, and that is the topic of todays episode—transitions. Ever have to make a big move? You could end up with kids, move across the state, across the country, start a new job or a new career; any kind of major change. “Everybody is in transition. No one has a job forever.” – GC If you’re doing the same thing every day, you’re living a past life, you aren’t evolving to the future. Elena’s major transition was from the single life, going out to clubs and being social to being “tied down” to being with just one person. Grant and Elena then transitioned from California over to Miami, making all new friends, all new contacts in the local community. Hopefully you are going to have opportunities to make major changes in your life. Grant and Elena also address the question: What happens if you have one person in a relationship likes change and one who doesn’t? They take some callers who express their biggest transitions in life and discuss how it has affected their lives in a positive way.

 052: How to Maintain a Healthy Marriage | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:12

In this previously aired episode of The G & E Show, Grant and Elena discuss social researcher Shaunti Feldhahn who is on a mission to debunk some of the rampant myths she says cloud perceptions about marriage and divorce. In her new book, “The Good News About Marriage,” the author tackles a number of misconceptions that she believes are damaging to the institution of marriage: that half of marriages end in divorce, that church-going couples divorce just as often as the general public and that most marriages aren’t happy. Feldhahn, who conducted an extensive eight-year research study on the subject, claims that the actual divorce rate has never even gotten close to 50 percent, that churchgoers have significantly lower divorce rates and that most marriages are actually successful. “One of the biggest patterns that I’ve seen over the years as a social researcher is that there’s one common denominator about whether marriage survives or fails,” she told TheBlaze. “If a couple thinks they’re going to make it, they generally do. The outcome is very different if they think, ‘This is never going to change. We’re never going to make it.’” The perception that half of all marriages end in divorce, she says, results in a cumulative cultural negativity about marriage.

 051: Problems Are Opportunities | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:06

Grant and Elena Cardone, a powerhouse couple, tackle the issues of balancing business, marriage, family and how to 10X them all. They are committed to success and sharing their strategies with you—and you can watch them LIVE every Wednesday at 1 PM EST where they illustrate their motto of “Stick and stay is bound to pay.” Today they are addressing ‘problems’ and how most of them are common to all of us. These problems don’t need to be setbacks, and they discuss how to turn them instead into opportunities. When you have recurring problems, there is a common piece that you can turn into a way to succeed where you had previously failed. Here is how we handle them: 1. Embrace all problems as opportunities 2. Confront and Conquer 3. Trade your old little problems for new big ones Grant has had a problem with his 3-year old daughter, Scarlet, where she plays a game with him and pouts to control him. He realized the problem recently and reversed his point of view on it to stop being angered and instead take the chance to connect with her. Problems you can turn into opportunities: • No time with my spouse • My drive to work is too long • I hate my boss/job • Not enough income • I am bored with my life • I’m out of shape • Can’t grow my business • Can’t grow my brand • I can’t find the right partner • The economy • My family doesn’t want me to succeed Think of something that has been a problem for you for 10 years. What are you doing to cause the problem? Are you broke? Is it because enough money is coming in? Is it debt? Is it spending? Confront all of the angles and conquer them. Change them so that they become an opportunity for growth. Listen or watch the full episode to hear all of the solutions Elena and Grant provide you and their callers.

 050: What Your Parents Didn't Teach You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:46

Husband and wife team Grant and Elena Cardone ask the uncomfortable questions and face the touch to talk about topics that mass media won’t discuss. Committed to their kids, their business endeavors and their marriage, they focus on 10Xing them all. Join them every Wednesday at 1pm EST where they live out their motto of “stick and stay it’s bound to pay.” The things your parents have taught you that are now affecting your marriage, your business, your friendships, your income, and everything else in your life—they are trapping you.

 049: 50 Shades of Grey & Cindy Crawford | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:02

Marriage is difficult and sometimes topics can become divisive. Grant and Elena Cardone discuss the recent leak of Cindy Crawford’s unedited photo showing her body in a ‘less than ideal’ state. Is the external perception of the body a problem in our society? Grant doesn’t think women are being honest when they exclaim they are happy to see a model with a body more like theirs. Do you think Cindy Crawford should not be modeling anymore, or if this is an empowering photo? What about the Justin Bieber Calvin Klein photo? Elena points out that Cindy did not intend for this photo to go public; and also that the magazine that used the photo only used the top portion, which did not show her stomach and had her in a shirt in later photos. Do you agree with Elena’s side or Grant’s side on this topic?


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